Expandable Oil Refinery

Expandable Oil Refinery



Now, I ain't claiming I made this design, I've seen varients of this but I'm new to the game and I really don't have the chance to troll through everything to look for an exact replica so if you have miraculasly made this well before I have, I'm sorry. Send me a message or something and of course a way for me to view the original and I'll remove this.

This blueprint book will contain three blue prints, Small, Medium and Large. Each all easily expandable.

It is currently set for Basic Oil Refinery but I can most likely be modified to accomodate for advanced.

Book Export

Paste Bin[pastebin.com]


Expandable Oil Refinery image 8


Expandable Oil Refinery image 10


Expandable Oil Refinery image 12


Expandable Oil Refinery image 14

A diagram of the flow of liquids. Each section follows the same flow, the lines are seperated to make it more clear.

Black - Crude Oil

Purple - Petrolium

Yellow - Light Oil

Orange - Hard Oil

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1171748613					

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