Achievement Breakdown: (47)
Story Related: (22)
Secondary Objectives: (6)
Collectibles: (6)
Slay: (12)
Miscellaneous: (1)
For 100%, we will need to complete three playthroughs of the Dead Space – Remake. Our first playthrough will be spent beating the game on any Difficulty & ideally getting all of the “Slay” & “Collectible” Achievements. For the second playthrough, we will be continuing on into NG+ to mop up what we missed along with unlocking the unique Alternate Ending. Lastly, we will beat the game on Impossible Mode & earning the One Gun Achievement for solely beating the game using the Plasma Cutter.
This is the optimal playthrough breakdown in my opinion. Though it may sound crazy beating the game on the hardest Difficulty while only using the Plasma Cutter but there is a method to the madness. The Plasma Cutter IS the strongest Weapon in the game (in my opinion), & with Ammo drops reduced, only using one Weapon instead of 2-4 can really make an impact. The only drawback is we are unable to use the Pulse Rifle or Force Gun to deal with Swarmers, Guardians, or Dividers; the Plasma Cutter is very disadvantageous for dealing with them. I will give a more thorough breakdown of what is in store for us on Impossible Mode & the benefits of One Gun in Sequence 18 where it is covered…
The long haul of this 100% will be maxing out all 7 Weapons & our Rig (as well as the Level 6 Suit which is only available on NG+). Throughout the game, we can collect & receive Power Nodes which we use to Upgrade our gear; I will be flagging all of the locations of where they can be found. On top of this, if we need to, we can purchase Power Nodes from the Store for 10,000 Credits. It will require 189 Power Nodes to purchase all of the Upgrades, but only 76 Power Nodes can be physically collected in a playthrough. A lot of our Credits will be tied up in buying Upgrades, Med Packs, & Ammo for our first playthrough; any we have to spare will go towards Power Nodes. Across two full playthroughs, we should have more than enough Power Nodes for the Maxed Out Achievement. While there are a few “infinite Credits exploits” these are kind of more tedious than they are worth since we have to do 2 full playthroughs already. Besides, almost (if not all) our collected Credits in NG+ will be going towards purchasing Power Nodes.
An important note to put your mind at ease about enemy spawns. There is a set amount of enemies that will spawn when you first enter a room. Once the enemies have been cleared out of a room while you are in it, no new enemies will appear. Completing new objectives in that room can bring out new scripted enemies however. The Remake added in the “Intensity Director” which adds random ambience (sounds of Necromorphs in other rooms, flickering lights, malfunction vents, etc.) & can also send in random encounters of Necromorphs as well when we re-enter some rooms or halls. It is both a blessing & a curse, as now your sense of safety is much diminished, but there is also theoretically infinite enemies to farm for kill Achievements or for Ammo/Credits.
The Deluxe Edition DLC for this game is completely optional & offers no extra edge outside of looking awesome. It is a purely aesthetic DLC & the Suits do not have any special Stats.
For those interested, here is an organized list of all the Achievements/Secret Achievements. This is how I derive my Achievement Breakdowns & the first reference I create before I begin my 100% journeys.
*Guide contains major spoilers.
Sequence 1: Communications Blackout
Chapter #1 – Flight Deck:Chapter #1 – Hangar – Cargo:1. Location: Flight Deck, Hangar – Cargo
2. Weapons: 1/7
3. Power Nodes: 3/76
4. Achievements: 1/47
For our first playthrough, I recommend starting at Medium Difficulty so we can unlock the Set A Benchmark Achievement. You are also more than welcome to play on Story or Easy Difficulty, as we are able to change Difficulty on NG+; beating the game on Impossible Mode is also retro-active for unlocking the Set A Benchmark Achievement.
By default, Aim Assistance is turned off. I do recommend keeping it off to adjust to “free aiming” as it is an important skill to learn for Impossible Mode. But, if you just can’t get the knack for it, feel free to turn it on as it does make a pretty big difference in how much Ammo you will be burning through.
It is important to note that a lot of our “Kill enemies with X Weapon” as well as maxing out all Weapons & Upgrades can be carried over into NG+. This guide will be structured to do as much heavy lifting as we can in the first playthrough but can be spread out if you choose to.
Chapter #1 – New Arrivals: When we arrive onboard the Ishimura things will be pretty linear to start off.
Text/Audio/Video Logs: Proceed into the Flight Lounge, & we can find our first Text Log on a bench close to a “Welcome Aboard” Sign. For two Achievements, we need to collect 75 & then 150 Text/Audio Logs. There are actually 188 different Logs to find throughout the game giving us many opportunities to locate the 150 we need.
Due to how many we will be coming across in game, I will not be leaving descriptions for the initial 150; collected Logs carry over into NG+ as well. With needing to locate Schematics, Weapon Upgrades, Power Nodes, & Side Missions we will already be entering every room per Deck. Just be vigilant & take your time looting this playthrough.
Weapon #1 – Plasma Cutter: Restore power to the Flight Lounge, & we will become separated from our crew after we take the Cargo Lift down to the Service Workshop. Here we will collect our very first, Weapon in the game.
Chapter #1 – New Arrivals: Equipped with the Plasma Cutter, navigate your way to our “safe room” for the Hangar-Cargo here in the Tram Control Room. Not only will we get to speak with our surviving crew, but we can also find a Save Station.
Our current objective will then be split into two: replace the damaged Tram, & find the Data Board. Our objective will default to replacing the damaged Tram so that is what we may as well do first…
Stasis Module: As we proceed from the Tram Control Room towards the Tram Station Hall, we will be stopped by a malfunctioning door that will not stop slamming shut. In front of it, we can find the Stasis Module; a very handy tool that will not only allow us to complete some obstacles/puzzles, but slow down incoming Necromorphs as well.
For the Freeze Achievement, we need to use Stasis on 50 enemies; whenever there are Stasis Recharge Stations nearby, take the opportunity to spam your Stasis!
Power Node #1: Navigate to the Tram Repair Room, & as soon as we enter the room, walkover to the Southeast corner of it to spot a Node Crate on the wall.
Chapter #1 – New Arrivals: Now we need to replace the damaged Tram. Remove the broken Tram using the maintenance claws, & a brand new Tram will be able to pass down the tunnels; we will be attacked…
There is a Stasis Recharge Station in this room so take advantage of that!
When the Tram car has been removed, our next objective will be to try to locate the Data Board.
Power Node #2: Enter into the Cargo & Baggage Hall, & we will encounter the door to Cargo Hall Storage Room promptly to our left. The door however will have no power. To restore it, we will need to divert power using a Circuit Breaker.
Do just that, & return to the newly powered up door to the Cargo Hall Storage Room. Enter the room, & we can find a Node Crate on the wall next to some lockers.
Power Node #3: Divert power to the Maintenance Bay next, & we will be able to proceed into this shadowy room. Power will not be active to the Maintenance Bay Office, so we will need to take the Cargo Lift up to Floor 2.
To restore power to the Maintenance Bay Office, we will need divert power to it using another Circuit Breaker. When we reach the console, we will be given a trick question as we cannot divert power to the elevator, or we will not be able to take it back down to Floor 1… which means we need to turn off the lights.
Do so, & new Necromorphs will now engage us; take the Cargo Lift down to Floor 1 & enter the Maintenance Bay Office where we can find the Node Crate on the wall directly in front of where we enter, next to a vent.
Upgrade Bench: While in the Maintenance Bay Office, we can find our first Upgrade Bench. Using Power Nodes, we can Upgrade our Weapons & Suit; we need to fully Upgrade everything for the Maxed Out Achievement.
Unlike in the Original Dead Space, we no longer have to ration or save our Power Nodes to open locked doors. That function has been removed from the game & replaced with the Security Clearance feature. Power Nodes are solely used for Upgrading now & you can spend them all! As well, the Stasis (& Kinesis) Modules have been incorporated into the Suit Upgrade tree & are not Upgraded separately.
Chapter #1 – New Arrivals: Collect the Data Board from the Maintenance Bay Office & return back to the Tram Control Room to install it into the Tram Network Main Circuit.
Achievement #1 – Marksman: Dismember 50 limbs.
This Achievement will come through natural progression, most likely sometime during Chapter 1. In the grand scheme of things, 50 limbs are not actually that much given that it takes around 2-3 limbs removed to kill a single Necromorph…
Chapter #1 – New Arrivals: With our crew safely aboard the Tram, we must now return back to the USG Kellion & try to fix it with our pilot, Hailey Johnston. Yeah… she has just been chilling there by herself this whole time.
Sequence 2: They Defy Death Itself
Chapter #1 – Flight Deck:Chapter #2 – Medical:1. Location: Flight Deck, Medical
2. Weapon Kill Focus: Pulse Rifle
3. Weapons: 2/7
4. Schematics: 2/13
5. Power Nodes: 6/76
6. Achievements: 3/47
Power Node #4: Take the infamous Cargo Lift back up to the Flight Deck & begin re-tracing your steps back towards the Flight Lounge. When we round the corner to the left, tailing a Necromorph, we can find the door to the Flight Deck Supply Room unlocked.
Access it, & we can find this Node Crate on the wall Southeast most wall near some lockers.
Chapter #1 – New Arrivals: Get back to the USG Kellion & try to repair the ship with Johnston… Once that is done, we need to find a way to link up with Hammond & Daniels; the Medical Deck will be the shortest distance.
Store: We will encounter our first Store on Flight Deck Tram Station before we complete Chapter 1.
Suit Level 2: If you have looted the bulk of Chapter 1 as well as looted all Necromorphs you have Stomped you should have 9000-10,000 Credits accumulated.
To make up the difference, or give yourself some extra savings, sell off your excess Plasma Energy (saving yourself at least two stacks/50 shots) & sell the Bronze Semiconductor if you collected it. We can always purchase this later on during Chapter #2 as well.
Achievement #2 – Welcome Aboard: Complete Chapter 1 on any Difficulty setting.
Story Related. Leave the Flight Deck Tram Station, & take the Cargo Lift down to the Medical Deck.
We will unlock this Achievement after we enter the second room of Medical & need to collect the Kinesis Module.
Kinesis Module: To progress onwards, we will need to pick up the nearby Kinesis Module. Kinesis is a very good way to conserve your Ammo by launching Metal Bars or Necromorph Blades into enemies.
Weapon #2 – Pulse Rifle: Progress into the Medical Tram Station, & there will be a wounded Security Officer who is slowly dying. When she passes, she will drop her Pulse Rifle & we can collect it.
When you collect Pulse Rounds for it, try making this your new primary Weapon & begin Storing your excess Plasma Energy. We need to kill 30 enemies with the Pulse Rifle for an Achievement…
Before we carry on, be sure to remove the Station Lockdown here as well to restore the Tram line. We can now Fast Travel from Medical to Hangar – Cargo.
Chapter #2 – Intensive Care: When we reach our hub for this Chapter in the Security Station, our way to the Morgue will be barricaded off. To get through it, we must first collect a Hydrazine Tank & a Shock Pad to build a makeshift bomb.
To start, let us make our way to the Hydrazine Tank & begin heading West through Medical towards the Imaging Diagnostic Wing.
Power Node #5: When we enter Imaging Diagnostics, we will need to locate a Battery to power up the room. Close to the Cargo Lift, there will be a door that does still have power leading to the Diagnostic Technician Office. Enter inside, & we can find a Node Crate on the Southern wall of the room next to a fire extinguisher.
Chapter #2 – Intensive Care: Restore power, & take the Cargo Lift up to Floor 5 where we can navigate to Zero-G Therapy. Pass through a vacuum corridor & get across the therapy gyro to the Zero-G Therapy Maintenance room where we can collect the Hydrazine Canister.
Schematic #1 – Pulse Rounds: When we go to return back to the Security Station, the way we came through the vacuum corridor will now be blocked. We will need to use our Zero-G Thrusters to get up to Floor 6 where we can enter into the Coolant Pipelines.
As soon as we enter them from the Zero-G Therapy side, we can spot this Schematic on a worktable directly off our left. It will glow yellow. To make use of Schematics, we need to upload them into a Store.
Achievement #3 – Raise the Stakes: Pin an enemy.
Now we need to locate the Shock Pad. Follow our objective along, & it will take us into the Main Lab. As soon as we enter it, we will be given a tutorial on using Kinesis to impale enemies.
Grab a Metal Bar on the floor in front of us, & walk a little ways forward into the room to trigger a Quarantine Lockdown. As soon as this happens, a Necromorph will burst from a vent behind us while another will be coming towards us from the far end of the room. Aim up your Metal Bar using Kinesis & impale one of the Necromorphs to try & pin it the wall. This is a pretty hard to miss Achievement & can be done with a few other objects including a Necromorph’s own Arm Blades.
Side Mission – Scientific Methods: Take the Cargo Lift down to Floor 1 in the Main Lab & kill the remaining Necromorphs to clear the quarantine. Once it is safe, enter into the office of Dr. Nicole Brennan – SMO, & listen to the Audio Log on her desk. To be safe, do not skip the Audio Log, & listen to the whole thing.
