Skills sets for Sniper, Machinegunner and Rocketeer/Boomer

Skills sets for Sniper, Machinegunner and Rocketeer/Boomer

Recommended Skills Sets For Sniper, Machinegunner And Boomer/reocketeer

Skills sets for Sniper, Machinegunner and Rocketeer/Boomer image 1

Generation Zero is built as a multiplayer game from the ground up, although player can also play solo.

In order to complement the offensive and defensive combat capabilities of the whole team it is recommended for each team member maxed out different skills, although some skills will have to be activated by everyone — as they are very important.

For instance, you can have Sniper Skill Set (SSS), Machinegunner Skills Set (MSS), Boomer/Rocketeer Skills Set (BSS) and Max Offense Die to Hea Skills Set (MODH).

SSS is maxed out for sniping long distance and camouflage.

MSS is maxed out for rapid fire close range shooting, defense and running.

BSS is maxed out for recoil less m/49 shooting damage and spread. NOTE: Many Boomers also prefer to fully unlock the EMP Expert skills (taking away 2 points from somewhere else). Bot movements, but not reapers, stop for about 15 seconds after you hit them with EMP Rocket, giving your teammates time to hit critical bot spots.

MODH is maxed our for offense and no defense since it is using in-game death as part of combat strategy. In-game death allows player to respawn at any safeshouse in full health. It is also based on premise that bots can frequently one-shot or two-shot a player to death anyway, why bother.

When complemented with attire schematics that you discover in the world, your unlocked skills set can be further enhanced. Your 10% bullet, explosives and gas resistance could be increased by 5% to 20%, Or your -40% visibility and -40% noise reduction could be increased by 5% to 20%.

Depending on how your team would want to play it, you can have one sniper (positioned the farthest from the battle), two machinegunners (positioned closest) and one boomer (positioned mid-range). The ranges change dynamically based on availability of protective covers or terrain.

We hope, however, that the developers make the allocation and re-allocation of skills more user friendly or allow option to increase skill points to some extent.

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