Final Thoughts: My Review Of Idle Champions Of The Forgotten Realms
[Context statement: Who I am, what I've done]
[Introduction: IP, gameplay overview]
[Gameplay: Variable sets, contrived writing and failure to capture any of the core elements of the IP, departures from the idle genre, undamentally flawed "choices", the failures of the formation system in the face of click-debuff, the scripting situation]
[Live Service: Event and "content" release structure, recognisable Champions are waylaid in lieu of promotional partnerships with streams, prevalent and enduring bugs, poor stability]
[Development & Community: Complete lack of meaningful interaction with the community, completely unresponsive to feedback, design and balance is solely in the inept hands of Justin (quote and link)]
[Monetisation: Aggressive marketing, how scripting deters purchases of any kind, Wild Offers and price points]
[Conclusion: Closing thoughts, recommendations for other idle games]
Compendium Status
As of 1/10/21, I have discontinued the development and maintenance of this guide. At the time of writing, it is overwhelmingly the most popular Idle Champions Guide on Steam, has served just under 10,000 unique visitors and has been favourited by 999 (seriously) people.
My reasons for doing so can be found in the Review featured at the top of the page and the Comments section at the bottom.
For those of you looking for alternatives, the Formations channel on the official Discord is probably your best bet. There are a handful of people there who know what they are talking about but far more who do not, so take their advice with a grain of salt.
'til next we meet,
- Chugsworth
Extended Thoughts: Trials Of Mount Tedious Tiamat
Well, CNE decided to ship their asynchronous multiplayer mode before the end of September, which I suppose means that I'll need to actually try it. I'll say at the outset that my expectations are incredibly low; having read the blog post[] , the nonsensical design choices are already glaringly apparent. This is not going to be fun.
I'll jot down notes as I "play" each day and then write a full reflection after the Campaign is done.
Day 1
In order to access the mode you need to have completed the BG:DIA Campaign and then complete a 250-area fluff mission from the main map. The fluff mission is just that: padding.
Oh boy, strap yourselves in for LOBBY SIMULATOR 2021, now with no lobby chat! Campaigns cannot be joined whilst they are in progress, which means that you're going to be sitting around waiting for your lobby to fill. There is no way to communicate with the people who join your lobby. You just wait. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thrilling. Too bad if they decided that the mode is ♥♥♥♥ and that they aren't going to contribute anymore; you're stuck with them. They're bad? Stuck with them. PSA: Don't inflict this ♥♥♥♥♥♥ game on your friends just for this.
The Campaign-wide bonuses from selecting a Champion to perma-bench for the duration have little variety and there are no unique bonuses. The strength of the bonus is linked directly to the Champion's average ilevel, so there really isn't a reason why you wouldn't always pick an Evergreen (unless you're an absolute whale or a scripter). An average ilevel of ~1300 is nowhere near the cap for the capped bonuses so I suppose that the scripters are the target demographic these days? Anyway, I chose Makos and the Swamp. It's not like I'm going to be able to run a good Asharra formation anyway. Also, the conventional wisdom that most people will probably think to choose a decent Champion meta-wise only serves to bite them in the ass ("I ike this Champion; I want them to be my leader!" / "Great, now you don't get to use them at all." / "Oh...")
It happened: the lobby filled up! The Campaign launches and... the map glitches. The adventures aren't displayed. The client must be restarted.
Restart. The adventures show up now. Arbitrary restriction: DEX of 10+. Remember how these restrictions add fun and enjoyment in the form of endless variants? Oh, that's right; I, and a great many others, just ignore them entirely because they are mind-numbing. Well, it looks like I'm making a sub-optimal formation every day for a week...
The goal is Area 100. There is Favor for the mode, so the cancer that is click-debuff will continue to reign supreme. The incompetence of the designers at CNE never ceases to amaze me.
You can use potions in the mode, so I sure as ♥♥♥♥ downed as many speed potions as I could to make it go faster. I had passed Area 100 before I finished setting up a speed formation. Zero effort is required (patience notwithstanding) so far.
Might as well get some Favor. Zorbu formation. Good times. Even at 10x speed, the game still feels painfully slow. Bad times.
Check the Campaign map. Only one other person is dealing damage to Tiamat. DPS is based on the highest damage dealt in the adventure itself, so you're meant to push. I suppose that the other three people dipped out because LOBBY SIMULATOR 2021 was too hot for them.
Yep, there it is; I was waiting for it to reveal itself: the mode has been monetised with purchasable scroll packs for Campaign-long buffs. Just what the game needed. So healthy.
Wait a hot second, there is a Campaign-specific chat in the bottom-right of the map... only it's full of fluff text and you can't actually communicate. A-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥-plus.
Reset in order to claim the daily DPS goal boost. Live in a bad timezone? Tough luck. The 100 DPS bonus today is about 25% of my total DPS, and more than (almost double) any of the others in my Campaign has managed.
Day 2
It seems that my other party members did eventually run their Adventure. Tiamat's health is just over 50%. Arbitrary restrictions: DEX of 10+, normal enemies have a 25% chance of reviving after 5 seconds.
Get to Area 125 (Is that a challenge for anybody? Can't you do that on a fresh account?), reset for the daily DPS boost, close game. Thrilling.
Tiamat will be dead by tomorrow so... yay, I guess?
Day 3
Tiamat only has about 12m health left, so let's rush through this as quickly as possible. Arbitrary restrictions: DEX of 10+, normal enemies have a 25% chance of reviving after 5 seconds, maximum of 4 Good Champions in the formation.
That maximum of 4 Good Champions in the formation restriction? Turns out that it doesn't work. We've been complaining about the fact that CNE does not test their game for years now. As with everything else, they don't listen.
The hover-over text for active potions is also borked beyond belief.
Get to Area 150 (Again, is that a challenge for anybody? Can't you do that on a fresh account?), reset for the daily DPS boost, close game. See the pattern emerging?
Take deep breaths, Darcy. Take deep breaths. You're choosing to do this so that others know better. Deep breaths...
<first draft removed by author: excessive swearing>
Problems. Oh boy, problems. There's a fire sale on problems here, kids. Where to start...?
Remember when we thought that this was going to be an idle game? You know, back in those bright, shiny before-times, when the promise of an official D&D IP idle game sounded cool and exciting? The thought of meaningful gear choices, a growing roster of familiar Champions, the endless opportunities for deep mechanics... it still deeply saddens me how incredibly short this game has fallen from what it could have been. Let me clarify what the gameplay experience is now intended to be: Start or join a Trials of Mount Tedious Campaign, survive LOBBY SIMULATOR 2021, make a formation and push as far as you can, either reset and push again (if you haven't yet learned that Favor is meaningless) or return to the main Campaigns, where you either script or do variants (for some reason). Repeat daily. Also, throw in an Event far too frequently. Where does the idling come into it anymore? Remember that hilarious ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ joke about "not overwhelming players"? It didn't hold water then and it abso-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥-positively doesn't now. Oh, and looking back at it, I was absolutely right about the death of rebalances too. I was right about the vast majority of what I wrote.
What is the point of the benched Champion? Seriously? Just designate it as the "Party Leader" or something and let them be usable. The restriction is pointless.
I'll tear into the Legendaries system after I've dabbled in it first-hand, but the blog post alone cements just how stupid and pointlessly RNG-dependent it is meant to be.
Don't spend any money on this game.
Go get vaccinated, if you can.
Oh, and I'm still quitting the game if things don't get significantly better by the end of September so... I'm very confident that I'll be quitting and discontinuing the Compendium. Hopefully, a bunch of you do the same.
- Chugs
Twitch Channel[] .
If you are so inclined, feel free to follow the channel and, if you're really keen, set up an alert for when I go live.
As of 24.09.20, after 15 months of maintenance, this guide now features at least one formation for every Permanent Campaign, Patron, and Event!
General notes:
The formations assume access to every Champion. I will not be making Evergreen or "I don't have x" alternatives.
Whilst every effort has been made to list formations that will work universally, formation performance will vary heavily depending on your gear.
Where multiple DPS options are listed, the first is always my highest performing formation. Consult the results listed alongside each formation for more detailed information.
Events will only be updated when they are active or when I use that particular Time Gate. Check the Changelog to see when your desired formation was last updated.
All formation results have been achieved without potions (with the exception of Speed potions), Modron Core bonuses, boss-skips, manual Ultimates or character swapping. In essence, this guide is designed for idle gameplay rather than active gameplay.
Champion-specific testing notes:
In specific reference to Ezmerelda, Jaheira and Nova, but also as a general rule, Champions that benefit from 'farming' certain kills within a run will not be farmed beyond what constitutes standard usage in that run.
Similarly, Beadle & Grimm will only be tested with 0 Long Rest stacks.
Baeloth will not be primed with multiple stacks of Generous Djinn.
Jim is permitted for cleanup purposes in boss areas where the boss has been defeated and less than four enemies remain (as these areas can demonstrably be cleared at that point and retrying for the correct RNG is not practical).
Current to-do list:
Update Appendix: Feat Priorities - Due for another update pass for virtually all Champions.
Update Appendix: Gold Formations - Rewrite pending.
Devise, test and add new Event formations whilst updating older formations. - Ongoing. All Event formations are being actively developed and revisited whilst the Events themselves are live. Community Choice votes determine Time Gate usage to update Event formations beyond the annual timetable.
Maintain Appendix: Champion Priorities. - Ongoing
Review and re-test existing formations. - Ongoing
Feedback can be provided in the comments below or via Reddit.
Donations & Special Thanks
I would like to offer my sincere thanks to the following people who have supported this guide:
Dennis R.
Walter B.
Mark D.
Julien H.
Tony V.
The ongoing construction, testing and maintenance of this guide has required, and continues to require, a huge time investment on my part. If it is within your means and you would like to support me and the guide, please use my PayPal.Me link[] or send me a message via Steam or Reddit. For those who are so generous as to do so, please make a point of letting me know your username (or real name, if you prefer) so that I can thank you accordingly here.
As this guide grows in size, navigating it to reach your desired formations is going to become increasingly complex as the Guide Index becomes overwhelmed with displayable information. As such, I have tagged each section with a unique code (formatted as [XX.X]) that can be searched using your browser's search function (Ctrl+F or equivalent) to take you directly to your desired formations.
