FPS and Audio fix (Nvidia card users)

FPS and Audio fix (Nvidia card users)

The Fix

FPS and Audio fix (Nvidia card users) image 1

FPS and Audio fix (Nvidia card users) image 2
FPS and Audio fix (Nvidia card users) image 3

1.) Open Nvidia Control Panel from your computer

2.) Select the option for "Manage 3D Settings" as seen on the left side.

3.) Select the "Program Settings" tab.

4.) Find the game by clicking the dropdown under "Select Program to Customize" and select Saints Row The Third Remastered.

5.) If the game does not show up there, you can find it by clicking the "Add" button. After clicking Add, wait a few seconds, and it will populate a list of program you have recently launched. So if you have not launched Saints row The Third remastered yet, or in a while, you may want to do so before trying this fix.

6.) Next up, scroll down the feature/setting list and look for the feature "Low Latency Mode". It should be set to "Use global settings (Off)" by default. So we want to change that. Click on "Use global settings (Off)" and it should drop down to off, on or ultra. Choose on or ultra, and click apply.

7.) And lastly, right below Low Latency Mode you will see "Max Frame Rate", which again by default should say "Use global setting (off)". Like the previous step, click on "Use global setting (off)" to bring up the drop down. Set it to "on" and pick a desired target framerate. Click apply.

8.) Launch the game and enjoy!

Keep in mind, mileage may vary. So play around with these and try different framerate targets, or try testing low latency with on versus ultra until you find what works best for you. Make sure to check temps also when doing this as some of these settings can increase resource usage.

Anyway, hopefully this works for you folks. If you know of anything I may have missed, or important information, please let me know so I can update this guide.

Game on!

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2494334622					

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