No Documents present
Mission 1 - Dishonored
Anonymous message - Unmissable, under the bread in your cell.
Duty Officer's Report - On the table in the Interrogation room.
Audiograph Player - Interrogation of the Royal Protector - Next to the previous document.
The Trials of Aptitude - In the back of the interrogation room on a shelf.
Note from a Friend - Found in the sewers before climbing up the first boxes.
Damien's Journal - In the sewers, next to the hugging corpse couple.
To the Lord Protector - Unmissable, in the sewers.
Jelly's Share - Next to the safe in the sewers.
Dead Hermit's Note - Inside the secret area where you drop down to find guards patrolling. Behind a wooden board you can break with your sword.
The Hound Pits - Grounds & Pub
Mysteries of Pandyssia - Found in a hovel out the front of the pub.
The Fugue Feast - Inside the tower where Emily later resides, on the table. (Also in Overseer Offices)
The Trials of Aptitude - Inside the tower where Emily later resides, next to a bed. (Also in Overseer Offices)
Call of the Spheres, Vol 1 - Inside the tower where Emily later resides, next to a bed.
Harpooner Songs - On one of the bunks in the sleeping area, first floor.
Litany on the White Cliff - On the shelf in the sleeping area, first floor. (Also in Overseer Offices)
A Gaffer's Tale, Vol 2 - Inside the bathroom, first floor. (Also in Havelock's room)
The Young Prince of Tyvia - Inside the bathroom, first floor.
The Shadow on Bitterleaf - Next to the previous book.
Havelock Log Entry One - On Havelock's desk.
Audiograph - Havelock's Log: Entry One - On Havelock's desk.
A Gaffer's Tale, Vol 1 - Next to Havelock's bed. (Also appears in Distillery District)
Admiralty and the Fleet Audiograph - Pendleton's Arrival - Inside Pendleton's room.
The Hound Pits - Workshop
Sokolov Technology and the New Age - Inside the workshop ground floor under a workbench.
A Second Solution - Workshop on a bench.
Piero's Request is Denied - Workshop on a workbench.
Piero's Door to Nowhere - Workshop, second floor.
Failed Experiments - Workshop, second floor.
Dead Counter Responsibilities - Workshop, second floor.
Whale Vivisection - Workshop, second floor.
Whale Oil Processing - Workshop, second floor.
Whale Oil Refilling Station - Workshop, second floor.
Audiograph - Piero Considers Life Energy - Workshop, second floor.
Somewhere Else... (The Void)
Fallen Letter - Next to Jessamine's body.
Emily's Letter - Falling out Emily's hand.
The Hound Pits - Corvo's Room (DLC)
NOTE: These books only show up if you own the relevant DLCs.
Rumors and Sightings: Daud - Corvo's room.
Field Survey Notes: the Royal Spy - Corvo's room.
Early Life and Criminal Record: Slackjaw - Corvo's room.
The Journal of Granny Rags - Corvo's room.
The Hound Pits - After Powers
Audiograph - Lord Pendleton Memoirs: Chapter 27 - In Lord Pendleton's bedroom. Only changes to this one after getting your powers.
Audiograph - Havelock's Log: Entry Two - In Havelock's room. Only changes to this one after getting your powers.
Audiograph - Piero's Speculation on the Spirit - In the workshop. Only changes to this one after getting your powers.
Audiograph - Callista Prepares a Lesson Plan - In the tower. Only changes to this one after getting your powers.
The Exquisite Tallboy - In the pub bar, on a table. Only changes to this one after getting your powers.
Distillery District
Arthur's Note - Found at the start of the level near Samuel on the floor.
Death in the Month of Songs - Found next to the bonecharm along the bridge.
Map - Distillery District - Found on the first street at the bottom of some stairs from the Wall of Light. Note to Sergeant Heyburn - Inside the metal City Watch checkpoint booth near the first Wall of Light.
Lookout's Orders - On the roof top near where Granny Rags is located.
Mother's Journal - Inside an upper room in a building on Bottle Street.
