No Intro (Renaming Video File)
It is not known how to remove the intro by launch parameter. With this workaround you can remove one of the starting videos.
Remove Evolve video (# 2 in the list below)
* Remark: Main Menu video will disappear also, but the game still works.
1. Browse to
2. Rename
for example to
1. Evolve picture (will stay)
2. Evolve Video (removed)
3. Nvidia video (will stay)
4. Crytek, etc logos (will stay)
5. Main Menu (removed/ will be black)
Remove Videos And Save 12,8 GB Ssd Space
To save my expensive SSD space i decided to delete the following videos. The game still works as always, but without the videos of course.
1. Browse to
2. Delete the following files (to restore see #3 below)
Videos_stage1.pak - removes one intro video Videos_stage2.pak - removes the menu videos
Remove tutorial videos for new characters. Do not remove them if you still not explored all the characters. (thanks Shocky)
Delete this files... Videos_stage3-part0.pak Videos_stage3-part1.pak Videos_stage3-part2.pak Videos_stage3-part3.pak Videos_stage3-part4.pak Videos_stage3-part5.pak
3. To restore the files:
Right-click on the game name (Evolve) in the detailed view -> Properties -> Local files -> "Check Integrity of file cache". Done.
Config / CFG Settings
1. Search for the file "system.cfg"
OR create a new file called "autoexec.cfg" (i prefer this)
2. Add the follwing text to the file and start evolve.
-- FPS: select your FPS cap sys_MaxFPS = 145 -- Motion blur: (may not work) r_MotionBlur = 0 -- FOV (seems only to work with autoexec.cfg) (60 default, 90 to see more, just use your own FOV, see screenshots below) cl_fov_merc = 90 cl_fov_monsterThirdPerson = 90 -- Mouse Acceleration Off i_mouse_smooth = 0 i_mouse_accel = 0
FOV 60
FOV 90
FOV 120 (for me not playable)
In this section i would like to post all the commands and the result of the testing:
Not working commands:
r_DrawNearFOV = 60 Hud_hide = 1 g_skipIntro = 1 s_MusicVolume
Untested commands from crysis:
cl_aimassist_user_enabled = 0 r_AntialiasingMode = 3 g_optionsLanguageAudio = default s_DialogVolume = 1 s_SFXVolume = 1 net_voiceVolume = 0.5 cl_fp_camera_useroption = 0 cl_use_console_gamepad = 1 ctrl_invert = 0 cl_context_lmb_abilities = 0 mouse_invert = 0 mouse_sensitivity = 26 sys_spec_objectdetail = 3 sys_spec_particles = 3 steam_push_to_talk_enabled = 1 i_forcefeedback = 1 sys_spec_shading = 3 sys_spec_shadows = 3 cl_localAlwaysSprints = 1 ui_show_subtitles = 0 g_optionsLanguage = default sys_spec_textureresolution = 3 cl_pc_zoom_is_toggle = 1
Mouse Pointer Bug
- While starting or in the game you see the mouse pointer.
- While in archivement screen you dont see the mouse pointer.
Workaround 1:
SHIFT+TAB (multiple times change to steam overlay)
Workaround 2:
Deactivating the steam overlay (thanks dón kíam´)
Fix 21/9 Monitors For Menus
Step 1- Use Notepad to open Settings.xml in
C:\Steam\userdata\user-id\273350\local\USER\Profiles\default Step 2- Change the file to your resolution:
Attr name="settings/screenresheight"; value="1440"/ Attr name="settings/screenreswidth" value="2560"/
Step 3- Use Notepad to open system.cfg in C:\Steam\SteamApps\common\EvolveGame
r_height = 1080 r_width = 2560 (This sets your resolution in the game itself.)
But the Game is not 21/9. Just fullscreen without addid additional view to the sides
Ist only a 16/9 stretched to 21/9.
Thanks to [STG] Razorin Faust.
===== Other Guides ============
Hunter & Monster Mastery Guide & Level Perk Charts
A very good guide can be found here:
Thanks to ȻҐΘ₦ҞԼԼŘ ™ (ϾŇX)
More Evolve Stage 2 guilds
- All Guilds
- Steam + / Steam Badges + profile backgrounds
- Unlock FPS
- How to download Legacy Evolve free and easy!
- Stage 2 - Hunter's & Monster's Rank Badges
- Stage 2 Perks
- The Evolve Bible - Tier lists, character info, advice for new players, perks, builds, and more
- Evolve Stage 2 Guide 7
- Evolve () ( 02.11.2020)
- How to get all the hidden challenges + Silver Keys! (All accolades)
- Elite Buff Locations (Legacy Evolve)