Half-Life 2's Enemies

Half-Life 2's Enemies


There will be spoilers for Half-Life 2 in this guide.

This guide is a sequel to my first guide, which you can find here.

The order the enemies are shown in this guide will be from first at the top, to last at the bottom.

The pictures of the enemies won't be the first time you see them. It will be where I could get the best view of them, which sometimes is the first time you see them.

If something is never fought then it will not be in this guide. For example, Stalkers are fought in Half-Life 2: Episode 1, but are just there in Half-Life 2.


Branding Image by Shreb.

Screenshots by Shreb.

Information by Shreb with some help from the Wiki for the names of things.

Quality Assurance by Capt. Joel T. Kirk.

Civil Protection

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First encountered in the chapter Point Insertion, first fought in the chapter Route Kanal.

Civil Protection can be found with one of three weapons. The first weapon that you see a Civil Protection unit with is a stun baton, which is a melee weapon that, when hit by, deals 10 damage and also gives you 7 H.E.V. shield power when picked up. The second weapon you can see a Civil Protection unit using is a Pistol that deals 3 damage. The third weapon you can see Civil Protection using is the Sub-Machinegun, or SMG for short. The SMG is a fast-firing weapon that deals 3 damage. So the SMG is basically a faster firing pistol.

After taking enough damage, Civil Protection units will run behind cover. After a while they will come out of the cover and start shooting you again.


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First encountered in the chapter point insertion.

Scanners have no attack but will fly towards you and take a picture of you. If you were looking at the Scanners while the picture is being taken, then you will go temporarily blind with a white cover over your screen. Scanners can still temporarily make you blind if you look at them from under water.

A Scanner:

The blinding effect:

Combine APCs

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First encountered in the chapter Point Insertion.

The Combine Trucks are trucks used by the combine to be like a less mobile version of the Hunter Helicopter. The Combine Trucks have two attacks; the first one is guided rockets which are a long range weapon that will track your position until the very last second. The second attack is a pulse rifle that will be used when you are in reach of them, despite the rockets being more effective. Combine Trucks are also used as a mobile power generator.

Is it just me or do the combine trucks look a lot like Tesla's Cybertruck?


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First encountered in the chapter Route Kanal.

Barnacles are stationary enemies that are stuck to a ceiling with their long tongues sticking out and reaching the floor. If something is unfortunate enough to walk into the tongue, then they will be pulled up to the Barnacle and be attacked with a bite that deals 15 damage.


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First encountered in the chapter Route Kanal.

Manhacks are drones that use their blades as a weapon. They will fly towards you and once they get to you will hit you with a saw that deals 4 damage.

Manhacks are best fought with a melee weapon. We are first shown this when someone picks up a pipe off the floor to defend them self.

Manhacks can be picked up by the Gravity Gun.


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First encountered in the chapter A Red Letter Day, First fought in the chapter Route Kanal.

A Headcrab’s main strategy for battle is to walk to its target, and once the target in in range then leap to the target, dealing 5 damage if it hits the target. But for the most part, still extremely simple and easy to defeat.

Headcrab Zombies

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First encountered in the chapter Route Kanal.

Headcrab Zombies will slowly walk towards you and once they get to you they will hit you with a melee attack that deals 10 damage. Headcrab zombies can also throw objects like barrels at you, dealing damage if it hits you.

Fast Headcrabs

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First encountered in the chapter Water Hazard, first fought in the chapter We Don't Go To Ravenholm.

Fast Headcrabs are, well, fast Headcrabs that run towards you and jump at you with an attack that deals 5 damage per attack if it hits you.

Hunter Helicopters

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First encountered in the chapter Route Kanal.

Hunter Helicopters are a type of vehicle used by the combine to kill Resistance members that have been causing quite a ruckus, such as Gordon Freeman. Hunter Helicopters have two types of attacking, the first type is using a fast-firing machinegun to shoot down members of the Resistance. The gun fires so fast that i cant measure how much damage each individual bullet deals, sorry! The other type of attacking is dropping a bomb that will explode if left for long enough, or will also explode if something touches it.


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First encountered in the chapter Water Hazard.

Dropships are used by the Combine to transport things like reinforcements and supplies to Combine troops, occasionally carrying Striders or Combat Trucks. Dropships sometimes have guns attached to their front that will shoot you if you get too close to them. They are never needed to be fought in combat, but you can shoot them down If you really want to.

