LTN guide

LTN guide

What Is The LTN?

LTN - Logistics Train Network is the mod by Optera that allows to request and provide supplies by trains without using any premade schedules.

There are three types of stations, each of which I'll describe in this guide.

These stations play the same roles as "provider chest, " "requester chest" and "roboport" in vanilla factorio. So, let's begin.


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In this section, I'll show how to set up a depot station (which is kind of equivalent to a roboport). Its role is to store trains until they're needed.

How to make a depot station:

1) Put a Logistic Train Stop(as a common one) and connect to it an LTN combinator to the light using one of the wires.

2) Go to the LTN combinator and set the following settings:

Set it to be a depot

Set train limit to 1

Set the appropriate train length

You can do the same with a constant combinator, but the LTN one is more convenient.

3) Now, rename your station to "depot", put a train(fuel it), schedule this train stop for it and set its mode to automatic

As soon as the train arrives, the light will become blue

4) Sometimes LTN doesn't work properly and the train arrives at the depot with some cargo left. Then LTN doesn't stop it from going to the next route and it can cause mixing of materials in your factory. There are some ways to prevent such situations. The first of them is to set up control at depots that won't allow trains with cargo to go. So, let's make it.

Put a decider combinator next to the station and connect it to the station(not the light) by two different wires for each side.

Then, make the decider combinator check whether there is something in the train and give 1 "C"(cargo) to output if something is in the train.

After it, set these preferences to the station

If you want you can make an alert for when something is inside the train (LTN has one itself), but the station is already fully operational.


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Let's make a requester station. I'll make an example of a station that requests iron ore.

Before making a station let's create a preset that we'll use during the process.

12k is a little bit less than (48*6-40)*50, where 50 is a stack size and 48*6-40 is the number of stacks that the block can store - stacks in a wagon. If the amount of ore at the block < 12k, then it can take one more wagon of ore.

Then, put as many of them as you need and connect one more decider to all of the outputs.

Set these preferences to the combinator, it will return "1 iron ore" when at least one of the blocks can't take more materials. Which means that the request is satisfied.

Connect this decider's output to the combinator and to the light at the station. Then, input these preferences into the LTN combinator

Where we put -1 to the item we want to request and 40*number of wagons we request to request stack. Now just make some +- balanced unloading and the station will work properly.


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The last station we need is a provider. It's the easiest of them now.

First of all, we need a loader station with all of the chests connected to the combinator and to the light. Make sure you have balancer input to these chests.

Make sure to set up the combinator properly

Quick reminder: 80 = 40*number of vagons

Note: you can make the same system as for a requester station, but it's unnecessary, here you just have to balance the input.


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