This guide will show you how to get all the achievements in Hotline Miami.
Achievement ♥♥♥♥♥
Unlock All Achievements
Combo Beginner
Perform a 4x combo
See Combo King
Combo Intermediate
Perform a 6x combo
See Combo King
Combo Pro
Perform an 8x combo
See Combo King
Combo Master
Perform a 10x combo
See Combo King
Combo King
Perform a 12x combo
The best place I found to get this is Chapter 10, clear the first floor and then go through the door in the bottom right of this area. If you are quick you can take out the three guards next to the stairs, the two in the next room, the three in a row by the windows, the three in the showers and then the guard and the dog in the room to the right of there. Try using a quick weapon like the knife.
Playing Pool
Hit an enemy with a weapon bounced against a wall
You can get this in the Prologue, after clearing the two guys on the first floor pick up the baseball bat and head up some stairs. You'll notice a guard around the corner, aim at the wall opposite him and then press RMB. The bat should bounce off the wall and knock the guard down.
Nigel Lowrie
Use a human shield
To do this you must have a gun equipped and then press SPACEBAR on a downed, but not dead enemy. An easy place to get this is in Chapter 2, after clearing the first floor head up the stairs on the right. Take out the first guard and then in the next room you'll see a man holding a pistol and a guard patrolling round the room. Open the door into the patrolling guard, kill or knock down the guard with the pistol. Pick the pistol up and then press SPACEBAR over the body of the guard you knocked down with the door.
NOTE: You cannot use a human shield when equipped with the Machine Gun or the Shotgun.
Domino Effect
Throw a weapon at an enemy so that his weapon hits another
When you throw a weapon at an enemy they will drop their weapon. If they're close enough to another enemy their weapon will fly and hit them causing them both to fall down. The best way to do this is to wait until two enemies are almost on top of each other and then throw your weapon at the enemies, you'll probably get this more through luck than design.
Die 1000 times
In this game you will die a lot. If you wish to you can die 1000 times during the Prologue, but this will come naturally as you play.
I Got New Friends
Unlock all weapons
By collecting points from completing levels you earn new weapons that will be available to use. If you got A+ in most levels you should get this during your first playthrough, if not you'll get it after a few replayed chapters.
Knife For Pros
Use all melee weapons at least once
Most are commonly found, but some are exclusive to certain levels. Try to get a kill with each and complete the chapter once you've done so, the list of all melee weapons is:
Baseball Bat
Baton - Only found in Chapter 13, you can get them from some of the police officers.
Briefcase - Only available in the Prelude, you'll pick it up as part of the mission.
Broken Pool Cue
Crowbar - Only found in Chapter 5, in the room near the entrance/exit.
Drill - Only available whilst wearing the Carl mask.
Fireaxe - Found in Chapter 6 (see Something Burning), can also be a common drop.
Frying Pan - Can be found in Chapter 5, on the second floor on an oven.
Golf Club
Lead Pipe
Pool Cue
Pot - Can be found in Chapter 2 on the second floor, originally has water in it. You need to use it again after getting rid of the water in it.
Trophy - Only found in the Final Chapter and you will be forced to use it.
Kill 1989 enemies
Simple, as it says just keep killing till this pops! You should get this naturally as you're going for the other achievements.
Let In Some Air
Destroy 200 glass panels
The best place to farm this is Chapter 11, right at the start take out the guard and the ones that rush in. Then smash all the glass around you and let yourself get killed, repeat until the achievement pops!
Dog Lover
Kill 99 dogs
Another simple enough achievement, just kill 99 dogs over the course of your playthroughs. Dogs can be found in Chapters 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 14.
Wearing the Ted mask makes this easier as the dogs won't charge you so you only have to worry about the guards.
60 To Car
Go to the car 60 times
Once you've completed a chapter you're told to "Go To The Car", so to get this achievement you need to complete 60 chapters. You should get this naturally as you go for the other achievements.
These Are My Guns
Complete chapter five barehanded
Choose Chapter 5 and equip the Tony mask which gives you Fists of Fury (1 hit punch kills), then just run around killing. You'll have to lure some guards out as you cannot pick up or throw any weapons, but once you get the hang of it you'll get this fine.
