Fort Condor Battles

Times You Can Fight In Fort Condor

Most of the items are a waste of time to get. and you do not need to get them for some achievement.

Battle #1: Takes place before resting at the house in Junon. You'll win a Magic

Comb. (A weapon for Red XIII)

Battle #2: After resting at the house in Junon and defeating Bottomswell,

before obtaining the Shiva materia. You'll win a Peace Ring.

Battle #3: After getting in the water with Mr. Dolphin, before you use the

Dolphin Whistle. You'll win 3 Ethers. (HUGE thanks to the FF7 message board for

this one! The game also mistranslates them into Tinctures)

Battle #4: After getting the Buggy, before going to Cosmo Canyon.

You'll win a Megalixir.

Battle #5: After choosing your party for the Cave of the Gi, before getting

the Tiny Bronco. It "Says" you win 5 potions, but these are actually 5


Battle #6: After you complete the Cave of the Gi, before talking to Shera

in Rocket Town. It "says" you win five potions once again, but once again

these are 5 Hi-Potions.

Battle #7: After talking to Shera in Rocket Town, before Rufus shows up.

You'll win a Superball (a weapon for Yuffie).

Battle #8: After you can use the Tiny Bronco, before you obtain the Keystone.

You'll win 3 Turbo Ethers.

Battle #9: After going on the date, before going to the Temple of the

Ancients. You'll win 3 Turbo Ethers.

Battle #10: After getting through the Temple of the Ancients, before using

the Lunar Harp. You'll win 5 X-Potions, though the game seems to indicate

you win nothing.

Battle #11: After using the Lunar Harp, before resting in the Forgotten

Capital. You'll win 5 X-Potions, though the game seems to indicate you win


Battle #12: After sleeping in the Forgotten Capital, before the end of

disc one. You'll win 5 X-Potions, though the game seems to indicate

you win nothing.

Battle #13: After disc two starts, before you obtain the Highwind airship.

You'll win 3 Elixirs.

Battle #14: It takes place during the seven days you're captured in Junon.

You cannot go to it. Shinra attacks five times during the seven days

you're asleep.

Battle #15: Same as #14.

Battle #16: Same as #14.

Battle #17: Same as #14.

Battle #18: Same as #14.

Battle #19: After getting the Highwind, before going to Mideel.

You'll win 3 Elixirs.

Battle #20: Shinra attacks while you're visiting Cloud at Mideel.

You cannot go to it. Another wasted opportunity.

Battle #21: After visiting Cloud at Mideel. Take note that this battle is

MANDATORY. Before doing the battle, the man will give you all the money he has.

If you win, go outside to get the Phoenix Materia and talk to the guy at the

table to get the Huge Materia. If you lose to CMD. Grand Horn here, you're

kicked out of Fort Condor FOR GOOD.

Battle Strategy

As everyone who goes through all of the Fort Condor battles knows, there are several types of people and things you can hire to fight for you.

My own personal strategy is to just Hire 20 Fighters all lined up along the very bottle place your can set them.

When the battle starts i slow the battle speed down and set every fighter to swarm the bottom. The reason why i chose fighters and none others is because out of all the others you can choose from the fighter has the highest attack and hp, have 20 of them just totally swarm the bottom will force an auto win by haulting the enemy's attack before to many of the them come out.

Yes i will grant using strat is a bit of a gill consumer, but once you are past the fifth battle you really shouldn't be having money problems.
