How to get a million bucks in the bank in Dinkum.

How to get a million bucks in the bank in Dinkum.


How to get a million bucks in the bank in Dinkum. image 1

How to get a million bucks in the bank in Dinkum. image 2
How to get a million bucks in the bank in Dinkum. image 3
How to get a million bucks in the bank in Dinkum. image 4
How to get a million bucks in the bank in Dinkum. image 5


Do you want an easy way to make money in Dinkum so you can get on with the game and buy the stuff you need?

I'll give you a clue, it's not through catching bugs, butterflies or even finding rubies! You'll barely make enough to make ends meet selling those things.

The answer is Wary Mus! (Emu's)

They are worth $8,400 dinks each, and better yet, they run at you so are easy to catch. Bonza! They live in packs mostly in the Tropics to the North and are plentiful. Job done!

Grab yourself around 15 animal traps head to the North where there is a very handy Tele Tower to get you there fast.

Drop down an Animal Collection Point, lay out some traps and get the Wary Mus to run at you and bobs your uncle!

The setup in the pic below is a good way to trap and carry the Wary Mu to the Animal Collection Point. It will be on it's way to the Animal Research Centre for study and release back into the wild unharmed in no time!

There's usually around 15 Wary Mus each day in just this one location so you should net yourself over $120,000 dinks per day just catching Emu's! You'll have a million bucks in the bank in no time!

Try to only catch the attention of one Wary Mu at a time to make things easier.

I wrote this guide because I was living day to day pay cheque to pay cheque in Dinkum with hardly any dosh before I realised the Animal Research Centre was the solution to my money woes.

No Wuckas!




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