A Dropship carrying Combine reinforcements:

Combine Soldiers

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First encountered in the chapter Water Hazard, first fought in the chapter We Don't Go To Ravenholm.

Just to clear up possible confusion, you first see Combine Soldiers in Water Hazard because when you're fighting the Hunter Helicopter, when the Helicopter loses half of it's health, a Combine Soldier falls out of the helicopter, meaning you can walk up to the corpse and see it.

Combine Soldiers are augmented citizens that have been chosen to be sent to Nova Prospekt to be transformed into Combine Soldiers.

Combine Soldiers are different from Metro Cops since they have more armour than the Metro Cops, meaning that they have more health. Combine Soldiers also are equipped with Grenades. Combine Soldiers are issued with either SMGs, Pulse Rifles or Shotguns. A Combine Soldiers with a SMG is pretty much just a Metro Cop but with more health and grenades. Combine Soldiers with Pulse Rifles deal 3 damage per bullet that lands. The Combine Soldiers with a shotgun (Shotgunners) look a bit different to the other two Combine Soldiers, as in they wear red armour instead of blue. Shotgunners have a basic shotgun. It deals more damage the closer you are to the enemy. Shotgunners will relocate their position after 5 shotgun shots. Shotgunners can also fire the shotgun faster than you can. All Combine Soldiers have a melee attack that deals 10 damage per swing.

Since Combine Soldiers are military soldiers that are "trained" instead of people literally recruited off of the streets like the Metro Cops, they would have better battle tactics, and they do. Combine Soldiers will retreat behind cover if you are in an advantageous position, if you take cover then they will suppress you while sending the Shotgunners of their team to go flank you, if you are behind cover they will also throw grenades at you to flush you out, they will try to get the high ground and they will try to hide to ambush you. I've never seen Metro Cops do that in my 70+ hours of playtime.

A standard Combine Soldier:

A Shotgunner:

Poison Headcrabs

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First encountered in the chapter We Don't Go To Ravenholm.

A Poison Headcrab's attack is much like the original Headcrab's, but it is telegraphed and it makes you go down to 1 health when you get hit by it. All damage taken by the Poison Headcrab will regenerate over time, just not the H.E.V. Suit shield damage.

Fast Headcrab Zombies

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First encountered in the chapter We Don't Go To Ravenholm.

Fast Headcrab Zombies are people that have been taken over by Fast Headcrabs. Fast Headcrab Zombies are fast Headcrab Zombies that have two melee attacks. The first one is a two-swing attack that deals 3 damage per swing. The other attack is a leap at you that deals 5 damage.

Poison Headcrab Zombies

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First encountered in the chapter We Don't Go To Ravenholm.

Poison Headcrab Zombies are people that have been taken over by Poison Headcrabs.

Poison Headcrab Zombies will throw Poison Headcrabs at you, essentially spawning more of them. The Poison Headcrabs all over their body serves as a thick armour, meaning that this is the strongest zombie.

Combine Snipers

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First encountered in the chapter We Don't Go To Ravenholm.

Combine Snipers guard the outskirts of the cities, making sure that nothing gets in and nobody gets out.

Combine Snipers have a blue beam coming from where they are, and once the Combine Sniper sees you, they will start shooting at you with projectile bullets that deal 20 damage per shot. Dodging the bullets is tricky but possible. Combine Snipers can only be killed with explosive weapons such as grenades, due to not having a model.

How you see them:

How they see you:


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First encountered in the chapter Highway 17.

Antlions are part of the natural wildlife of Xen. In Half-Life 2 they are responsible for killing off a lot animals native to earth. Antlions have just one attack. The attack is just biting you, which deals 5 damage. Antlions can also jump at you to get closer to you, it's not an attack like the Headcrab's attack.

In the same chapter you first see the Antlions in, Highway 17, you can find things called thumpers littered all around the chapter. Thumpers are things built by the Combine to keep Antlions away from Combine outposts. Thumpers work by hitting the ground, causing a weak quake to kick up. That is enough to keep Antlions away from them though.

Antlions have two different models, the normal one is just green and another one has red stripes on it. There isn't any difference between these two model's stats in gameplay, though.

The normal Antlion:

The Antlion with red stripes:



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First encountered in the chapter Highway 17.

Gunships are one of the many Combine synths used to crush the resistance.

