Brief Explanation
On 4/17/2021, us from the unofficial Emily is Away <3 Discord managed to crack the code and discover how to exactly get the good ending! Some people had done it before, but none of them managed to accurately explain or know what they did differently from others, but now we know exactly every variable needed in order to achieve it.
Here's a link to said Discord! We're a comfy place to just chat about Emily or about whatever's on your mind in general, anyone is welcome aboard!
Alright, What Do I Need To Do Then?
Now, here's the tricky part. We kept looking at save files and trying to deduce what exactly caused good endings, but that wasn't it, with some code digging on the Discord we found out the game has a flag for a "firstCharacter", turns out that the second save file you get after beating the game isn't just cosmetic or just another slot, it's a requirement for the good ending.
The general gist is:
Your first ever playthrough is absolutely always doomed to failure.
Whichever girl dumped you in your first playthrough unlocks the opportunity to obtain the "good" ending for the other girl.
Small decisions like musical preference/quiz answers don't affect the your final ending outcome. Only choices in Chapter 4 matter to get the happy ending.
As long as you don't treat Emily/Evelyn in a really bad way, your second playthrough will most likely be the good end. As far as we know, either completely ignoring Jeff/Steve or bringing it up and dropping once she asks you to will work, you'll notice that her attitude towards him will change and be different from the bad ending playthrough. Just don't be an idiot.
What this means is, if you want to have the good ending with Emily, then start a new game with Evelyn, get the bad ending, then start a new game with Emily and play normally for the good ending, and the other way around for Evelyn.
Playing Again Sounds Like A Lot Of Trouble, Is There Something I Can Do To Make It Faster?
Yes, there is. There's two ways to go about it.
Modifying the save file:
1. Pick the girl you would prefer to get the good ending with
2. Play through with her, always trying to take her side
3. Do not talk to Jeff/Steve, and only bring them up fleetingly with Em/Eva
4. Get the not so good ending
5. Go to C:\Users\[YOUR USERNAME HERE]\AppData\LocalLow\KyleSeeley\Facenook - Welcome to Facenook (in case your AppData folder is hidden, press the Windows button + X, click on run and type "appdata" to get to it)
For Mac users it's located at ~/Library/Application Support/com.KyleSeeley.Facenook-WelcometoFacenook/Player.json
For Linux users it's located at ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/978460/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/LocalLow/KyleSeeley/Facenook - Welcome to Facenook
6. Open Player.json
7. On line 1, edit firstCharacter to be the opposite, so if firstCharacter: 0, change to 1 and vice versa. To put it into simpler terms, if you want to play Emily's good ending, set it to 0 and if you want to play Evelyn's good ending, set it to 1 (if 0 doesn't work for Emily, try 2, both work for people)
8. Save the file, reload your save and replay chapter 5, and you should get the good ending
Cheat Engine Speedhack:
1. Select the game's exe on Cheat Engine, tick the box that says "Enable Speedhack", set it to something high like x20, click apply.
2. Keep mashing 1 and Enter to get past dialogue quickly (make sure to enable Text Assist on the game's settings so it types for you, it's the gear icon at the top right), but make sure to pick the girl you wouldn't want to get the good ending with
3. Absolutely no option matters, you just need to finish the game, so mash it to your hearts content. Sometimes the game bugs out and stops progression due to the speedhack, but it every time it bugs out, it conveniently auto saves for you, so you can go back go to the menu and continue the game
4. Once you finish the game (took me 20 minutes with a x20 speedhack), close Cheat Engine and start a new game on save file 2, now play normally with the girl you want to get the good ending with
Your first playthrough always results in failure, no matter what you do. To get the good ending, either play again with the opposite character (it takes one failing for the other to succeed) or just edit your save file so the game thinks you're on your second playthrough.
How To Get All Endings
Emily is Away <3 is separated by 5 endings and 14 sub-endings, the sub-endings are the last squares found in your timeline.
9 subendings are from endings 1 to 3
5 other sub-endings are from endings 4 and 5
On the code, the sub-endings are labeled as such. Thanks to AdamGaffney96 once again for finding this!
TogetherPlayerBroke = 11,
TogetherOtherBroke = 12,
TogetherOnBreak = 13,
UltimatumApologized = 21,
UltimatumDenied = 22,
UltimatumUpset = 23,
BrokenWontTalk = 31,
BrokenDeniedFault = 32,
BrokenAdmitFault = 33,
Broken2WontTalk = 41,
Broken2DeniedFault = 42,
Broken2AdmitFault = 43,
Together2Realistic = 51,
Together2Forever = 52
Basically the game separates the endings because the first three can only be done in the doomed first save file, while the final two can only be done on the second save file. Remember that you don't need to get all sub-endings for the achievement! Just the 5 endings.
Remember that all of these decisions start at Chapter 4! Nothing you do on Chapter 1, 2 and 3 matter, and nothing you do on Chapter 5 matters for what ending you get, only for sub-endings.
Ending #1 (first save file) - Don't talk to Jeff/Steve and don't confront Em/Eva, at chapter 5 she wants to take a break, up for you to decide what to do.
Ending #2 (first save file) - Confront Em/Eva and force her to promise she'll stop talking to Jeff/Steve, at chapter 5 she says you were manipulative and calls you out on your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. She hopes you realize you were acting manipulative because she wants to stay with you, but you need to get better first.
Ending #3 (first save file) - Confront Em/Eva and don't drop the subject NO MATTER WHAT, until the point where you get the option to break up with her yourself. She'll go to prom with Jeff/Steve and in chapter 5 after months of not talking to each other Mat helps you two reconnect and talk to each other so you can at least be friends again.
Ending #4 (second save file) - Confront Em/Eva and don't drop the subject, but instead she'll promptly just dump your ass. She will still get annoyed and eventually stop talking to Jeff/Steve like in the normal good ending route but you'll still be dumped. At chapter 5 Mat will help you two reconnect just like the third ending, with some minor differences.
Ending #5 (second save file) - It's the good ending, basically what's been described on the guide. Don't be a ♥♥♥♥ and don't keep pushing her during the confrontation and as long as you're on the second save file, you're bound to get this ending. You can even not even mention the whole Jeff/Steve issue at all and just trust her and you'll get this ending.
Special Thanks!
Special thanks to everyone on the Discord, everyone who was around throwing ♥♥♥♥ at the wall and hoping it would stick.
Thanks to Xari who made the Discord to begin with and kickstarted this whole thing into motion.
Thanks to Boot for contacting Kyle and getting a lot of insight on what we needed to go in order to go forward in getting the good ending.
Thanks to AdamGaffney96 for cracking the game's code and looking inside and figuring out basically all of it for us.
Thanks to everyone who spent the whole day on the Discord's VC chatting to each other and resetting the game seeing if we could get a good ending.
And most of all, thanks to Kyle Seeley for making the series and not giving up on Emily is Away <3 even despite the long three year dev cycle, you rock, dude!
More Emily is Away <3 guilds
- All Guilds
- How to get the 'All Endings' achievement (and others) without replaying anything
- Matthew Gursky A Summary.
- All 30 YouToob Playlists
- Guide to All Nine Endings For Emily is Away <3 (WIP)
- How to get the [Redacted] achievement
- Guide 10
- How to get an actual good ending with Emily
- Guide 9
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