The Reasoning
Wheel settings are very preferential and what works for me might not work for you so I want to explain the reasoning behind those settings in particular.
Because the Logitech G29 and G920 aren't very powerful wheels, you need to preserve that power to actual feedback, meaning you want the wheel to feel as light as possible on the straights so that when you turn or lose grip etc. the wheel still has a range of feedback available to transmit to you.
If the wheel is very heavy on the straight, you will not feel a thing when you turn or understeer.
But even then there are preferences, if you want the wheel to feel a bit heavier on the straight increase the following in this order:
- Force Feedback Minimum Force: +1 or +2
- Mechanical Trail: Up to 1
last resort:
- Force Feedback Scale: Increments of 1 till you find what u like
it's important to note that any heavier feel you get on the straight will take away another feel, either front wheels grip or understeer.
If you want more vibration on road surfaces or off-road surfaces increase road and off-road feel the wheel will vibrate more and make more noise—personally not a fan.
And let me know what you think and if you have questions shoot.
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