Permanent Campaigns
A Grand Tour of the Sword Coast
Standard Freeplays - [C1.1]
Mirt the Moneylender Freeplays - [C1.2]
Vajra Safahr Freeplays - [C1.3]
Strahd von Zarovich Freeplays - [C1.4]
Zariel Freeplays - [C1.5]
Tomb of Annihilation
Standard Freeplays - [C2.1]
Mirt the Moneylender Freeplays - [C2.2]
Vajra Safahr Freeplays - [C2.3]
Strahd von Zarovich Freeplays - [C2.4]
Zariel Freeplays - [C2.5]
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Standard Freeplays - [C3.1]
Mirt the Moneylender Freeplays - [C3.2]
Vajra Safahr Freeplays - [C3.3]
Strahd von Zarovich Freeplays - [C3.4]
Zariel Freeplays - [C3.5]
Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus
Standard Freeplays - [C4.1]
Mirt the Moneylender Freeplays - [C4.2]
Vajra Safahr Freeplays - [C4.3]
Strahd von Zarovich Freeplays - [C4.4]
Zariel Freeplays - [C4.5]
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden
Standard Freeplays - [C5.1]
Mirt the Moneylender Freeplays - [C5.2]
Vajra Safahr Freeplays - [C5.3]
Strahd von Zarovich Freeplays - [C5.4]
Zariel Freeplays - [C5.5]
The Wild Beyond The Witchlight
Standard Freeplays - [C6.1]
Mirt the Moneylender Freeplays - [C6.2]
Vajra Safahr Freeplays - [C6.3]
Strahd von Zarovich Freeplays - [C6.4]
Zariel Freeplays - [C6.5]
Stoki Freeplays - [E1.1]
Farideh Freeplays - [E1.2]
Pwent Freeplays - [E1.3]
Torogar Freeplay - [E1.4]
Liars' Night
Krond Freeplays - [E2.1]
Donaar Freeplays - [E2.2]
Avren Freeplays - [E2.3]
Ezmerelda Freeplay - [E2.4]
Feast of the Moon
Gromma Freeplays - [E3.1]
Vlahnya Freeplays - [E3.2]
Sentry Freeplays - [E3.3]
Penelope Freeplays - [E3.4]
Dhadius Freeplays - [E4.1]
Warden Freeplays - [E4.2]
Krull Freeplays - [E4.3]
Lucius Freeplays - [E4.4]
Barrowin Freeplays - [E5.1]
Nerys Freeplays - [E5.2]
Artemis Freeplays - [E5.3]
Baeloth Freeplays - [E5.4]
Regis Freeplays - [E6.1]
K'thriss Freeplays - [E6.2]
Môrgæn Freeplays - [E6.3]
Talin Freeplays - [E6.4]
Grand Revel
Birdsong Freeplays - [E7.1]
Paultin Freeplays - [E7.2]
Havilar Freeplays - [E7.3]
Hew Maan Freeplays - [E7.4]
Zorbu Freeplays - [E8.1]
Black Viper Freeplays - [E8.2]
Sisaspia Freeplays - [E8.3]
Orisha Freeplays - [E8.4]
Festival of Fools
Strix Freeplays - [E9.1]
Rosie Freeplays - [E9.2]
Briv Freeplays - [E9.3]
Alyndra Freeplays - [E9.4]
Nrakk Freeplays - [E10.1]
Aila Freeplays - [E10.2]
Melf Freeplays - [E10.3]
Orkira Freeplays - [E10.4]
The Running
Cattie-brie Freeplays - [E11.1]
Spurt Freeplays - [E11.2]
Krydle Freeplays - [E11.3]
Shaka Freeplays - [E11.4]
The Great Modron March
Evelyn Freeplays - [E12.1]
Qillek Freeplays - [E12.2]
Jaheira Freeplays - [E12.3]
Mehen Freeplays - [E12.4]
Binwin Freeplays - [E13.1]
Korth Freeplays - [E13.2]
Nova Freeplays - [E13.3]
Selise Freeplays - [E13.4]
Founder's Day
Deekin Freeplays - [E14.1]
Walnut Freeplays - [E14.2]
Freely Freeplays - [E14.3]
Sgt. Knox Freeplays - [E14.4]
Xander Freeplays - [E15.1]
Shandie Freeplays - [E15.2]
Beadle & Grimm Freeplays - [E15.3]
Ellywick Freeplays - [15.4]
Ahghairon's Day
Ishi Freeplays - [E16.1]
Jim Freeplays - [E16.2]
Omin Freeplays - [E16.3]
Prudence Freeplays - [E16.4]
Wulfgar Freeplays - [E17.1]
Turiel Freeplays - [E17.2]
Lazaapz Freeplays - [E17.3]
Corazón Freeplays - [E17.4]
A Grand Tour Of The Sword Coast (Torm's Favor)
Standard Freeplays - [C1.1]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area xxx with 4.88e47 Favor on 17.07.21 (Lost in the Goblin Halls)
Asharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsBaeloth - Over ExcitedDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Makos - Dark BlessingAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsBriv - Go With The PhloUlkoria - Shield GuardianHitch - CharismaticOmin - Assassin
Mirt the Moneylender Freeplays - [C1.2]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 555 with 1.76e32 Favor on 1.09.20 (Lost in the Goblin Halls)
Freely - Always Expect ChaosSpurt - Kobold FamilyNova - JournalingKorth - Rapid TrainingZorbu - Lead The PackBriv - Go With The PhloKrull - PainGrimm - As Quick As Me / Chip AwayBruenor - Shield Master
Vajra Safahr Freeplays - [C1.3]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 585 with 1.86e27 Favor on 24.01.20 (Terror in the Dark)
Bruenor - Shield MasterCattie-brie - In The ZoneGromma - ArcticKrull - PainAvren - Good / SturdyTyril - Wild ShapeKorth - Group TacticsAila - StormcallerZorbu - Lead The Pack
Strahd von Zarovich Freeplays - [C1.4]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 629 with 2.16e33 Favor on 22.10.20 (Terror in the Dark)
Cattie-brie - In The ZoneBeadle - As Quick As Me / Chip AwayAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsGromma - Arctic ***Shandie - Criminal ContactsTyril - Wild ShapeLazaapz - Team PlayerZorbu - Lead The Pack ***Regis - Ahead / Ranged*** Required Feat: Keen Mind
Birdsong DPS - No Eligibility Feats
Reached Area 550 with 1.52e32 Favor on 9.07.20 (Terror in the Dark)
Birdsong - Theme of Consideration / SoloistQillek - Empowered BlessingStoki - Ki ExplosionCattie-brie - In The ZoneAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsTyril - Wild ShapeShandie - Criminal ContactsRegis - Behind / MeleeK'thriss - Efficient Bookkeeping
Tomb Of Annihilation (Kelemvor's Favor)
Standard Freeplays - [C2.1]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area xxx with 1.06e40 Favor on 17.07.21 (The Templar's Camp)
Orkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsUlkoria - Shield GuardianDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Avren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsBriv - Go With The PhloBaeloth - Over ExcitedHitch - CharismaticMakos - Dark BlessingOmin - Assassin
Mirt the Moneylender Freeplays - [C2.2]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area >620 with 1.96e33 Favor on 24.04.20 (The Templar's Camp)
Qillek - Empowered BlessingZorbu - Lead The PackKorth - Group TacticsSpurt - Kobold FamilySisaspia - Spreading SporesTyril - Wild ShapeCattie-brie - In The ZoneKrull - PainWarden - Eldritch SmiteMakos - Dark Blessing
Vajra Safahr Freeplays - [C2.3]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area >715 with 1.96e33 Favor on 27.04.20 (The Templar's Camp)
Gromma - ArcticCalliope - College Of ValorAila - StormcallerZorbu - Lead The PackAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsTyril - Wild ShapeCattie-brie - In The ZoneKorth - Group TacticsSisaspia - Spreading SporesKrull - Pain
Strahd von Zarovich Freeplays - [C2.4]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 660 with 1.06e40 Favor on 22.10.20 (The Templar's Camp)
Lazaapz - Team PlayerCattie-brie - In The ZoneGromma - Arctic ***Avren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsShandie - Criminal ContactsTyril - Wild ShapeBeadle - As Quick As Me / Chip AwayZorbu - Lead The Pack ***Regis - Ahead / RangedStoki - Ki Explosion*** Required Feat: Keen Mind
Birdsong DPS - No Eligibility Feats
Reached Area 590 with 5.85e34 Favor on 8.06.20 (The Templar's Camp)
Qillek - Empowered BlessingBirdsong - Theme of Consideration / SoloistStoki - Ki ExplosionRegis - Behind / MeleeAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsTyril - Wild ShapeShandie - Criminal ContactsK'thriss - Velvet TouchHitch - More DaggersCattie-brie - In The Zone
Zariel Freeplays - [C2.5]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area xxx with 9.53e40 Favor on 28.07.21 (The Templar's Camp)
Orkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixAsharra - Potpourri / Short-folkBaeloth - Over ExcitedDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Penelope - Keep Your Friends Close / Minor EruptionBriv - Go With The PhloHew Maan - Did We Say Humans? We Meant...Ulkoria - Shield GuardianFreely - Always Expect ChaosMakos - Dark Blessing
Waterdeep: Dragon Heist (Helm's Favor)
Standard Freeplays - [C3.1]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area xxx with 1.87e38 Favor on 17.07.21 (Attack on the Manor)
Hitch - CharismaticUlkoria - Shield GuardianAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsBriv - Go With The PhloOrkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsAila - StormcallerOmin - AssassinDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Baeloth - Over Excited
Mirt the Moneylender Freeplays - [C3.2]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 603 with 4.80e28 Favor on 30.04.20 (Attack on the Manor)
Korth - Group TacticsCattie-brie - In The ZoneZorbu - Lead The PackBriv - Tempered SteelMakos - Dark BlessingSpurt - Kobold FamilyTyril - Wild ShapeWarden - Eldritch SmiteSisaspia - Spreading SporesKrull - Pain
Vajra Safahr Freeplays - [C3.3]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 703 with 4.80e28 Favor on 1.05.20 (Attack on the Manor)
Aila - StormcallerCattie-brie - In The ZoneZorbu - Lead The PackBriv - Tempered SteelKorth - Rapid TrainingAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsTyril - Wild ShapeGromma - ArcticSisaspia - Spreading SporesKrull - Pain
Strahd von Zarovich Freeplays - [C3.4]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 655 with 1.87e38 Favor on 23.10.20 (Attack on the Manor)
Qillek - Empowered BlessingLazaapz - Team PlayerZorbu - Lead The Pack ***Turiel - A Lawful MissionCattie-brie - In The ZoneAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsTyril - Wild ShapeGromma - Arctic ***Grimm - As Quick As Me / Chip AwayRegis - Ahead / Ranged*** Required Feat: Keen Mind
Birdsong DPS - No Eligibility Feats
Reached Area 590 with 8.84e32 Favor on 7.07.20 (Attack on the Manor)
Birdsong - Theme of Consideration / SoloistQillek - Empowered BlessingAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsTyril - Wild ShapeShandie - Alchemist's Fire ExpertiseRegis - Behind / MeleeTuriel - A Lawful MissionCattie-brie - In The ZoneMelf - Bonus AdaptationHitch - More Daggers
Zariel Freeplays - [C3.5]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area xxx with 6.26e40 Favor on 2.08.21 (Attack on the Manor)
Asharra - Potpourri / Short-folkUlkoria - Shield GuardianPenelope - Minor EruptionBriv - Go With The PhloOrkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Dragonbait - Scent: Roasted ChickenHew Maan - Did We Say Humans? We Meant...Baeloth - Over ExcitedFreely - Always Expect Chaos
Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus (Tiamat's Favor)
Standard Freeplays - [C4.1]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area xxx with 4.63e37 Favor on 17.07.21 (A Tale Of Two Cities)
Omin - AssassinTuriel - A Lawful MissionUlkoria - Shield GuardianHitch - CharismaticMakos - Dark BlessingBriv - Go With The PhloBaeloth - Over ExcitedAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!