After it is done, we will unlock our first Side Mission, Scientific Methods.
Schematic #2 – Stasis Pack: Leave the Main Lab & continue after the Shock Pad by entering the next room, the Main Lab Changing Room. We can find this next Schematic on a bench to our right as soon as we enter the room.
Chapter #2 – Intensive Care: Fight your way through the horrifying Biological Prosthetics Center, & we will be able to access the Limb Stimulation Therapy room. Turn off power to the Shock Pad using the Circuit Breaker, & we will be able to collect it.
Power Node #6: Before we leave the room, we can find a Node Crate attached to the wall next to the exit doors back into Floor 2 of the Main Lab.
Sequence 3: Unfit For Duty
Chapter #2 – Medical:Chapter #2 – Flight Deck:1. Location: Medical, Flight Deck, Engineering
2. Weapon Kill Focus: Pulse Rifle
3. Weapons: 2/7
4. Schematics: 2/13
5. Weapon Upgrades: 1/21
6. Power Nodes: 9/76
7. Achievements: 5/47
Weapon Upgrade #1 – Cartridge Rack: Use the Shock Pad & Hydrazine Canister to make a jury-rigged bomb that will destroy the barricade & allow us to continue beyond the Security Station. Enter into the Ishimura Clinic reception, & we can find our first Weapon Upgrade on a bench to our left.
This will unlock more Upgrades we can use Power Nodes on for the Plasma Cutter, but it needs to be brought to a Work Bench first.
Side Mission – Scientific Methods: Enter into the Emergency Room now & when we walk near its center, a recording of Nicole will automatically play. Listen to it, & our Side Mission will progress. Approach the Circuit Breaker in the corner of the room, & turn off power to the lights to divert it to the shower.
Use Kinesis on the nearby metal cover to our left, & we can move it out of the way to access the emergency shower. Instead of a shower, we can see a room converted into a secret office instead. Collect the Audio Log on an operating table, & listen to it fully to progress the Side Mission to the Engineering Deck.
Power Node #7: Remove the Battery now & attempt to plug it into the Battery Socket on the far wall of the Emergency Room so we can access the ER Hallways A & B. When we do this, we will be attacked…
Pass through ER Hallway A & into ER Hallway B where we can find a Node Crate on the wall close to the Oxygen Refill Tank at the end of the hall. Be careful… we will also be attacked here.
Chapter #2 – Intensive Care: With the bulk of our side business all completed on Medical, it is time to get to the Morgue. Before we enter the Autopsy Room, I recommend being clever. Search the Morgue & Stomp the limbs/heads off of any of the corpses we see around here; use Kinesis to pull corpses off of tables if you need to. You will thank me imminently.
Enter the Autopsy Room, & we will attempt to retrieve the Rig of Captain Ben Mathius. Here we will encounter a new Necromorph type, the Infector. They can transform any corpse that still has their head attached into a Necromorph we will have to fight & kill…
Level 1 Security Clearance: Once we have cleared the Necromorphs from the Morgue & Autopsy Room, we can collect the Captain’s Rig. Doing so will grant us Level 1 Security Clearance & we are now able to open any associated Crates & doors using it.
Power Node #8: Take the Cargo Lift from the Morgue up to the Emergency Room (we can open two Crates & a Locker in here with our Level 1 Security Clearance). Enter into the Ishimura Clinic, & we can now open up a Node Crate on the wall near the barricaded entrance to ER Hallway A.
Power Node #9: Return back to the Security Station, but do not head to the Medical Tram Station yet. Instead, make your way back to the Coolant Pipelines & take the Zero-G tunnel up to Floor 6 where we can use our new Level 1 Security Clearance to enter the Patient Locker Room. We can find a Node Crate inside here on the wall along with a bunch of Lockers we can loot.
If you want more loot, we can use our Level 1 Security Clearance to enter the Quarantined Cargo Storage on Floor 3; we can reach it through the Medical Tram Station in the Medical Cargo Depot.
Chapter #2 – Intensive Care: When you are ready to leave Medical, get to the Tram & take it back to Cargo – Hangar. Pass through the Tram Station, & then take the Cargo Lift up to the Flight Deck.
Achievement #4 – Lab Rat: Complete Chapter 2 on any Difficulty setting.
Story Related. Get to the Main Hangar Bay, & as soon as we pass through the doors, we will complete Chapter 2 & unlock the Achievement.
Side Mission – You Are Not Authorized: To reach Engineering, we will need to use our Zero-G Thrusters to exit beyond the hangar & the Ishimura’s life support perimeter. Do not immediately head towards our objective at the Cargo Lift yet & instead glide out to the far Northeastern corner of the exterior. Not only will there be an Oxygen Refill Station here, but we can see a glowing purple item nearby floating a bit off the ground called Voelkner’s Rig.
Collect it so we do not have to backtrack here later on; we will unlock the actual Side Mission in full during Chapter #4.
Chapter #3 – Course Correction: With Voelkner’s Rig collected, carefully guide yourself across the deck & down to Engineering through the massive cargo lift.
Chapter #3 – Course Correction: Navigate through Engineering to our new hub in the Control Room where we can receive a diagnostic report of what is going wrong down here. Once we figure our engines are offline, we will be presented with three separate objectives: refuel the North & South engines & restart the Centrifuge.
To start, we will begin by re-fueling the two engines on Floor 4.
Achievement #5 – Wishbone: Rip off a dangling limb using Kinesis.
This Achievement is misleading, or rather, can be earned through non-intended means. Enter into the Preparation Room off the Control Room, & we can see an empty suit dangling from a hook off the ceiling. Approach it, & begin using Kinesis on its arms & its legs being sure not to grab the torso.
Kinesis an arm, tug it a bit, let go. Kinesis a leg, tug it a bit or “launch”, let go. Keep repeating this with occasional pauses & we will unlock the Achievement during our third to sixth time doing this. This could also have been done on the empty suits in Medical (or any other hanging suits you may find throughout the game).
Earning this Achievement naturally is more difficult, though can be done accidentally. To do it deliberately, you need to whittle down the health of a Necromorph’s limb (Pulse Rifle is best for this) then Kinesis on the detaching limb to rip it off. The “sweet spot” for a rip-able limb… is very difficult to pull off. More often than not, the limb isn’t ready or you accidentally do too much damage & destroy it. The limb will look like it is hanging on by literal threads, & no longer can be moved or used by the Necromorph.
Sequence 4: Self Sabotage
Chapter #3 – Engineering:1. Location: Engineering
2. Weapon Kill Focus: Pulse Rifle, Ripper, Flamethrower
3. Weapons: 4/7
4. Schematics: 4/13
5. Weapon Upgrades: 2/21
6. Power Nodes: 14/76
7. Achievements: 5/47
Weapon #3 – Ripper: Continue into the Machine Shop, & head down to Floor 4 where we can find this new Weapon directly in front of us at the bottom of the stairs. Like the Pulse Rifle, we will need to get 30 kills with the Ripper for an Achievement. Try cycling between the two Weapons now for kills when you have the Ammo & only use the Plasma Cutter in tense situations; Store any excess Ammo instead of selling it.
Power Node #10: If you have not already done so, take the Weapon Upgrade we collected previously to an Upgrade Bench, & we will receive a free Power Node.
Initial Upgrading: I recommend for our initial Power Nodes to put them solely towards the Plasma Cutter & our Suit. Once you have at least maxed out the Plasma Cutter’s damage & completed a good chunk of the Suit, you can start experimenting with other Weapons to Upgrade. You should Upgrade your Suits Air at least once as well; we will be dipping into some long stints without life support during this Chapter.
With most of our Power Nodes going to our Plasma Cutter, it will give us a “deus-ex” Weapon for tense situations or when we need to have some real stopping power. Do not underestimate the confidence boost you will have going through this game once you know how strong the Plasma Cutter can be!
Side Mission – Scientific Methods: While still in the Machine Shop, head over to the Calibration Room & enter it to find the makeshift autopsy location in Engineering. Another automatic Video Log will play once we enter. Watch it play out to progress this Side Mission to the Mining Deck.
Chapter #3 – Course Correction: Enter into the Refueling Control Station & change your objective to Refuel the Engines (North). Use Kinesis to pull down the mechanism, & get prepared to be attacked…
Full disclosure, I find the Refueling Control Station one of the scarier rooms to be in. Freaks me right out with all the corners & shadows…
Power Node #11: Now take the gondola across towards the Southern refueling station & there will be a large group of Necromorphs waiting for us on the other side. Collect the Fuel Station Keycard, & use it to enter Fuel Management where we can find this Node Crate on the wall near the entrance.
Chapter #3 – Course Correction: To get power back to the Southern Refueling Station, we need to use the Circuit Breaker & make a decision: turn off life support & suffocate, or turn off the lights & be scared. No matter what we choose, we will be attacked on the way to pull down the mechanism with Kinesis; there are Oxygen Refill Stations over here… Choose whatever you believe to be the lesser evil, & redirect the power to the South Refueling Station.
Note that whatever you do end up choosing will be permanent, or rather, there will permanently be only room for either the lights or life support. If you are a coward like me, & chose to power off the life support, the Refueling Control Stations will permanently be out of air unless you take the gondola back over to turn off the lights instead! Be further warned that it takes at least 45 seconds to get across the gondola!
New Weapon Upgrades: Now that we have collected the Ripper, when we return back to the Store in the Control Room, we will unlock the Ricochet Tracer for the Ripper, Heat Accumulator for the Plasma Cutter, & the Kinetic Auto Loader for the Pulse Rifle.
Each of these Upgrades will cost 11,000 Credits. When you have the Credits to spare, chip away at these; we will get a free 3 Power nodes if we buy them all.
Weapon Upgrade #2 – Heat Accumulator: If you have the Credits to spare, purchase this Weapon Upgrade for the Plasma Cutter from Store for 11,000 Credits.
Chapter #3 – Course Correction: With both engines refuelled, it is now time to get down to the Centrifuge & re-activate it. Take the Cargo Lift down Floor 2…
Power Node #12: We will receive a free Power Node for bringing the Heat Accumulator to an Upgrade Bench; one can be found on our way to the Decontamination Room or back in the Machine Shop.
Schematic #3 – Medium Med Pack: Pass through the Quarantine Lockdown we encounter in the Decontamination Room, & we can find this Schematic on a shelf inside an open locker immediately in front of us when we exit the room.
Power Node #13: Leave decontamination into the following room which will be the outer ring of the Centrifuge. Read the signs ahead of us, & take the corridor to our left down towards Centrifuge Control North. The corridor will lead to a dead end, & we can find this Node Crate on the ground resting on some Corruption growths.
Chapter #3 – Course Correction: Enter into the Centrifuge, & attach the two generator modules using Stasis & Kinesis. Restart the Centrifuge, & we will need to escape back to the Control Room… while we have no life support… & the Centrifuge is rotating at maximum velocity. Take the Cargo Lift down, & run clockwise around the Centrifuge (opposite direction as it is swinging) to have enough safe points to take shelter; using Stasis will not slow it down.
Weapon #4 – Flamethrower: Make your way towards Fuel Storage to reignite the engines, & when we enter the corridor just before it, we will enter a hall filled to the brim with Corruption. Right in front of us when we enter, we can see a corpse being consumed by the Corruption in the wall holding onto this Weapon.
Collecting it will unlock the Gellified Hydrazine Weapon Upgrade for purchase when we return to a Store.
Power Node #14: After a bit of an elevated heartrate, we will enter into Fuel Storage on Floor 5 & see that the entire section is also completely infested with Corruption. Before we take the Cargo Lift down to Floor 4, we can enter into a nearby room & find this Node Crate on the wall next to a vent.
Schematic #4 – Ripper Blades: Take the Cargo Lift down to Floor 3 of Fuel Storage & enter an open side room at the Southern end after we shake off some Swarmers; we can find this new Schematic resting on top of a large crate against one of the walls.
Stomping Swarmers: An important thing to note, is that for the Backbreaker Achievement we need to use Stomp to kill 10 Swarmers. Though the Achievement does not outright say so, these are the only enemies that actually count towards the Achievement (Pods or Divider Organs also count). Killing any other Necromorph type will not count!
Sequence 5: Against All Odds
Chapter #3 – Engineering:1. Location: Engineering, Bridge
2. Weapon Kill Focus: Pulse Rifle, Ripper, Flamethrower
3. Weapons: 5/7
4. Schematics: 6/13
5. Weapon Upgrades: 4/21
6. Power Nodes: 21/76
7. Achievements: 8/47
Power Node #15: Enter into the Engine Room & clear out the Necromorphs we find in here. Once they are dealt with, walk over to the small cubicle underneath the primary engine control console to find this Node Crate on the wall.
