Supportive Items (Developers Guide)

Supportive Items (Developers Guide)

Supportive Items

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Flashlight,Powerful Flashlight and Lightning SystemUse it to see everything in the dark locations.

LighterUse it to light candles.

Photo Camera (on tripod and with motion sensor)

This is a supportive item. You can take pictures of the ghost. The number of frames is limited. Shows interference if a ghost is nearby.

Video Camera (on tripod and with motion sensor)This is a supportive item. You can shoot a ghost on video. Also, the video from the video camera is broadcast in the van. Shows interference if a ghost is nearby.

Danger DetectorThis is a supportive item. Put the detector on the floor. Upon contact with the ghost, the device will start beeping loudly. The green light means that the ghost is not planning to attack now. Orange - that the ghost is ready to attack. Red - that it is attacking.

Salt (simple, fire and holy)This is a protective item If you throw fire salt at a ghost at the moment of attack, it scares it away. Does not protect against certain types of ghosts.

Plasma AbsorberThis is a protective item. Put it on the floor. During close contact with a ghost, the plasma absorber will protect you from attack. After using, it is recharged for several seconds. Does not protect against certain types of ghosts.

Holy FireThis is a protective item. If you throw holy fire at a ghost at the moment of attack, it scares him away. Does not protect against certain types of ghosts.

Bombs (silver and gold)This is a protective item. Throw a silver bomb at the ghost at the moment of attack. Does not protect against certain types of ghosts.

Withering LightThis is a protective item. Put it on the floor. When in contact with a ghost, the withering light protects you from attack. After using, it is recharged for several seconds. Does not protect against certain types of ghosts.

Motion SensorThis is a supportive item. Put the motion sensor on the floor. If the ghost is nearby, the motion sensor starts beeping loudly and indicates with a beam which way the ghost is now.

Ritual DaggerThis is a supportive item. Throw the ritual dagger on the floor and the ghost will get angry.

Cursed MirrorThis item can be found at the location. It gives off a cursed glow. If you take the cursed mirror in your hands, it shows the view from the ghost's eyes. If you use it for a few seconds, the ghost will attack you. The cursed mirror can be used several times per session.

Magic PowderThis is an auxiliary item. Throw the powder on the floor and a light spot will appear there. The ghost, passing through the spot, will leave a visible trace behind it. The ghost will also slow down for a while.

Magic BookThis item weakens the ghost. The book goes up when the ghost is nearby. If the ghost stays around, it burns itself and weakens the ghost.

Flask with Vesuvius AshesThis is a protective item. Throw a flask of ashes at the ghost at the moment of attack. Does not protect against certain types of ghosts.

Sanity PillsThese are pills for sanity. They are needed to maintain your mental health and not go mad.

Syringe Of AdrenalineIt's a syringe of adrenaline. You can inject it to yourself to speed up and get rid of the slowdown.


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