DescriptionFactionWeaponLikesDislikesRomance PossibilityWhere To Find?How To Recruit?Head Oracle and strongest Berserker mage. She was mother to Jax' son, Dex and a warmhearted and just woman. She always wanted the best for all of humanity.
As a general, however, she found herself caught up in a crusade against her enemies. She changed a lot after the war against the Albs. The nice, friendly young woman turned into a leader and warrior, ready to defend her territory without mercy. She studied dark Elex when she could find the time, searching for a key to end the threat caused by the new plague. Berserkers Fire Magic Good Deeds
Courage Bad Deeds
Inappropriate Jokes Yes Caja is the first companion you’ll meet just at the beginning of the game, and she can be found at the Berserkers’ outpost. Assuming you’ve completed the “Only a dead Morkon quest”, Caja will join your squad. This entails killing a group of Morkons. To recruit Caja, after you finish the Morkon quest, return to the Berserker camp and convince Caja that she no longer needs to worry about Morkon assaults. Follow this up by choosing any of the dialogue choices:
“Wow, so that’s how terrible things have gone between us.”
“I’d like you by my side.”
DescriptionFactionWeaponLikes/DislikesRomance PossibilityWhere To Find?How To Recruit?This combat drone belonged to its master Jax, a loyal servant from his days as an Alb Commander in the Ice Palace. It was programmed to view strange peoples with analysis, skepticism and even hostility on occasion.
A small but effective fighting machine, always ready and willing to kill anyone it viewed as a threat to its master. It was 100% loyal and the most faithful servant a man could wish for.
The perfect data collection machine and spy against Jax' enemies, both in cyberspace and the real world. Jax Laser (Ranged only) When it comes to Crony U4, your actions have no bearing on his allegiance. There are no good or negative effects to Crony’s acceptance of your decisions. No way The drone from the last ELEX game, CRONY U4, can be discovered near the Fort, as shown in the image below. To find CRONY U4, you must go to that area and check for the demolished radio tower. There is a sequence and then a dialogue when you get close enough to the character. If you don’t want to wait for the drone to join you, you don’t need to complete any extra tasks.
DescriptionFactionWeaponLikesDislikesRomance PossibilityWhere To Find?How To Recruit?He was raised as an Outlaw and always believed in their goals. He served for a long time as a Captain under the Duke of Ateris, protecting the Crater from invaders.
He may not have been the brightest candle on the cake, but he was a man of action. He never learned to read or write and preferred to play to his strengths.
He valued true friendship, but most of his old friends never made it past their younger years, and so he turned his attention to fighting for his faction. Survival was what he did best. Outlaws Two Handed Axe (Melee)
Shotgun and Grenades (Ranged) Good Deeds
Greed Bad Deeds
Silly Jokes No way Outlaw headquarters, the Crater, comprises of a few islands, and Baxter’s residence is where you’ll find Bully. Bully will be standing in front of Baxter’s two-story home when you arrive. When you go closer, you’ll see a cut-scene and y ou can expect Baxter to begin a dialogue with you as well. In order to hear more from Bully, simply exit the house after the dialogue has concluded. Baxter’s guard’s behavior should be reported to him when the incident has been resolved. Elex 2’s companion Bully will now accompany you wherever you go, so you’ll be able to play with him in the game.
DescriptionFactionWeaponLikesDislikesRomance PossibilityWhere To Find?How To Recruit?Lowly PeopleHighly capable Alb technician with all the skills and shortcomings of her people.
She worked in the Domed City of Abessa to earn money during the war of the Free People against the Albs. Believing she had lost her beloved home for good, her sense of self-preservation made her a Separatist.
She believed in rational thought and logic as effective weapons and worth preserving but also demonstrated great depth of feeling. Whenever she stopped taking Elex, she would become unpredictable as she suffered through the inner turmoil of her extreme emotions. Still, she was always trying to go without it to test her self control. Albs Sword (Melee)
Alb Blaster (Ranged) Albs
Greed Berserkers
Inappropriate Jokes Yes Nyra can be located in the eastern part of the Depository (Albs’ headquarters). After a short cutscene, there will be some dialogue. In exchange for your assistance in learning the Outlaws’ plans, Nyra will agree to join you as a companion. To unlock or recruit Nyra in ELEX 2 requires you to complete quest in ELEX 2. This mission demands you to retrieve plans from two members of the Outlaws, an Alert Enforcer and Runner. You must, however, take their lives in order to complete the objective.