Schematic #5 – Flamethrower Fuel: Now head up directly above this cubicle up a walkway to find this Schematic resting on a chair directly in front of the primary engine control console.
Chapter #3 – Course Correction: With our two items collected, place the missing second Battery into its Socket & we will need to fight off a Necromorph assault.
Once they are dealt with, use the primary engine control console to reignite the engines.
Achievement #6 – Autofire: Kill 30 enemies with the Pulse Rifle.
If you have been making a good attempt to use the Pulse Rifle as your primary Weapon over the Plasma Cutter, you may be able to unlock this Achievement during Chapter 3; if not, most likely Chapter 4 (Ammo depending). You can use the Plasma Cutter to weaken enemies, then finish them off with the Pulse Rifle as well.
Once we have this Achievement, place the Pulse Rifle into Storage so we no longer collect Ammo for it in favor for our other equipped Weapons.
Weapon Upgrade #3 – Kinetic Autoloader: When you have the 11,000 Credits to spare, purchase this Weapon Upgrade from the Store.
Power Node #16: We will receive this free Power Node by bringing the Kinetic Autoloader Weapon Upgrade to an Upgrade Bench.
Achievement #7 – All Systems Go: Complete Chapter 3 on any Difficulty setting.
Story Related. With the Ishimura restabilizing its gravity, we need to link up with Hammond on the Bridge. Leave the Control Room back to the Engineering Tram Station & we will unlock the Achievement as soon as we enter it.
Chapter #4 – Obliteration Imminent: Get to the Bridge & navigate your way to the Captain’s Nest below the Main Atrium to meet up with Hammond.
Level 2 Security Clearance: Before we carry on with trying to get the ADS Cannons online, Hammond will grant us Level 2 Security Clearance!
Side Mission – You Are Not Authorized: Don’t leave the Captain’s Nest just yet, & instead walk over to the other side of the orange holographic globe from Hammond to find the Bridge Security Console. Attempt to interact with it, & we will be denied however we will unlock this new Side Mission.
This is when one of the objectives will complete for finding Voelker’s Rig. There are a total of 6 other Rigs we need to collect to complete this Side Mission.
Achievement #8 – Brute Force: Kill a Brute.
Story Related. Take the Cargo Lift back up to the Main Atrium, & go to enter the Security Room where we will encounter the Brute we saw earlier. The best way to kill these, is to use Stasis on them, get behind them & blast their weak points with our Plasma Cutter.
If you have been Upgrading its damage, you should have no issues killing it…
Power Node #17: Brutes are great because they drop a guaranteed Power Node when they are killed; do not forget to collect it!
Chapter #4 – Obliteration Imminent: To get the ADS Cannons back online, we will have three objectives to complete. To start, select objective re-route power from Water Purification, & take the Cargo Lift in the Main Atrium up to Floor 5.
Get to Water Purification & use the Circuit Breaker to divert power to the ADS Cannons.
Schematic #6 – Intermediate Engineer Rig: Before we return back down to the Main Atrium, continue through Floor 5 over to the EVA Prep Room. Not only can we find another Gold Semiconductor in here, but we can find this very important Schematic on a bench.
It will cost 20,000 Credits to purchase. But with this Gold Semiconductor, & another we can find using our new Level 2 Security Clearance to enter the Bridge Hall Storage Room, that is at least an extra 6000 Credits. Hold off on trying to buy new Weapon Upgrades until we purchase the Suit!
Power Node #18: Next, we will head down to Floor 2 (the Floors on the Cargo Lift in the Main Atrium do not seem to match the Floor order listed on our Rig Map) to re-route the power from Mining Administration. Enter into the Administration Access Corridor & we can find the Storage Room along the way to our objective where a Node Crate will be on the wall next to some Crates.
Weapon #5 – Contact Beam: Get to the end of the corridor, & we can find the Records Room off our right when we enter the next room. Use your Level 2 Security Clearance to enter inside, & we can find this new very powerful Weapon.
This is probably one of the most difficulty “kill 30 enemies” Weapons in the game. Not because of its inability to kill enemies, but because the Ammo for it is incredibly expensive! Make every shot count!
Power Node #19: When we enter the Mining Administration room, head over to the Fuse Room & use your Level 2 Security Clearance to enter it. Smash the Fuse Box, & we will then gain access to the Admin Server Maintenance room. Use the Security Clearance once again, to get into the main work room, & we can find the Node Crate on the wall in here.
Chapter #4 – Obliteration Imminent: Now for the fun part. Get to the Circuit Breaker in Mining Administration, & re-route the power to the ADS Cannons… I am sure you can guess what will happen after we do.
Weapon Upgrade #4 – PCSI Custom Magazine: Take the Cargo Lift down to Floor 1 & wander around the outside of the Electrical Systems Storage where we can see a body smashed through a glass window. Use Kinesis to move some steel crates out of the way, & we can destroy a Fuse Box to unlock the doors. Enter inside, & we can collect this new Weapon Upgrade off of a shelf.
Power Node #20: Now at last, enter into Electrical Systems & navigate through all the arcing floor tiles. When we get to the far end, we will be ambushed by a Brute; there is a Stasis Recharge Station in this area which trivializes this fight. Just go wild with Stasis.
We can loot this Power Node from the Brute after it is killed.
Chapter #4 – Obliteration Imminent: Get to the Circuit Breaker in Electrical Systems & re-route it to the ADS Cannons; you will need to use Stasis on the blown out electrical cords or they will seriously hurt us.
Power Node #21: Return back to the Main Atrium, & we will receive this free Power Node by bringing the PCSI Custom Magazine Weapon Upgrade to an Upgrade Bench.
Sequence 6: The Majesty Of Becoming
Chapter #4 – Bridge:1. Location: Bridge, Medical
2. Weapon Kill Focus: Ripper, Flamethrower, Contact Beam
3. Weapons: 6/7
4. Schematics: 7/13
5. Weapon Upgrades: 6/21
6. Power Nodes: 27/76
7. Achievements: 12/47
Chapter #4 – Obliteration Imminent: Now we need to take the Cargo Lift up to Floor 5 & get ready for a tense space walk. As soon as we leave the airlock, the Ishimura’s Hull will begin actively taking damage. Use your Zero-G Thrusters & very carefully/quickly get over to DH-ADS Cannons 012, 013, & 014.
Sync them with one of your Weapons, then aim at asteroids as they approach. Do not actually fire your Weapon & instead push A to shoot the ADS Cannon. After enough asteroids are destroyed, it will sync, & we can go to the next one. Pay attention to your current Oxygen levels & be sure you know how to get to the Oxygen Refill Stations out here!
Though a bit difficult, this section is far more forgiving than it was in Dead Space Original!
Side Mission – You Are Not Authorized: Once the ADS Cannons are auto firing & the hull is safe, do not return back inside the ship yet. Refill your Oxygen, & use your Zero-G Thrusters to glide a little ways past the third ADS Cannon. Up along the Southern walls of the trench, we can see two bodies floating with White’s Rig in between them.
Achievement #9 – Cannon Fodder: Complete Chapter 4 on any Difficulty setting.
Story Related. Re-enter back into the Ishimura from restoring the ADS Cannons & begin heading back to the Main Atrium to complete Chapter 4.
Chapter #5 – Lethal Devotion: After a startling revelation, we will be tasked with returning back to the Medical Deck.
Schematic #7 – Line Racks: Take the Cargo Lift up from Imaging Diagnostics, & proceed over towards Zero-G Therapy. Shortly after the Save Station, we can see Dr. B. Warwick’s Office; we can now open it with our Level 2 Security Clearance. Inside the office, we can find this Schematic on top of the desk.
Power Node #22: We can also find a Node Crate inside Warwick’s office as well.
Power Node #23: Take the Cargo Lift down now towards the Chemical Lab, & we will see a Node Crate on the wall immediately in front of us once we step off it.
Chapter #5 – Lethal Devotion: As a word of caution, before we search out the source of the broadcast, smash the Fuse Box to the door to Imaging Diagnostic & return back to our hub in Medical. Stop in at the Store & be sure to pack a good stack of Ammo with you… we’ll (Censored by Steam) need it for what is about to come next...
Get to the Chemical Lab, & turn off the broadcast. Unfortunately, things go down hill fast after that, as the Hunter will be released from its tank. The Hunter is probably the scariest part of Dead Space… as it cannot die. Any limbs that get destroyed will regenerate in a few seconds. You need to clip its leg(s) off & use Stasis whenever you can to slow it down as we get away!
While our hub in Medical is a safe place to be, the Hunter will use the vents to enter into rooms & harass us until we can permanently kill it. When you have safe moments to breathe, make sure you check your Map often to give yourself an idea where you need to go next.
Unlike in Dead Space Original, the Hunter seems to only appear in scripted rooms, & does not actively chase you into any room that has a vent… you’re lucky.
Weapon #6 – Line Gun: After the extremely tense situation in the Emergency Room, restore power to ER Hallway A & rush into it. Before carrying down to ER Hallway B, we can use our Level 2 Security Clearance to open the door to the Emergency Equipment Storage. Inside, we can find the Line Gun. This room is packed with Line Gun Racks as well, so at least we get another backup Weapon for the Hunter.
If it is too stressful for you to access, you can always return here later on after we deal with the Hunter.
Power Node #24: We can also find a Node Crate inside the Emergency Equipment Storage as well.
Chapter #5 – Lethal Devotion: Get to Dr. Mercer’s office, & we can disengage the lockdown over Medical; be sure to collect the Ruby Semiconductor in here as well!
Achievement #10 – Backbreaker: Kill 10 enemies with a Stomp attack.
The best way to work towards this Achievement is by killing the Swarmers that come out of the “Pregnant” Necromorphs. Get close to it, & take it down. Before it has time to birth its Swarmers begin Stomping its body to kill as many of them as you can before they latch on to you. This may take 2-3 “Pregnants” to unlock the Achievement depending on if you got some Stomp kills with the few other enemy types or loose Swarmers.
Weapon Upgrade #5 – Ricochet Tracer: After we restore life support to Medical back at the Security Station, sell the Ruby Semiconductor, & that should give you more than enough Credits to purchase this Weapon Upgrade for 11,000 Credits.
Weapon Upgrade #6 – Gellified Hydrazine: If possible, you may also have enough to purchase this Weapon Upgrade for an additional 11,500.
Power Nodes #25-26: If you had the Credits to spare & purchased the two Weapon Upgrades, take it to the Upgrade Bench found in the Diagnostic Technician to receive these free Power Nodes.
Chapter #5 – Lethal Devotion: Fight your way to Cryogenics & collect the Liquid Nitrogen Tank. When we do, we will have to square off with the Hunter. Dismember it where we picked up the tank, then use Stasis on it to slow down its regeneration. Quickly run over to Cryogenics Control Room & initiate the Cryo-Pod to put the Hunter into cold storage. Whew… glad that is over with.
Achievement #11 – True Believer: Complete Chapter 5 on any Difficulty setting.
Story Related. Deal with the Hunter, & receive our new task of restoring the Ishimura’s air quality in Hydroponics to unlock the Achievement.
Power Node #27: From the control room in Cryogenics, enter the hall leading towards the alternate route to the Tram to find a Node Crate on the wall ahead of us.
Side Mission – Pre-Meditated Malpractice: Return back into Cryogenics, & approach the Cryo-Pod where we can find a Tissue Sample from the Hunter. Collect it, & we will unlock a new Side Mission. Take the Tissue Sample to Floor 1 of the Main Lab & place it into the scanner.
Once that is done, follow our new objective marker to Intensive Care & we can find the ICU Bed of who was turned into the Hunter.
Achievement #12 – A Cut Above: Kill 30 enemies with the Ripper.
If you have been cycling between using this Weapon when you have no Flamethrower Ammo, you should be well on your way to getting your 30 kills in. The Ripper is extremely effective at killing Lurkers & most basic Necromorphs.
Sequence 7: Is That Really Air You're...
Chapter #6 – Hangar – Cargo:Chapter #6 – Hydroponics:1. Location: Hangar – Cargo, Hydroponics
2. Weapon Kill Focus: Flamethrower, Contact Beam, Line Gun
3. Weapons: 7/7
4. Schematics: 8/13
5. Weapon Upgrades: 9/21
6. Power Nodes: 32/76
7. Achievements: 15/47
Chapter #6 – Environmental Hazard: Currently, the only way to reach Hydroponics is through Hangar – Cargo.
Power Node #28: If you have not already done so, there is a Level 1 Security Door we can unlock from Tram Tunnel accessed via the Tram Station Hall. Enter the Tram Tunnel, & we can find the locked door to the Tramway Storage Room at the far East end. Unlock it, & we can find this Node Crate inside.
With the Hunter dealt with, & hopefully a good amount of Power Nodes put into your Suit & Plasma Cutter, this is a threshold crossing moment of the game. You should be feeling much more capable & powerful with the majority of Necromorphs becoming very trivial.
