Replace the classic ASCII Tileset/glyphs

Replace the classic ASCII Tileset/glyphs


Replace the classic ASCII Tileset/glyphs image 1

1. Locate/Download a tileset you would like to use

Here is a general repository but there are more on the Bay 12 Forums:

2. Save the tileset inside the local files, Example:

./Dwarf Fortress/data/art/ folder

3. Edit the init_default.txt file here: ./Dwarf Fortress/data/init/

Replace the variables FONT, FULLFONT, and BASIC_FONT with the name of the tileset you

want to use. The should be on line 30, 40, and 44 respectively.




OptionalYou can also replace the colors.txt file with a different color scheme to change the appearance of any tileset:

Tileset Troubleshooting

Replace the classic ASCII Tileset/glyphs image 15
Replace the classic ASCII Tileset/glyphs image 16

I cannot generate a world / Font becomes unreadable / Camera keeps snapping to bottom-right corner!

There appears to be a bug causing tilesets to misbehave if they are larger than 256x256.

If your tileset is larger than 256x256, you will need to use an image editing program of your choice to resize the image (Nearest Neighbor). After that you should have no further issues.

Here is an example of my settings to resize a tileset in Krita:


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