Timeless Children's Rhymes - Next to the previous book on a body.
Bone Charms - Inside the building where you can rescue Griff, upstairs.
The Eradication of Black Sally - On the balcony on the Art Dealer's house opposite Dr Galvani's office.
Confiscated Rune - Next to the rune in the metal checkpoint.
Dr Galvani's Offices
Customs and Food of Morley - Ground floor, in the kitchen areas.
Avoiding the Rat Plague - Ground floor, in bedroom area.
The Third Structure - Ground floor, in the bedroom area. (Also in Overseer offices)
Feeding Log - Ground floor, in the kitchen areas.
Travel to Pandyssia - On the first floor landing.
Dr. Galvani's Journal - Inside the first floor green bedroom.
Cleaning Instructions - Outside the third floor lab.
Galvani Academy Notice - Inside the third floor lab on a bench.
Rat Behavior and Extermination - Inside the third floor lab, on a desk.
Audiograph - Galvani's Speculation - On the desk next to previous book.
The Rat Plague - Inside the third floor lab on a workbench. (Also in the Old Whiskey Distillery)
The Leviathans' Sorrow - In the third floor toilet.
Sewer Capacity in the Month of Nets - Behind the secret bookcase.
Old Dunwall Distillery
The Elixir Black Market - Found in the opening area on a table.
Recipe for Craxton - Note on the side inside the distillery.
The Distillery District - Opposite previous note.
Bootleg Still Instruction - On the still. This is an objective for Granny Rags side quest.
Elixir Accounts - On Slackjaw's desk.
High Overseer's Offices
Map - Holger Square - In the area where you rescue Martin.
Curnow's Visit - Inside the checkpoint room after saving Martin before entering the large courtyard in front of the offices.
Wandering Gaze, Lying Tongue, Restless Hands, Roving Feet, Rampant Hunger, Wanton Flesh, Errant Mind - Inside the opening chamber.
Overseer Memorials - In the rooms to the sides of the opening chamber.
The Seven Strictures - Inside the opening chamber to the side.
Map - High Overseer Office - Up the top of either staircase.
Resist Temptation - Above the fireplace inside the High Overseer's meeting chamber.
The Movement of Corvo Attano - In the library, on a desk in the upper area.
On Branding Heretics - In the library, lower level. (and in Interrogation room).
Disclosure Log #965 - In the library.
Confiscation Log #2749 - In the library.
The Second Stricture - In the library.
Deposition Log #73826 - In the library.
The Great Trials - In the Interrogation room, upper area.
Audiograph - Whaler Assassin Interrogation - In the Interrogation room, upper area.
My Girls - In Campbell's Hidden basement saferoom.
Audiograph - Campbell's Lamentation - In Campbell's Hidden basement saferoom.
The Kennels
Whelping and Training Hounds - In the Kennels near some bunks.
Loot Cache - In the Kennels on the bunks.
The Seventh Stricture - On top of the bunks in the Kennel.
High Overseer Offices - Rear
Abductee Manifest - In a hidden basement room found on the right after entering from the street.
Tales for Children - Same as previous.
The Bone Charm Situation - In a workshop next to one of the bonecharms.
More Tools - In the same workshop.
Exploding Hounds - In the main workshop on a bench.
Replacement Valve - In the main workshop.
The Ancient Music - In the main workshop near the rune.
Music Box - In the main workshop.
Audiograph - Overseer Music Boxes - In the workshop.
The Metaphysika Mysterium - In the workshop on a shelf. Concerning Crossbows - In the workshop firing range.
Be Warned - In the bunkhouse.
We Miss You - In the bunkhouse.
Last Night - In the bunkhouse.
Final Warning - In the bunkhouse.
Apprenticeship notes - In the bunkhouse.
The Sixth Stricture - In the mess hall.
Combination Update - In the mess hall.
Hiding Place - In the room with a bonecharm.
The Outsider - On a shelf in the same room as previous.
Overseer Workshop Note - Outside where the wheel valve goes.
