Builds Blueprint Book[]
Coming soon™ remaining science builds
belt based train loading/unloading
kovarex and uranium processing
some circuit designsHow I start a new build make a prototype and find out the optimal machine speed
calculate how many machines are needed to achieve the desired output
calculate the speed again using the rounded number of machines
calculate the input I mostly focus on making my builds as efficient as possible but also compact and good looking.
I don't like using robots instead of belts
using long handed inserters
inserting directly into underground belts
belt weaving/braidingExplanation:
I like the extra layer of complexity using belts and no long hand inserters(these are most of the time too slow for beaconed builds). Belt weaving/braiding doesn't make sense and it shouldn't work but I don't mind other people using it. You can achieve full belt compression by inserting into underground belts but it looks wired, I just use sideloading instead (where it's possible).
Utility mods I use in my test world Helmod[]
Factorio NEI[] I've been also working on Factorio Blueprint Editor[]
Iron/Copper Plate Build
Input Type Units/s Output Type Units/s Ores 37.5 Plates 45
Iron/Copper Plate Build - Big
5 belts of ores in 6 belts of plates out.
It's in essence six "Iron/Copper Plate Build" builds with a built in belt balancer.
Input Type Units/s Output Type Units/s Ores 225 Plates 270
Steel Plate Build
Input Type Units/s Output Type Units/s Iron Plates 187.5 Steel Plates 45
Electronic Circuit Build
Input Type Units/s Output Type Units/s Iron Plates 64.29 Electronic Circuits 90 Copper Plates 68.88
Advanced Circuit Build
Input Type Units/s Output Type Units/s Copper Plates 45.91 Advanced Circuits 45 Electronic Circuits 64.29 Plastic Bars 64.29
Processing Unit Build
Input Type Units/s Output Type Units/s Electronic Circuits 321.43 Processing Units 22.5 Advanced Circuits 32.14 Sulfuric Acid 80.36
Level 3 Module Builds
Input Type Units/s Output Type Units/s Electronic Circuits 29.17 Modules 3 0.3 Advanced Circuits 37.92 Processing Units 8.75
BlueprintBook (Speed, Productivity, Efficiency)[]
Oil Processing Build
This build produces the 3 oil products based on demand.
Activate the constant combinator to start making rocket fuel or connect a load to any of the 3 outputs.
Input Type Max Units/s Output Type Max Units/s Water 1477.77 Petroleum Gas 1343.97 Crude Oil 898 Light Oil 809.88 Heavy Oil 291.85 Solid Fuel 87.36 Rocket Fuel 10.5
Petroleum Gas Build
Input Type Units/s Output Type Units/s Water 1477.77 Petroleum Gas 1343.97 Crude Oil 898
Plastic Bar Build
Input Type Units/s Output Type Units/s Coal 17.31 Plastic Bars 45 Petroleum Gas 346.16
Sulfuric Acid Build
Input Type Units/s Output Type Units/s Iron Plates 7.1 Sulfuric Acid 461.37 Water 1119.5 Petroleum Gas 409.5
Nuclear Powerplant
Layout the pumps blueprint first then the others.
Input Type Max Units/s Output Type Max Units/s Uranium Fuel Cells 0.15 Power Water 48000
Automation Science Pack Build
Input Type Units/s Output Type Units/s Iron Plates 45.92 Automation Science Packs 45 Copper Plates 32.14
Logistic Science Pack Pack Build
Input Type Units/s Output Type Units/s Iron Plates 117.09 Logistic Science Packs 45 Electronic Circuits 32.14
Chemical Science Pack Build
Input Type Units/s Output Type Units/s Iron Plates 78.72 Chemical Science Packs 45 Advanced Circuits 48.22 Steel Plates 23 Water 185.44 Petroleum Gas 185.44
Space Science Pack Build
Launches rockets in order.
The lamp indicates which silo is currently being loaded.
Input Type Units/s Output Type Units/s Low Density Structures 32.14 Space Science Packs 45 Rocket Fuel 32.14 Rocket Control Units 32.14 Satellites 0.045
Lab Build
Input Type Units/s Output Type Units/s Automation Science Packs 45 Research Units 54 (@60s/Unit) Logistic Science Packs 45 Chemical Science Packs 45 Military Science Packs 45 Production Science Packs 45 Utility Science Packs 45 Space Science Packs 45
Closing Words
I will update this guide when I come up with new builds so stay tuned.
If you have any questions or suggestions feel free to leave a comment.
All the builds were tested on Factorio v1.
Hope you liked the builds :)
⠀- Added Chemical Science Pack Build
⠀- Updated Nuclear Powerplant
⠀- Updated Automation Science Pack Build for Factorio v1
⠀- Updated Logistic Science Pack Build for Factorio v1
⠀- Removed Battery Build
⠀- Removed Engine Unit Build
⠀- Removed Electric Engine Unit Build
⠀- Removed Flying Robot Frame Build
⠀- Updated Space Science Pack Build for Factorio v1
⠀- Updated Lab Build for Factorio v1
⠀- Updated Plastic Bar Build for Factorio v1
⠀- Updated Sulfuric Acid Build for Factorio v1
⠀- Updated Oil Processing Build for Factorio v1
⠀- Updated Petroleum Gas Build for Factorio v1
⠀- Updated Iron/Copper Plate Build for Factorio v0.18
⠀- Updated Iron/Copper Plate Build - Big for Factorio v0.18
⠀- Updated Steel Plate Build for Factorio v0.18
⠀- Updated Electronic Circuit Build for Factorio v0.18
⠀- Updated Advanced Circuit Build for Factorio v0.18
⠀- Updated Processing Unit Build for Factorio v0.18
⠀- Added Science Pack 1 Build
⠀- Added Science Pack 2 Build
⠀- Added Lab Build
⠀- Updated Steel Plate Build
⠀- Updated Electronic Circuit Build
⠀- Updated Advanced Circuit Build
⠀- Added Iron/Copper Plate Build - Big
⠀- Updated all build photos
⠀- Updated Iron/Copper Plate Build
⠀- Updated Processing Unit Build
⠀- Updated Battery Build
⠀- Updated Engine Unit Build
⠀- Updated Electric Engine Unit Build
⠀- Updated Flying Robot Frame Build
⠀- Updated Nuclear Powerplant
⠀- Updated Space Science Pack Build
⠀- Added Space Science Build
⠀- Guide Released
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