Chapter #6 – Environmental Hazard: Carry on through Hangar – Cargo to the Tram Repair Room where we can enter into Hydroponics. Get to our hub in the Hydroponics Central Hub, & we can begin synthesizing an Enzyme using the Liquid Nitrogen we collected earlier.
When we go to get rid of the monstrosity in Food Storage, the area will be locked down. Before we can get to it, we must first use the Enzyme to infect the 8 Wheezers that are polluting the air on the Ishimura.
Achievement #13 – Story Teller: Collect 75 Logs.
There were very many Audio/Text/Video Logs to collect during Chapter 5 in Medical as well as in Hydroponics. If you have been diligent in exploring & collecting these as you come across them, you may unlock this Achievement. There are over double the required Logs we need for their associated Achievements in the game as well, so they are hard to miss unless you really do not loot rooms much.
Story Related Video Logs between Hammond & Daniels (or other characters) also count as collected Logs as well & are unmissable.
Weapon Upgrade #7 – Angled Launcher: Enter into Flow Control & we will see that there is frequent venting of boiling liquid; do not get hit by it. There are three side rooms we can enter into here as well, the first one off our left will be the office of B. Andonov – Flow Supervisor. Enter this room when it is safe, & we can collect this Weapon Upgrade from off of their desk.
Power Node #29: Enter into the next room over into the West Vats Maintenance Room, & we can find an Upgrade Bench; bring the Angled Launcher Weapon Upgrade to it to receive a free Power Node.
Achievement #14 – Live With the Hot Ones: Kill 30 enemies with the Flamethrower.
If you have been cycling between using this Weapon when you have no Ripper Blades, you should be well on your way to getting your 30 kills in. Since the Flamethrower has an area of effect with its flame, it is very useful for killing grouped up enemies.
Weapon #7 – Force Gun: Enter into the West Grow Chamber & fight off the large host of Necromorphs in it. Once the way is clear, head over to the West Seedling Room A & use your Level 2 Security Clearance to open it. Inside, we can find the Force Gun.
Achievement #15 – Full Arsenal: Own all 7 Weapons in the game.
If you have been following along with the guide, we will unlock this Achievement after we collect the Force Gun, the final Weapon in the game. All rooms containing Weapons can be backtracked to at any point if you missed them.
Chapter #6 – Environmental Hazard: Get to West Seedling Room B now, & we can find our first of eight Wheezers. Approach it, & inject it with the Enzyme to kill it.
Power Node #30: Take the Cargo Lift to Floor 3 of the West Grow Chamber (the Cargo Lift Floors don’t match our Rig Map Floors for Hydroponics), & head North towards the Refrigeration Tower; we can use the Circuit Breaker here to turn off the Jungle Ambience & open our way forwards to the East Grow Chamber as well.
Enter inside the Refrigeration Tower, & we can find this Node Crate on the wall directly ahead from where we enter.
Chapter #6 – Environmental Hazard: Head further into the Refrigeration Tower, & we will enter Zero-G. Use your Zero-G Thrusters to navigate to the top of the tower, & we will enter a poison gas filled room with a Guardian in it; the Force Gun works very well against these guys!
Once the Guardian is dead, approach Wheezer 03 & inject the Enzyme into it.
Weapon Upgrade #8 – Ionized Capacitor: When you have the 11,500 Credits to spare, purchase this Weapon Upgrade from a Store.
Chapter #6 – Environmental Hazard: Take the Cargo Lift up to Floor 4 of the West Grow Chamber (note the Ruby Semiconductor at the dead end near the vent up here) & press on to Dr. E. Cross’s office to find Wheezer 02.
Take the Cargo Lift back down to Floor 3 & we can find Wheezer 04 in Hydroponics Control.
Side Mission – You Are Not Authorized: Progress through to the East Grow Chamber & begin clearing out the Corruption in our way. When we go to approach the Cargo Lift to take us down, we can find a corpse up here with Lt. Commander Holt’s Rig beside it.
Weapon Upgrade #9 – Supersymmetry Tether: Ignore the Cargo Lift for now & carry on through Floor 3 towards the Air Filtration Tower. As soon as we enter the Air Filtration Hall, we can see a Store. Sell the Ruby Semiconductor, & if you have the 12,000 Credits to spare, purchase this Weapon Upgrade from the Store.
Make sure you stock up on Plasma Cutter Ammo before you progress onwards…
Power Node #31: Enter into the Air Filtration Tower, & we can see this Node Crate on the wall dead ahead of where we enter it.
There is a Stasis Recharge Station in this room; be sure to use it when you can on Necromorphs.
Schematic #8 – Force Energy: Carefully begin using our Zero -G Thrusters to make our way up the Air Filtration Tower. Use Stasis on the arcing turbine generator to get up to the next floor, & we will have to clear out some Pods. Before we Stasis the second turbine generator, glide over to a small red lit room in the Northern corner full of Corruption; we can find this Schematic floating in its center.
Power Node #32: Get to the top of the Air Filtration Tower on Floor 6 & work your way to the Annex Control Room through the hazardous Filtration Tubes. Unfortunately, we cannot turn off the malfunctioning Thermodynamic Purifiers, but we can open up a shortcut as well as find a Node Crate here.
Sequence 8: Abandon All Hope
Chapter #6 – Hydroponics:1. Location: Hydroponics, Mining
2. Weapon Kill Focus: Contact Beam, Line Gun, Force Gun
3. Schematics: 8/13
4. Weapon Upgrades: 10/21
5. Power Nodes: 37/76
6. Achievements: 20/47
Chapter #6 – Environmental Hazard: Get to Annex Storage on Floor 6 & we can deal with Wheezer 07. Now take the Cargo Lift from up here down to Floor 2 of the East Grow Chamber & we can clear out Wheezer 08.
Power Node #33: Enter into the East Grow Chamber, & a Quarantine Lockdown will engage. Only just now with all the gunk in this room is there a hazardous anomaly? Anyways, that anomaly will end up being a Brute; we can collect this Power Node off of its corpse.
Achievement #16 – Surgeon: Dismember 500 limbs.
This Achievement will unlock naturally through our first playthrough. Seeing as though it takes 1-3 dismembered limbs to kill a single Necromorph…
If you are playing on Story Difficulty, it may take longer as you will have success killing Necromorphs via body shots or just from shooting off one limb instead of multiple. Regardless, take every Necromorph as an opportunity to work towards this Achievement!
Chapter #6 – Environmental Hazard: Enter into the East Seedling Room A & we can deal with Wheezer 05. Back in the East Grow Chamber, locate the missing Battery & place it into the Socket here to power up the Circuit Breaker. To access it though, we need to locate the Deck Systems Keycard which can be found in the East Seedling Room A.
Power Nodes #34-35: If you purchased it, we can receive this free Power Node by bringing the Ionized Capacitor Weapon Upgrade & the Supersymmetry Tether Weapon Upgrade to the Upgrade Bench in the East Seedling Room A.
Chapter #6 – Environmental Hazard: Use the Circuit Breaker now to remove gravity to the East Grow Chamber, & we will be able to get at the final Wheezer, 06.
Achievement #17 – Full Contact: Kill 30 enemies with the Contact Beam.
If you have been using the Contact Beam as your new primary Weapon, you will definitely be able to unlock this Achievement during this (or next Chapter). The most difficult part of this Weapon is how expensive its Ammo is; I only recommend using Ammo you find, & not purchase any. Swap Weapons whenever you run out of Ammo…
Achievement #18 – Exterminator: Kill the Leviathan.
Story Related. Return back to the Hydroponics Central Hub, collect lots of Ammo, Med Packs, an Oxygen Tank or two then proceed into Food Storage; note that this room is absolutely full of Items that can be grabbed via Kinesis before the fight begins. When you are ready to rumble, engage your Zero-G Thrusters & the fight will commence.
Evade & shoot the tentacles to expose the core, then dodge its projectiles while you fire at its gooey center. When enough damage has been dealt, it will fill the room with poison gas & we will switch to Oxygen; there are no Oxygen Refill Stations in here & you have to solely rely on hand held Oxygen Tanks if you have them. Ignore the tentacles at this stage & focus on shooting the Leviathan’s core.
We will unlock the Achievement after the Leviathan has been successfully jettisoned into space.
Achievement #19 – Greenhouse Effect: Complete Chapter 6 on any Difficulty setting.
Story Related. With the Leviathan dealt with, speak with Dr. Cross over Video Log to discuss what to do next. An SOS Beacon on the Mining Deck – we will unlock the Achievement after our conversation.
Achievement #20 – Pack Rat: Place 25 Items in Storage.
With how much loot was in Food Storage, we should have more than enough Items to place into Storage to unlock this Achievement if you have been reserving some Items since we began the game. If need be, just put your entire Inventory (including all our Weapons) & you should have enough…
If you have been regularly selling your excess Items instead of Storing them, make a point from here on to start stockpiling your Items!
Weapon Upgrade #10 – Subsonic Oscillator: With the Pack Rat Achievement out of the way, you can be a bit more liberal with your Inventory & sell off any unnecessary excess. When you have the 12,000 Credits to spare, purchase this Weapon Upgrade from the Store.
As of now, we no longer have anymore Weapon Upgrades to purchase & can focus on using our Credits to buy Power Nodes… Though keep in mind we still have a few more Suits to purchase & they can be quite expensive.
Power Node #36: We will receive this free Power Node by bringing the Subsonic Oscillator Weapon Upgrade to an Upgrade Bench.
Chapter #7 – Into the Void: Now we must go to the Mining Deck to track down the SOS Beacon. Take the Cargo Lift down & we will enter Mining; lift the station lockdown, & we can walk through the Tram into Engineering.
Power Node #37: Leave the Tram room & enter the hall to Mining Operations. This room will be full of moveable Kinesis crates; shift the stack of crates along the South alcove to reveal a Node Crate.
Chapter #7 – Into the Void: Our new hub for the Mining Deck will be found in the Rig Room; we get an Upgrade Bench in this one. For the rest of this Chapter, refrain from making any purchases & hold onto your Credits as we will be collecting the new Suit Level 4 on it! It will cost us 35,000 Credits….
Side Mission – Pre-Meditated Malpractice: Take the Cargo Lift down to Deck C on Floor 4, & we will be pre-emptively warned about some traps ahead. Use Kinesis to move some crates in the way of the traps (though be careful not to bump or blast them once they are blocked if you are standing nearby).
Head to the end of the hall, block the final set of traps & we can safely access Ore Storage. Enter inside, & move some crates out of the way with Kinesis so we can access a new Audio Log following Harris; there is also a Ruby Semiconductor in this room.
Sequence 9: Only The Dead Survive
Chapter #7 – Mining:1. Location: Mining
2. Weapon Kill Focus: Line Gun, Force Gun
3. Schematics: 10/13
4. Weapon Upgrades: 11/21
5. Power Nodes: 41/76
6. Achievements: 23/47
Chapter #7 – Into the Void: Get to Mining Control, & we will be unable to use the Launch Tubes due to not having the correct Security Clearance. We will now get two tasks: get higher Security Clearance, & locate the SOS Beacon.
Schematic #9 – Contact Energy: Conveniently, to get our Level 3 Security Clearance, we need to locate Dallas’ Rig which is one of the seven required Side Mission – You Are Not Authorized. Return back to the central Cargo Lift, & take it up to Deck B on Floor 4. Clear out the Necromorphs, & we can find a locked room in the center of the area.
To open it, walk around to the Northeast side of the locked room, & face towards it. Here there will be a metal shutter removed, & we can see into the room through a broken window. Shoot the Fuse Box inside the room, & we can enter it; this Schematic can be found on a small table.
Power Node #38: We can also find a Node Crate in this office room as well.
Side Mission – You Are Not Authorized: Navigate into the large Processing Chamber room. To access the Mineral Processing Control, we first need to eliminate all of the bits of asteroid from the Processing Chamber using our Kinesis.
Once that is done, restore gravity & we will be attacked… When we are safe, enter Processing Control & collect Dallas’ Rig. Now we have Level 3 Security Clearance!
Achievement #21 – Pusher: Kill 30 enemies with the Force Gun.
This may unlock before you complete the kills needed for the Line Gun; Ammo drops depending. The Force Gun is also great for killing multiple enemies at the same time which really helps you conserve Ammo.
Every source I've read stated that Swarmers do not count towards the “Kill 30 with X Weapons” Achievements, but I unlocked this one doing exactly that…
Side Mission – Scientific Methods: With our business finished on Deck B, take the central Cargo Lift down to Deck D on Floor 2. Deal with a Guardian blocking our way, then enter into Secure Storage where there will be three rooms that have no power & a Circuit Breaker at the end of the hall.
We can find Kyne’s hideout by restoring power to Storage 02; a Ruby Semiconductor can be found in Storage 01. Listen to the Audio Log found on the bedroll on the floor to progress the Side Mission.
