[ENG][RU]How to put Japanese and other license plates\

[ENG][RU]How to put Japanese and other license plates\

How It Looks

[ENG][RU]How to put Japanese and other license plates\ image 1

How To Remove Your License Plate\Как убрать номер

[ENG][RU]How to put Japanese and other license plates\ image 3

Go to garage and go to license plate and then press "Remove plate" and accetp it.

Заходи в гараж и затем в номера и снизу будет кнопка "Убрать номера" и сохрани

How To Put Japanese License Plate\как поставить русские номера

[ENG][RU]How to put Japanese and other license plates\ image 7

[ENG][RU]How to put Japanese and other license plates\ image 8
[ENG][RU]How to put Japanese and other license plates\ image 9
[ENG][RU]How to put Japanese and other license plates\ image 10

Now go to designs and press apply vinyls and decals, go to rear and apply a vinyl shape and then go to curated groups and press backspace and put this like on screenshot and afther that choose license plate that you like

Заходи в дизайны и нажимай на самую большую кнопку, затем выбирай заднюю часть машины и затем нажимай "применить фигуры" (или че там кароче самая первая кнопка), и затем выбирай самую первую вкладку, нажимай поиск, выставляй 3000 слоев и вводи номер(а) и выбирай какие понравились

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2666008398					

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