Hello, if you're reading this that means this guide isn't finished, but I hope you will find what you're looking for.
Old Achievements
I Wanna Go HomeJust start any map and go open main door then comeback to your truck and wait for like 1 minute and button to leave should be active. The same as you can see on video.
Start the game and take Crucifix in your inventory and just play, I'm preaty sure u don't have to hold it for 5 minutes straight, so just make sure to hold it whenever you're doing nothing.
If you have 3 friends to play with just play with them, if not try joining any lobby with 3 players.
Just play the game and hope to get this ghost. Once you materialize the Child, her unique abilities will be active. She can make clones of herself that will follow the player just don't look at them, and they won't be abble to attack.
Start the game and take care of yourself, like go and drink water or something.
In lobby make sure you don't have any drones equipped then start the game and if you can't see ♥♥♥♥ remember that in settings you can find something called brightness press esc > effects
Play the game. <3
Start the game and press "space" on your keyboard 20 times There is no jumping in this game
Start the game take item called "holy fire" and run for 5 minutes straight while holding it in your hand. Who made this!?
Hope for the Demon. Once you materialize the Demon, his unique abilities will be active. He can spawn burning pentagrams if you step on them, you will take damage he also can move around the location once he gets close to you, he will take out his lightsaber and will attack you dealing you some damage. You should be ok taking 2 hits from it, after that you better use your med kit cause if your hp is 40% or below you will be no longer able to run.
Either farm 10k or go to "Bug Detective" achievement and watch tutorial I left in there.
Start the game on abandoned house, take a catcher and throw it to the river.
New Achievements
Play on map you fell comfortable with on normal difficulty. Items that are used to identify the ghost doesn't count to this achievement same is with med kits, sanity pills etc. the only thing that counts are items you are using to weaken the ghost so just follow your book step by step and you should be fine. If you get caught by a ghost without an item to progress, or you were in the middle of for example closing all doors, remember that you can die one time and then revive yourself by collecting wisps located around the location even if you are playing solo.
Get to level 30 or find someone to play with that has this level or higher and catch them all.
Stand To The End
I did this on a City School map because of long hallways so that I can see a ghost early and react to them in time. Remember to do it on insane difficulty and do not use any adrenaline. First what you're going to do is materialize the ghost so that you know what's protects you or protects and irritates a ghost then you want to grab items best are plasma absorber and withering light just because they can recharge if those can protect you. Remember that on hard and insane mod everything will make him only slower, he will still chasse you.
Basketball Player
In lobby you have option to play basketball what a unique future just get 100 points, and you're good to go. Below you can find some lineup that might help.
Bug Detective
Just follow video below.
Follow video below.
Savior of Christmas
First you have to be at least level 20 or find people with that or higher level. Snowman will start spawning after you manifest a ghost and once you hear bell snowman will spawn for like 30s, he is loud but small, just don't get too close to snowman or else you will take damage.
First Time?funny
You will have to find The Gallows and manifest him once you do this all over the location will start spawning ropes that are hanging from the ceiling all you have to do is walk into one and start moving your mouse from left to right and do this 10 times be aware that if you walk into rope you will drop your items unless you have bracers that prevent you from dropping your items. When I was playing with my friend he walked into a few, then I walked into one, and I got achievement, and he couldn't, so this might be bugged in multiplayer.
Practice Makes Perfect
Just start any map you like with "the pentagram" modifiers, manifest a ghost, and you will see that on your to-do list pentagram is last, once you get there you will have to find 5 items in order to complete ritual (mask, skull, rose, pocket watch, necklace) if you are having trouble finding them you can always buy them in shop for 500$ or buy detector of cursed objects for 250$ to find theme on your own. Once you are able to start ritual you will see in the middle of the pentagram a ritual dagger picture which is needed to start a ritual all you have to do is throw dagger inside pentagram and run outside wait for like 1 minute and repeat 2 more times once you fail 3 times you will have to complete ritual. Ghost will start screaming and in random corners of the pentagram will start showing items that you need to place in there.Remember do not get to close to pentagram or little purple circle that will be spawning and disappearing it sometime can spawn without a warning under your foots so keep a distance but not to far or else you will miss time to place item you can make 3 mistakes and then ghost will escape
Wingardium Leviosa
Once you weaken the ghost you will be able to catch him with catcher just take a catcher and find a ghost once you find him make sure he is going towards you press "G" - drop keybind and let him walk into it.
