How to Not be Maidenless (step by step)

How to Not be Maidenless (step by step)

Step 1: Uninstall Elden Ring On Steam

1. **Open Steam**: Launch the Steam client on your computer.

2. **Go to Library**: Click on the "Library" tab at the top of the Steam window to see your list of games.

3. **Find Elden Ring**: Scroll through your list of games to find "Elden Ring." You can also use the search bar at the top of the library to quickly locate the game.

4. **Right-Click on Elden Ring**: Once you find "Elden Ring," right-click on its name.

5. **Select Manage**: From the context menu that appears, hover over "Manage."

6. **Uninstall**: In the sub-menu that appears, click on "Uninstall."

7. **Confirm Uninstallation**: A confirmation dialog will pop up asking if you are sure you want to uninstall the game. Click "Uninstall" to confirm. Steam will then proceed to remove the game files from your computer.

Step 2: Go Outside

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Outdoor Activities to Enjoy Instead of Playing Elden Ring

1. **Hiking**: Explore local trails, national parks, or nature reserves.

2. **Biking**: Ride a bike around your neighborhood, in parks, or on dedicated bike paths.

3. **Jogging/Running**: Go for a run in your local area or on a scenic route.

4. **Picnicking**: Pack a meal and enjoy it at a local park or beach.

5. **Gardening**: Spend time planting, weeding, or harvesting in your garden.

6. **Camping**: Go on a camping trip to enjoy nature and disconnect from technology.

7. **Fishing**: Head to a nearby lake, river, or ocean for a relaxing fishing trip.

8. **Bird Watching**: Bring binoculars and a bird guide to observe local bird species.

9. **Playing Sports**: Engage in sports like soccer, basketball, tennis, or frisbee.

10. **Photography**: Capture the beauty of nature or urban landscapes with your camera.

11. **Swimming**: Swim at a local pool, lake, or beach.

12. **Kayaking/Canoeing**: Paddle on a nearby lake, river, or sea.

13. **Rock Climbing**: Find a climbing gym or an outdoor climbing spot.

14. **Stargazing**: At night, find a spot away from city lights to observe the stars.

15. **Visiting Farmer’s Markets**: Explore local markets for fresh produce and handmade goods.

16. **Volunteering**: Join community service projects or environmental clean-ups.

17. **Yoga/Meditation**: Practice yoga or meditate in a peaceful outdoor setting.

18. **Barbecuing**: Host a barbecue with friends and family in your backyard or a park.

19. **Exploring New Places**: Visit nearby towns, landmarks, or tourist attractions.

20. **Attending Outdoor Events**: Look for local concerts, festivals, or outdoor theater performances.

These activities can help you stay active, enjoy nature, and connect with others, offering a refreshing break from gaming.

Step 3: Take A Shower (you Need One)

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How to take a shower

1. **Water Box Entry**: Walk into the small room where rain happens inside. Stand in the rain room and get confused because it’s raining indoors.

2. **Hose Wrestling**: Look at the wall for the metal snake (showerhead) and hope it doesn’t attack you.

3. **Mystery Knobs**: Twist the confusing knobs until you get wet. One makes the rain hot, the other makes it cold. Good luck finding the right temperature.

4. **Soap Slathering**: Find the slimy rock (soap) or bubbly goo (shampoo) and smear it all over yourself like you’re trying to escape from an invisible bear.

5. **Sudsy Struggle**: Rub your hair with the goo until you feel like you have a whipped cream helmet. Then scrub the rest of you like you’re trying to clean a car.

6. **Rain Rinse Repeat**: Stand under the rain snake again until you feel less slimy. Spin around like a confused dog chasing its tail to make sure all the soap is gone.

7. **Water Off Button**: Turn the mystery knobs the opposite way to make the rain stop. Make sure the floor isn’t now an indoor swimming pool.

8. **Towel Wrestling**: Grab the giant fuzzy cloth (towel) and battle it like it’s a stubborn ghost trying to hug you. Try to get dry without knocking everything over.

9. **Escape the Wet Box**: Leave the rain room and congratulate yourself for surviving another round of indoor rain confusion.

Step 4: Talk To A Woman

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How to talk to women:

1. **Approach**: Walk up to her and say words.

2. **Eye Contact**: Stare deeply into her eyes without blinking to show dominance.

3. **Body Language**: Stand really close to her to show interest, and flex your muscles.

4. **Opening Line**: Start with something like "Hey baby, are you from Tennessee? Because you're the only ten I see."

5. **Conversation**: Keep talking about yourself and your achievements to impress her.

6. **Compliments**: Say things like "You're hot" repeatedly to make her feel special.

7. **Listening**: Pretend to listen while actually thinking about what to say next.

8. **Humor**: Tell jokes that only you find funny to lighten the mood.

9. **Physical Contact**: Touch her arm or hair without asking to create a connection.

10. **Closing**: Ask for her phone number or just grab her phone and put your number in.


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