The Bare Bones
Achievement ♥♥♥♥♥
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Combo Beginner
Perform a 4x combo
Combo Intermediate
Perform a 6x combo
Combo Pro
Perform an 8x combo
Combo Master
Perform a 10x combo - See below
Combo King
Perform a 12x combo - Kill or Execute 12 people leaving no more than around 5 seconds in between, easier with frog mask, try on Assault.
Playing Pool
Hit an enemy with a weapon bounced against a wall - Get lucky
Nigel Lowrie
Use a human shield - Can be done by pressing space with some weapons on a downed enemy
Domino Effect
Throw a weapon at an enemy so that his weapon hits another - Get lucky
Aced It
Get an A+ on any chapter - Try killing everyone without guns in a combo, use Zack or Don Juan, Carl also works well.
The End?
Beat the main story - Takes about an hour if you're average
Die 1000 times - Should unlock over the course of getting every A+
I Got New Friends
Unlock all weapons - Get high scores and they unlock over the course of the story
Knife for Pros
Use all melee weapons at least once - Some weapons only spawn in certain levels.
Sewer Alligator
Find Jones the Crocodile - Finish chapter 5 normally but leave the crowbar that always spawns by the start. After the level, walk around to the backside of the house with the crowbar before you get in your car. Open the manhole.
Eye For Details
Collect all the puzzle pieces - Small squares glowing purple
Prelude - First floor next to left tracks. "U piece"
No Talk - Second floor, in the kitchen. "T piece"
Overdose - Second floor in the bathroom. "A Piece"
Decadence - Second floor in the dining room. "O Piece"
Tension - Second floor in the bomb room. "A Piece"
Full House - First floor in the kitchen area. "E piece"
Clean Hit - Second floor on the balcony all the way to the left. "I Piece"
Neighbors - Top left corner of the first floor, in the bedroom. "N piece"
Push It - Second floor the disco room top corner. "R Piece"
Crackdown - Top of the second floor next t o the elevator but this chapter has interference from the Police so you need to rush to this piece. "S Piece"
Hot & Heavy - The floor with the right door entrance, bottom left with a pool. "I piece"
Deadline - In the dark room, found on the second floor. "N piece"
Trauma - Before you get into the elevator after sneaking past the cop and doctors enter the bathroom below the elevator. "W piece"
Assault - First floor in the bathroom. "S Piece"
Vengeance - In the bathroom on the third floor. " B piece"
Showdown - Left side of the first floor. "H piece"
The Boss
Kill 1989 enemies - Should unlock over the course of play
Let In Some Air
Destroy 200 glass panels - Hot and Heavy is good for this
Dog Lover
Kill 99 dogs - If you hate dogs, use Tony.
60 To Car
Go to the car 60 times - Play 60 Levels
These Are My Guns
Complete chapter five barehanded - Use Tony for unarmed instakill
Use all throwing weapons at least once - Requires all of them to be unlocked
Zoo Keeper
Collect all the masks - There are secret masks hidden in the levels.
Guns For Show
Use all guns at least once - Requires all of them to be unlocked
Two Birds With One Stone
Hit two enemies with the same weapon in one throw - Use the brick
Cat Fight
Kill the panthers using Brandon the Panther - Special Mask
Smell Something Burning
Kill the crapping gangster with a fireaxe - Chapter 6, kill everyone except the guy on the toilet. Go out into the hallway towards the elevators, and grab the axe off the wall.
Get A Life
Get A+ on all the chapters - Trial and error. Try Carl, Don Juan, or Zack. Bait and switch, doors are your friend. Try luring enemies to you with the guns instead of shooting them directly.
Always On Top
Perform every ground kill in the game. - Requires every melee weapon
Sounds Of Animals Fighting
Wear all masks at least once - Put them on your head
Clear Chapter 2 using Nigel the Bat - Try holding it upside down. If you really can't do it, remap your keys.
Plain Luck
Hit three or more enemies with the same weapon in one throw - To unlock the achievement, you'll need a brick, which can randomly spawn in weapon locations after unlocking it. Chapter 5, "Full House," is ideal. Restart the level until a brick spawns on the first floor, clear the floor, grab the brick, and move to the second floor.
On the second floor, throw the brick in front of you (not behind the spawn room barrier). Punch out the first enemy, toss their weapon into the spawn room, and repeat with others to disarm as many as possible. Lure enemies, disarm them with fists or doors, and toss all weapons into the spawn room. Aim for four disarmed enemies in a line for the achievement.
That's It?
Beat the epilogue - Unlocked by beating the game
This Is It
Beat the epilogue with secret ending - Unlocked by beating the game with the puzzle solved. Extra cutscene with Biker.
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