Forza Horizon 5 Tune Compendium for Online Racing

Forza Horizon 5 Tune Compendium for Online Racing


Hi there! I go by GBR Ozzy in the Horizon space, a former competitive player in Horizon 4 but now only race casually around Horizon 5. That doesn't stop me from compiling a list of tunes i use on the open road (and offroad) though.

This sheet has evolved from one i also made for Horizon 4, so it's had many changes and a facelift or two. Nevertheless this sheet contains at the time of writing over 1,800 tunes ranging from B Class to S2 Class in both Road and Offroad disciplines.

My aim was to cover almost all manufacturers and models in the game with tunes where the average user that can handle a RWD, FWD or AWD build can handle the ones i've included here, though there are powerbuilds and other meme creations mixed in. (however they're not labelled).

I would advise that you make adjustments to the Zoom on the page when you visit, the sheet was crafted on a 1440p monitor mainly so it should be fine to view that at the full 100%, but if its a bit uncomfortable 90% should work just fine, if you're viewing on a 1080p Monitor though i'd recommend a Zoom Level of about 70%, any other higher resolution than 1440p should be fine at 100% or greater

The sheet is updated very frequently, pretty much on a weekly basis as the festival playlist updates to cover the newly released cars with Tunes you're hopefully able to drive straight away if you have experience with all drivetrains

It was very recently updated to Version 3.3 - The main goal here was to include a livery section to showcase both what i use on my cars as well as the Creators that produce fantastic designs.

If you end up getting bored of the sheet or there's something that you can't quite find, there is a dedicated section that has multiple other sheets made by the Horizon Community, most are made by others like me, former or still current members that are involved in a more competitive environment so it should at least suit Online Racing very well.

Next up will be a couple pictures of what to expect from each section of the sheet. The Link will be at the very end. Thanks for reading, i hope you give the sheet a chance and that it proves to be of good use to you! If you have any questions or any sort of feedback. Don't hesitate to post in the comments :) Thanks a lot!


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This'll be your main source of navigation if you dont want to use the Sheet Tabs. Not only that though, it provides general information about the sheet such as:

When the sheet was Originally Created and when Version 3.0 (Major overhaul) was finished

The current version of the sheet

Any upcoming changes to come

When the sheet was last updated

An alternative way to contact me instead of Steam Comments

Navigation Panel for quick access to the desired part of the sheet you wish to view

The Homepage will use the latest Series themed wallpaper that Forza provide and as a result the colour scheme will change and will be partnered with colours closely resembling the wallpaper.


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The Changelog features well, changes that happen on the sheet. It'd be pointless to write down every little change i make as it'd be just as time consuming as making the sheet itself, so only what i think are notable and impactful changes will be mentioned here, which is categorised under their version number.

Tune List

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The most important aspect of the sheet and what is essentially the backbone of it all. This is where you will find information on the tunes I've provided and collected from reputable and well known tuners. The sheet is so long that it needed hyperlinks to direct to the different Classes and Disciplines

The Tune List will have the following information presented to you:

The Logo of the Manufacturer

The Manufacturer and Model of the Car that has a tune

The Tune Name as well as the Tuner who made it

It'll have Power, Weight, Suspension, Tyre Compound and Drivetrain information, much like you'd find in the game to keep it as close and as accurate as possible without having to exhaust yourself looking for it in game

Every tune will have a sharecode at the right most end

An information section at the far right end of the field which includes the previously mentioned Resolution viewing references, Class Navigation as the list is so long that it'd be better off to skip to the class you want yourself as opposed to scrolling or dragging down, and will include New Additions to the sheet which will also be hyperlinked for quick access.

Tune Management

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This is a bit of a misleading title at the moment, as barely any management is taking place.

Essentially what this sheet was about was to keep track of how many tunes i had on cars so that i wouldn't hit the previous 500 Tune Cap.

But now it's turned into something of a Database, keeping track of new additions every series and recording all cars and manufacturers, there are future plans to record the Car IDs and such when looking for thumbnails to put into the next section (Livery Management). But its not something i'm focusing on right now. I'll still keep track of how many tunes i have on the cars i use as well as those that are on the sheet itself, but as of right now it's not my top priority.

But this section provides:

Logo of Manufacturer

The Manufacturer and Model

How many tunes in the sheet each car has (WIP)

How many tunes are applied to the car in game for my own personal tracking (WIP)

Layout accurate Manufacturer Navigation like what you would see in the game only less pretty. With hyperlinks to each one as well as a separate one to return back to the Manufacturer Navigation after you've finished looking.

Constantly updated New Additions section showcasing what new content is being added every Series, this takes place for both Series Addtions as well as Car Packs.

Livery Management

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If you're stuck for ideas on Liveries or just can't find good creators for the cars you want. Try looking here.

It's laid out similar to the Tune Management but bigger and with no Navigation (Yet, i'm trying to figure out a way to make it viable with how much screen space is lost due to the thumbnails)

Some manufacturers wont have anything at all, as this is purely based on what i have applied on my cars at the moment. But it'll include the following:

The Logo of the Manufacturer like Tune Management, as well as the Manufacturer and Model

The name of the Design and the Creator who made it

A preview of what the livery looks like on the car

The sharecode of the creation


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This is something that is heavily put off and is rarely updated because there's other more important things to do, but when that calms down, times will be recorded using the chosen track at the top of the sheet with its set conditions. At the moment nothing happens here but it's all set up and ready to go when i have time to fill them out.

Essentially this is a guide to showcase the more stronger cars around a circuit. The results wont be accurate for every track, but it'll give an idea as to whats strongest in general. There are 2 leaderboards. One for Road and One for Offroad.

On each Leaderboard features:

The Position on the Left most Column

The Car Class of the Car used

The Cars Manufacturer's Country of Origin

The Make and Model used

The Tuner of the Car used

The Time Recorded, as well as Difference from Target (The time above it) and the Difference from the Lead Time

Screenshot/Evidence of the time posted

Community Tune Sheets & Link To My Sheet

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This section has many sheets made by members of the Community. All of which i highly regard as being beneficial to you and contains tunes that i may have not put in my tune list yet, so its always worth checking these if you're still missing something that you haven't seen in mine. Some are more frequently updated than others, but nonetheless the Tunes included should still be great to use Online.

And thus marks the end of this Guide. I'm sorry it's taken a long time but i really wanted to give you an idea as to how much time and effort I've put into making this for the community by making sure you know what exactly each section does and what it includes. If you enjoy my sheet, please send me a message and share it with others who you think could benefit from it.

Nonetheless thank you very much for making it to the end. Here's the link to the Sheet, i hope it helps you!:


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