Sixth Sense
Get to level 30 or play with another player with this level or higher, hope for rank 4 ghost, do not pick up flashlights and don't forget to unequipped your drone and bracers. Good Luck.
Start the game with "sanity" and "crisis" modifiers otherwise you will have to buy like 12 sanity pills, that way it's only 6. Every time you come back to your truck check your sanity you can see it on a monitor if it's less than 100% just take a pill until you use all of them then drop to 0% catch a ghost and done. I was able to do it with demon after I weaken him I just run through him as far as I could and lost 20% sanity every time I did this, that way he couldn't kill me.
New Achievements Continuation
The Perfect Catcher
Start the game with "the Pentagram" and "Collection of Ectoplasm". You have to manifest a ghost on your first try if you were able to do it go and do your to-do list until you get to the pentagram before doing it you have to collect 3 ectoplasms with "ectoplasm collector" otherwise you won't be able to activate the ritual. 2 ectoplasms are spawning randomly around the location and 1 is dropping from ghost after your first weakening step, to find ectoplasm you will have to check your to-do list to see what does ectoplasm react and just walk around the location with this item until you find them all. Sometimes ectoplasm from ghost can spawn randomly (it's bugged) once you find one take ectoplasm collector and collect it but watch out because once you start collecting it ghost will start going towards you, you might have to take plasma absorber or withering light to protect yourself if it can protect you from a ghost you're facing if not take item that protects you from ghost start collecting ectoplasm if he catches you use you item wait for like 2-3s before collecting it againbecause it can get bugged, and you will have to restart your run ps. if you get caught by a ghost you will lose progress of collecting that ectoplasm and if ghost catches you while you are collecting ectoplasm that dropped from him that ectoplasm will teleport away sometimes it can teleport to the wall or to the floor so listen carefully for it. ps. if you have friends once you start collecting ectoplasm they can stand in front of you with an item and get caught by a ghost that way you can collect ectoplasm in peace. DO NOT USE ITEMS THAT ARE IRRITATING A GHOST. On normal mode you can hear ectoplasm without using any items. Once you collect one ectoplasm go back to truck and press "M1" on the machine that holds a catcher, repeat until you get all 3 ectoplasms. Before going and activating ritual, make sure you have all session task done, you will find theme in back of your truck on big screen if you have to do something like "take a photo/video of a ghost" you can do it after ritual, but if you have to do "take a photo/video of a ghost while it's attacking you" (running in your direction) then you have to do it before pentagram ritual once you do all your tasks go and do pentagram ritual more information about it, you will find under "Practice Makes Perfect" achievement.
Rabbit's Foot
I have no idea when or how I get this achievement, so I'm not sure if you can't hold any items, or it's about protection items, so I will give some tips. You can wait by door without any items and just wait for ghost attack which will be indicated by you gasping then wait for him to show up and leave house and do this 3 times but be aware that if your ghost mood is "hunting" he can do fake attacks which start by you gasping, but then he will not show up at all.
Rainy Season
Die from rain by standing in it, which I don't think can spawn in normal mode, so just play on insane and hope for it to start raining.
It's not a hard achievement, even if you never played on maps like "Police Station" or "City School" you might think that those maps are big but are not so be not afraid of looking for ghost, you will find him in no time.
If you did "Stand to the end" achievement and after that you caught a ghost then you should have this achievement but if not I would just recommend playing on normal mode and just be prepared with some protective items for run or die hunt because on normal mode you can make ghost disappear with those items so it shouldn't be any problem.
