Enabling Console Commands

Enabling Console Commands


Dishonored's console commands are disabled by default, in this step-by-step guide I'm going to show you how to enable them.

Using console commands does not disable achievements.

Keep in mind that since console commands are disabled by default they are somewhat broken, so your mileage may vary.

For a comprehensive list of console commands click here.

Unlocking The Console

Enabling Console Commands image 6
Enabling Console Commands image 7
Enabling Console Commands image 8
Enabling Console Commands image 9
Enabling Console Commands image 10
Enabling Console Commands image 11
Enabling Console Commands image 12
Enabling Console Commands image 13
Enabling Console Commands image 14
Enabling Console Commands image 15

First you need to locate your game files by default this should be either one of these:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dishonored


Then you need to navigate to config.

Alternatively paste either of these in your file explorer to instantly take you to config:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dishonored\DishonoredGame\Config


Now open DefaultInput or DishonoredInput in notepad.

Ctrl+F m_pcbindings

Now add to following at the end: m_PCBindings=(Name="F1",Command="set Console ConsoleKey F1 | set PlayerController CheatClass class'DishonoredCheatManager' | EnableCheats")

In this case F1 is the key to open the console you can change it to any key you want.

Ctrl + S to save the file.

Close notepad and right-click DefaultInput or DishonoredInput select properties and mark read-only.

Have Fun!

Enabling Console Commands image 34
Enabling Console Commands image 35

Now you're all set open the console by pressing F1 next time you launch the game.


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3364661188					

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