Mirt the Moneylender Freeplays - [C4.2]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 647 with 3.96e30 Favor on 17.04.20 (A Tale Of Two Cities)
Krull - PainBriv - Tempered SteelWarden - Eldritch SmiteSisaspia - Fungal BodyCattie-brie - In The ZoneTyril - Wild ShapeSpurt - Kobold FamilyKorth - Group TacticsZorbu - Lead The PackSentry - Sentry's Homeland
Vajra Safahr Freeplays - [C4.3]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 705 with 4.05e30 Favor on 17.04.20 (A Tale Of Two Cities)
Krull - PainBriv - Tempered SteelAila - StormcallerSisaspia - Fungal BodyGromma - ArcticTyril - Wild ShapeKorth - Group TacticsAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsZorbu - Lead The PackSentry - Sentry's Homeland
Strahd von Zarovich Freeplays - [C4.4]
Birdsong DPS - No Eligibility Feats
Reached Area 540 with 2.82e31 Favor on 10.07.20 (A Tale Of Two Cities)
Birdsong - Theme of Consideration / SoloistNova - Mass AppealQillek - Empowered BlessingHitch - More DaggersCattie-brie - In The ZoneTyril - Wild ShapeShandie - Alchemist's Fire ExpertiseRegis - Behind / MeleeMelf - Bonus AdaptionTuriel - A Lawful Mission
Icewind Dale: Rime Of The Frostmaiden (Auril's Favor)
Standard Freeplays - [C5.1]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area xxx with 7.93e34 Favor on 17.7.21 (The Everlasting Rime)
Asharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsBaeloth - Over ExcitedUlkoria - Shield GuardianAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsHitch - CharismaticOrkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixOmin - AssassinBriv - Go With The PhloMakos - Dark BlessingDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!
Mirt the Moneylender Freeplays - [C5.2]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 675 with 4.95e31 Favor on 16.10.20 (The Everlasting Rime)
Spurt - Kobold FamilyKrull - PainZorbu - Lead The PackBeadle - As Quick As Me / Chip AwayNova - JournalingKorth - Rapid TrainingBruenor - Shield MasterBriv - Go With The PhloFreely - Always Expect ChaosLazaapz - Team Player
Vajra Safahr Freeplays - [C5.3]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 695 with 5.35e31 Favor on 16.10.20 (The Everlasting Rime)
Aila - StormcallerKrull - PainGrimm - As Quick As Me / Chip AwayStoki - Ki ExplosionAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsKorth - Rapid TrainingCattie-brie - In The ZoneBriv - Go With The PhloGromma - ArcticZorbu - Lead The Pack
Strahd von Zarovich Freeplays - [C5.4]
Birdsong DPS - No Eligibility Feats
Reached Area 595 with 5.44e31 Favor on 16.10.20 (The Everlasting Rime)
Qillek - Empowered BlessingCattie-brie - In The ZoneRegis - Behind / MeleeBirdsong - Theme of Consideration / SoloistK'thriss - Velvet TouchShandie - Criminal ContactsAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsTyril - Wild ShapeStoki - Ki ExplosionGrimm - As Quick As Me / Chip Away
The Wild Beyond The Witchlight (Corellon's Favor)
Standard Freeplays - [C6.1]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area 830 with 5.00e24 Favor on 30.09.21
Makos - Dark BlessingDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Omin - AssassinBriv - Go With The PhloUlkoria - Shield GuardianAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsBaeloth - Over ExcitedTuriel - A Lawful MissionHitch - CharismaticAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloods
Highharvestide (Stoki, Farideh, Pwent, Torogar)
Priorities1. Stoki*
2. Farideh
3. Pwent
4. Torogar
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
Stoki Freeplays - [E1.1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 734 with 0 Favor on 14.07.20
Gromma - ArcticSisaspia - Spreading SporesZorbu - Lead The PackTyril - Wild ShapeStoki - Ki ExplosionAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsFreely - Always Expect ChaosBriv - Tempered SteelKrull - PainAila - Stormcaller
Farideh Freeplays - [E1.2]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 770 with 2.00e26 Favor on 24.09.20
Stoki - Ki ExplosionTuriel - A Lawful MissionGromma - ArcticZorbu - Lead The PackFreely - Always Expect ChaosBriv - Go With The PhloKrull - PainAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsAila - StormcallerTyril - Wild Shape
Pwent Freeplays - [E1.3]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 770 with 5.00e32 Favor on 25.09.20
Krull - PainZorbu - Lead The PackTyril - Wild ShapeStoki - Ki ExplosionAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsGromma - ArcticFreely - Always Expect ChaosBriv - Go With The PhloRegis - Ahead / RangedAila - Stormcaller
Torogar Freeplay - [E1.4]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 755 with 0 Favor on 24.09.20
Stoki - Ki ExplosionKrull - PainRegis - Behind / RangedAila - StormcallerZorbu - Lead The PackBriv - Go With The PhloAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsGromma - ArcticGrimm - As Quicks As Me / Chip AwayFreely - Always Expect Chaos
Liars' Night (Krond, Donaar, Avren, Ezmerelda)
The Masked Man boss (z50) presents a unique wall that makes high-end testing difficult. As a result, these formations may not be as optimised as usual, and the results will almost certainly be more lacklustre than other Events.
Priorities1. Avren
2. Donaar
3. Krond*
4. Ezmerelda
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
Krond Freeplays - [E2.1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 603 with 2.18e21 Favor on 19.10.19
Qillek - Empowered BlessingAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsCattie-brie - In The ZoneZorbu - Lead The PackShandie - Agile AlliesWalnut - Extended Warranty / Temporary AllianceGromma - ArcticKorth - Group TacticsAila - StormcallerK'thriss - Velvet Touch
Donaar Freeplays - [E2.2]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 800 with 0 Favor on 11.10.20
Regis - Ahead / RangedGrimm - As Quicks As Me / Chip AwayZorbu - Lead The PackTyril - Wild ShapeAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsFreely - Always Expect ChaosGromma - ArcticBriv - Go With The PhloKrull - PainAila - Stormcaller
Avren Freeplays - [E2.3]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 750 with 1.84e35 Favor on 22.10.20
Krull - PainAila - StormcallerZorbu - Lead The PackBriv - Go With The PhloRegis - Ahead / RangedAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsFreely - Always Expect ChaosTyril - Wild ShapeGrimm - As Quick As Me / Chip AwayGromma - Arctic
Ezmerelda Freeplays - [E2.4]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 750 with 0 Favor on 22.10.20
Gromma - ArcticFreely - Always Expect ChaosBriv - Go With The PhloRegis - Ahead / RangedAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsKrull - PainZorbu - Lead The PackGrimm - As Quick As Me / Chip AwayTyril - Wild ShapeAila - Stormcaller
Feast Of The Moon (Gromma, Vlahnya, Sentry, Penelope)
Priorities1. Sentry
2. Gromma*
3. Penelope
4. Vlahnya
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
Gromma Freeplays - [E3.1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 630 with 2.22e18 Favor on 7.11.19
Shandie - Criminal ContactsK'thriss - Velvet TouchKorth - Group TacticsGromma - ArcticAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsAila - StormcallerCattie-brie - In The ZoneZorbu - Lead The PackWalnut - Extended Warranty / Temporary AllianceQillek - Empowered Blessing
Vlahnya Freeplays - [E3.2]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 785 with 1.69e41 Favor on 22.11.20
Krull - PainTuriel - A Lawful MissionZorbu - Lead The PackTyril - Wild ShapeRegis - Ahead / RangedAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsOmin - Close AlliesBriv - Go With The PhloFreely - Always Expect ChaosAila - Stormcaller
Sentry Freeplays - [E3.3]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 815 with 0 Favor on 9.01.21
Krull - PainZorbu - Lead The PackTyril - Wild ShapeRegis - Ahead / RangedAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsGromma - ArcticFreely - Always Expect ChaosBriv - Go With The PhloBaeloth - Over ExcitedLazaapz - Team Player
Penelope Freeplays - [E3.4]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 760 with 6.95e29 Favor on 12.11.20
Zorbu - Lead The PackFreely - Always Expect ChaosStoki - Ki ExplosionAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsKrull - PainOmin - AssassinBriv - Go With The PhloLazaapz - Team PlayerBruenor - Shield MasterRegis - Ahead / Ranged
Simril (Dhadius, Warden, Krull, Lucius)
Priorities1. Krull
2. Warden
3. Dhadius*
4. Lucius
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
Dhadius Freeplays - [E4.1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 734 with 0 Favor on 25.08.20
Zorbu - Lead The PackStoki - Ki ExplosionTyril - Wild ShapeGromma - ArcticAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsKorth - Rapid TrainingFreely - Always Expect ChaosKrull - PainBriv - Go With The PhloAila - Stormcaller
Warden Freeplays - [E4.2]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 780 with 1.50e41 Favor on 11.12.20
Lazaapz - Team PlayerZorbu - Lead The PackBriv - Go With The PhloAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsFreely - Always Expect ChaosTyril - Wild ShapeOmin - AssassinKrull - PainTuriel - A Lawful MissionRegis - Behind / Ranged
Krull Freeplays - [E4.3]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 765 with 7.06e25 Favor on 3.12.20
Krull - PainZorbu - Lead The PackStoki - Ki ExplosionAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsGromma - ArcticBruenor - Shield MasterTyril - Wild ShapeRegis - Ahead / RangedFreely - Always Expect ChaosLazaapz - Team Player
Lucius Freeplays - [E4.4]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 760 with 0 Favor on 3.12.20
Regis - Ahead / RangedAila - StormcallerZorbu - Lead The PackTyril - Wild ShapeAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsFreely - Always Expect ChaosGrimm - As Quick As Me / Chip AwayKrull - PainBriv - Go With The PhloGromma - Arctic
Wintershield (Barrowin, Nerys, Artemis, Baeloth)
Priorities1. Baeloth
2. Barrowin*
3. Nerys
4. Artemis
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
Barrowin Freeplays - [E5.1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 680 with 1.47e28 Favor on 28.12.19
Zorbu - Lead The PackQillek - Empowered BlessingKorth - Group TacticsSentry - Sentry's HomelandAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsGromma - ArcticCattie-brie - In The ZoneKrull - TraitorAila - StormcallerK'thriss - Efficient Bookkeeping
Nerys Freeplays - [E5.2]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 780 with 1.34e40 Favor on 4.01.21
Lazaapz - Team PlayerZorbu - Lead The PackGrimm - As Quick As Me / Chip AwayAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsRegis - Ahead / RangedTyril - Wild ShapeKrull - PainBruenor - Shield MasterGromma - ArcticFreely - Always Expect Chaos
Artemis Freeplays - [E5.3]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 815 with 1.21e32 Favor on 26.12.20
Qillek - Empowered BlessingGromma - ArcticZorbu - Lead The PackTyril - Wild ShapeAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsAila - StormcallerKrull - PainBruenor - Shield MasterFreely - Always Expect ChaosRegis - Ahead / Ranged
Baeloth Freeplays - [E5.4]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 800 with 0 Favor on 24.12.20
Lazaapz - Team PlayerZorbu - Lead The PackOmin - AssassinAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsKrull - PainFreely - Always Expect ChaosTyril - Wild ShapeStoki - Ki ExplosionBruenor - Shield MasterBriv - Go With The Phlo
Midwinter (Regis, K'thriss, Môrgæn, Talin)
The Devourer boss (z50) presents a unique wall that makes high-end testing difficult. As a result, these formations may not be as optimised as usual, and the results will almost certainly be more lacklustre than other Events.
