Achievement Info
Medium. 47 (100%). 47 (100%). 0. 40+ hours. 1-2. None. Yes. Yes. None, at least for now.
Set A Benchmark
There are only 12 chapters in the game and to unlock this achievement, you just need to complete the game from start to finish. It is important that this achievement can be obtained if you also complete the game on the difficulty higher than normal.
One Gun
To unlock this achievement you have to finish a game playthrough with only ever shooting the Plasma Cutter weapon, which is the first weapon you will unlock in Chapter 1 almost at the very start of the game.
The only exception you have is using melee/stomp (LMB or Space) and kinesis kills. So stomping enemies, throwing with explosive canisters or shooting explosive canisters with the plasma cutter is allowed and does not interrupt achievement.
You still can collect and upgrade the other weapons if you like, as long as you don’t fire them
Here is a little tip: you always find ammo for weapons that were in your inventory, so it's best to keep all new weapons in storage and then you will not come across ammo for weapons that you can’t shoot. Focus on fully upgrading your Plasma Cutter during this playthrough, as well as your Suit. For this achievement, it does not matter what difficulty you play on, so you can choose any that you are comfortable with.
Impossible difficulty is the same as Hard one, but with an exception — your autosaves are disabled and you have only one save slot and one life for entire game. Dying during walkthrough prompts a full restart from the beginning or you can continue the game, but on Hard difficulty.
I can advice you to save game manually by making a copy of your "My Documents/Dead Space (2023)" folder. So once you die, you can paste your save file there and try to proceed with your playthrough.
Trusted Contractor
After completing the game, you will unlock New Game Plus. In this mode everything you collected will carry over (can be collected from the Shop). Enemies will get stronger and you will also encounter Phantom variants of necromorphs, which are stronger versions of the regular ones.
During this playthrough make sure to finish fully upgrading all your weapons and suit, as well as find all the Marker Fragments required for the new ending. If you like, you can do this playthrough on Hard difficulty to better prepare yourself for Impossible difficulty.
To unlock the new alternative ending you need to finish New Game Plus. In New Game Plus, there will be a new collectible called Marker Fragments. There will be 12 of these around the game. Once you have all Marker Fragments, you will need to go to Captain Mathius’ office in Executive Chambers in Crew Deck and place them on the pedestals on the table. Now continue to finish the game to see the new ending.
Welcome Aboard
Lab Rat
All Systems Go
Brute Force
The Brute is a large Necromorph composed of multiple human corpses. It has heavy organic armor in its front and possesses extreme physical strength, making it a deadly foe in combat. The first brute is encountered in Chapter Four.
Cannon Fodder
You will fight the Leviathan at the end of Chapter 5.
True Believer
Greenhouse Effect
Get Off My Ship!
Strange Transmissions
Keeper Of The Faith
Mindless Prey
Pack Rat
Final Regeneration
Whole Again
Maxed Out
Raise The Stakes
Live With The Hot Ones
Full Contact
A Cut Above
Full Arsenal
Built To Order
Story Teller
Legend Teller
There's Always Peng!
Front Toward Enemy
Full Clearance
Pick up the side mission in the Captain’s Nest during normal gameplay progression (Chapter 4)
Find the seven RIGs needed to boost access
Input the seven RIGS into a terminal found in the Captain’s Nest
Please let me know in comments below or add me to ask a question about the guide. Also you can get additional achievement if you rate, add to favorite or reward this guide.
Also check out my 100% achievement guide for The Callisto Protocol and other games. Hope you enjoy them!
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