The First Stricture - In a hidden announcement room above the Overseer Office exit.
The Hound Pits - Second Visit
Audiograph - Piero's Dark Dreams - Workshop, ground floor.
Havelock Log Entry Two - Havelock's room.
Audiograph - Havelock's Log: Entry Three - Next to previous.
Pendleton's Family Crisis - Lord Pendleton's room.
Audiograph - Lord Pendleton Memoirs: Chapter 28 - Next to previous.
Audiograph - Piero Notes Anomalies - Workshop, second floor.
Audiograph - Samuel Finds an Audiograph - Samuel's hovel outside.
Audiograph - Lord Pendleton Memoirs: Chapter 32 - Lord Pendleton's room.
An Ancient Note - Sewers below the pub.
Distillery District Revist
Official guard report - Inside the first metal checkpoint near the watchtower.
Note From Granny - Near where Granny Rags was located the first time you came to this area.
Allison's Letter - By the bone charm in Granny Rag's new area.
Offical guard report (2) - Inside the metal checkpoint near the second watchtower.
Bunting - Inside the Old Distillery area (Slackjaw's area), on a workbench.
Looting in Recent Months - Inside Slackjaw's area next to previous.
Audiograph - Crowley's Last Message - Inside Dr Galvani's offices, third floor. Return it to Slackjaw as part of side quest to hear it.
Golden Cat Reopening - Top floor of the Art Dealer's Apartment, inside a side room.
Various Artist paintings - Inside the Art Dealer's Apartment
The Golden Cat
Map - The Golden Cat - In the tunnel after entering the area from the main door.
Golden Cat Guest Ledger - Inside the Madam's office and also in the main entrance reception desk. (Text varies depending on your playthrough).
Golden Cat Master Key - Inside the Madam's office.
Map - The Golden Cat (Interior) - Inside the Madam's office.
Daughter of Tyvia - Inside a side room before entering the main second floor area.
Weeper Identification and Handling - Inside the main entrance reception.
Missing Women, Golden Cat - In the room adjacent to where you find Emily.
Elixir Delivery - At the exit where Emily waits for you.
Smoking Room - On a balcony off the main central room.
Steam Room - Outside the valve room in the basement steam room area.
The Hound Pits - Third Visit
Havelock Log Entry Three - Inside Havelock's room.
Note from Piero - Found in Corvo's bedroom if he left at least one Weeper unconscious in the sewers below the Hound Pits earlier.
Kaldwin's Bridge
Journal Entry Part One, Part Two & Part Three - All inside the room with the Outsider Shrine.
Pratchett's Reminder - Inside Pratchett's house, second floor.
The Isle of Morley - Next to previous on the bed.
Map - Kaldwin Bridge - In the river side walkway near Pratchett's House.
Cards Scoreboard - In a building just before the bridge.
Slackjaw's Shipment Note - In a boat before the bridge.
River Krust Reproduction - Inside the far end of the bridge, lower section.
Alec's Note - After the bridge, in the building on the left with thugs inside.
Overseer's Music Note - At the entrance to Midrow Substation area.
Call of the Spheres, Vol 2 - Inside the warehouse with the bone charm in Midrow Substation.
Call of the Spheres, Vol 3 - Next to previous.
Tyrion's Journal - In the ground floor of the same warehouse as above.
Secret Stash Tip - On a roof after entering North End.
Soklov's note to Howlcreek - After entering Sokolov's building via the main entrance.
Ideas for the Timsh Statue - On the rock slabs on the ground floor of Sokolov's building.
The Flooded District - On the upper levels of Sokolov's building on a chair. Pandyssian Bull Rat Study - In the upper levels of Sokolov's building in a lab.
Lieutenant Niles' Report - Inside Sokolov's greenhouse.
Audiograph - Sokolov's Observations on Test Subject 312 - Inside the greenhouse again.
The Hound Pits - Fourth Visit
Audiograph - Piero's Thoughts on Sokolov - In the workshop.
Audiograph - Callista's Progress Report - Inside the tower.