Chapter #7 – Into the Void: Now we need to get over to the Equipment Workshop. To do that, we will need to travel across a gondola through the Equipment Maintenance Bay; watch your flanks. Enter into the Equipment Workshop, & we can collect the SOS Beacon.
Schematic #10 – Intermediate Miner Rig: We can also loot this very important Schematic from the workstation across from where we picked up the SOS Beacon in the Equipment Workshop.
Weapon Upgrade #11 – Macroliter Fuel Tank: Re-enter the Equipment Maintenance Bay, & we will need to turn off gravity to continue. Before we exit the room, use your Zero-G Thrusters to get down to Floor 1 where we can find the Utility Room locked behind Level 3 Security Clearance. Open it, & we can find this Weapon Upgrade on the floor in front of where we enter.
Power Node #39: We can also find a Node Crate on the wall in the Utility Room as well.
Power Node #40: Return back to our hub in the Rig Room, & bring the Macroliter Fuel Tank Weapon Upgrade to the Upgrade Bench here to receive a free Power Node.
Suit Level 4: Bring the Intermediate Miner Rig Schematic back to a Store, & we will be able to purchase the Suit Level 4 for 35,000 Credits. It is a lot, but I definitely recommend buying this as soon as you are able to.
Our next Suit Upgrade will cost us 60,000 Credits. Refrain from buying Power Nodes, & save up 60,000; when you are over the required amount, you can spend your excess on Power Nodes…
Chapter #7 – Into the Void: With the SOS Beacon in hand, take the central Cargo Lift down to Deck C & make your way back to Mining Control.
Power Node #41: As we navigate to Mining Control, we will pass the Storage Room. Previously locked by Level 3 Security Clearance, we can now open it to locate a Node Crate.
Achievement #22 – Eviscerator: Kill 30 enemies with the Line Gun.
With how scarce Line Gun Ammo is, & how little damage it does (without many Upgrades), this may take you the longest to earn. Weakening enemies with the Plasma Cutter & finishing them off with the Line Gun helps.
Kill 30 Enemies With “X Weapon” Achievements: By the end of this Chapter, we should have most if not all of our “Slay Achievements” earned. I strongly recommend getting these all unlocked by the end of our first playthrough as it will open up options to you for earning the One Gun Achievement.
Chapter #7 – Into the Void: Load the SOS Beacon into the Launch Tube… or not. Take the Battery powering the Cargo Lift up to Mining Control, & Kinesis it over to the Cargo Lift leading down to the Mining Bay.
Very carefully fly out beyond the asteroid being mined, & secure the SOS Beacon to it. Once that is done, we need to destroy the 4 Tethers holding it in place. Use Stasis on a Tether, then blast any one of its electrical nodes to destroy them.
Achievement #23 – Freeze: Use Stasis on 50 enemies.
At this stage of the game, we should be collecting our fair share of Stasis Packs. When you have at least one or two in Storage, & an emergency Stasis Pack kept in your Inventory, all others can be used to replace your Stasis. Use Stasis as often as you can; try hitting multiple enemies with a single shot to speed things along.
Especially if there is a Stasis Recharge Station in the room, definitely take advantage of that! Upgrading your Suit’s Stasis is also very useful for making your Energy go further.
Sequence 10: Sending Out An SOS
Chapter #7 – Mining:1. Location: Mining, Engineering, Bridge, Communications Hub
2. Schematics: 11/13
3. Weapon Upgrades: 12/21
4. Power Nodes: 45/76
5. Achievements: 26/47
Chapter #7 – Into the Void: Return back to Mining Control, & with everything set, launch the asteroid back into space with our SOS Beacon attached to it. Were it so easy… Prepare for the next major teeth gritting section of the game. Get back to the Rig Room asap, & we will be safe… for now.
Achievement #24 – S.O.S.: Complete Chapter 7 on any Difficulty setting.
Story Related. Return back to the Mining Tram Station to unlock the Achievement.
Side Mission – You Are Not Authorized: Before we return to the Bridge, since we have Level 3 Security Clearance, we can locate Rousseau’s Rig on Engineering. Do not worry, the Hunter will not pursue us into Engineering…
Navigate to Fuel Storage on Floor 5, & use your Level 3 Security Clearance to enter Fuel Storage where we can find Rousseau’s Rig on the floor.
Schematic #11 – Oxygen Tank: We can also access another room with our Level 3 Security Clearance, the Platform Storage Room, found on Floor 4. Inside, we can find this new Schematic on a worktable.
Power Node #42: While in Platform Storage, we can also find a Node Crate on the walls.
Chapter #8 – Search & Rescue: Take the Tram back to the Bridge now & return to the Main Atrium. Proceed into the center of the room & a Quarantine Lockdown will commence; clear the room.
Side Mission – Pre-Meditated Malpractice: While we are here in the Main Atrium, head over to the Northern end of the room & we can find a console to interact with to receive a new Video Log. This will progress the Side Mission.
Chapter #8 – Search & Rescue: Take the Cargo Lift in the Main Atrium down to Floor 1 (Floor 3 in the Cargo Lift) & we will need to kill two Guardians blocking our way to enter the Communications Hub.
Side Mission – You Are Not Authorized: Enter into the Comms Control Room & then pass into the office of E. Bailey – 1st Co; inside we can find his Rig on his desk… beside himself.
Chapter #8 – Search & Rescue: Now we need to restore comms. Get to the Communications Array (we can find a Ruby Semiconductor inside a Locker in the Comms Array Locker Room) & replace all the broken panels along the Eastern wall with intact panels.
The trick to the panels is not actually as difficult as it sounds. There are 7 working panels in total & we only need 5 to complete the circuit. The thing to pay attention to, is each panel has a neon white “L Shape” on each of them that will indicate the direction it will make the electricity travel.
Once power is restored to the primary antenna, return back into the Comms Control Room & activate the Comms Array to begin sending out our distress call. The USM Valor will respond!
Power Node #43: Get over to the Maintenance Gondola & we can find a Node Crate on the wall to the left of where we enter the room from.
Weapon Upgrade #12 – Weighted Blades: Take the gondola across, & enter into the next room where we will encounter a new Necromorph type, a Divider. Kill it, & enter into the Maintenance Locker Room to find this Weapon Upgrade on a bench inside.
This is our final Weapon Upgrade for the Plasma Cutter. As of now, it can be fully Upgraded.
Power Node #44: Take the Weighted Blades Weapon Upgrade back over to the Upgrade Bench in the previous room to receive a free Power Node.
Power Node #45: Take the Cargo Lift down to Floor 1 of the Communications Hub & we will enter into a hallway. Walk down to the end of the hall & we can find a Node Crate on the wall across from the entrance to the ADS Cannons.
Achievement #25 – Get Off My Ship!: Kill the Leviathan Remnant.
Story Related. Before we can activate the long range antenna, we will have to deal with a hitchhiker. Exit the ship, & use our manual sync technique on the three ADS Cannons to eliminate the Leviathan once & for all; you will need to finish it off with your own Weapons at the end.
Pay attention where the Oxygen Refill Stations are; they are on either side of the blast doors we exited outside the ship from. For the easiest time, I recommend using the two outer ADS Cannons & save the center ADS Cannon for last.
Achievement #26 – Strange Transmissions: Complete Chapter 8 on any Difficulty setting.
Story Related. Our rescue ship will arrive, but not quite as we imagined. Exit back outside the Ishimura, & use your Zero-G Thrusters to boost over to the USM Valor. Enter inside to complete the Chapter.
Before we board the USM Valor! Make sure you have a lot of Ammo & Med Packs as there is no Store for this entire Chapter! I recommend packing the Pulse Rifle along as well as there are quite a few scripted Pulse Rounds found throughout the ship we can loot.
Sequence 11: Forewarned Is Forearmed
Chapter #9 – USM Valor:1. Location: USM Valor, Hydroponics, Bridge
2. Schematics: 12/13
3. Weapon Upgrades: 12/21
4. Power Nodes: 51/76
5. Achievements: 30/47
Chapter #9 – Dead On Arrival: Our objectives will change from bad to worse when we begin making our way through the USM Valor.
Power Node #46: Navigate through the Barracks & down the hall towards the Cargo Lift to take us down to Floor 2. Before you take it, carry on into the Briefing Room, & we can re-enter the Airlock room to locate a Node Crate previously blocked off to us.
Chapter #9 – Dead On Arrival: Replace the Battery for the Cargo Lift, & take it down to Floor 2 to enter into the Torpedo Bay. The catch to disarming the nuclear warhead, is we cannot set off any of the Exploder Necromorphs. You need to surgically shoot off their explosive sacks without detonating them or just kill them with headshots; I recommend burning through some Stasis to deal with them.
Destroy the 6 Fuse Boxes in this room then collect a Battery to power up the Warhead Control console to dispose of the nuke.
Achievement #27 – Front Toward Enemy: Survive the Shooting Gallery.
To continue on, we will have to pass through the Armory. Clear the room of the two Valor Necromorphs & a Divider, then carry on into the Shooting Gallery.
Activate the Shooting Range, & shoot all Red Targets that appear; do not shoot any Blue Targets.
Shoot a few of the targets, & eventually we will be ambushed by a large group of varying Necromorphs. Kill them all, & we will unlock the Achievement.
Power Node #47: When we have completed the Shooting Range, loot the five Lockers nearby; one will have a Power Node inside it.
Another Locker will also have a Ruby Semiconductor in it!
Schematic #12 – Large Med Pack: Navigate along to the Infirmary now & we can find this Schematic on a desk immediately to our left from where we enter it.
Strangely, if you have been following along with the guide, you may end up unlocking the Merchant Achievement after collecting the Large Med Pack Schematic; I did. Nothing I read online really sorted this out for me as people said you need all 13 Schematics or you need all Schematics EXCEPT for the Large Med Pack. Regardless, there is only one more Schematic to find & it will be the Level 5 Suit Schematic (which is very important). If you unlock the Achievement, great. If not, you will in the next Chapter when we grab the 13th Schematic…
Power Node #48: Carry on into the Cargo Bay now & very carefully begin making your way through it. A Quarantine Lockdown will engage & we will have to fight off a few waves of Necromorphs. Unfortunately, the lockdown will end with a Brute coming after us; kill it & loot a Power Node off its corpse.
We can also loot a Ruby Semiconductor from a Crate inside an open room to the North of the Cargo Bay; it is obscured by some orange bags.
Power Node #49: Get to the Engine Room & carefully dodge the flames. At the end of the first corridor, we will need to use Kinesis on a crate to block a flame. Further past it, there will be two continuous flames we need to block.
Block one with the crate we have on hand & we can find another crate to grab further down the other hall. Block both flames, & we can find a Node Crate on the wall here.
Chapter #9 – Dead On Arrival: Grab both Kinesis crates now & use them to block the flames down the second hall to let us get to the end of the Engine Room. Use the Circuit Breaker to activate the Cargo Lift as well as activate the fire suppression systems, & we can get up to Floor 2 of the Engine Room.
Achievement #28 – Wreckage: Complete Chapter 9 on any Difficulty setting.
Story Related. Link up with Hammond, & grab the Singularity Core from the USM Valor. With the core removed, the Valor will explode. Get back to the Ishimura!
When the Valor explodes, we will get refuge using the large antenna as it retracts back into the Ishimura. We will complete the Chapter after we debrief with Daniels back in the Communications Array.
Side Mission – Pre-Meditated Malpractice: Before we carry on further with locating the Executive Shuttle, let’s first complete a short errand. Quickly get to the Tram Station & travel to Hydroponics. From here get to the Diagnostic Lab found beyond Hydroponics Control on Floor 3.
Power Node #50: On the way to the Diagnostic Lab, we will enter into Flow Control. At the far end of Flow Control, we can now use our Level 3 Security Clearance to gain access to Rare Specimens. Enter inside, & we can find a Node Crate along a wall.
Power Node #51: To get to the Diagnostic Lab, we must first pass through Nutrition Systems. When we enter the room, it will be filled with toxic gas; ignore it, & head over to the wall off our right when we enter to find a Node Crate.
Achievement #29 – Final Regeneration: Discover the Hunter's origins.
Enter into the Diagnostic Lab & collect the Audio Log here to complete this Side Mission & unlock the Achievement.
Prototype Stasis Module: We can also find the Prototype Stasis Module in the Diagnostic Lab as well. This is an extremely handy Upgrade, that will make all enemies hit by Stasis completely immobile instead of slowing them down as well as does damage to them over time!
We can also find a Ruby Semiconductor in Lab Diagnostics.
Chapter #10 – End of Days: Get to the Bridge & we will now be able to pass through the corridor that leads to the Crew Deck.
Side Mission – You Are Not Authorized: Enter the Tram Tunnel & we will be able to locate Benson’s Rig almost directly underneath where the Tram is, on the ground.
Achievement #30 – Full Clearance: Create the Master Security Override.
As of now, we should have all seven of the required Rigs; if not, then all areas are available to you for backtracking. Once you have them, return back to the Captain’s Nest & we can create the Master Security Override.