The Gunship only has one attack, to shoot a pulse rifle styled weapon at you. The only weapon you are expected to kill a Gunship with is the rocket launcher, but you can kill it with any explosive weapon.

Gunships will fly in a rough infinity symbol shape while Shooting at you. Gunships can fly in any direction, unlike the Hunter Helicopter, which can only fly in the direction it is facing.

Gunships have an anti-rocket defence system where it can sometimes shoot down rockets before it hits them.


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First encountered in the chapter Highway 17.

Rollermines are one of the more unique enemies in Half-Life 2. They will jump up from the ground and roll towards you, once they get to you they will zap you with an attack that deals 5 damage and sends them flying backwards. If you are in a car they will attach them self to the car, and after 5 second will jolt the car, making the steering stiffer.

You can only damage Rollermines with explosive weapons or throwing them into environmental hazards with the Gravity Gun.

Antlion Guards

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First encountered in the chapter Sandtraps.

Antlion Guards are the guards of the Antlion Colonies.

Antlion Guards have 2 attacks. The first attack is a charge, that when hits you will deal 20 damage, and send you flying backwards. The second attack is a headbutt, which deals 20 damage. Antlion Guards are best fought with explosive weapons, because of their high damage output.

Nova Prospekt Guards

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First encountered in the chapter Sandtraps.

Nova Prospekt Guards have the exact same stats as the normal combine soldiers, but have a slightly different model. The armour is more blue and has a rectangle saying Nova Prospekt on it. The Shotgunners still have the red eyes but the armour is more blue, as well as the rectangle saying Nova Prospekt on the back.

Normal Nova Prospekt Guard:

Nova Prospekt Shotgunner:

The rectangle on their back:

Combine Turrets

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First encountered in the chapter Nova Prospekt.

Combine Turrets are pretty much stationary Pulse Rifle equipped Combine Soldier with infinite health. Combine Turrets can only be killed by tipping them over. While they are not tipped over, they are shooting at you with bullets that deal 3 damage per bullet. Yeah, not much to say. It's a sentry.

Combine Elites

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First encountered in the chapter Entanglement.

Combine Elites are guards normally used to patrol the Citadel, and is also rolled out to places where heavy Combine reinforcements are needed. Combine Elites also serve as Dr. Breen's personal guards.

Combine Elites are very similar to the combine soldier, as in they have the same A.I., but have more health and are always issued Pulse Rifles, instead of sometimes SMGs or Shotguns. Combine Elites can also use the alternate fire for the Pulse Rifle, the energy pellet. The energy pellet is a slow moving ball of energy that is shot at it's target, vaporising them instantly if they do get hit.

Shield Scanners

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First encountered in the chapter Anticitizen One.

Sheild Scanners are one of the Combine's many varieties of Synths that act as drones for the combine that will carry in mines for the combine to use against you. Shield Scanners can also make you temporarily blind, blike the normal scanners. They will drop H.E.V. suit batteries when destroyed. Shield Scanners can be picked up by the Gravity Gun.


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First encountered in the chapter Anticitizen One.

Striders are one of the many Combine Synths that are being sent to places where heavy Combine reinforcements are needed.

Striders have 2 weapons. The first weapon that you will see Striders use is a Pulse Cannon that deals 15 damage per bullet that is used to shoot specific members of the resistance. The second weapon is a Warp Cannon which is used to either kill a whole group of resistance members or to kick up dust, acting as a smoke grenade.

Sorry, I had to use mat_fullbright because there were no places where you could easily see a Strider.

Floor Turrets

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First encountered in the chapter Follow Freeman!.

Floor Turrets are turrets of the Combine that disguise them selves so as to not alert anyone of their presence.

Floor Turrets are activated by stepping through a trip laser and then being in its cone of view that is in front of it. Floor Turrets shoot you with a Pulse Rifle type weapon, dealing 3 damage per bullet. They can only be killed with grenades that are thrown to where they come from.


Yep that's all of them.

I played through all of Half-Life 2 to see what enemies do what and when they appear, so even though I put a lot of effort into this guide, it is probably still terrible. If you think its's terrible then why don't you leave a comment either saying how I can improve it or just how terrible this guide is.

If you hate this guide so much that you want to dislike bomb all of my other guides then go for it, there is nothing stopping you from doing that! If you don't know how to go to another guide, then just click on my profile and then go to the guides section. There, you can dislike all of the 7 other guides I've made! Thanks for reading, have a nice timezone and stay safe.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2529254154					

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