Create Badge - 65 Keys
1 Ranked Placement - 285 Keys
Win Streaks
2 Win Streak - 55 Keys
5 Win Streak - 115 Keys
10 Win Streak - 245 Keys
15 Win Streak - 455 Keys
25 Win Streak - 675 Keys
50 Win Streak - 900 Keys
100 Win Streak - 1,350 Keys
Rounds Played
1 Round Played - 15 Keys
3 Rounds Played - 25 Keys
5 Rounds Played - 55 Keys
10 Rounds Played - 115 Keys
25 Rounds Played - 245 Keys
50 Rounds Played - 455 Keys
100 Rounds Played - 675 Keys
250 Rounds Played - 900 Keys
500 Rounds Played - 1,350 Keys
1,000 Rounds Played- 1,900 Keys
Rounds Played In Ranked
1 Round Played in Ranked - 25 Keys
3 Rounds Played in Ranked - 55 Keys
5 Rounds Played in Ranked - 115 Keys
10 Rounds Played in Ranked - 245 Keys
20 Rounds Played in Ranked - 455 Keys
45 Rounds Played in Ranked - 675 Keys
90 Rounds Played in Ranked - 900 Keys
200 Rounds Played in Ranked - 1,350 Keys
450 Rounds Played in Ranked - 1,900 Keys
900 Rounds Played in Ranked - 2,750 Keys
Rounds Played In Party
1 Round Played with Party - 15 Keys
3 Rounds Played with Party - 25 Keys
5 Rounds Played with Party - 55 Keys
10 Rounds Played with Party - 115 Keys
15 Rounds Played with Party - 245 Keys
25 Rounds Played with Party - 455 Keys
50 Rounds Played with Party - 675 Keys
75 Rounds Played with Party - 950 Keys
100 Rounds Played with Party - 1,375 Keys
150 Rounds Played with Party - 2,050 Keys
250 Rounds Played with Party - 3,475 Keys
Rounds Played As Hunters
1 Round Played as Assault, Medic, Trapper or Support - 25 Keys
5 Rounds Played as Assault, Medic, Trapper or Support - 55 Keys
15 Rounds Played as Assault, Medic, Trapper or Support - 115 Keys
40 Rounds Played as Assault, Medic, Trapper or Support - 245 Keys
75 Rounds Played as Assault, Medic, Trapper or Support - 455 Keys
Rounds Played As Monster
1 Round Played as Monster - 25 Keys
5 Rounds Played as Monster - 55 Keys
15 Rounds Played as Monster - 115 Keys
40 Rounds Played as Monster - 245 Keys
75 Rounds Played as Monster - 455 Keys
Rounds Won As Hunter
1 Round Won as Hunter - 25 Keys
5 Rounds Won as Hunter - 55 Keys
10 Rounds Won as Hunter - 115 Keys
25 Rounds Won as Hunter - 245 Keys
50 Rounds Won as Hunter - 455 Keys
100 Rounds Won as Hunter - 950 Keys
250 Rounds Won as Hunter - 1,650 Keys
Rounds Won As Monster
1 Round Won as Monster - 25 Keys
5 Rounds Won as Monster - 55 Keys
10 Rounds Won as Monster - 115 Keys
25 Rounds Won as Monster - 245 Keys
50 Rounds Won as Monster - 455 Keys
100 Rounds Won as Monster - 950 Keys
250 Rounds Won as Monster - 1,650 Keys
Hunters Revived
1 Hunter Revived - 15 Keys
5 Hunters Revived - 45 Keys
10 Hunters Revived - 95 Keys
25 Hunters Revived - 155 Keys
50 Hunters Revived - 245 Keys
100 Hunters Revived - 515 Keys
250 Hunters Revived - 1,045 Keys
Health Damage To Monster
8,000 Health Damage to Monster - 25 Keys
40,000 Health Damage to Monster - 55 Keys
80,000 Health Damage to Monster - 115 Keys
200,000 Health Damage to Monster - 245 Keys
400,000 Health Damage to Monster - 455 Keys
800,000 Health Damage to Monster - 950 Keys
1,800,000 Health Damage to Monster - 1,650 Keys
Health Damage To Hunters
30,000 Health Damage to Hunters - 25 Keys
150,000 Health Damage to Hunters - 55 Keys
300,000 Health Damage to Hunters - 115 Keys
650,000 Health Damage to Hunters - 245 Keys
1,500,000 Health Damage to Hunters - 455 Keys
3,000,000 Health Damage to Hunters - 950 Keys
7,500,000 Health Damage to Hunters - 1,650 Keys
Hunters Incapped
1 Hunter Incapped - 15 Keys
5 Hunters Incapped - 35 Keys
10 Hunters Incapped - 85 Keys
25 Hunters Incapped - 140 Keys
50 Hunters Incapped - 285 Keys
100 Hunters Incapped - 450 Keys
250 Hunters Incapped - 975 Keys
Dead Hunters Eaten
1 Dead Hunter Eaten - 25 Keys
5 Dead Hunters Eaten - 55 Keys
10 Dead Hunters Eaten - 125 Keys
25 Dead Hunters Eaten - 285 Keys
50 Dead Hunters Eaten - 450 Keys
100 Dead Hunters Eaten - 925 Keys
250 Dead Hunters Eaten - 1,650 Keys
500 Dead Hunters Eaten - 2,450 Keys
Wildlife Killed
5 Wildlife Killed (any) - 15 Keys
15 Wildlife Killed (any) - 35 Keys
40 Wildlife Killed (any) - 75 Keys
75 Wildlife Killed (any) - 115 Keys
100 Wildlife Killed (any) - 160 Keys
250 Wildlife Killed (any) - 285 Keys
500 Wildlife Killed (any) - 450 Keys
1,000 Wildlife Killed (any) - 925 Keys
Thank You!
Thank you for reading this guide. Rate 5 stars if it helped and remember: Ask me everything you wanna know!
Special thanks to mizx, the Web Developer & Telemetry King, for telling us the hidden Challenges. I'll update this guide as much as I can.
11.09.2016 / 09.11.2016 - Added "Various"-Section
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