Audiograph - Lord Pendleton Memoirs: Chapter 41 - In Pendleton's room.
The Pendleton Votes - Inside Havelock's room.
Havelock Log Entry Four - Audiograph - Havelock's Log: Entry Four - In Havelock's room.
Lord Pendleton's reward.* - Only available if you did not kill the Pendleton brothers, in Corvo's bedroom.
Piero is out. - On the Workshop shutter door. Must be done before finding Piero.
Audiograph - Piero Fantasizes - In the workshop.
Audiograph - Callista's Letter* - In the tower. Only available if you saved Captain Curnow in High Overseer Campbell mission.
Lady Boyle's Party
Granny Rags' Diary - In one of the buildings before the Estate near a rune.
The Estate District - Inside a building adjacent to the previous one.
Map - The Estate District - Inside a metal checkpoint booth near the buildings outside.
Boyle Party Guest Ledger - In the main entrance way at the party.
The Hungry Cosmos - Inside the smoking room at the party.
Note to Esma/Waverly/Lydia Boyle - In one of the bedrooms upstairs. Dependent on which target is on your current playthrough.
Esma Boyle's Diary, Waverly Boyle's Diary, Lydia Boyle's Diary - In the bedrooms.
The Isle of Serkonos - Inside one of the upstairs rooms upon a chair.
The Hound Pits - Fifth Visit
Note from Courier - Pinned outside the main pub door, only available if you spared at least one Boyle sister.
Anonymous Note - In Corvo's room. Only available if you spared at least one Boyle sister.
Audiograph - Samuel Laments His Work - In Samuel's hovel, only on High Chaos.
Audigraph - Piero's Arc Pylon - Inside the workshop.
Audiograph - Callista Talks About Emily - Inside the tower.
Audiograph - Emily Complains About School - Inside the tower.
Audiograph - Pendleton Shows Signs of Strain - Inside his bedroom.
Map - Dunwall Tower - Inside Havelock's room.
Havelock Log Entry Five - Inside Havelock's room.
Dunwall Tower
Official Decree - Outside in the bunkhouse.
Off-limits - Up the stairs from the outside bunkhouse.
The Lighthouse - In the Engineering area outside the main building.
Dearie - In the Torturer's area at the outsider shrine.
The Academy of Natural Philosophy - Inside the main chamber of the tower on a desk.
Slackjaw's Bottlestreet Gang - Inside the main chamber of the tower on a desk at the back.
The Isle of Tyvia - Inside the main chamber of the tower on a table.
Influences of the Outsider - In the Overseers room in the corner of the tower.
Overseer Chant - In the same room as above.
The Whalers - Up a floor in a small side room with a fireplace.
Empress To Corvo - Inside the hidden fireplace room by turning a lamp.
Audiograph - Letter to Emily from the Empress - Inside the same hidden room.
Empress Jessamine Kaldwin - Inside the yellow room on the top floor adjacent to the Lord Regents room.
The High Overseer - Inside the Lord Regents room.
Corvo Signs Registry at Boyle party - Inside the Lord Regents chamber only if Corvo signed the guest book at the party.
Dead Drop - Inside the Lord Regents safe.
The Tower of Dunwall - Inside a top floor corridor on the way to the speaker system.
The Sewers Beneath Dunwall - Before the stairs to the speaker system on the top floor.
The Abbey of the Everyman - Inside the speaker system room.
Losing Support - In the planning room at the very top of the tower.
The Hound Pits - Sixth Visit
Coming soon
The Flooded District
Coming soon
The Loyalists
Coming soon
The Lighthouse
Coming soon
As you can see this guide is very large and there are plenty of collectibles texts in the game. So if I have missed any please comment below and I will try my best to update the guide!
Here is another Lore based guide I have made:
More Dishonored guilds
- All Guilds
- Dishonored ? !
- Dishonored | 1
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- How to hide HUD and black bars? [ESP/ENG]
- Sticky Grenade blueprint [Flooded District] Possible location.
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