Interactive Map location of collectibles, including schematics, blueprint, etc

Interactive Map location of collectibles, including schematics, blueprint, etc

Interactive Map Guide Locations Of Collectibles

Interactive Map location of collectibles, including schematics, blueprint, etc image 1
(will Update When The Game Is Updated)(ignore The Middle Set Of Coordinates)
Interactive Map location of collectibles, including schematics, blueprint, etc image 4

Link to map location

This is an interactive map

The map will show you the coordinate locations for most collectibles, including Q1 and 2 attire schematics, machine blueprints, gnome, love letters, etc. The website below is not mine..

This link has the list of coordinates for the following collectibles:Dalahästar, Trädgårdstomtar, Mixtapes, Machine Blueprints, World, Boss Blueprints, Audio Logs. Character Biographies, Vacation Photos, Love Letters, Survivor's Notes, Signs of a Resistance.

User contributed discoveries:by stoofi 10 Nov @ 8:53pm (see posts)

i found a schematic for 5.56 ammo thats not on the map:


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