This will complete the Side Mission & unlock our Achievement; as of now, we can open all doors locked by any type of Security Clearance.
Sequence 12: Altman Be Praised
Chapter #10 – Medical:Chapter #10 – Hydroponics:Chapter #10 – Mining:Chapter #10 – Engineering:Chapter #10 – Bridge:Chapter #10 – Crew Quarters:1. Location: Medical, Hydroponics, Mining, Engineering, Bridge, Crew Quarters
2. Schematics: 13/13
3. Weapon Upgrades: 18/21
4. Power Nodes: 59/76
5. Achievements: 32/47
Now that we have Master Level Security Clearance, we can open any rooms or Crates in the game. Before we continue onwards, we may as well do some quick backtracking…
Weapon Upgrade #13 – Photon Energizer: Go to Medical & head over to Lab Storage on Floor 4. Open up the Level 3 Security Clearance door, & kill the Necromorphs that ambush us inside. Loot the room, & we can collect this Weapon Upgrade from inside a Crate against the far wall.
Weapon Upgrade #14 – Portable Heliotron: Head down to Floor 1 now, & navigate over to the Bioprosthetic Locker Room where we can find this Weapon Upgrade inside on a workbench.
Power Nodes #52-53: Take both of our new Weapon Upgrades to any Upgrade Bench & we will receive two free Power Nodes.
Weapon Upgrade #15 – Precision Lasers: Now head to Hydroponics & make your way to the Hydroponics Central Hub. From here, enter into the hall To Mining Tram Station & we can find a large orange Crate locked by Master Level Security Clearance. Open it up, & we can collect this Weapon Upgrade.
Weapon Upgrade #16 – Diffraction Module: Continue on through the hall & get to the Mining/Engineering Deck now. Make your way over to Tools Storage, just before we enter the Rig Room, & we can now open it using our Master Level Security Clearance. Inside the room we can use our Master Level Security Clearance to open up a Crate that will contain our Weapon Upgrade.
Power Nodes #54-55: Take our new Weapon Upgrades to the Upgrade Bench in the Rig Room, & we can collect two more free Power Nodes.
Weapon Upgrade #17 – Carbon-Fiber Blades: Pass through the Tram now into Engineering, & get to the Floor 4 of the Machine Shop. At the back corner, right beside the Upgrade Bench, we can find another Master Level Security Clearance locked Crate; open it to collect this Weapon Upgrade.
Power Node #56: Take the Weapon Upgrade over to the nearby Upgrade Bench to receive a free Power Node.
Weapon Upgrade #18 – High-Yield Grenades: Report back to the Bridge now, & head over to Water Purification Storage on Floor 5. Use our Master Level Security Clearance to enter inside, & we can loot this Weapon Upgrade from inside a Locker.
Power Node #57: While still inside Water Purification Storage, we can also find a Node Crate on the wall.
Power Node #58: Bring the Weapon Upgrade to an Upgrade Bench, & we will receive a free Power Node.
Chapter #10 – End of Days: Get up to the Crew Quarters now using the Cargo Lift in the Tram tunnel & lift the station lockdown at the Tram so we can now travel back & forth from here.
Enter into the Common Room from the Tram… & it will be bad. I strongly recommend, Stomping apart the corpses here. At the very least, take off their legs… “Forewarned is forearmed…”
To progress, we will need to locate the Crew Deck Key which can be found close to the Zero-G Gym.
Schematic #13 – Advanced Engineering Rig: Enter the Standard Bathrooms just before the Zero-G Gym, & we can find our final Schematic on a bench in the center of the change room.
Achievement #31 – Merchant: Collect all 13 Schematics.
We will unlock this Achievement after collecting our final Schematic. Currently, no Schematic is missable (until the end of Chapter 11); if the Achievement does not unlock & did not unlock early either, be sure you track down whichever Schematics you are missing.
Chapter #10 – End of Days: To get to the Crew Deck Key, we first need to somehow find a Battery. Enter into the Zero-G Gym & we can find the Battery at the far end of a basketball court floating near the goal sign. Grab it, & we will be attacked by some Lurkers; be sure to kill them all. With the Battery, we can now power up a Cargo Lift so we can collect the key.
Achievement #32 – Z-Baller: Complete Level 6 in Zero-G Basketball.
Before we return back to the Common Room, re-enter the Zero-G Gym. The core of this game is simple: when you activate the console, a basketball will fire out of a random tube around the sides of the gym; grab it with Kinesis & fire it into one of the four coloured hoops in front of us.
For our Achievement we need to beat Level 6 which is at 220 Points. As we beat Levels the lights on the hoops will begin turning off & eventually grates may start opening & closing around some hoops. If you score a goal in a lit-up hoop, you will get double points.
You can play in the air or on the ground. Personally, I recommend just staying on the ground so you can get yourself in the best stationary position & just focus all your attention on the basketball. If you are on the ground, stand on the square court in the center of the gym & not on the one by the activation panel or directly in front of the hoops.
After you beat Level 6, we will unlock the Achievement. There is a time limit, but it is pretty forgiving & does increase after every Level. Should you fail, simply go back to the activation panel & try again. There is no further bonus after beating Level 6 & entering High Score Mode (outside of exactly that).
Power Node #59: With Level 6 Zero-G Basketball complete, leave the gym & we will find six Lockers that are now unlocked; beating each Level will open them. The rewards are pretty marginal, though we will find this Power Node inside Locker six; we can also find a Ruby Semiconductor inside Locker five.
Suit Level 5: Return back to the hub & bring the Advanced Engineering Rig to the Store; it can be purchased for 60,000 Credits. As of now, we have the highest Level Suit for NG.
Suit Level 6 is only available on NG+, & it will cost us 99,000 Credits! It is up to you if you want to start saving up the 99,000 Credits now before you start buying Power Nodes, or save this for NG+. I recommend, if you can, saving your needed Credits & then using the excess for Power Nodes. We can re-loot all Node Crates on NG+ so you don’t actually need to buy as many as you would think… this is all a NG+ problem anyways.
Sequence 13: Hunter Eats Hunter
Chapter #10 – Crew Quarters:1. Location: Crew Quarters
2. Weapon Upgrades: 20/21
3. Power Nodes: 65/76
4. Achievements: 35/47
Chapter #10 – End of Days: With the Crew Deck Key, we can now unlock the Cargo Lift to the Central Nexus. Take the lift down to Floor 2 (Floor 1 on the Cargo Lift controls) & try to get to the Executive Shuttle. Try.
To get out of this room, we need to follow the Corruption Tendril blocking our exit & shoot the explosive sack on it to clear the way; the sack is found up on the second level at the East end of the room.
Eventually, we will reach the Mess Hall on Floor 1 where we can find a Ruby Semiconductor behind a bar counter close to an Upgrade Bench.
Power Node #60: Exit the Mess Hall, & take a left down the hallway we enter to reach a dead end that has a Node Crate on the wall.
Power Node #61: Enter into the Standard Crew Quarters, & it will be filled with poison gas. Dispatch two Guardians, but destroy the Corruption Tendril blocking our path yet. Instead, go into the Storage Room at the South end of the room; there are no vents in this room, so you can breathe. Not only is there a Battery we need in here, but also a Node Crate on the wall.
Chapter #10 – End of Days: Take the Battery through the Mess Hall, & we can now power up the Cargo Lift to get us out of here. Return back into the Standard Crew Quarters & destroy the Corruption Tendril now… we will receive a visitor.
With the Battery already installed, leave the Cew Quarters & quickly return back to the Central Nexus. We can now take a Cargo Lift up to Floor 3 to access the Deluxe Quarters. Enter into the Deluxe Quarters hallway, but once again, do not pursue going after the Tendril yet.
Side Mission – Scientific Methods: Enter into the Guest Consultant Suites & enter into Dr. Mercer’s unlisted suite. Approach the terminal at the desk & play the Video Log…
Achievement #33 – Whole Again: Pursue Nicole's investigation.
If you have been following along with the guide, & completed all prior objectives for this Side Mission, we will unlock this Achievement after we complete Side Mission – Scientific Methods.
Weapon Upgrade #19 – Gravitic Amplifier: Before we leave Dr. Mercer’s suite, we can collect this Weapon Upgrade off of a lab workstation nearby.
Weapon Upgrade #20 – High-Pressure Nozzle: Enter into the Deluxe Quiet Bunks, & we can find a Battery. Take the Battery over to the Deluxe Bathrooms & we can now power up a Circuit Breaker that will let us proceed; turn on the power to doors. Re-enter the Deluxe Quarters & enter into the newly powered up Deluxe Shift Bunks (not the one in the hall we were just in).
Inside, we can find this Weapon Upgrade inside a Master Level Security Clearance locked Crate.
Chapter #10 – End of Days: Go back to the main hallway of the Deluxe Quarters now, & we can find the Corruption Tendril at the far Northwest end behind a small partition beside one of the doors leading into the Deluxe Quiet Bunks.
Now we have to locate one more Tendril in the Executive Quarters.
Power Node #62: When we reach the Executive Quarters, we will want to enter inside Captain B. Mathius’ room (the actual sign above the door however will read Second Officer J. Chic though, they messed up).
To get inside, though we first have to locate the Executive Quarters Keycard; do not destroy the Corruption Tendril we find in here yet! Take the Keycard over to First Officer D. White’s room (signed Lt. Commander V. Holt instead) & destroy the Fuse Box we find in here to open up the Captain’s/Chic’s room. Inside we can find a Node Crate on the wall.
Chapter #10 – End of Days: Destroy the Corruption Tendril inside the Executive Bathrooms & we will have one last Tendril to destroy located in the Chief Steward’s Office.
Power Node #63-64: Enter into the Maintenance Hall off of the Chief Steward’s Office & we can find an Upgrade Bench; take our two new Weapon Upgrades to it to unlock two free Power Nodes.
Achievement #34 – Legend Teller: Collect 150 Logs.
There are 188 Logs in total found throughout the game; for the Achievement we only need 150. Since we basically have to explore every room on the Ishimura anyways for Power Nodes or other Collectibles, you should have no problem collecting the Logs you need. Any Video Log witnessed through the main story also contribute to this amount.
Logs will carry over into NG+ as well, so if you somehow do not unlock the Achievement in your first playthrough, you can make sure you snag whatever Logs you missed in the next one.
Power Node #65: Return back to the Central Nexus & fight off a Quarantine Lockdown. When it is clear, activate the Loader Controls to take our new cargo down towards where the Executive Shuttle is docked. Enter into the next room & we can find this Node Crate on the wall next to Southeast entrance to this room from the Central Nexus.
Chapter #10 – End of Days: Loot the room, then board the Executive Shuttle to install the Singularity Core & we will be tasked with test firing the engines. Do just that, & the Hunter will arrive; down them behind the engines, use Stasis on them, then rush back to the Shuttle Control to “test fire the engines” with the Hunter directly behind them.
The Hunter is officially dead now, for good.
Achievement #35 – Keeper of the Faith: Complete Chapter 10 on any Difficulty setting.
Story Related. Unfortunately, the Corruption has other plans for us, & we will be separated from the Executive Shuttle & our cargo. Regroup with the other survivors… all the way in Medical, to complete the Chapter & unlock the Achievement.
Sequence 14: The Future Of Our Race
Chapter #11 – Hangar – Cargo:1. Location: Hangar – Cargo, Flight Deck
2. Weapon Upgrades: 21/21
3. Power Nodes: 69/76
4. Achievements: 38/47
Chapter #11 – Alternate Solutions: Leave Medical, & take the Tram to Hangar – Cargo. Enter into the Cargo Bay, & we will have to wrestle down our luggage for our trip to Aegis VII.
Achievement #36 – There’s Always Peng!: Find the Peng Treasure.
When we enter the Cargo Bay, we will have to take a Cargo Lift down to a lower level. Step off the Cargo Lift, & before proceeding further into the room take a left, & walk to the Lockers directly underneath where we first entered the room.
One of the Lockers here will have PENG stickers posted all over it; open the Locker, & we can find the PENG Statuette inside it. Pick it up to unlock the Achievement… this sells for a LOT of Credits… like 30,000 Credits.
Weapon Upgrade #21 – Suspension Module: Now begin making your way around the Cargo Bay counterclockwise & we will find a Guardian. Kill it, & we can find a Master Level Security Clearance locked Crate beside it; open it to find our final Weapon Upgrade.
Power Node #66: Further down the walkways past the Weapon Upgrade, we can find a Node Crate in the Southwest corner of the Cargo Bay at a junction in the path.
Achievement #37 – Built to Order: Install all 21 Weapon Upgrades.
Before we do anything else, take the Cargo Lift back up to the second floor of the Cargo Bay, & bring our final Weapon Upgrade to the Upgrade Bench to install it; if you have been following along with the guide, we will unlock this Achievement after all 21 Weapon Upgrades are installed in their corresponding Weapon.