Priorities1. Môrgæn
2. Regis*
3. Talin
4. K'thriss
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
Regis Freeplays - [E6.1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 700 with 2.82e28 Favor on 11.01.20
Qillek - Empowered BlessingSentry - Sentry's HomelandAila - StormcallerAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsZorbu - Lead The PackTyril - Wild ShapeGromma - ArcticKorth - Group TacticsKrull - TraitorTuriel - A Lawful Mission
K'thriss Freeplays - [E6.2]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 750 with 1.60e40 Favor on 25.01.21
Krull - PainZorbu - Lead The PackBriv - Go With The PhloRegis - Ahead / RangedAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsTyril - Wild ShapeBaeloth - Over ExcitedFreely - Always Expect ChaosOmin - AssassinLazaapz - Team Player
Môrgæn Freeplays - [E6.3]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 750 with 1.60e40 Favor on 25.01.21
Krull - PainRegis - Ahead / RangedZorbu - Lead The PackTyril - Wild ShapeBaeloth - Over ExcitedAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsLazaapz - Team PlayerBruenor - Shield MasterFreely - Always Expect ChaosGromma - Arctic
Talin Freeplays - [E6.4]
Asharra testing pending.
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 750 with 0 Favor on 22.01.21
Zorbu - Lead The PackRegis - Ahead / RangedAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsCattie-brie - In The ZoneTyril - WIld ShapeKrull - PainBriv - Go With The PhloBaeloth - Over ExcitedLazaapz - Team PlayerOmin - Assassin
Grand Revel (Birdsong, Paultin, Havilar, Hew Maan)
Priorities1. Hew Maan
2. Birdsong*
3. Havilar
4. Paultin
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
Birdsong Freeplays - [E7.1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 711 with 4.78e21 Favor on 30.01.20
K'thriss - Velvet TouchKrull - PainCattie-brie - In The ZoneTyril - WIld ShapeAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsAila - StormcallerZorbu - Lead The PackQillek - Empowered BlessingGromma - ArcticKorth - Group Tactics
Paultin Freeplays - [E7.2]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 800 with 4.57e38 Favor on 09.02.21
Baeloth - Over ExcitedLazaapz -Team PlayerZorbu - Lead The PackRegis - Ahead / RangedTyril - Wild ShapeKrull - PainAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsOmin - AssassinTuriel - Lawful MissionFreely - Always Expect Chaos
Havilar Freeplays - [E7.3]
Ashaara DPS
Reached Area 775 with 4.35e42 Favor on 09.02.21
Makos - Dark BlessingAshaara - Potpourri / Half-bloodsDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Ulkoria - Shield GuardianAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsBriv - Go With The PhloBaeloth - Over ExcitedFreely - Always Expect ChaosHitch - CharismaticOmin - Assassin
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 750 with 4.35e42 Favor on 09.02.21
Gromma - ArcticZorbu - Lead The PackAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsKrull - PainBruenor - Shield MasterTyril - WIld ShapeRegis - Ahead / RangedFreely - Always Expect ChaosLazaapz - Team PlayerBaeloth - Over Excited
Hew Maan Freeplays - [E7.4]
Ashaara DPS
Reached Area 785 with 1.55e29 Favor on 05.02.21
Omin - Close AlliesHitch - CharismaticAshaara - Potpourri / Half-bloodsBriv - Go With The PhloUlkoria - Shield GuardianAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsMakos - Dark BlessingDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Turiel - A Lawful MissionBaeloth - Over Excited
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 750 with 1.55e29 Favor on 05.02.21
Regis - Ahead / RangedFreely - Always Expect ChaosZorbu - Lead The PackTyril - Wild ShapeAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsOmin - Close AlliesBaeloth - Over ExcitedKrull - PainTuriel - A Lawful MissionLazaapz - Team Player
Fleetswake (Zorbu, Black Viper, Sisaspia, Orisha)
Priorities1. Zorbu*
2. Sisaspia
3. Orisha
4. Black Viper
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
Zorbu Freeplays - [E8.1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 805 with 0 Favor on 01.02.21
Zorbu - Lead The PackRegis - Ahead / RangedBriv - Go With The PhloAila - StormcallerAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsFreely - Always Expect ChaosTyril - Wild ShapeOmin - AssassinBaeloth - Over ExcitedKrull - Pain
Black Viper Freeplays - [E8.2]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 705 with 6.15e26 Favor on 24.2.20
Cattie-brie - In The ZoneQillek - Empowered BlessingAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsZorbu - Lead The PackKorth - Group TacticsTyril - Wild ShapeGromma - ArcticKrull - PainSentry - Sentry's HomelandAila - Stormcaller
Sisaspia Freeplays - [E8.3]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area 815 with 0 Favor on 25.02.21
Asharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Avren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsTuriel - A Lawful MissionUlkoria - Shield GuardianBaeloth - Over ExcitedMakos - Dark BlessingOmin - AssassinBriv - Go With The PhloHitch - Charasmatic
Orisha Freeplays - [E8.4]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area 870 with 1.13e37 Favor on 9.03.21
Omin - Close AlliesAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsHitch - CharasmaticBaeloth - Over ExcitedAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsTuriel - A Lawful MissionUlkoria - Shield GuardianDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Makos - Dark BlessingBriv - Go With The Phlo
Festival Of Fools (Strix, Rosie, Briv, Alyndra)
Priorities1. Briv
2. Alyndra
3. Strix*
4. Rosie
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
h1]Strix Freeplays - [E9.1][/h1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 700 with 1.01e22 Favor on 12.03.20
Krull - PainQillek - Empowered BlessingZorbu - Lead The PackTyril - Wild ShapeKorth - Group TacticsAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsAila - StormcallerSentry - Sentry's HomelandGromma - ArcticCattie-brie - In The Zone
Rosie Freeplays - [E9.2]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area >700 with 2.25e27 Favor on 13.03.20
Krull - PainQillek - Empowered BlessingAila - StormcallerZorbu - Lead The PackTyril - Wild ShapeAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsKorth - Group TacticsSentry - Sentry's HomelandGromma - ArcticCattie-brie - In The Zone
Briv Freeplays - [E9.3]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 735 with 0 Favor on 12.03.20
Krull - PainQillek - Empowered BlessingKorth - Group TacticsZorbu - Lead The PackTyril - Wild ShapeAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsAila - StormcallerCattie-brie - In The ZoneGromma - ArcticK'thriss - Velvet Touch
Alyndra Freeplays - [E9.4]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area 775with 2.74e24 Favor on 29.03.21
Baeloth - Over ExcitedHitch - CharismaticAsharra - Potpourr / Half-bloodsiUlkoria- Shield GuardianAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsOmin - Close AlliesBriv - Go With The PhloMakos - Dark BlessingDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Freely - Always Expect Chaos
Greengrass (Nrakk, Aila, Melf, Orkira)
Priorities1. Orkira
2. Melf
3. Aila
4. Nrakk*
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
Nrakk Freeplays - [E10.1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 700 with 8.85e20 Favor on 2.04.20
Qillek - Empowered BlessingZorbu - Lead The PackKorth - Group TacticsTyril - Wild ShapeKrull - PainAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsCattie-brie - In The ZoneSentry - Sentry's HomelandGromma - ArcticAila - Stormcaller
Aila Freeplays - [E10.2]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 700 with 2.30e26 Favor on 2.04.20
Qillek - Empowered BlessingZorbu - Lead The PackAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsKorth - Group TacticsCattie-brie - In The ZoneTyril - Wild ShapeKrull - PainAila - StormcallerGromma - ArcticK'thriss - Efficient Bookkeeping
Melf Freeplays - [E10.3]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 700 with 0 Favor on 2.04.20
Krull - PainK'thriss - Velvet TouchGromma - ArcticCattie-brie - In The ZoneKorth - Group TacticsTyril - Wild ShapeAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsAila - StormcallerZorbu - Lead The PackQillek - Empowered Blessing
Orkira Freeplays - [E10.4]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area 815 with 2.33e31 Favor on 2.5.21
Hitch - ChaismaticDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Orkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsBriv - Go With The PhloUlkoria - Shield GuardianAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsOmin - Close AlliesBaeloth - Over ExcitedAila - Stormcaller
The Running (Cattie-brie, Spurt, Krydle, Shaka)
Priorities1. Spurt
2. Cattie-brie*
3. Shaka
4. Krydle
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
Catti-brie Freeplays - [E11.1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 750 with 1.34e23 Favor on 23.04.20
Qillek - Empowered BlessingCattie-brie - In The ZoneZorbu - Lead The PackAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsKorth - Rapid TrainingTyril - Wild ShapeSisaspia - Spreading SporesKrull - PainAila - StormcallerGromma - Arctic
Spurt Freeplays - [E11.2]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area 795 with 1.54e30 Favor on 8.05.21
Orkira - Talfeather of the PhoenixHitch - CharismaticBriv - Go With The PhloUlkoria - Shield GuardianBaeloth - Over ExcitedAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsMakos - Dark BlessingAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsOmin - Close AlliesDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!
Krydle Freeplays - [E11.3]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 747 with 0 Favor on 23.04.20
Gromma - ArcticKorth - Rapid TrainingBriv - Tempered SteelAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsCattie-brie - In The ZoneZorbu - Lead The PackTyril - Wild ShapeSisaspia - Spreading SporesKrull - PainAila - Stormcaller
Shaka Freeplays - [E11.4]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area 800 with 2.49e23 Favor on 1.05.21
Baeloth - Over ExcitedHitch - CharismaticAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsBriv - Go With The PhloOrkira - Talfeather of the PhoenixDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Omin - AssassinAila - StormcallerUlkoria - Shield Guardian
The Great Modron March (Evelyn, Qillek, Jaheira, Mehen)
Priorities1. Qillek
2. Evelyn*
3. Jaheira
4. Mehen
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
Evelyn Freeplays - [E12.1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 669 with 1.39e21 Favor on 14.05.20
Aila - StormcallerGromma - ArcticQillek - Empowered BlessingKorth - Group TacticsZorbu - Lead The PackTyril - Wild ShapeKrull - PainAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsSisaspia - Spreading SporesCattie-brie - In The Zone
Qillek Freeplays - [E12.2]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area 803 with 8.99e32 Favor on 26.05.21
Baeloth - Over ExcitedDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Ulkoria - Shield GuardianAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsOrkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixOmin - Close AlliesMakos - Dark BlessingAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsBriv - Go With The PhloHitch - Charismatic
Jaheira Freeplays - [E12.3]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area 790 with 1.69e33 Favor on 29.05.21
Hitch - CharismaticUlkoria - Shield GuardianBaeloth - Over ExcitedBriv - Go With The PhloAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsOrkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixOmin - Close AlliesAila - StormcallerAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!