All at Once
This is a tricky achievement, but to make it easier you can do it on normal mode. So start the game with "Advanced items" and "Collection of ectoplasm" and "Sanity" and "Crisis" and "The pentagram". If you haven't played with advanced items, I would recommend you to play few games with just this one modifier because it changes your particle counter, thermometer, EMF sensor, radio, Ouija board, notebook and voodoo doll to their advanced version which work completely different from their basic versions.
Advanced particle counter - once it starts sparkling you have to change your radiation using LMB and check which one was the highest and that's your answer
Advanced Thermometer - you have to measure ghost temperature. On video below you could see for split second ghost was purple which meant temperature was -5 - +5.
Advanced tablet - you have 3 options if you press LMB chose one, once it starts scraping and there is no any drawing chose different question and reaped until there is. On maps, you can find children's cubes which can give you answer to your notebook/advanced tablet.
Advanced EMF sensor works the same, but it adds some background electromagnetic field to it, I don't know, once I do more research about it, I will give you video and more information.
Advanced radio works the same, but you have to be near ghost or just ask him questions, and you have 4 different radio waves which you might have to switch every few seconds until he answers you on one of them.
Advanced voodoo doll - before you can use it you have to find somewhere around the location picture of it on the wall once you find it, pick up your voodoo doll press the same button as on the picture and drop it and see what is happening with the doll.
Advanced Ouija board - somewhere around the location on the wall you can find the name of a ghost, but you have to use drone with UV or your UV flashlight to see it. It can be anywhere on the wall (behind the shelves, behind the bathtub on the wall) so just look at every inch of the wall, and you should be good to go. if you are looking for it behind shelves, don't forget to crouch and check the lower part of the wall.
Crisis modifier makes that you start without items, and you have to buy it all by yourself, and you can buy items twice less than without it.
Sanity modifier gives you sanity which you lose every time you get attacked by ghost or when you get too close to ghost (you will know when your character will shiver or on your screen you will see sweat). Sanity pills will restore your sanity.
For ectoplasms check "The Perfect Catcher" achievement and for the pentagram check "Practice Makes Perfect" achievement.
This is Not My Swamp
You have to be level 30 or play with other player that has this level or higher. Once you materialize a ghost, his abilities activates, one of his abilities is that he can spawn plague swamps under the player which can deal damage to the player to burn it you have to use holy fire (I will provide video once I get to level 30) and just do it 20 times.
New Achievements Continuation 2.0
You have to be at least level 20 or play with other player that has this level or higher to play against the Clown. Once you materialize a ghost, his abilities activates, one of his abilities is that he can spawn red balloons around the location, they can move and once you get too close to them, they will blow up dealing 10% damage, and they have chance to get on your head, and they will stay on your head for 8 seconds to get rid of them you have to hold holy fire, but you are going to want hold them on your head for 2 minutes which makes it 15 balloons on your head in one session to make it easier you can weaken a ghost to the point where you can catch him, balloons will keep spawning.
You have to be at least level 30 or play with other player that has this level or higher to play against the Mummy. Once you materialize a ghost around, the location will start spawning small scarabs. To do this achievement, you have to step on 30 of them but watch out every time you step on one, on your screen will appear one as well. If you step on certain amount of them they will disappear and Mummy will remove 2 debuffs (for example, if you are on step 4 you will get back to step 2 on your to-do list) as well as he will spawn one giant scarabs somewhere around the location which can kill you.
Ghost Watcher, Ghost Catcher, Ghost Slayer
Every bronze statue you will get if you catch a ghost 25 times, so you have to catch 10 unique ghosts 25 times.
Every silver statue you will get if you catch a ghost 50 times, so you have to catch 5 unique ghosts 50 times.
Every gold statue you will get if you catch a ghost 100 times, so you have to catch 1 unique ghosts 100 times.