Power Node #67: We will also receive a free Power Node for bringing the Weapon Upgrade to an Upgrade Bench.
Chapter #11 – Alternate Solutions: Use the Cargo Crane & guide our “luggage” up to the Flight Deck while dealing with any obstructions in its path…
Chapter #11 – Alternate Solutions: Get to Flight Deck Runway #2, & we will need to turn off gravity so that we can manually load our “luggage” into the Executive Shuttle that our friends have guided into the Hangar.
Power Node #68: Some new bay doors have opened along the South end of the Main Hangar Bay; you can find an extremely rare Diamond Semiconductor in a Level 3 Security Clearance Crate in the Southwest most bay area.
Enter the Southeast bay area, where our “luggage” has ended up, & we can find a Node Crate on the wall in here.
Chapter #11 – Alternate Solutions: Use the Circuit Breaker to switch power to the Loading Shutter & the Cargo Rail Tracks to guide our “luggage” over to the Executive Shuttle… & it will fly off without us.
Power Node #69: Navigate over to the Flight Control Room, & we can find a Node Crate on the wall to the right of where we enter it from.
Point of No Return: Get to the Flight Control Main Tower, & manually recall the Executive Shuttle back to the Ishimura so we can pilot it down to Aegis VII. Enter the Executive Shuttle, & we will get a Point of No Return Warning; if you proceed onwards, we will leave the Ishimura, & be locked into the final Chapter.
Check your Rig Map & comb through every room of every station to make sure you have explored around & not missed anything. Make sure you have all Schematics & Weapon Upgrades previously mentioned in the guide…
If you have any unfinished business here to do on the other Decks, do so now & return back here.
Achievement #38 – Betrayed: Complete Chapter 11 on any Difficulty setting.
Story Related. Arrive on Aegis VII & we will complete Chapter 11 as well as unlock our Achievement.
Sequence 15: ...Ends Here
Chapter #12 – Aegis VII:1. Location: Aegis VII
2. Power Nodes: 76/76
3. Achievements: 41/47
Chapter #12 – Dead Space: Disembark from the Executive Shuttle, & unload our “luggage” out of it with the Loader Controls. Navigate it along, until its path is blocked; we can find the Battery to unblock our path in the Server Room found just past our new hub room in the Living Quarters,
Power Node #70: Before we plug in the Battery, enter into the Landing Pad Atrium room where we can find a Node Crate on the wall.
Power Node #71: Navigate our luggage… the Marker, into the Supply Depot. At the far end, before we proceed onwards, enter into the side room Holding Zone 2B & we can find a Node Crate inside.
Power Node #72-74: Enter into the Transfer Junction, & head over to the Southeast corner close to a Stasis Recharge Station where we can find a Master Level Security Clearance locked Crate that contains not one but three Power Nodes in it!
Chapter #12 – Dead Space: Enter into Tether Control & we need to use Batteries to restore power to all three Generators & restart the Tether Generator. Use our Zero-G Thrusters to get us back to where we entered the room, & we can return back to the Marker.
Power Node #75: Return back to the Transfer Junction, & we will be attacked by a horde of Necromorphs. In this horde, will be a Brute; kill it, & be sure to collect its Power Node.
Be mindful of where you are stepping, as if you accidentally walk in through some Corruption, it will slow you down to a walk. That mistake can potentially be fatal if you are surrounded.
Chapter #12 – Dead Space: Navigate the Marker back to the Excavation Site, & place it back on its pedestal. Restart Tether Control, & fight your way back to the Main Landing Pad.
Power Node #76: As we walk back to the Main Landing Pad, enter into the Living Quarters Storage room just before we enter back into the Living Quarters. Not only will we be thoroughly resupplied, but we can also find a Node Crate in this room as well.
This is the last physical Power Node we can collect. All of these Power Nodes can be re-collected over again on NG+!
Achievement #39 – Mindless Prey: Kill the Hive Mind.
Story Related. Stock up on Med Packs & Ammo, & return back to the Main Landing Pad. Here, we will encounter the Hive Mind… the Hive Mind has five glowing explosive sacks on its face; shoot each one enough that it explodes.
When the sacks are destroyed, six new sacks will open up inside the Hive Mind’s chest that we need to destroy; other Necromorphs will unfortunately join the fight to stop us. Every time we destroy one of the chest sacks, we need to dodge some caustic sludge the Hive Mind shoots at us as well as its own tentacles.
When those are destroyed, we will have one final sack to destroy right on the Hive Mind’s face. Do so, & we will fully kill it & unlock our Achievement.
Achievement #40 – Exodus: Complete Chapter 12 on any Difficulty setting.
Story Related. With the Hive Mind dead, we now need to get off of Aegis VII. Return back to the Executive Shuttle & leave this rock… we will complete the Chapter after we escape its destruction & unlock the Achievement.
Achievement #41 – Set A Benchmark: Complete the game on Medium Difficulty or above.
Story Related. If you have been playing this game on Medium Difficulty & have not changed it, we will also unlock this Achievement.
87% Complete
Sequence 16: NG+
Chapter #1 – Hangar – Cargo:1. Location: Hangar – Cargo, Medical, Engineering, Bridge, Hydroponics, Mining
2. Marker Fragments: 8/12
3. Achievements: 41/47
When we complete the game for the first time, we will receive: 50,000 Credits, 10 free Power Nodes, brand new Logs (that will contribute to the Legend Teller Achievement), & of course the Level 6 Suit. The Level 6 Suit can be purchased from any Store in NG+ for 99,000 Credits…
The big focus of this playthrough, apart from earning as many Power Nodes as we possibly can, is to also find new Marker Fragments which are scattered throughout the Ishimura. A very important note about the Marker Fragments, is that they DO have physics. It is highly possible if you accidentally use Kinesis or the Force Gun in too close of a proximity to them, that you can blast them into an unreachable location!
Remember that there are around 55 Power Node Crates we can loot throughout the game; we cannot re-collect the Weapon Upgrade so we cannot get free Power Nodes from them. Keep those 55 Power Nodes in mind as you play, though you may have so many Credits throughout the run that they won’t matter.
Since we cannot start NG+ on Impossible Mode, we can just continue playing on the same Difficulty or lower.
Lastly, as a closing remark this your make-or-break decision regarding the One Gun Achievement. If you do not have any ‘Weapon kill Achievements” left to do, you may want to attempt using only the Plasma Cutter this playthrough. It is extremely simple doing it with us being so overpowered & on a lower Difficulty. The downside, is the whole point of this run is to max out all the Weapons, so you will not be able to mess around & enjoy them. Firing a single shot from any other Weapon that is not the Plasma Cutter will void the Achievement.
If you decide to use your Weapons, or have some remaining “Weapon kill Achievements” then we will be saving the One Gun run for Impossible Mode; I am structuring the walkthrough for Impossible Mode using the Plasma Cutter only… so at least we will suffer together if that is your choice as well. Trust me though, it is not nearly as bad as it sounds!
Marker Fragment #1: After the initial prologue during this Chapter, we will reach the Tram Control Room & need to repair the Tram. When we go to collect the Data Board in the Maintenance Bay, we will need to use the Circuit Breaker to restore power to the Maintenance Office. Do so, & locate the Data Board.
In the same room, we can find our very first Marker Fragment on a bookshelf to the right of where the Data Board is. The Marker Fragment is tucked behind some books; you may have to destroy the books to actually be able to collect the item.
Achievement #42 – Marked: Pick up a Marker Fragment for the first time.
Story Related. We will unlock this Achievement after we collect our first Marker Fragment; there are 12 in total we will need to locate on NG+…
Suit Level 6: Suit Level 6 will be available for purchase at the start of NG+ for 99,000 Credits; the first Store we will find will be in the Flight Deck Tram Station.
Purchasing the Suit will unlock the final few Upgrades for it to purchase with Power Nodes!
Marker Fragment #2: When we reach Medical, we will need to demolish the barricade so we can get to the Morgue. Seek the Shock Pad, which we will need to pass through the Main Lab on Floor 1 to reach. While in the Main Lab, enter into Dr. Kyne’s Office & we can find the next Marker Fragment in Kyne’s secret study; move the shelves in his office using Kinesis, & the Fragment will be on his work bench.
Marker Fragment #3: Once we are in Engineering, you will have to refuel both Engines as well as start up the Centrifuge. Once that is done, we will need to manually re-ignite the Engines. Enter the Engine Room, & head over to the far Northeast end of the room in behind one of the Battery Sockets where we can find the next Marker Fragment in a dark corner.
Marker Fragment #4: Make your way through the Bridge, meet up with Hammond, & kill the Brute who exits the Security Room. Restore power to the Cargo Lift in the Main Atrium & head down to Floor 1 (Floor 3 on the Cargo Lift). Down here, when we go to re-route power from Electrical Systems, enter into the Break Room; we can find a Marker Fragment underneath the TV screen with the actual Marker on it.
Marker Fragment #5: After we shut off the broadcast & unleash the Hunter, we need to get to Dr. Mercer’s Office to turn off the lockdown over Medical; we can find the Marker Fragment on his desk.
Marker Fragment #6: Now we need to get to Cryogenics & put the Hunter into deep freeze. Once the Hunter is dealt with, return to the Cryo-Pod in the center of the room. Get around to the Southwest side of it, & look on top of the Cryo-Pod to find a Marker Fragment on it. Use Kinesis to collect it.
Marker Fragment #7: When we are tasked with killing the eight Wheezers in Hydroponics, navigate over to the East Grow Chamber. As soon as you enter the room on the walkway (Floor 3) look up to your right to see the next Marker Fragment in a dark corner; use Kinesis to grab it.
Alternatively, we can collect it when we turn on Zero-G in the room though we have to be careful; there is a chance that the Marker Fragment can float away & become stuck into a surface where we cannot collect it. This is a potentially Missable Marker Fragment due to how obscure it is & for the bad luck of getting it stuck without you knowing in Zero-G…
Marker Fragment #8: The Marker Fragment we need to collect is located inside Mineral Samples on Floor 5. To enter this room however, we first need to get the Level 3 Security Clearance. Go to Mineral Processing Control & get Mining Supervisor Dallas’ Rig for our Security Clearance; backtrack over to Mineral Samples & we can find the Marker Fragment immediately across from where we enter the room on top of a crate.
Sequence 17: Premonitions
Chapter #8 – Bridge:Chapter #9 – USM Valor:Chapter #10 – Crew Quarters:Chapter #11 – Hangar – Cargo:Chapter #11 – Crew Quarters:Chapter #11 – Hangar – Cargo:Chapter #12 – Aegis VII:1. Location: Bridge, USM Valor, Crew Quarters, Cargo – Hanger, Aegis VII
2. Marker Fragments: 12/12
3. Achievements: 45/47
Marker Fragment #9: In Chapter 8, we will need to travel to the Communications Array to repair it by completing the Kinesis puzzle. While in the room, look to the left of the Communications Control screen showing the current active electrical nodes to find a hole in one of the walls with Corruption growing within it. Inside this hole, we can see the glint of an item; use Kinesis to pull it towards you, & it will be our next Marker Fragment.
There are no Marker Fragments to find on this Chapter.
Marker Fragment #10: Complete the USM Valor & progress to the Crew Quarters – deal with the initial encounter with the Hunter in the Central Nexus. Deal with the first Corruption Tendril in the Standard Quarters, then carry on to the Deluxe Quarters to take of the second Tendril.
While in the Deluxe Quarters, locate the Battery in the Deluxe Quiet Bunks & place it into the Circuit Breaker. Turn on power to the doors then return back into the main hall of the Deluxe Quarters we were in earlier where the Quarantine Lockdown happened. With power to the doors, we can now enter into the southern Deluxe Shift Bunks where we can find the next Marker Fragment on a desk.
Marker Fragment #11: Travel to the Executive Suite to collect the Exec Quarters Keycard, & return back to the Central Nexus to open up the Chief Steward’s Office where we will encounter Dr. Kyne.
When Dr. Kyne leaves the room he is in, head inside & straight across to find the next Marker Fragment on table near a Text Log.
Marker Fragment #12: When the Hunter is melted by the Executive Shuttle engines, we now need to go to Hanger – Cargo to load the Marker onto the Shuttle. When you reach the Cargo Bay, take the Caro Lift down to Floor 1. Don’t forget to grab the Peng Treasure!
From the Cargo Lift, head to the far left corner of the room & we can find our final Marker Fragment on a shelf.
Placing the Marker Fragments: Now that we have collected all 12 Marker Fragments, we have one last thing to do before we can leave the Ishimura. Take the Tram back to the Crew Quarters & backtrack to Captain Benjamin Mathius’ Quarters in the Executive Quarters.
Approach the table inside his room with the Marker on it, & place all of the Marker Fragments on it. Doing this is the last step for us to unlock the Alternative Ending – all that is left to do now is beat the game!