Mehen Freeplays - [E12.4]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area 790 with 6.60e32 Favor on 26.05.21
Ulkoria - Shield GuardianOmin - AssassinMakos - Dark BlessingBaeloth - Over ExcitedBriv - Go With The PhloHitch - CharismaticTuriel - A Lawful MissionAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Avren - Neutral / Sturdy Mirrors
Dragondown (Binwin, Korth, Nova, Selise)
Chotyn (z50) presents a unique wall that makes high-end testing difficult. As a result, these formations may not be as optimised as usual, and the results will almost certainly be more lacklustre than other Events.
Priorities1. Nova
2. Korth
3. Selise
4. Binwin*
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
Binwin Freeplays - [E13.1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 700 with 1.45e21 Favor on 5.06.20
Gromma - ArcticKorth - Group TacticsTyril - Wild ShapeAila - StormcallerAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsCattie-brie - In The ZoneZorbu - Lead The PackBriv - Tempered SteelKrull - PainSentry - Sentry's Homeland
Korth Freeplays - [E13.2]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area 800 with 2.26e14 Favor on 10.06.21
Makos - Dark BlessingDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Avren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsBriv - Go With The PhloOmin - Close AlliesHitch - CharismaticOrkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsBaeloth - Over ExcitedUlkoria - Shield Guardian
Nova Freeplays - [E13.3]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area 755 with 2.66e32 Favor on 15.06.21
Hitch - CharismaticAsharra - Dwarves and Elves / Half-bloodsBriv - Go With The PhloUlkoria - Shield GuardianAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsOmin - AssassinAila - StormcallerDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Baeloth - Over ExcitedTuriel - A Lawful Mission
Selise Freeplays - [E13.4]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area 755 with 3.33e34 Favor on 15.06.21
Omin - Close AlliesAsharra - Dwarves and Elves / Half-bloodsDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Baeloth - Over ExcitedAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsBriv - Go With The PhloUlkoria - Shield GuardianAila - StormcallerHitch - CharismaticTuriel - A Lawful Misson
Founder's Day (Deekin, Walnut, Freely, Sgt. Knox)
Priorities1. Freely
2. Deekin*
3. Sgt. Knox
4. Walnut
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
Deekin Freeplays - [E14.1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 726 with 1.05e29 Favor on 2.07.20
Gromma - ArcticKorth - Group TacticsCattie-brie - In The ZoneZorbu - Lead The PackTyril - Wild ShapeStoki - Ki ExplosionAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsAila - StormcallerQillek - Empowered BlessingKrull - Pain
Walnut Freeplays - [E14.2]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area xxx with xxx Favor on xx.07.21
Baeloth - Over ExcitedAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsTuriel - A Lawful MissionHitch - CharismaticOmin - Close AlliesAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsBriv - Go With The PhloUlkoria - Shield GuardianDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Makos - Dark Blessing
Freely Freeplays - [E14.3]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area xxx with xxx Favor on xx.07.21
Makos - Dark BlessingDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Ulkoria - Shield GuardianTuriel - A Lawful MissionBaeloth - Over ExcitedAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsBriv - Go With The PhloHitch - CharismaticOmin - Close Allies
Sgt. Knox Freeplays - [E14.4]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area xxx with xxx Favor on xx.07.21
Asharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Baeloth - Over ExcitedAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsUlkoria - Shield GuardianHitch - CharismaticOrkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixOmin - AssassinBriv - Go With The PhloMakos - Dark Blessing
Midsummer (Xander, Shandie, Beadle & Grimm, Ellywick)
Priorities1. Beadle & Grimm
2. Shadie
3. Ellywick
4. Xander*
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
Xander Freeplays - [E15.1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 760 with 5.73e32 Favor on 17.07.20
Korth - Rapid TrainingZorbu - Lead The PackBriv - Go With The PhloStoki - Ki ExplosionGrimm - As Quick As Me / Chip AwayAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsFreely - Always Expect ChaosKrull - PainAila - StormcallerGromma - Arctic
Shandie Freeplays - [E15.2]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area xxx with 4.55e38 Favor on 27.07.21
Hitch - CharismaticBriv - Go With The PhloBaeloth - Over ExcitedDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Asharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsOmin - Close AlliesAila - StormcallerOrkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixUlkoria - Shield Guardian
Beadle & Grimm Freeplays - [E15.3]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area xxx with 1.93e37 Favor on 27.07.21
Donaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Ulkoria - Shield GuardianBaeloth - Over ExcitedOmin - Close AlliesAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsBriv - Go With The PhloOrkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsAila - StormcallerHitch - Charismatic
Ellywick Freeplays - [E15.4]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area xxx with 8.44e35 Favor on 25.07.21
Asharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsHitch - CharismaticBaeloth - Over ExcitedAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsBriv - Go With The PhloUlkoria - Shield GuardianOmin - Long-Lost FriendsAila - StormcallerOrkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!
Ahghairon's Day (Ishi, Jim, Omin, Prudence)
Priorities1. Omin
2. Prudence
3. Jim
4. Ishi*
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
Ishi Freeplays - [E16.1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 738 with 0 Favor on 4.08.20
Korth - Rapid TrainingAila - StormcallerZorbu - Lead The PackKrull - PainStoki - Ki ExplosionTyril - Wild ShapeGromma - ArcticAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsFreely - Always Expect ChaosBriv - Go With The Phlo
Jim Freeplays - [E16.2]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area xxx with 5.22e37 Favor on 14.08.21
Donaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Baeloth - Over ExcitedAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsUlkoria - Shield GuardianAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsBriv - Go With The PhloOmin - Close AlliesHitch - CharismaticOrkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixMakos - Dark Blessing
Omin Freeplays - [E16.3]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area xxx with 1.95e41 Favor on 14.08.21
Orkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixMakos - Dark BlessingUlkoria - Shield GuardianAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Baeloth - Over ExcitedAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsBriv - Go With The PhloOmin - Close AlliesHitch - Charismatic
Prudence Freeplays - [E16.4]
Asharra DPS
Reached Area xxx with xxx Favor on 14.08.21
Makos - Dark BlessingHitch - CharismaticUlkoria - Shield GuardianOmin - AssassinAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsTuriel - A Lawful MissionAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Baeloth - Over ExcitedBriv - Go With The Phlo
Brightswords (Wulfgar, Turiel, Lazaapz, Corazón)
Bailiearyl Tavebent & the Huge Queen Spider (z50) present a unique wall that makes high-end testing slightly more difficult. As a result, these formations may not be as quite optimised as usual, and the results will likely be more lacklustre than other Events.
Priorities1. Turiel
2. Lazaapz
3. Wulfgar*
4. Corazón
(* denotes Champions that have been 'retired' from the Event.)
Wulfgar Freeplays - [E17.1]
Zorbu DPS
Reached Area 750 with 0 Favor on 1.09.20
Gromma - ArcticAila - StormcallerTuriel - A Lawful MissionKrull - PainStoki - Ki ExplosionFreely - Always Expect ChaosZorbu - Lead The PackBriv - Go With The PhloAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsTyril - Wild Shape
Turiel Freeplays - [E17.2]
Reached Area xxx with 6.99e39 Favor on 13.09.21
Asharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsUlkoria - Shield GuardianTuriel - A Lawful MissionAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Hitch - CharismaticOmin - AssassinBriv - Go With The PhloBaeloth - Over ExcitedMakos - Dark Blessing
Lazaapz Freeplays - [E17.3]
Reached Area xxx with 6.99e39 Favor on 13.09.21
Baeloth - Over ExcitedHitch - CharismaticAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsOrkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixOmin - Close AlliesAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsBriv - Go With The PhloDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Ulkoria - Shield GuardianMakos - Dark Blessing
CorazónFreeplays - [E17.4]
Reached Area xxx with 6.99e39 Favor on 13.09.21
Orkira - Tailfeather of the PhoenixMakos - Dark BlessingUlkoria - Shield GuardianAvren - Neutral / Sturdy MirrorsBriv - Go With The PhloOmin - Close AlliesDonaar - Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaah!Hitch - CharismaticAsharra - Potpourri / Half-bloodsBaeloth - Over Excited
Appendix: Champion Priorities
This Appendix was prompted by Mecandes' Champion Unlock Priorities for Chugsworth's Formations (since deleted) and maintained with permission.
The information below is intended to serve as a live snapshot of the deep run meta. It does not take Champions into account from the perspectives of Speed Formations or Gold Formations; those can be found in the Appendix: Speed Formations and Appendix: Gold Formations respectively. The usage statistics are drawn from the formations featured in this guide. This list may not be revised after every formation revision, so it is important to note the last time that it was updated.
"Usage Trajectory" shows my own annotations based on suspected future usage trends. + indicates that the Champion will likely become more prolific in formations whereas - indicates that the Champion will likely see decreased usage. No trajectory indicates little to no expected variation in usage.
These lists contain all Champions currently in the game and can be used to inform your Time Gate priorities.
