Half-Life 2 - How to Get the Little Rocket Man Achievement

Half-Life 2 - How to Get the Little Rocket Man Achievement

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A guide on shortcuts for the achievment Little Rocket Man. Also includes a much needed section on how to transport the gnome on the mussle car.

So What Actually Is This Achievment

So basically you have to take a garden gnome from the begining of the game and put him in the rocket to stop lamarr from being lonely. However it isent that simple.

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This guide will explain how to get over the hurdles.

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Where Do I Even Find The OG (over-gnome)

So in the first radio area where Alyx informs White Forest she is alive, there is a platform low to the ground. under this platform is the OG.

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The room where you find the OG.

The OG.

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Do I Really Have To Take The OG Through The Victory Mines While Getting The Extract

You don't. You can leave the OG with Alyx and the Vortigaunts.

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You can literally just leave the OG on the ground.

Okay Im Done With The Victory Mines, Do I Need To Take The OG To Get The Muscle Car

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You don't. If you lean him against the door right he falls through(though you have to be quick or else he gets stuck and gets pushed inside).

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A demonstration of the OG being leaned.

How Do I Give The OG A Lit Ride In The Muscle Car

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While there is no "right way" to position the OG, though this is the position I used most of the game. If placed corectely he will literally never fall off.

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However it isent uncomen(excspecially early before you have had practice) for him to imediatelly slide off. This isent really a problem though because this is caused by incorrect placing. I honestelly have no idea why this works, It just does.

I Placed The OG On The Table To Go Disable The Autogun And Now He Is Gone

If you are like me you may have placed the OG on the table like this.

Just to have the OG be gone. This is a painful experiance(not really, disableing the autogun isent that hard). He can disapear if you place the OG in that room. I recomend placing the OG somewhere else in the other rooms.

Example of how to place the OG.

I Put The OG In The Rocket But Dident Get The Achievment

You have to close the door.

Rigth the OG in the rocket. Left the OG with the door closed.

You should get the achievment right after closing the door.

Also am I the only one who would think it would be funny if you put the OG in the rocket Kliener would have said a diferent number for the payload anamally(like 10 pounds instead of 8 and a half).

Source: https://gameplay.tips/guides/1176-half-life-2.html					

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