DOOM Eternal - Non Working Dossier (Tab Button) Workarounds

DOOM Eternal - Non Working Dossier (Tab Button) Workarounds

DOOM Eternal - Non Working Dossier (Tab Button) Workarounds image 0

If the Tab button for the Dossier isn't working, there's a couple things to do.

What And How?

In Doom Eternal on PC, there's times the Tab button won't work. Apparently, the game has a problem with Alt + Tab out the window to secondary monitor. Whatever the reason, the Tab button will stop working sometimes.

There's a couple things to try if this happens.

DOOM Eternal - Non Working Dossier (Tab Button) Workarounds image 5

1. Bring Focus Back To The Game

If Tab doesn't work, just hit Left Alt only, and the Tab button will work again.

2. Secondary Command

You can also set a secondary command for the Dossier, which will also make Tab work again after pressing it.

In this case, I mapped it to "\".

Also, I found out that hitting Alt to make Tab work again when I was writing this. Which is easier than bringing up Task Manager or using Alt + Enter twice. I just had the secondary command.


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