[Special K] 22 FPS cutscene fix & more than 30 FPS cutscenes

[Special K] 22 FPS cutscene fix & more than 30 FPS cutscenes

Setting Up Special K

Disable The Service
[Special K] 22 FPS cutscene fix & more than 30 FPS cutscenes image 3

Do not use Special K in VAC enabled games/games with Anti-Cheat. The creator of Special K and this guide has no responsibility over your ban. Disable the injector if you're playing such a game. if you're not using it. Closing SKIF is not enough.

But again, why is Special K recommended for this guide? It's mostly because of:

-Easily injecting into any Steam game at the click of a button and booting up the game you want.

-A simple process of clicking a button and choosing the FPS you desire.

-Ability to uncap the framerate of certain moments of the game!

However, a word of warning, there is currently no Mini-Mod developed for Saints Row The Third Remastered. This guide is simply making use of Special K's features.

Downloading Special K

Visit https://discourse.differentk.fyi/ to obtain Special K either through:

-The Download button at the top of the website


-Visit the Discord, which can be accessed at the top of the website, and download the latest version of the injector in #releases

You'll know you have a recent enough or the right version when it SKIF looks just like below, and the version uses "calendar dates" instead.

Click "Start Service" and boot Saints Row The Third Remastered! Either through Steam or SKIF, it makes no difference.

22 FPS Cutscene Bug

[Special K] 22 FPS cutscene fix & more than 30 FPS cutscenes image 20
[Special K] 22 FPS cutscene fix & more than 30 FPS cutscenes image 21
[Special K] 22 FPS cutscene fix & more than 30 FPS cutscenes image 22

According to PCGW:

On some systems, the game may impose bizarre frame rate caps such as 15 or 22 FPS in cutscenes and 50 or 67 FPS in gameplay. This bug appears to happen only on systems running the Windows 10 2004 update or later.

This is the same FPS bug that happens on the video above. Game running with nothing over it, just the game itself.

But you can fix them to run at the original 30 FPS framerate, and fix the game's odd framerate caps! Running just as intended, like below.

How to fix the bug:

Any software that can cap the framerate of the game can do this, but for this example, we'll be using Special K.

After Starting the Special K Service with SKIF, and booting up the game, you'll be greeted with a message on the top indicating Special K has hooked to the game.

PS: In some cases, you don't even need to do the next steps, because the 22 FPS bug might be fixed just by Special K running on top of the game.

Press Ctrl+Shift+Backspace like prompted to bring up the Special K Menu.

After you've accessed it, check Framerate Limit, and make sure it's set to the framerate you want to run the game on.(60 recommended)

Enjoy! The game show now run at it's intended framerate, while gameplay runs at the framerates you wish, without running like a slideshow!

PS: If you have NVIDIA Hardware, open Advanced and enable NVIDIA Reflex. 😉

60 FPS Cutscenes!

[Special K] 22 FPS cutscene fix & more than 30 FPS cutscenes image 37
[Special K] 22 FPS cutscene fix & more than 30 FPS cutscenes image 38

PS: The cutscenes and some effects weren't intended to be run at 60 FPS, and gameplay(non-animated) cutscenes will run at double the speed! You have been warned!

Credits to Adam at the Special K Discord for discovering this!

Experience the cutscenes in silky smooth 60 FPS easily! Thanks to a function in Special K accidentally unlocking the framerates in cutscenes, it is possible to run them at 60 FPS, with only minor glitches, like the fireball in the Introduction, or the subtitles finishing too fast

Disabling subtitles is best recommended to run this until a mod is found/made to fix this.

How to make it happen

Open up Special K like you normally would to limit the framerate like the previous section of the guide, and limit the framerate. Next, click Advanced.

Check Sleepless Render Thread.

Done. Next cutscene you check will likely run at the desired framerate.

(This was only tested at 60 FPS, test at higher framerates on your own risk.)

PS: Enable the NVIDIA Reflex option if you have NVIDIA Hardware. 🤠


Some cutscenes are running at double the speed!Disable Sleepless Render Thread. You were warned. This only happens with non-animated cutscenes.

There are missing effects on the cutscenes/some are fading too fast!Again, they weren't meant to be running at 60 fps. Disable Sleepless Render Thread to play the game at normal framerates.

The game is suddenly running at double speed at all times!The game isn't actually running at double speed, but this is a game bug that predates since the original, where after finishing certain missions, there's a chance your framerate plummets in half(normally to 30.)

The game began to freeze, and produce all kinds of weird screen glitches!Disable Flip Model Presentation. This game does not play well with that feature of Special K for some reason.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2533640317					

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