Use all throwing weapons at least once
Hit an enemy with all of these weapons:
Beer Can
Glass Bottle
Ninja Star
Throwing Knife
Zoo Keeper
Collect all the masks
Most masks are given for beating each levels high score, but some are hidden within them. For the masks hidden within the levels it is best to get them after you've cleared the room of enemies. If you collect the mask and then die, you will have to go back and collect the mask again. It does not save automatically after picking one up. Here are the locations of all the masks:
Rasmus - Finish Prelude
Tony - Beat High Score in Chapter 1
Earl - Chapter 2 - On the second floor, there's a living room area with a record player and next to it a pile of clothes. Here will be the mask.
Aubrey - Beat High Score in Chapter 2
Don Juan - Beat High Score in Chapter 3
Graham - Beat High Score in Chapter 4
Jones - Chapter 5 - Clear the rooms until it says Go To The Car. Now instead of entering the car, pick up the crowbar from the room just before the exit and walk around the outside of the area until you see a manhole. Walk near it and you'll open it, down here is the Jones mask lying next to a body.
Dennis - Beat High Score in Chapter 5
George - Beat High Score in Chapter 6
Ted - Beat High Score in Chapter 7
Carl - Chapter 8 - You'll see this mask on the floor as soon as you start the level. It's near the body of the man inside the room directly in front of you with the three armed guards.
Rufus - Beat High Score in Chapter 8
Rami - Beat High Score in Chapter 9
Jake - Chapter 10 - Clear the first floor then go through the door at the top left of the house. There will be two guards circling a body near the top of this area. On the head of the body is the mask.
Willem - Beat High Score in Chapter 10
Peter - Beat High Score in Chapter 11
Richter - Chapter 13 - On the third floor of the police station with all the guards in the centre, there is a room at the top with 1 guard. In there is the mask on a desk.
Zack - Beat High Score in Chapter 13
Oscar - Beat High Score in Chapter 14
Charlie - Chapter 16 - After clearing the restaurant and talking to the man, enter the kitchen and you'll see this mask on the side.
Rick - Beat High Score in Chapter 16
Brandon - Beat High Score in Chapter 17
Phil - Chapter 19 - After going down into the sewer area, you'll see a box of masks near the two people you were talking to. You'll find Phil here.
Nigel - Finish Chapter 19 - Using the computer after solving the puzzle.
Louie - Finish Chapter 19 - Don't use the computer, instead head straight down into the sewer.
Guns For Show
Use all guns at least once
Like the description says, use every gun available to kill at least once. The list of guns are:
Double Barrel
Machine Gun
Silenced Pistol
Silenced Uzi - This can only be used when wearing the Richter mask.
Two Birds With One Stone
Hit two enemies with the same brick in one throw
See Plain Luck
Aced It
Get an A+ on any chapter
See Get A Life
Get A Life
Get A+ on all the chapters
You need to get an A+ score on each chapter that you can get a score in (all except 12, Final, 18, 19). The best tactic for this is to wear the Zack mask (longer combo windows) and chain your kills together. Try to get as many executions (on a downed enemy) as possible within the combo as they give you extra points. You should try and clear each room in one combo, this should give you more than enough points to get an A+.
Here's a series of youtube videos showing how to get A+
Prologue: The Metro
First Chapter: No Talk
Second Chapter: Overdose
Third Chapter: Decadence
Fourth Chapter: Tension
Fifth Chapter: Full House
Sixth Chapter: Clean Hit
Seventh Chapter: Neighbors
Eighth Chapter: Push It
Ninth Chapter: Crackdown
Tenth Chapter: Hot & Heavy
Eleventh Chapter: Deadline
Twelfth Chapter: Trauma
Thirteenth Chapter: Assault
Fourteenth Chapter: Vengeance
Final Chapter: Showdown
Always On Top
Perform every ground kill in the game
You must perform an exection on a downed enemy with each of these weapons:
Baseball Bat
Broken Pool Cue
Frying Pan
Glass Bottle
Golf Club
Lead Pipe
Pool Cue
Pot with water
Sounds Of Animals Fighting
Wear all masks at least once
The quickest and easiest way to get this is to first unlock all the masks, then start a level and choose a mask. Press ESC, choose restart and then pick another mask. Do this until you've gone through the whole list and the achievement will pop.
Clear Chapter 2 using Nigel the Bat
Make sure you choose to wear the Nigel mask and complete Chapter 2. This is probably the most annoying achievement as the Nigel mask reverses your controls, take your time and you should get there.