Hard Work
You have to do all of your weekly tasks, you have for it 168 hours. You can find them on right from main screen.
Yes Man
You have to be at least level 10 or play with other player that has this level or higher to play against the Kuchisake Onna. Once you materialize a ghost, she may start approaching players, you can run from her or stand and wait for her. Once she gets close to you, she will ask you, "Am I beautiful?" and you won't be able to move. You will get 3 options "Yes" and "No" will make that she will attack you so to do this achievement you need items that protect you from her and if you answer "Let me think" she will start preparing for attack so just run out of house.
The Fastest Speedrun
Play on insane difficulty to do this achievement, you don't have to materialize a ghost you just have to walk in house and hope that in those 2 minutes ghost in his first form will make gasp attack or hope for jump scare and then walk in to that jump scare or like me once he shows up just stand near him, and maybe he will kill you. You can always play with run or die modifier, maybe this will help with it. I did this on hard mode and I got ancient and haunting ghost.
Main Watcher
You have to be at least level 30 or play with other player that has this level or higher to play against the 4 rank ghost. Start game on insane difficulty, to make this easier you can play with "High rank" modifier which makes only appear rank 3 and 4 ghost if you have at least level 30. If you are playing with randoms, try telling them that you are trying to get this achievement or play solo. 1000$ is a lot so it shouldn't be a problem.
Just a Chill Guy
You have to play against The Jiangshi which is a ghost that you can play against with level 0. To get him faster, you can play with "Low rank" modifier. Once you materialize a ghost, his abilities will be active, one of them is the ability to spawn music boxes close to the player. Music boxes will start playing MUSIC , if you move while you can hear music you will get damage but if you are standing still you won't get damage music box plays for like few seconds then goes on cooldown for like 4 seconds. You can get rid of music boxes by pressing action button "E" on them. When I was playing against him, I weekend him to the point where I was able to catch him but before that I waited for music box to spawn then I went to music box and stand still for like 15 minutes because once he walked into the room where I was standing I moved my mouse. He walked through me like 3 times and didn't attack me, so I guess he can't do that like other ghosts and after all that I didn't get achievement so it's either moving mouse counts to it, and after I moved my mouse I was like standing there for 9 minutes, or you have to do it before you are able to catch him, or it's only counting time when music is actually playing. My friend with whom I was playing was AFK entire this game and didn't get this achievement either, so you have to be close to music box. (Once I get him again I will try again, and I will provide video and more information)
You have to be at least level 20 or play with other player that has this level or higher to play against the Wendigo. Once you materialize a ghost, his abilities activates, one of his abilities is that he can lock players in wooden cages. The cage will start narrows and 3 skulls will spawn around the cage, you have to remove all 3 skulls in order to escape from the cage. Do it 10 times without dying. This achievement might be bugged
You have to catch ghost in less than 5 minutes. I would recommend playing on insane just because ghost is more active with his hunts and try to learn how to do chain weakening, this will help a lot. For example, if ghost starts hunting and your step tells you to use an item that irritates ghost and the next one is the other item that irritates him then remember that after you use item that irritates him he will stand for like 3 seconds and after that if you are close he will attack you again so use it to do as many steps in one hunt as possible.
You have to be at least level 10 or play with other player that has this level or higher to play against the Nun. Play on Church with insane mode (it will make that she will do a lot of prayers) and to make it easier to get The Nun, play with "Low rank" modifier. Once you manifest her, she will be able to use her abilities. She can start a prayer which locks you in a part of the room and makes you listen to her speaking in Latin. In order to escape prayer, you have to listen to what she is saying and press word that you can find somewhere on the wall in order she is saying them. Be careful because she can lock you in prayer and start a hunt or gasp attack
New Achievements Continuation 3.0
You have to be at least level 20 or play with other player that has this level or higher to play against the Ghoul. Once you materialize a ghost, his abilities activates, one of his abilities is that somewhere in the room you are in will spawn a crow which will start cawing once it caws 15 times the nearest player will die. To avoid it, you have to find that crow and interact with it by pressing "E" or run outside or run to the other side of the building, which will make him leave. In order to do this achievement, you have to interact with the crow 20 times without dying. Crows spawn often even on normal mode, so you should be able to do it easily on normal mode.
