Why Is It Unfinished?
After I played Iron Lung in the summer of 2023 I was captured and fascinated by its seemingly simple but mysterious lore. I was thinking about it for several days until I had an idea to create something in the same universe myself. I did not want to write a simple fan-fiction story because I felt I won’t be able to create a decent enough experience that will come close to the one you get in the game. In the end, the idea of making an audio novel was born. I had a friend who worked as a video director and editor and had some experience in audio engineering, so the only goal was to find voice actors. I started writing the script in mid-summer of 2023 and it was finished by the end of August. By that time, I had already started looking for actors and me and my friend were discussing the sound effects we would use. Even though initially the future seemed bright, the recording progress was slow, we had a main actor change during the process because they sounded better, there was no progress done for audio effects at all. So, after 3 months I only had recordings of the two minor character; the main actor stopped answering and my friend never had free time to work on the project.
I do not want to blame anyone here. Sure, if I was more persistent, I would have likely found a new crew and started recording from scratch but, honestly, if people do not have the passion for the project, I lose it too. I had been dragging this project all alone for all that time and this was just mentally challenging for me. I am not a kind of person who is willing to control every member of the crew and keep pushing them. If I can’t work something out with other people I would rather move to another smaller project where everything is dependent solely on me.
IRON BLOOD has been hanging as unfinished with no progress up until now and I’ve decided it’s time to drop it and move on. I do not want to drag it with me into the next year and with the full-fledged film currently being shot I doubt this piece of fiction will manage to succeed in the state it is now.
You can download the full screenplay here[drive.google.com] .
These are three random logs for a quick check whether you like it or not.
2 Trip B
356/377 4:34 (the protagonist is in his cabin on a spaceship)
<record starts>
<Spaceship background noises during the whole record>
-Yeah, it seems it does. So, recently the COI heads contacted me and offered me a chemical research job of the contents of what they call “blood oceans”. I’ve already heard about those anomalies but I hardly believe that’s the real blood, maybe the COI just came up with a fancy name to keep people away. Initially, I wanted to reject the proposal and continue working on my own project of artificially re-creating the simplest plants that were known before the rapture but seeing as the station management department literally doesn’t give a ♥♥♥♥ about my job, I decided to drop it all and just accepted the offer. We've lost almost all possible forms of life except humans; our own race is on the brink of extinction, and they call my research "impractical"! A bunch of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥… *sign* I wish I could access the tree samples in Eden’s possession but if ever speak about making peace with them for the sake of survival, the COI will swiftly accuse me of treason. Maybe at least the blood ocean research will be fruitful. I’ve decided I will make short records during this assignment. They may prove useful later when I get back home… In a couple of hours we’re going to reach the station orbiting the so-called “blood moon”, I think I will get some sleep to be fresh and ready.-
(Usual speech up to "but seeing as…", then the tone becomes more angered. The entire "we've lost almost…" sentence is in an angered tone. "A bunch of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥…" is with contempt and frustration. The next sentence is with frustration. The "Maybe at least…" sentence is with hope. After that return to normal tone.)
<record ends>
9 Samples B
357/377 19:33
<record starts>
<outpost ambient noises during the entire record>
-I’ve just got back with the samples. I must say the view from the blood ocean’s shore is both wonderful and eerie. Dark void of the space above, grey ash-like soil below, and a seemingly infinite crimson sea ahead – it really arouses very weird feelings inside…-
(The first part of the last sentence before “-“ is in a slightly poetic tone, the last is in a wondering tone)
<~3 second pause>
-Getting back to the research, the first container I tried to use just shattered into pieces as soon as I touched the ocean’s surface which indicates that its liquid is much warmer than the rest of the planet. There are no tools in the outpost that would allow me to measure the ocean’s temperature on the spot, but there is a portable heater, which I used to heat the containers to about 150K before trying to get another sample. Fortunately, this was enough to collect the samples and safely transport them to the outpost. It seems that the liquid contains a compound with a very low freezing point. On the other hand, the liquid doesn’t seem to contain any strong acids like HCl or H2SO4 as it did not react with the ferroaluminum containers and tools I used, at least at such low temperatures. I will try to slowly heat the containers to 298K and look carefully for any kind of corrosion. If there won’t be any, I will put one of the samples into the chromatographer to examine the liquid for any potentially dangerous evaporations. If everything goes well, I will record another report later. -
(Everything is in normal tone)
<record ends>
33 Demise C
363/377 1:40
<record starts>
<outpost ambient noises during the entire record>
-The planets, the worlds… they are so real… so close… but unreachable… from here…-
<~40 seconds of silence>
-The gates are close… just deeper… -
<~10 seconds of silence>
-I can’t reach them…-
(Every line is slow in a hypnotized tone, pause after every ellipsis. “They are so real…” with delight, “so close…” with hope, “but unreachable…” with sorrow, “from here…” in factual tone. The second line is with hope. The last line in a usual tone without “hypnotized”)
<record ends>
How Can You Use It?
Technically, we are in the internet and you can easily use the entire thing without ever mentioning me. However, if you want to stay civil, here are the ways you can use this script.
1) You can edit the script and finish the audio novel yourself. Keep me as the original author in the credits in this case.
2) You can heavily modify or rewrite the script and create your own project based on that. Keep me as one of the authors in this case.
3) You can use chunks, pieces and ideas from this script for your own projects. Keep me as a “writing assistant” in the Special Thanks section or something like that in this case.
If you need the recordings I have for the two minor characters I can send them to you, provided the actors will be noted in the credits.
The last option would be that you can help me finish the project but it is pretty unrealistic because unless there is a team of people who are
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3120962532
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