how to enter the void in fps chess


in order to get to the void you must first chose one of these pieces

1.regular bishop

2.regular king

3.shiny rook, but only if you and your opponent are willing to work together as shiny rooks to get there or you are very patient

4.shiny bishop

queen might be possible but probably not

Getting To The Starting Point

after choosing one of those pieces exit the map through the window and and climb on top of the roof.

from there go to your right when facing directly away from the balcony,after a few seconds you will hit a force field. while facing the same-way as before go forward until the barrier dissapears. look over the edge of the roof. on your left or beneath you you should see a gray box like thing. walk onto that.

all of the pieces instructions start from here.


after getting onto the box like thing each piece has its own strategy, and so there is a different section for each one. this is for both shiny and regular bishop. to get to the void as bishop is simple enough

first turn to your right and walk until you start falling. as soon as that happens use the wing ability and look diagonally downwards until you feel as though you are halfway to the waters surface. immediately look diagonally upward until you begin to slow down an look diagonally downwards again. repeat this until near the edge of the water. if you land on a platform beneath the water launch your self with a bomb and glide a little farther. if you don't hit a platform you have entered the void, mess around to your hearts content.


look out about 95% of the way to the edge of the water and use the slam ability. if it doesn't work look a little less far away and try again. once this does work simply find the edge of the platform you're on and walk of it. you are now in the void

Single Rook

getting a shiny rook to the void on its own is nearly impossible, but if you use the building ability and build forward until three squares have been built, and then build upward until the ability runs out, and wait for the cool down to end and repeat until near the edge of the water. once near the edge of the water drop below the water. if there is a platform there walk off of it. if there inst fall and you've entered the void.

Two Rooks

decide among yourselves who will start the building and then have that player build forwards while you follow along until they hear a crackling sound. once that happens the other player must build forwards with you following behind until they hear the crackling sound. repeat until near the edge of the water and then jump down. if on a platform jump off of it, and if not you are in the void.

Anything Else?

i anybody who reads this finds any other pieces that can get to the void, or information about the void tell me in the comments below.

if this gets to 10 likes i will publish a guide with a much more practical glitch.

credit to @ct-7567 for making a companion guide for this one, and helping with some of these discoveries, couldn't do it without him

Ok, What Now?

once in the void you can fight there, and its kind of like rock paper scissors with the pieces rook counters bishop king counters rook bishop counters king. you could alsoexplore and mess around, or leave it a a strategic moment to surprise the enemy. (if you want an in depth guide on that check out @ct-7567's guide called a guide on how to escape the void in fps chess.)


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