Shadow Fight
I would recommend playing at Abandoned House on insane mode just because it's easier to get shadows to spawn. Shadows can be spawned by every ghost. Once they spawn, there will be 2 shadows walking around the location smaller = better, shadows are loud and all you can see is the shadow representing them, if you get close to them, they will start damaging the player. I would recommend at the start of the game to take med kit and once they spawn run to theme and just run around theme once you are not able to run just use med kit and wait till you can't run again then leave the house take med kit, and probably you will have to wait for another shadows to spawn and repeat.
The Show is Over
You have to be at least level 10 or play with other player that has this level or higher to play against the Puppet. Once you materialize a ghost, his abilities activates, one of his abilities is that he can spawn little puppets that will start running towards the player. In order to do this achievement, you have to use "powerful flashlight" and just aim at them with your flashlight that will stop them and destroy from attacking. Now do this 20 times. (Once I get this ghost, I will provide video)
Boris The Blade
It's a tricky achievement. So as you can see ghosts have their mood and age that you need to figure out to manifest a ghost but something that not everybody know is with their moods and ages comes some abilities.
So ancient ghost has a chance to reflect items that you throw at him to weaken him, yhm.
I would recommend playing on a map that has either long hallways or big rooms with insane mode on, just because from my experience, ghosts on insane difficulty are using their mood/age abilities more often. Do not use "crisis" modifier for this achievement. So how to do this? First manifest any ghost and hope ghost age is ancient to check it all you need is to use Ouija board and if it's moving randomly then you know that this ghost is ancient. This achievement will work with every ghost, but I would hope for ghosts that are not annoying to play against like "The Drowned" I would hope for something like "The Poltergeist", "The Vampire", "The Demon" but you know beggars can't be choosers. So check what's protecting you from ghost if cross or incense or Jesus statue are protecting you take one and the rest take something that protects you, but you can throw it and once you see him running toward you just throw one and hope he will reflect it, this might look like a bug because it's just bounce of off him. And yeah hope he will do it 20 times in 1 game and don't forget that after all that you still have to catch him so better save at lest 2 of every item you will need and good luck.
Torture Master
You have to be at least level 30 or play with other player that has this level or higher to play against Iron Maiden. Once you materialize a ghost, her abilities activates, one of her abilities is that she can spawn around location signs and if you step on them, you will get trapped in Iron Maiden and you will take damage. She can also spawn Iron Maidens which you will need to deactivate by standing in front of them which will damage you and if you don't deactivate Iron Maidens she will stand up from them, and you will lose 2 of your weakens steps in your to-do list. So I'm not sure how does Iron Maiden work exactly and how exactly to do this achievement I would say that you can't stand on the signs that are spawning around the location because if you can't deactivate Iron Maidens then it's quite ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up because all I know that 4 rank ghosts have like 11 weakening steps and if you will lose 2 every idk 1 minute the yeah good luck with that but once I get to level 30 I will update this guide and provide some videos.
To get this achievement you will have to find money which can sometimes spawn sometimes not somewhere on the location and pick it up using interaction button "E"
On screenshot, you can see piles of money. Somewhere on map (on tables, chairs etc.) will spawn one of them and your job is to find it and pick it up. (ps. the screenshot was made on Church and you can not pick it up)
If you are reading this, then I hope you found something that helped you. And if there are any mistakes in my guide, please let me know in the comments.
And don't forget to rate my guide.
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- Supportive Items (Developers Guide)
- Advanced Items (Developers Guide)
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- Ghost Watchers Guide 309
- Ouija-Board-Names and Voodo-Doll-Placements (Advanced-Items)
- +300$