Plain Luck
Hit three or more enemies with the same brick in one throw
You need to hit 3 enemies with 1 throw, and this is much easier than it sounds. The best place to do this is in Chapter 5 and with a brick (you must have unlocked the brick weapon first), start the level and see if a brick has spawned in the area. If it hasn't die and try again until the brick appears, now clear this floor and take the brick with you upstairs. Deal with the first few enemies and then in the room to your right you'll see some guards patrolling, now if you wait you can actually line 3 of them up easily. Now throw your brick and watch as they all fall down.
That's It?
Beat the epilogue
During Chapter 19, do not use the computer. Instead go straight down into the sewer and talk to the people down there.
The End?
Beat the main story
Finish the first 16 chapters and complete the main storyline.
Sewer Alligator
Find Jones the Crocodile
This is found in Chapter 5, once you've cleared out the areas and told to Go To The Car, instead of heading into the car pick up the crowbar in the room just before the exit. Now walk around the house to a manhole and you'll open it. Down here you'll see a badly beaten man and a mask next to him. This is Jones, pick it up for the achievement!
Eye For Details
Collect all the puzzle pieces
In each of the first 16 chapters there is a puzzle piece, they appear on screen as a small glowing purple square. As with the masks, the game doesn't automatically save after you pick up a piece. You need to collect the piece and escape from that area alive for it to register, so if you die you'll have to pick it up again. In most cases you can just clear the room of enemies and get it, but for some (specifically Chapter 9's) you'll need to put a bit of planning into getting the puzzle piece, and getting out unharmed. The achievement will pop once you've collected all pieces and entered the puzzle section of the pause menu. See below for locations:
U - Prelude - Left of the first area near the tracks.
T - Chapter 1 - Near the sink in the kitchen area.
A - Chapter 2 - In the bathroom on the second floor with 2 guys in it.
O - Chapter 3 - To the right of the dining table on the second floor.
A - Chapter 4 - In the room with the man being interrogated that explodes when you enter.
E - Chapter 5 - In the kitchen on the first floor.
I - Chapter 6 - On the balcony that you reach after climbing out the window on the second floor.
N - Chapter 7 - In the room in the top left of the area near the desk.
R - Chapter 8 - By the top right corner of the dancefloor area on the second floor, up the right hand set of stairs.
S - Chapter 9 - By the lifts that the swat team come out of.
I - Chapter 10 - Clear the first floor then go through the door on the right of the area in the middle. In this area, clear out the guards and the purple dot will be in the lower left room next to the pool.
N - Chapter 11 - Clear the first floor then go up the elevator in the bottom right. On this second floor the letter is in the dark room on the bottom left side of the area.
W - Chapter 12 - When you're trying to escape the hospital, make sure to check the toilets below the elevator before getting into it for this letter.
S - Chapter 13 - On the first floor in the toilets to the bottom of the area.
B - Chapter 14 - After the floor with the monster truck in the middle, you'll go up some stairs. On this new floor, right in front of you, will be a toilet. Kill the men inside and take the letter.
H - Chapter 15 - In the room on the left as you first start the level.
The Boss
Solve the Puzzle
Once you have all the puzzle pieces. Put all the puzzle pieces in the right place (you'll know they're in the right place when they glow and you can't move them anymore) to get this achievement. You'll want to do this right at the start of the Chapter 19 as the solution is the password needed to get the True Ending. The solution is:
Cat Fight
Kill the panthers using Brandon the Panther
The panthers are in the Final Chapter along with the boss, make sure you are wearing the Brandon mask when you start this mission and after you kill the two panthers you will get this achievement.
Smell Something Burning
Kill the crapping gangster with a fireaxe
Chapter 6 is where you can get this achievement. Clear the bottom floor and take the lift up. After you've climbed out the window and round the side, dealing with all the gun wielding enemies, you should only be left with one man sat on the toilet. Head out into the hallway and on the right in between the doors is a red case, run close to it and it should open with an item falling out. This is the fireaxe! Pick it up, then storm the bathroom and kill the gangster where he sits.
This Is It
Beat the epilogue with secret ending
To get the secret ending you'll need to have all the puzzle pieces, and solve the puzzle. Once you've done this, use the computer in the Nineteenth chapter and then head down into the sewer. Speak to and kill the two people down here, then return to your bike to get the achievement.
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