Introduction And Ship Setup
Setting up your bots correctly is the number 1 priority for starting your crew. Whether you play by yourself or with a friend you are going to need bots in order to be capable of doing anything. Ultimately this guide rests on the practice of utilizing all your bots as turret's and using simple strategies when purchasing and doing combat.
In this guide I used the Roland ship which is the second from the right in selection.
1. Set all of your reactor sliders to abolute maximum (total usage, sci, engineering, etc, ALL MAX) so your core isnt limiting your abilities. If it heats up fast, dump a lot of coolant, who cares.
2. Turn off Lighting, Spotlights, Climate Control , and Atrium Healing. You should get a bonus of +1300MW , because not only is all of that stuff unnecessary and useless, but it will take up your ships power for absolutely no reason.
3. Keep your fuel cells loaded and ALWAYS initiate a warp core charge after every jump, i dont care if youre fighting the mother of all infected +9999999999 hull or whatever, it saves time and you will also have even the slimmest opportunity of escaping instead of coming up with that decision when youre hull is 20% left.
4. Save the game AFTER EVERY, SINGLE, JUMP. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHETHER YOURE GOING TO A SHOP/STORE OR PLANET, because if you lose youre going to regret it and it takes 2 seconds to save. YES, IT CAN BE DONE IN COOP.
5. Take your repair guns, scanners and fire extinguishers away from all your bots and sell them, its an easy 2-3k. When you visit planets, keep the best gun for yourself and your friend and sell everything else, you can rake in a lot of credits this way. I tend to find that the farther out planets torwards the edge have more loot.
6. REPAIR YOUR HULL AFTER EVERY FIGHT. If youre the slightest damaged, you never know when that small drone is going to be a high shielded warship. Be sure to top off on coolant, missiles, and fuel cells (i keep mine at 30) when you make a pit stop. If youre an idiot and run out of fuel cells, send a distress signal for a civilian ship to come trade you.
Setting Up Your 3-4 Bots
If you are playing by yourself, add all four bots to your crew.
If you are playing with a friend, add all bots except for engineer bot to your crew.
When you play by yourself, three of your bots will be controlling the weapons on the ship and the fourth bot will be your scientist which will run programs while you are in combat. In this scenario, you must act as both the pilot and the engineer in combat.
When you play with a friend, three of your bots are controlling the weapons, one of you should be the captain/pilot while the other friend is the engineer AND scientist. This is not only because both of you can make logical decisions better than the AI, but the AI is also technically 100% accurate in game when shooting and should be used to occupy your two turrets and main turret.
How do you do this?
Go into the AI priorities by pressing Tab and then clicking on one of the bot's priorities. Set every single one of their priorities to lowest (0). Then (for the pilot and engineer/science bot) set Man Turret and Weapons Usage as five stars. Do this based on your situation.
For the weapons bot, set Man Station, Weapons Usage and Man Turret as four stars, Missile Usage as five stars.
Nobody ever really cares about the AI boarding your ship, because the game developers AI is so hilariously ♥♥♥♥ that they never even get to you, and get stuck constantly and shoot at the wall. Also ship fires rarely ever happen so you dont need fire patrol.
Now, you should have all three bots in the turret room, if not, then you have their priorities set wrong, EVERYTHING else should be at 0 for the turret bots.
When you are playing by yourself:
For the science bot , set his green priorities to maximum (five stars) as well as man station to five stars. Everything else should be (0).
When you're playing with a friend:
Your buddy will take up the engineer slot most likely, so just set the remaining 3 as I mentioned above.
For now, all of the talent points that you earn/gain for EVERYONE should be torwards their unique skills, do not change your HP, respawn time, or pistol damage, you need to maximize your ship first in order to survive.
Your First 10 Game Hours
Whenever you're in combat, you should stay 4-5km away AT ALL TIMES. I'm not sure what causes this but the AI are pretty good at that distance and you take less damage that way. Find a balance between keeping your reactor cooled and your guns aligned to the ship that youre fighting when youre by yourself. Your science bot typically does a good job at running programs for you, but a friend will know better.
Start looking for small drone's and destroying them one by one to pick up their scrap/gain credits. Do this for the first 2-3 hours until you have enough money to upgrade your hull. Your hull and shields is your number one priority when shopping , and unless you can't buy the best shield/hull in stores, then go for your weapons and processors second. The reactor should , in my opinion, come third because you can always dump high coolant that will last you through combat and keep it from overheating.
Once you have level 2-3ish items on your ship, start wandering out and attacking ships (U.S.S/Unit types) which is going to be your BIGGEST source of income. When you go for the ! ships, thats when youre going to get your massive/maximum main turrets and really strong goods. I wouldn't recommend going for the !'s until you have really good weapons and hull/shields.
When you stop getting damage from ship encounters:
What i mean by this is when your ship is so good that you don't take hull damage anymore from combat (ships, drones, 2 drones, etc) then you should be aiming for the Infected , and getting whatever ! ships you haven't gotten yet. Make sure to run ALL your programs fast, dump high coolant, and keep your distance from the enemy.
You're definitely going to need nukes for the infected. Start grinding on the U.S.S/Unit type ships until you have 40k credits and full bays of cargo to bring to a $ store and sell them all, the large nukes cost roughly 50k.
If you're playing by yourself, launch nukes by loading them next to the pilot seat , and then going to the weapons bay and lifting both latches.
After Youre At 100000000000000 In Game Hours
Buy a ♥♥♥♥ ton of nukes and destroy all the infected and make like 999k credits lel
If You Still Suck/tips Playing With A Friend
Whenever youre playing with a friend, have one of you two go teleport to the other ship and go eject the core and try to shut off everything. This may take multiple times, but if you have high talent points make sure whoever goes over there has max respawn rate and HP. This is a pretty unfair way to play, but it will beat those tough ships and be funny.
DO always have at least 1 jump processor, i made a mistake and sold mine thinking you only need a warp core and we were stuck in space for 10 minutes waiting for it to recharge because it was at minimal rate , to go back to the store.
DO visit the red/far away $ stores, they have the exotic (sometimes levels 5-8) gear and nukes that you need to be elite.
DO set your alert to green before you repair, because you need to shut off your shields and the bots may turn them back on if youre still yellow/red.
DO check up on your coolant every now and them, sometimes after combat you may leave it on high and shart out the rest of it before you go to fight someone difficult.
DONT focus on thrusters in the first half of your evolution. Have a little patience, spend your money on stuff that matters like hull/shield/weapons.
DONT go out into the far away zones until you have decent setup, you'll be rolled over by regular ships. Stick to the drones.
DONT play with people you don't know. It will ruin your experience and taste for the game, its meant to be played with good friends and people you know. You're better off playing by yourself otherwise.
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