Decrypting tool


Hi, fellow hackers!

Because it's quite a tedious task involving accurate typing, I have created a PowerShell script to decrypt the non-hexadecimal strings to hex strings.

As far as I know, the non-hex string is always 7x2 chars and the hex string 3x2 chars. However, the length of the non-hex string is irrelevant, because the for-loop cycles through all objects in the array (objects are created by splitting the string where there is a colon ":").

NOTE: I am not a programmer, so the code is probably very ugly to the real coders out there, but I am proud I managed to get it working. :)

How To Use

After you have opened a Windows PowerShell ISE and pasted the script, all you have to do is: Copy (CTRL-C) the non-hex string from HS

Switch to PowerShell

Run the script (hit F5)

Paste (CTRL-V) the string at the prompt and hit Enter

The result of the script is copied directly to your clipboard, so you can switch back to HS and paste it.

The PowerShell Code

## ## Tool to 'decrypt' a non-hex string into a hex string for HS. ## Run this script in PowerShell ISE. ## ## Clear screen after previous run: Clear-Host ## Description Write-Host `n"This is a tool to 'decrypt' a non-hex string into a hex string for HS`n" -ForegroundColor Yellow -BackgroundColor DarkCyan ## Input the NON-hex string at the prompt. Length is not important. Example strings: ## ZZ:73:E7:6Y ## ZZ:73:E7:6Y:CB:X4:X4 ## ZZ:73:E7:6Y:CB:X4:E7:6Y:CB:X4:E7:6Y:CB:X4 $string= Read-Host -Prompt "Enter the NON-hex string" ## Split the string into an array of objects: $arr = $string -split ':' ## Reset $output: $output = '' ## Loop through the objects in $arr, add matching objects to output and add a ':' foreach ($arr_obj in $arr) { if ($arr_obj -match '[A-F0-9][A-F0-9]') { $output = $output+$arr_obj+':' } } ## If output string is not empty, remove the ':' at the end of the output string, copy it to the clipboard and show message. ## If output string is empty, only display custom message. if ($output.Length -ne 0) { ($output = $output.Substring(0,$output.Length-1)) | clip; $output Write-Host `n$output "copied to the clipboard!" -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host `n"NOTHING copied to the clipboard! None of the objects match hex strings." -ForegroundColor RED }


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