Current as of: 25.09.20 - SIGNIFICANT UPDATES REQUIRED
MetaChampionSlotTagsFormations (/68)Usage TrajectoryZorbu12DPS, Support64+Avren11Support63+Aila9Tanking, Support60Gromma3DPS, Tanking, Support60Krull6Support, Gold58+Korth2Healing, Support54-Tyril10Tanking, Healing, Support51-Briv5Tanking, Healing, Support27+Stoki4Support, Gold21+Freely7Support, Gold16+Regis2Healing, Support10+Grimm8DPS, Support6+
SituationalChampionSlotTagsFormations (/68)Usage TrajectoryCattie-brie7DPS, Support48-Qillek5Healing, Support37-K'thriss1Support21-Sentry4Tanking, Support16-Sisaspia1Healing, Support16-Turiel1Support9Birdsong9DPS, Support4Spurt3Support4-Warden11DPS, Support3-Hitch8Support3Bruenor1Support2Makos9DPS, Support, Gold2Melf12Support2Nova11Tanking, Support2Calliope5Healing, Support1Celeste2Healing, Support0Dragonbait11Tanking, Support0Lazaapz9Support, Tanking0Môrgæn10Support, Gold0Omin3Support, Gold0
UnderwhelmingChampionSlotTagsFormations (/68)Usage TrajectoryShandie6Support10-Walnut8Tanking, Support6-Nerys12Support0Arkhan12DPS, Tanking0Artemis3DPS0Asharra6DPS, Support0Azaka12DPS, Support0Barrowin10Healing, Support0Beadle8Support, Gold0Binwin3DPS0Black Viper7DPS0Deekin1Support0Delina8DPS0Dhadius5DPS, Support0Donaar2Healing, Support0Drizzt9DPS0Evelyn6Tanking, Support0Farideh7DPS0Havilar10Tanking, Support0Ishi4DPS, Gold0Jaheira4DPS, Support0Jamilah11DPS0Jarlaxle4DPS, Gold0Jim7DPS, Support0Krond6DPS1-Krydle2DPS, Support0Minsc7DPS, Support0Nayeli3Tanking, Support0Nrakk8DPS, Support0Paultin4Support, Gold0Pwent5Support0Rosie10DPS0Strix11DPS, Support0Torogar10DPS, Support0Ulkoria10Support0Vlahnya8Support, Gold0Wulfgar10Tanking, Support0Xander5DPS, Support0
Appendix: Speed Formations
Less than an hour before I sat down to write this Appendix, Floursifter posted their Guide to Speed in Idle Champions. It is far more detailed than I ever planned for this Appendix to be, and I recommend taking the time to read through it properly if you are grappling with the idea of making a proper speed formation for the first time.
This Appendix is intended as general advice for building your own speed formations. I will not be providing speed formations for any formation arrangements other than the example shown below.
A speed formation is any formation that includes particular Champions for the purposes of employing specific abilities that operate in various different ways to ultimately increase the rate at which areas are cleared. Currently, those Champions are:
Slot 1: Deekin (further improved by the "Boss Wants Speed" specialisation)
Slot 2: None
Slot 3: None
Slot 4: Sentry (further improved by the "Echo's Will" specialisation)
Slot 5: Xander (further improved by the "Trying Extra Hard" specialisation), Briv (further improved by the "Metalborn" specialisation)
Slot 6: Shandie (further improved by the "Ranger Training" specialisation)
Slot 7: Minsc
Slot 8: None
Slot 9: None
Slot 10: Havilar (only against Fiend-type enemies and with the imp Dembo active)
Slot 11: None
Slot 12: Melf (further improved by the "Extra Supplements" specialisation)As the Champion roster continues to expand, we will inevitably need to choose between different speed-relevant Champions. Of the current choices, my priorities are as follows:
Slot 5: Briv > XanderWhilst a speed formation by no means requires all of the aforementioned Champions, the most significant speed increases are only achieved when they are used in concert with one another. Personally, I feel that Xander is essentially worthless, especially compared to Briv, I will often avoid Minsc because his impact is so negligible, and, given how hyper-specific her usefulness is, I don't generally use Havilar.
Speed formations are most potent whilst you are still able to instantly defeat enemies as they spawn with click damage and familiars so, assuming that you have them at your disposal, ensure that you have familiars clicking on the field and upgrading click damage. Trying to maximise the BUD of your speed formations is still valuable if you are making use of Firebreath Potions.
To provide an example of this in practice, I'll use the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist formation arrangement:
Initially, I'll just place the speed-relevant Champions. I've done so in such a way that positions Minsc as the DPS. Havilar has intentionally been omitted.
Minsc - Any SpecialisationXXXDeekin - Boss Wants SpeedSentry - Echo's WillShandie - Ranger TrainingXXXBriv - MetalbornXXXMelf - Extra SupplementsXXX
From there, you can fill out your formation as you see fit. I ultimately ended up with this:
Minsc - Any SpecialisationKorth - Group TacticsDeekin - Boss Wants SpeedSentry - Echo's WillShandie - Ranger TrainingAvren - Good / Sturdy MirrorsBriv - MetalbornAila - StormcallerMelf - Extra SupplementsGromma - Arctic
Once you reach the point where you are unable to instantly defeat enemies with click damage, almost any speed formation begins to slow down. Personally, I make the decision to swap to my 'proper' formation once enemies begin to consistently reach the tank(s) and Shandie subsequently loses her buff.
Appendix: Gold Formations
This Appendix is intended as general advice for building your own gold formations. I will not be providing gold formations for any formation arrangements other than the example shown below.
A gold formation is a formation designed to maximise your gold-find bonus, and ultimately the amount of gold that drops from enemies. Currently, the Champions that contribute gold-find bonus are:
Slot 1: Bruenor
Slot 2: Regis, Donaar (only when an enemy tagged by the 'Drop' command is defeated)
Slot 3: Omin
Slot 4: Jarlaxle, Stoki, Paultin, Ishi
Slot 5: Pwent (only when adjacent to one of the Companions of the Hall)
Slot 6: Krull
Slot 7: Cattie-brie, Jim (only when an enemy is polymorphed into a mimic), Freely
Slot 8: None
Slot 9: Makos (only when he deals the final blow with the Dark Luck specialisation selected), Drizzt
Slot 10: Wulfgar
Slot 11: None
Slot 12: Arkhan, AzakaWhilst each of these Champions will improve your gold-find bonus (conditions permitting), currently, the largest gold-find bonus available comes from the Companions of the Hall and maximising the Bounty of the Hall. This is achieved by using:
Slot 1: Bruenor
Slot 2: Regis
Slot 3: None
Slot 4: None
Slot 5: None
Slot 6: None
Slot 7: Cattie-brie
Slot 8: None
Slot 9: Drizzt
Slot 10: Wulfgar
Slot 11: None
Slot 12: NoneA gold formation is inevitably going to have a lower wall than more damage-optimised alternatives. As such, in order to be able to achieve gold drops on areas where the gold formation cannot defeat enemies, Azaka becomes necessary. With her 'Resist The Curse' specialisation, enemies will drop gold every time that they are hit by one of her tigers during her Ultimate. This is commonly referred to as "Azaka Farming".
Additionally, Nrakk, whilst not providing any inherent gold-find bonus, can apply his Githzerai Focus ability when adjacent to Drizzt and, if you have the +1 Wisdom Feat, Bruenor, significantly boosting the Bounty of the Hall. So far, this gives us the following picks:
Slot 1: Bruenor
Slot 2: Regis
Slot 3: None
Slot 4: None
Slot 5: None
Slot 6: None
Slot 7: Cattie-brie
Slot 8: Nrakk
Slot 9: Drizzt
Slot 10: Wulfgar
Slot 11: None
Slot 12: AzakaThis leaves us with three more picks in 10-Champion formations and two more in AGTotSC's 9-Champion formation. In order of impact, Jarlaxle in his 'Master of Piracy' specialisation provides me with the largest gold-find bonus for Slot 4, Krull's 'Pilfer' stacks can add a considerable gold-find boost (a caveat here: in situations where you are going beyond 10 stacks, Krull overtakes Jarlaxle) and, whilst not a Companion of the Hall in his own right, Pwent's 'Bruenor, Me King!' ability further adds to the Bounty of the Hall. This gives us the following picks:
Slot 1: Bruenor
Slot 2: Regis
Slot 3: None
Slot 4: Jarlaxle
Slot 5: Pwent
Slot 6: Krull
Slot 7: Cattie-brie
Slot 8: Nrakk
Slot 9: Drizzt
Slot 10: Wulfgar
Slot 11: None
Slot 12: AzakaTo provide an example of this in practice, I'll use the Tomb of Annihilation formation arrangement:
The key adjacency requirements to remember are that Nrakk needs to be adjacent to Drizzt (and Bruenor, if relevant) and Pwent needs to be adjacent to any of the Companions of the Hall. I ultimately ended up with this:
Cattie-brie - In The ZoneJarlaxle - Master of PiracyAzaka - Resist The CurseKrull - PilferBruenor - Shield MasterWulfgar - Heavy BlowsRegis - Ahead / MeleeNrakk - Kensei AdvantageDrizzt - Leader of the CompaionsPwent - Can You SMELL That
At this point, I would reach the deepest area that I can using my 'proper' formation, swap to my gold formation, ensure that Azaka's Ultimate is not on cooldown, return to the deepest area and trigger Azaka's Ultimate. I would then dump as much gold as I can into over-levelling my 'proper' DPS and test to see if I can make any further area progress.
There are ways to further increase the amount of gold that you get, though they can be tricky to set up. Try swapping Cattie-brie for Jim and having him polymorph and enemy into a mimic, ideally the final enemy on a boss wave so that it is the only enemy remaining and no others will spawn, then swapping back to Cattie-brie and using Azaka's Ultimate. With sufficient debuffs and stuns, familiars can be set up to continually trigger Azaka's Ultimate when it finishes its cooldown and maintain the farm for an extended duration.
Appendix: Feats - Slot 1-6
The following priority lists are intended as general advice. Formation-specific variations to these priorities will be noted alongside the formation itself.