The Outlaws’ plans can be found in the crate after both targets have been eliminated. Afterwards, Nyra will be able to join you as a companion in ELEX 2.
DescriptionFactionWeaponLikesDislikesRomance PossibilityWhere To Find?How To Recruit?This young Berserker rose to the rank of Warrior much faster than any before him. Nevertheless, he was known among the Berserkers for being unruly: A Fox among wolves.
A strong, clever boy, good at anything he tried, who avoided open confrontation whenever he could. Life with the Berserkers made him hard, but he always strived to stay fair. Whenever possible, he decided on a just solution. The world was evil, but he always believed in a better future.
He always had a flippant remark on the tip of his tongue, even in the most dangerous situations, and had a calm, detached demeanor. His fearless, impish approach to life was the origin of his nickname. Berserkers Axe (Melee)
Bow (Ranged) Good Deeds
Inappropriate Jokes Bad Deeds
Silliness No way Berserker Fox lives near the Fort. Make your way to the location depicted in the image. Then, Fox will start a conversation with you and invite you to join him on a hunting trip. If you wish to have him as a companion, you must accept this. The quest consists of following Fox and slaying any monsters you come across.
DescriptionFactionWeaponLikesDislikesRomance PossibilityWhere To Find?How To Recruit?Destroyer with the Morkon Resistors. A brutal and malicious woman, biological twin of Logan, former Duke of Tavar. Her mood swings were legendary.
Her basic attitude to life never improved, especially once Jax and Caja had a baby together. She felt betrayed and turned her back on Jax.
Nasty returned to the Outlaws after the war against the Albs only to discover that she had been made persona non grata. Even her brother Logan refused to help her return to her old position of power.
So she travelled to Carakis and took over diplomatic negotiations with the leaders of the Free People on behalf of the Morkons, as well as doing other dirty jobs in the Grotto. She specialized in public executions, assassinations, and intrigue. Morkons Two Handed Sword (Melee)
Rifle (Ranged) Bad Deeds
Inappropriate Jokes Good Deeds
Silliness Yes Grotto, Morkons’ headquarters, is where you’ll find Nasty. Head southeast from the Bastion to find this place. You will be given a tour of the area if this is your first time visiting. Keep your distance from the guards and continue on your way. A cart and some wooden structures will appear soon after. Once you get close enough, you’ll see a little introduction to Nasty. You’ll have an opportunity to speak with her during the course of the event. Agree to Help Nasty and she’ll be your companion.
DescriptionFactionWeaponLikesDislikesRomance PossibilityWhere To Find?How To Recruit?Falk came across as nothing more than a nice, polite Cleric. But during the war against the Albs, Jax found out what he really was.
A Cyborg created in Ignadon by a mad scientist; a prototype designed to help the Clerics in the war against the Albs.
His attempts to become human sometimes led him down strange paths. Cleric Great Axe (Melee)
Bow (Ranged) Good Deeds
Bad Deeds
Greed Silliness No way If you’re looking for the Clerics’ headquarters, you’ll find Falk in the ruins near the Castle. There is a massive brick building that you should approach on your way. A short cutscene will play before you may interact with Falk. You’ll be asked to go on a brief stroll with Falk at this point in the conversation. Following Falk around for a while will make him your companion.
Unavailable Companions
Information about at least two other possible companions can be found in the in-game files, which are currently unavailable.
Maybe they will become available later with the release of DLC to the game.
Ekrom is the first Elexetor of the Albs of Ignadon. He roamed the lands of Magalan as a scout, exploring and gathering strategic intelligence on his enemies’ movements to stay one step ahead of them.
After the former Duke of Tavar was dethroned, he fled, embittered, to the ruins on the southern coast of Carakis.
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Thanks for the companion info and location to the Sirus gaming [] and Game maps [] articles
This guide is a part of my ELEX II 100 % achievement guide. Please check it out too!
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