How to FIX blurry graphics, really disable Anti Aliasing.

How To Disable Anti Aliasing

There is no way to actually turn off Anti Aliasing from the in-game settings, even though it is stated so (Low Anti Aliasing should disable AA but it doesn't).

Here is how to actually do it:

Open up Engine.ini, which is found in C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Local\Biomutant\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor

Add the following:



Save the file.

Enjoy you crispy clear visuals.

In case you notice no changes in visuals make the file "read only".

FYI: Removing AA completely introduces some glittering and weird artifacts on certain surfaces, but for me it is much better than getting headaches and eye strain from constant blur.

To revert the changes simply remove the line and save the file.


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