Slot 1Bruenor
Support: Rally Master > Rallying Cry > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Defensive Duelist > Observant > Actor > Athlete
Support: Minstrel > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Nimble = Overconfidence
Speed: Overconfidence > Minstrel > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Nimble
Support: Mystical Mastery > Mystic Arts > Inspiring Leader > Lucky > Selflessness
Support: Justice Bringer > Rising Voice > Inspiring Leader > Lucky > Selflessness
Support: Virulent Infection > Virulent Spores > Inspiring Leader > Combat Healer > Selflessness > Medic
Support: Everlasting Injuries > Watch for Clues > Ghosts of the Past > Dark Alley Defenses > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
Support: Obessed with Flames > Flames of Rebirth > Emergency Heals > Spark of Renewal > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
Slot 2Celeste
Support: Empowered Mantle > Inspiring Leader > Healer of Toril > Combat Healer > Selflessness > Medic > Durable > Keen Mind
Support: Ruby Blindness > Ritual Caster > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Combat Healer > Medic
Support: Dragonborn Leadership > Combat Healer > Medic > Selflessness
Support: Logical Thinker > Emotionless > Inspiring Leader > Combat Healer > Selflessness > Observant
DPS: Shadow Stalker > Shadow Dealing > Grappler > Tavern Brawler > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Harrowing History
Support: Harrowing History > Shadow Stalker > Shadow Dealing > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Grappler > Tavern Brawler
Support: Tactical Prowess > Analytical Nature > Quick-Release Hook > Tavern Negotiator > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
Slot 3Nayeli
Tank: Couragous > Calm Under Pressure > Defensive Duelist > Inspiring Leader > Tough > Selflessness
Support: Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Resilient > Tough > Savage Attacker > Skilled > Defensive Duelist > Keen Mind
Tank: Defensive Duelist > Resilient > Tough > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Savage Attacker > Skilled > Keen Mind
DPS: Dwarven Alliance > Small Allegiance > Tavern Brawler > Actor
Support: Centipede Mastery > Sheltered > Newly Born > Kobold Mastery > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Durable
DPS: Always Training > Additional Training > Part Shade > Grappler > Tavern Brawler > Lucky
Support: Laborer > Reverence > Rules Lawyer > Inspiring Leader > Lucky > Selflessness
Gold: Rules Lawyer > Lucky > Laborer > Reverence > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
Slot 4Jarlaxle
Support: Fortune's Favor > Lucky > Frugal > Tavern Brawler > Actor
Support: Inspiring Leader > Lucky > Frugal > Selflessness
Support: Inspiring Leader > Lucky > Selflessness > Grappler > Tavern Brawler
Support: Knowable Secrets > Inspiring Leader > Charmed Life > Lucky > Frugal > Selflessness > Observant
Tank: Well Guarded > Calm Under Pressure > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Resilient > Tough
DPS: Gate Warden > Grappler > Tavern Brawler > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
Support: Gate Warden > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Grappler > Tavern Brawler
Support: Entertainer's Exclaimation! > Gruesome Gamesmanship > Aberrant Action > Djinni Servant > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Prodigious Pain > Fortune's Favor > Lucky
Support (Generous Djinn Stacking): Djinni Servant > Entertainer's Exclaimation! > Gruesome Gamesmanship > Aberrant Action > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Prodigious Pain > Fortune's Favor > Lucky
Slot 5Calliope
Support: Combat Healer > Inspiring Leader > Medic > Selflessness
Support: School of Magic > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Elementalist > Adept
Support: Streetsmart > Poor Upbringing > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Actor
Support: Blessed > Inspiring Leader > Combat Healer > Selflessness > Medic
Support: Sweaty Armor > Raging > Blood Tracking > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
Tank: Calm Under Pressure > Defensive Duelist > Steelmarrow > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Resilient > Tough
Slot 6Asharra
Support: Bonds of Kir Sabal > Selflessness > Elementalist > Adept > Actor
DPS: Evil Inspiration > Savage Attacker > Skilled > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Observant
Tank: Calm Under Pressure > Defensive Duelist > Resilient > Tough > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
Support: Abyssal Trinkets > Agility > Dodge > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Observant > Actor
Support (focusing on Arkhan DPS): Increase Toxicity > Venomous Touch > Atrophy > Boils > Battle of Wills > Golden Rule > Inspiring Leader > Lucky > Selflessness
Support (not focusing on Arkhan DPS): Increase Toxicity > Venomous Touch > Atrophy > Boils > Golden Rule > Inspiring Leader > Lucky > Selflessness > Battle of Wills
Sgt. Knox
Support: Neverwinter Anthem > Mintarn Chant > Inspiring Leaders > Selfless > Resilient > Tough > Friends In High Places
Appendix: Feats - Slot 7-12
The following priority lists are intended as general advice. Formation-specific variations to these priorities will be noted alongside the formation itself.
Slot 7Minsc
DPS: Mighty Helm > Grappler > Tavern Brawler > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
Support: No Fear > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Sharpshooter > Elven Accuracy > Actor > Athlete
DPS (focusing on Pact Family): Dark Allegiance > Tiefling Magic > Elementalist > Adept > Observant
DPS (not focusing on Pact Family): Elementalist > Adept > Dark Allegiance > Tiefling Magic > Observant
Black Viper
DPS: Grappler > Tavern Brawler > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Athlete
DPS: Elementalist > Practiced Magic > Adept > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
Support: Practiced Magic > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Elementalist > Adept
Support: Lucky For Us > Fortuitous > Fortune's Favor > Lucky > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Excitable
Gold: Fortuitous > Fortune's Favor > Lucky > Lucky For Us > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Excitable
Favor: Excitable > Fortuitous > Fortune's Favor > Lucky > Lucky For Us > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
DPS: Sizzling > Stinging > Frostbite > Grappler > Tavern Brawler > Durable
Support: Frostbite > Sizzling = Stinging = Grappler = Tavern Brawler = Durable
Slot 8Delina
DPS: Order in Chaos > Scattered Magic > Spell-slinger > Elementalist > Magic Initiate > Adept > Observant
Support: Coiled Daggers > Excess Dagger Storage > Expert Aim > Extroverted > Sharpened Dagger > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
Support: Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Grappler > Tavern Brawler > Keen Mind
Support: Master Bard > Apprentice Bard > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Nimble
Tank: Defensive Duelist > Inspiring Leader > Resilient > Tough > Selflessness
Beadle & Grimm
Support: Order Up! > Cooldown > Show of Strength > Fortune's Favor > Inspiring Leader > Lucky > Selflessness > Grappler > Tavern Brawler
Gold: Order Up! > Cooldown > Fortune's Favor > Lucky > Show of Strength > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Grappler > Tavern Brawler
Hew Maan
Speed / Support: Walking Lessons > Talking Lessons > Fighting Lessons > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Intellect of the Tallest
Slot 9Makos
Support: Inspiring Leader > Lucky > Frugal > Selflessness > Elementalist > Adept
DPS: Drow Leadership > Grappler > Tavern Brawler > Lucky > Frugal > Keen Mind
Azaka Farming: Lucky > Frugal > Drow Leadership > Grappler > Tavern Brawler > Keen Mind
DPS: Drums of War > Perfect Pitch > Victorious > Grappler > Tavern Brawler > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
Support: Drums of War > Perfect Pitch > Victorious > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Grappler > Tavern Brawler
Support: Storm Warden > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Resilient > Tough > Calm Under Pressure > Defensive Duelist > Observant
Tank: Calm Under Pressure > Defensive Duelist > Storm Warden > Resilient > Inspiring Leader > Tough > Selflessness > Observant
Support: Red Tape > Necessary Paperwork > Running with the Cool Kids > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
Support: Arcane Heights > Towering Height > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Resilient > Tough
HP Contribution: Resilient > Tough > Arcane Heights > Towering Height > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
Don't use him. Just don't.
Slot 10Tyril
Tank (Wild Shape): Calm Under Pressure > Resilient > Tough > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Combat Healer = Medic = Full Moon
Support (Moonbeam): Full Moon > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Combat Healer > Medic > Resilient > Tough > Calm Under Pressure
Support: Dwarven Inspiration > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Combat Healer > Medic > Darting Weapon > Defensive Duelist
Healing: Combat Healer > Medic > Dwarven Inspiration > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Darting Weapon > Defensive Duelist
Tank: Defensive Duelist > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Resilient > Tough > Grappler > Tavern Brawler
DPS: Sassiest Grandma > Not Your Grandma's Grandma > Grappler > Tavern Brawler > Keen Mind
Tank: Defensive Duelist > Imp Brigade > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Resilient > Tough
Support (whilst in W:DH): Divine Fortitude > Understanding The Weave > Watchful Eye > Work In Harmony > Open Lord's Decree > Inspiring Leader > Splendors Abound > Selflessness
Support (not in W:DH): Divine Fortitude > Understanding The Weave > Watchful Eye > Work In Harmony > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Open Lord's Decree > Splendors Abound
Support: Arkhan's General > Arkhan's Bodyguard > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Grappler > Tavern Brawler
Don't use her. Just don't.
Slot 11Jamilah
DPS: Close Combat > Weapon Master > Grappler > Tavern Brawler > Calm Under Pressure > Defensive Duelist > Nimble > Actor
DPS: Water Conservationist > Elementalist > Adept > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
Support: Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Grappler > Tavern Brawler > Durable
DPS: Grappler > Tavern Brawler > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Durable
Support: Blinding Reflection > Dim Reflection > Eyes Wide Open > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
Tank: Calm Under Pressure > Bared Teeth > The Long Stare > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Resilient > Tough
Tank: Mathmatics > Explorer > Naive > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Resilient > Tough
Support: Explorer > Naive > Mathmatics > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Resilient > Tough
Slot 12Arkhan
DPS (Tanking): Calm Under Pressure > Defensive Duelist > Hand of Vecna > Grappler > Tavern Brawler > Resilient > Tough > Nimble
DPS (Not Tanking): Hand of Vecna > Grappler > Tavern Brawler > Resilient > Tough > Nimble > Calm Under Pressure > Defensive Duelist
DPS: Keen Mind* > Expert Tracker > Sharpshooter > Elven Accuracy > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
*with Strahd's 'Best and Brightest' Global Blessing and/or the Int-based bonus from a Modron Core
Support: Inspiring Leader > Lucky > Selflessness > Grappler > Tavern Brawler
Support: Demonic Ichor > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Combat Healer > Medic > Keen Mind
Speed: Rushed Plans > Encouraging Ally > Supportive Ally > Melf's Medium Meteors > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness
Support: Tools of the Clan > Orkira's Understanding > Allyndra's Intelligence > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Trust of the Clan
Tank: Divine Vow > Holy Vow > Tyr's Learnings > Tyr's Teaching > Inspiring Leader > Selflessness > Reflective Coating > Shield Training > Eyes of Tiwaz
Changenotes (05/20 - Present)
30.09.21: TWBTW section added, Standard TWBTW formation and results
13.09.21: Turiel Brightswords formation updates, Lazaapz Brightswords formation updates, Corazón Brightswords formation
15.08.21: Prudence Ahghairon's Day formation
14.08.21: Jim Ahghairon's Day formation updates, Omin Ahghairon's Day formation updates
2.08.21: Zariel W:DH formation added
27.07.21: Zariel ToA formation added
27.07.21: Beadle & Grimm Midsummer formation updates, Shandie Midsummer formation updates
25.07.21: Ellywick Midsummer formation added, Ellywick Feat priorities
17.07.21: Standard ToA formation updates, Standard W:DH formation updates, Standard BG:DIA formation updates, Standard ID:RotF formation updates, Standard AGTotSC formation updates
1.07.21: Sgt. Knox Founders Day formation, Freely Founders Day formation updates, Walnut Founders Day formation updates, Sgt. Knox Feat priorities
15.06.21: Nova Dragondown formation updates and results, Selise Dragondown formation and results, Selise Feat priorities
10.06.21: Korth Dragondown formation updates and results
29.05.21: Jaheira The Great Modron March formation updates and results
26.05.21: Mehen The Great Modron March formation and results, Qillek The Great Modron March formation updates and results
9.05.21: 'Priorities' subsection added to every Event
8.05.21: Spurt Greengrass formation updates and results
2.05.21: Orkira Greengrass formation and results, Orkira Feat priorities
1.05.21: Shaka The Running formation and results, Shaka Feat priorities
29.03.21: Alyndra Festival Of Fools formation and results
9.03.21: Orisha Fleetswake formation updates and results
25.02.21: Sisaspia Fleetswake formation updates and results
9.02.21: Paultin Grand Revel formation updates and results, Havilar Grand Revel formation updates and results, Ezmerelda Feat priorities, Talin Feat priorities, Baeloth Feat priorities, Lucius Feat priorities, Penelope Feat priorities
5.02.21: Hew Maan Grand Revel formations and results, Hew Maan Feat priorities
1.02.21: Zorbu Fleetswake formation updates and results
25.01.21: Standard ToA formation updates and results, K'thriss Midwinter formation updates and results, Môrgæn Midwinter formation updates and results
24.01.21: Talin Midwinter formation and results
9.01.21: Sentry Feast of the Moon formation updates and results
4.01.21: Nerys Wintershield formation updates and results
26.12.20: Artemis Wintershield formation updates and results
24.12.20: Baeloth Wintershield formation and results
3.12.20: Lucius Simril formation and results, Krull Simril formation updates and results, Warden Simril formation updates and results
22.11.20: Sentry Feast of the Moon formation updates and results
22.11.20: Vlahnya Feast of the Moon formation updates and results
12.11.20: Penelope Feast of the Moon formation and results
23.10.20: Strahd W:DH freeplay formation and results
22.10.20: Ezmerelda Liars' Night formation and results, Avren Liars' Night formation updates and results, Strahd AGTotSC freeplay formation and results, Strahd ToA freeplay formation and results
16.10.20: Mirt ID:RotF formation and results, Vajra ID:RotF formation and results, Strahd ID:RotF (No Eligibility Feats) formation and results
15.10.20: ID:RotF section added, Standard ID:RotF formation and results
11.10.20: Donaar Liars' Night formation updates and results
25.09.20: Pwent Highharvestide formation updates and results, Appendix: Champion Priorities updated, Torogar Feat priorities
24.09.20: Torogar Highharvestide formation and results, Farideh Highharvestide formation and results
4.09.20: Lazaapz Feat priorities, Turiel Brightswords formation updates and results
3.09.20: Lazaapz Brightswords formation and results
1.09.20: Wulfgar Brightswords formation updates and results, Mirt AGTotSC formation updates and results, Appendix: Champion Priorities updated, Zorbu Feat priorities updated
26.08.20: A Call To Action added
25.08.20: Dhadius Simril formation updates and results, Appendix: Champion Priorities added
24.08.20: Beadle & Grimm Feat priorities, complete Appendix: Feats update pass, remaining Black Viper Red Gem Farm formations removed
20.08.20: Standard AGTotSC formation updates and results, Ulkoria Feat priorities
7.08.20: Jim Ahghairon's Day formation updates and results, Omin Feat priorities
6.08.20: Omin Ahghairon's Day formation and results, updated Introduction
4.08.20: Ishi Ahghairon's Day formation updates and results
23.07.20: Sisaspia Fleetswake formation updates and results
19.07.20: Added banner images of each of the Campaigns and Events
17.07.20: Xander Midsummer formation updates and results
16.07.20: Beadle & Grimm Midsummer formation and results, Shandie Midsummer formation updates and results
14.07.20: Stoki Highharvestide formation updates and results
10.07.20: Strahd BG:DIA freeplay (No Eligibility Feats) formation and results
9.07.20: Strahd AGTotSC freeplay (No Eligibility Feats) formation and results
8.07.20: Added a voting link to the Streaming section
7.07.20: Strahd W:DH freeplay (No Eligibility Feats) formation and results, Hitch Feat priorities updated
3.07.20: Walnut Founders Day formation updates and results
2.07.20: Deekin Founders Day formation updates and results, Deekin Feat priorities updated
29.06.20: Tyril Feat priorities updated, Gromma Feat priorities updated, untested Deekin Founders Day formation, Freely Feat priorities
25.06.20: Freely Founders Day formation and results
8.06.20: Strahd ToA freeplay (No Eligibility Feats) formation and results
7.06.20: Korth Dragondown formation updates and results
4.06.20: Nova Dragondown formation and results, Nova Feat priorities, Binwin Dragondown formation updates and results
27.05.20: Tyril Feat priorities updated
27.05.20: Appendix: Speed Formations additions
14.05.20: Streaming section added, Jaheira The Great Modron March formation and results, Jaheira Feat priorities, Evelyn The Great Modron March formation updates and results, Qillek The Great Modron March formation updates and results, split Changenotes due to character limit
1.05.20: Vajra W:DH freeplay formation updates and results
Changenotes (06/19 - 04/20)
30.04.20: Mirt W:DH freeplay formation updates and results
28.04.20: Standard W:DH freeplay formation updates and results
27.04.20: Vajra ToA freeplay formation updates and results, Appendix: Speed Formations added, Appendix: Gold Formations added
24.04.20: Mirt ToA freeplay formation updates and results
23.04.20: Standard ToA freeplay formation updates and results, Krydle The Running formation and results, Cattie-brie The Running formation updates and results, Spurt The Running formation updates and results, Krydle Feat priorities
22.04.20: Sisaspia Fleetswake formation updates and results
17.04.20: Mirt BG:DIA freeplay formation and results, Standard BG:DIA freeplay formation and results, Vajra BG:DIA freeplay formation and results
7.04.20: Special Thanks section added, Strahd von Zarovich Patron formatting
2.04.20: Appendix: Feats split into Slot 1-6 and Slot 7-12 (Section hit character limit), Sisaspia Fear priorities, Briv Feat priorities, Melf Greengrass formation and results, Melf Feat priorities, Nrakk Greengrass formation and results, Aila Greengrass formation and results
26.03.20: 1.0 update statement added to the Introduction
Version 1.0 including Ultimate Balance Changes & Year One Champion Update - Part 2 released
13.03.20: Rosie Festival of Fools formation and results
12.03.20: Briv and Strix Festival of Fools formations and results
9.03.20: Xander Midsummer formation updates and results
7.03.20: Standard AGTotSC formation updates and results (including a fix for a long-standing transcription error)
26.02.20: Zorbu Fleetswake formation and results
24.02.20: Black Viper Fleetswake formation and results
23.02.20: Sisaspia Fleetswake formation and results
31.01.20: Paultin Grand Revel formation updates and results, Havilar Feat priorities
30.01.20: Havilar and Birdsong Grand Revel formations and results
24.01.20: Vajra AGTotSC freeplay formation and results
23.01.20: Mirt ToA freeplay formation and results
12.01.20: K'thriss Midwinter formation updates and results
10.01.20: Navigation section added, tagged all Campaign and Event freeplays accordingly, Môrgæn Feat priorities, Artemis Feat priorities, Dragonbait Feat priorities, Krull Feat priorities
9.01.20: Mirt W:DH freeplay formation and results, Môrgæn and Regis Midwinter formations and results, K'thriss Midwinter formation updates and results
7.01.20: Mirt AGTotSC freeplay formation updates and results
6.01.20: Standard BG:DIA freeplay formation updates and results
5.01.20: Standard W:DH freeplay formation updates and results
2.01.20: Standard AGTotSC and ToA freeplay formation updates and results
28.12.19: Barrowin and Nerys Wintershield formation updates and results
23.12.19: Artemis Wintershield formation and results
30.11.19: Dhadius and Warden Simril formation updates and results
29.11.19: Krull Simril formation and results
26.11.19: ToA Zorbu DPS formation updates and results
25.11.19: Nerys Wintershield formation updates and results
22.11.19: Added Celeste's Healer of Toril Feat priority
11.11.19: Added Deekin's Minstrel and Shandie's Dodge Feat priorities
7.11.19: Removed the temporary notices in the Introduction, Sentry, Gromma and Vlahnya Feast of the Moon formations and results, Sentry Feat priorities
24.10.19: Standard AGTotSC Zorbu DPS formation updates and results
20.10.19: Avren Liars' Night formation updates and results
19.10.19: Avren Feat priorities, Krond and Donaar Liars' Night formations and results
17.10.19: Update to the temporary note regarding Year 3 Event access, Avren Liars' Night formations
14.10.19: BG:DIA formations and results
13.10.19: Warden Simril formations and results
10.10.19: Added a placeholder section for Baldur's Gate: Descent Into Avernus
7.10.19: Updates to the temporary note regarding Year 3 Event access, Bruenor's Rally Master and Nayeli's Couragous Feats added, Mirt AGTotSC formation correction
27.09.19: Pwent Highharvestide formation updates and results, Pwent Feat priorities
26.09.19: Pwent and Stoki Highharvestide formations and results
24.09.19: Updates to the temporary note regarding proposed Year 3 Event access following the recent Dev Blog
23.09.19: Added a temporary note regarding proposed Year 3 Event access to the Introduction
21.09.19: Nerys Wintershield formations and results
19.09.19: Vajra AGTotSC freeplay formation correction, minor additions to the Introduction
18.09.19: Vajra AGTotSC freeplay formations and results
17.09.19: Cleaned up unintended and antiquated Specialisation choices, corrected some copy/paste errors, Turiel Feat priorities
8.09.19: Turiel Brightswords formation updates and results
5.09.19: ToA formation updates and results, Brightswords formation updates and results
4.09.19: Vajra AGTotSC freeplay formations and results, Vajra W:DH freeplay formations and results
3.09.19: Mirt W:DH freeplay formations and results, W:DH formation updates and results, Appendix: Feats brought up-to-date
2.09.19: Mirt ToA freeplay formations and results
1.09.19: Celeste's Empowered Mantle Feat, added the missing Midwinter Event (oops!), added 'Current to-do list' to the Introduction, K'thriss Midwinter formations and results
30.08.19: Initial Patron formatting, initial Mirt AGTotSC freeplay formations
28.08.19: AGTotSC formation updates and results
25.08.19: Ahghairon's Day formation updates and results
22.08.19: Appendix: Feats completed (for the moment)
18.08.19: Jim Feat priorities
15.08.19: Ahghairon's Day formations and some early results
15.08.19: AGTotSC formation updates and results
10.08.19: Krond Liars' Night formations and results
9.08.19: Appendix: Feats section added, initial formatting and priorities
7.08.19: Barrowin Wintershield formations and results
29.07.19: Midsummer formation updates and more results
25.07.19: Shandie Midsummer formation updates, hasty Xander Midsummer formations and results
24.07.19: Shandie Midsummer formations and results
20.07.19: Dhadius Simril formations and results
19.07.19: W:DH formations updates and results
Year One Champion Update - Part 1 released
19.07.19: ToA formation updates and results
18.07.19: Guide published (mere days hours before needing a complete overhaul)
16.07.19: AGTotSC formation updates and results
15.07.19: Final Founder's Day results
5.07.19: Further Founder's Day formation updates
4.07.19: Early Founder's Day Deekin and Walnut formations and results
3.07.19: W:DH formations, additional ToA formation, more results
1.07.19: Further formatting, began recording personal formation results
30.06.19: Great Modron March formations, The Running formations (all un-updated since the events were live; revisions are required), Paultin Grand Revel formation changes
28.06.19: Further formatting, AGTotSC formations, Paultin Grand Revel formation
27.06.19: Initial formatting, ToA formations, Dragondown formations
More Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms guilds
- All Guilds
- Time gates Champion Choice
- Combination Codes for Chests
- Gaawarr's Guides to Idle Champions
- Optimal Formations (Events & Permanent Campaigns)
- Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms - Gold Farming
- Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms - Initial Guide
- Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms - Golden Item Compilation
- Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms - How to Makos Farm for Fun and Profit
- Idle Champions of the Forgotten Realms - Support Capabilities by Cost