Point of No Return: Once again, after the Marker has been successfully loaded onto the Shuttle at the end of this Chapter & we recall it back, we will be faced with our Point of No Return. Before we leave the Ishimura, we need to have unlocked or be very close to unlocking the Maxed Out Achievement. If you only need 1-10 Power Nodes, we can earn some more in Chapter #12 as well as sell off our entire Inventory/Storage to max out all of our Weapons; 7 can be collected in Chapter #12.
If you are still a ways off, then you will need to do some grinding. Travel Deck by Deck & loot all the rooms for Power Nodes & farm Necromorphs for loot we can sell for Credits to buy even more Power Nodes.
If you do not want to do the grind right away, make a completely separate Save (not your main NG+ Save slot) before continuing on so we can reload back to this point to grind the Achievement if you are not able to get enough on Aegis VII…
Achievement #43 – Trusted Contractor: Complete New Game Plus on any Difficulty mode.
Story Related. Regardless of whether or not you witnessed the Alternative Ending, defeat the Hive Mind & complete the game on NG+ to unlock this Achievement.
Achievement #44 – Reunion: See the Alternative Ending on any Difficulty mode.
Story Related. With all 12 Marker Fragments collected & placed in the Captain’s Quarters, defeat the Hive Mind as usual, & we will witness the new Alternative Ending for Dead Space.
Hmm… cliff hangar segway for Dead Space 2 perhaps. Why didn’t they remaster that one as well!?
Achievement #45 – Maxed Out: Fully Upgrade all 7 Weapons & the Level 6 Suit.
If you did not unlock this Achievement before beating the game, reload your pre-Point of No Return Save & begin travelling around the Ishimura farming Power Nodes.
If you were less thorough in collecting all possible Power Nodes, press Ctrl+F on your Keyboard & type in “Power Node #”to be taken to all Power Node locations listed in the guide.
With the Level 6 Suit & all 21 Weapon Upgrades previously collected, you our able to max everything out. Once the Suit & all 7 Weapons are fully maxed out, we will unlock this Achievement.
95% Complete
Sequence 18: Impossible/One Gun
Chapter #1 – Hangar – Cargo/Flight Deck:Chapter #2 – Medical:1. Location: Flight Deck, Hangar – Cargo, Flight Deck, Medical
2. Achievements: 45/47
It is now time for the most difficult apart of this 100%. Impossible Mode. Unfortunately for us, this must be done on a brand new Save & cannot be done on NG+. As well, if you are combining this playthrough with the One Gun Achievement, you cannot fire a shot from any Weapon other then the Plasma Cutter. The Weapons can still be collected, but you cannot fire a shot from them; put them immediately into your Storage.
On Impossible Mode, enemies are set to what they would be on Hard Difficulty for damage & health but have a higher chance to evade our shots. Allegedly, drop rate for Credits, Health, Ammo, & other items are greatly reduced, but I never actually noticed it being a problem. You just burn through Ammo (& potentially Med Packs) so fast is all since they take more shots to kill & do more damage to us. Using only the Plasma Cutter can be useful in this regard as we only have to worry about Ammo/Power Nodes for one Weapon. I will say that Impossible Mode actually gets easier the further into the game we get; it is the first few Chapters when we have no Upgrades that are the most challenging.
Impossible Mode is technically not perma-death, but it may as well be; if you do die, the game will be reduced down to Hard Difficulty & you will have to restart your game. That being said, there are some work arounds to this if you are fast. Immediately pausing/quitting the game upon death before the death screen ends will stop the game from Auto-Saving over your file, & you can return to playing your last Save. On that note, Save as often as physically possible.
If you happen to have a bad moment during an encounter & take too much damage or use up too much Ammo, just quit to the Main Menu & reload your Save to try that section again. With how scarce our resources are, you really have to be conservative. Kinesis & Stasis are your absolute number one assets. Whenever there is a Stasis Recharge Station nearby – abuse it. While most thrown objects will not one shot enemies, it will still damage them or dismember some limbs – the Metal Bars are still one shot kills!
Apart from collecting a few Schematics & the Weapon Upgrades for the Plasma Cutter, avoid exploring if you do not have to. Exploring can open you up to random encounters. More combat = bad. The Ammo we will receive from a dead Necromorph will not refund what we used to kill it! Most importantly, do not panic-fire; try your best to make every shot count.
As a final closing remark, do not blindly trust this part of the guide. I tried to be as thorough as I could with room ambushes & difficult moments as well as safe moments; safe moments for me, may not actually be safe for you depending on the Intensity Director. Always be on guard, & never go to use a Store or Save if you haven't cleared the room yet!
Chapter #1 – New Arrivals: The first few Chapters of the game are the most difficult as we have no Suit or Plasma Cutter Upgrades. Since Autosaves are disabled, we have no Save until we reach the Tram Control Room; you are basically stuck with whatever results you end up with after our first Necromorph encounter.
From here on, play extremely cautiously – if your health ever drops into the red (or even yellow if you’re paranoid) immediately reload your last Save & try an encounter again.
Stasis: Go after removing the broken Tram from the tracks first as we will be able to collect Stasis along the way. Anytime you see a Stasis Recharge Station, stand by it while you clear a room so you can infinitely spam Stasis!
Workbench: There were 3 Power Nodes we could have collected so far in mandatory rooms. If you have them, use the Workbench in the Maintenance Bay Office & immediately Upgrade your Plasma Cutter’s damage!
Suit Level 2: When we reach the Store at the end of Chapter #1 in the Flight Deck Tram Station we can see the Suit Level 2 Upgrade for sale for 10,000 Credits. If you are lucky, you may have around 4000-6000 Credits; with how little Credits we will be acquiring & the lack of excess Ammo to sell, you really need to focus on saving your Credits up for Suit Upgrades. They will only get more expensive.
Do not waste any Credits on buying Power Nodes either, & if you can, try not to buy anything really if you do not absolutely have to until we get all Suit Upgrades.
Kinesis Module: Enter into Medical on Floor 3, & we will need to collect the Kinesis Module to continue. Kinesis is going to help us out so much on Impossible to conserve Ammo. Typically, most objects won’t kill Necromorphs but they can knock them over. Metal Bars & Explosive are extremely handy & should be used whenever possible.
This may sound grotesque, but it can be worth ripping the Arm Blades off of Necromorphs & making strategic piles of them whenever you kill one. Some bodies despawn, & some don’t, meaning that you can re-enter a room & those Arm Blades may still be present. This can be very handy if the room you entered spawns a random encounter.
When we encounter the Pulse Rifle, if you are doing the One Gun Playthrough, just don’t pick it up. If you do, immediately place it (& any other Weapons you may collect) into Storage & do not fire a single shot from it or it will void the Achievement. It is safest just not picking new Weapons up…
The Shock Pad & Hydrazine Tank: Of the two, I recommend going for the Hydrazine Tank first as there is a nasty Quarantine Lockdown in the Main Lab. Be extremely careful on your way to Zero-G Therapy as it will be our first encounter with no Oxygen.
Suit Level 2: If possible, try to get the Level 2 Suit before going after the Shock Pad. After purchasing it, our next Credit milestone will be saving 20,000 for when we eventually collect the Level 3 Suit. Conserve as many Credits as possible!
The Main Lab: The Main Lab will be our first real challenge of Impossible Mode; if you ever “go into the red”, I recommend quitting your game immediately & trying the fight over again. There are many Necromorphs we will have to fight, but many Metal Bars as well. When we clear the top level, drop some Metal Bars down to the bottom floor for us to use as well!
The Scientific Methods Side Quest we can collect from Nicole’s Office is optional. Feel free to complete tasks if they are on route to our main ones, but I do not recommend risking backtracking for it…
Schematic – Stasis Pack: Leave the Main Lab, & we will enter the Main Lab Changing Room where we can find this important Schematic on a bench to our right as soon as we enter the room.
Sequence 19: Tachycardia
Chapter #2 – Medical:Chapter #3 – Hangar – Cargo:Chapter #3 – Engineering:1. Location: Medical, Flight Deck, Engineering
2. Achievements: 45/47
Weapon Upgrade – Cartridge Rack: Use the Shock Pad & Hydrazine Canister to open up the way ahead, & we will enter into the Ishimura Clinic reception. Look off our left, & we can find our first Weapon Upgrade for the Plasma Cutter; we NEED all three of these if we want to succeed on One Gun…
The Emergency Room: This is the hardest moment of Chapter 2; after collecting the Weapon Upgrade, I recommend returning to the Security Station to Save. When we first enter this room, it will be safe. Take stock of what’s in the room, & make a “throwable pile” somewhere that is easy to access. The most important thing to remember for this fight is not to panic. We have two Metal Bars & a Stasis Canister we can use; there will be around 2 Lurkers & 4-5 Necromorph Slashers that come at us. Again, if your run is bad, quit immediately & try again!
The Morgue: As our final hurtle for Chapter 2, we will go to the Morgue. If you prep the area, it is not difficult at all. Before you enter the Autopsy Room where the Captain is, use Kinesis to pull all the corpses around the room & Stomp the (Censored by Steam) out of them. By having no bodies for the impending Infector to turn into Necromorphs, we will only have to deal with the Infector & the Enhanced Necromorph that the Captain becomes. Stasis, & kill em.
Main Hangar Bay: To get to Engineering, we will need to use Zero-G & pass through an area of the Main Hangar Bay that has no oxygen. There are Oxygen Refill Stations at both back ends fortunately. If you want to be cautious, trigger the Necromorphs that spawn here, then fly back to the oxygenated half of the hangar to kill them.
It is up to you if you want to collect Voelker’s Rig from the far-left corner of the Main Hangar Bay. Completing the Master Security Override Key is completely optional & can lead to potentially dangerous backtracking. Collect what you can, or just completely ignore it…
Weapon Upgrade – Heat Accumulator: When we enter our hub in the Engineering, Control Room, interact with the Store here to find the Heat Accumulator Upgrade for the Plasma Cutter for sale. If you have already purchased the Level 2 Suit, buy this next for 11,000 Credits. Go back to saving your Credits up to 20,000 Credits though as we will be getting our Level 3 Suit in the next Chapter…
The Control Room is not safe, & we can have random encounters here if we are unlucky. Also, be sure to knock the head off of the dead engineer sitting in the control center as an Infector will enter the room to convert him after we refuel the engines…
Decontamination Room – Ambush: To start, I actually recommend going to activate the Centrifuge first but only if you are coming from Chapter 2 with a good supply of Ammo (we will need a fair bit to cut off the Drag Tentacle when we are grabbed). If not, do the refuel the engines first. If you are doing pretty good, make your way down to the Decontamination Room where we will have one of the more difficult moments of this Chapter.
Before we enter the room, we can collect some Stasis Canisters & some Vent Blades if you break the vents open. Make a pile near the Decontamination Room door, open it, then carefully place the objects inside. Also be sure to bring our two Weapon Upgrades to the nearby Workbench; I recommend really focusing on maxing out your Plasma Cutter as the less shots it takes to kill a Necromorph will seriously improve your odds of survival! This becomes extremely important on Chapter 5 when we encounter the Hunter & Guardians…
Schematic – Medium Med Pack: Complete the Quarantine Lockdown in the Decontamination Room & we can find this Schematic on a shelf inside an open locker immediately in front of us when we leave it.
The Centrifuge – Instant Death: After you activate the Centrifuge, we will encounter our first potential “instant death moment”. If the Centrifuge strikes us, it is an instant kill & a game ender if you are not careful! Pay attention to your oxygen as well & where the Oxygen Refill Stations are.
The Centrifuge spins counterclockwise which means you have to run clockwise, do not accidentally run in the same direction as it spins are you will die! Do not stand to close to the edges of the safety alcoves either as you can still get clipped as the Centrifuge passes. The first alcove we run to is safe, but the moment we go to run to the second one a Necromorph Slasher will begin coming towards us. Go back to the first alcove to safely shoot it down, wait for the Centrifuge to pass again, then sprint to the second alcove.
At the second alcove we can find a much needed Oxygen Refill Station, but a second Necromorph Slasher will drop from a ceiling vent so watch out for that. The third alcove has the Cargo Lift that will take us up to safety…
Drag Tentacle: When we exit the Centrifuge, we will be immediately accosted by a Drag Tendril; if it drags us into it’s hole, we are killed instantly. Do not panic, & line up your shots. Fortunately the Plasma Cutter is the best Weapon to have in this situation. On Impossible, it takes a lot more shots to kill these which is why getting those Damage Upgrades is very important!
Restarting the Engines: With the hardest part of the Chapter done first, we now just have to flip on the two engines. Be mindful of your surroundings & note that all the enemies we encounter during our first walkthrough of these rooms are all scripted. When turning on an engine, know that Necromorphs will arrive so make sure you are prepped with throwables before you do.
Also, be careful taking the gondola over to the South Engines as there are quite a few Necromorphs waiting on the other side. The quarters are tight where we arrive so get ready to use Stasis!
Sequence 20: Not Just An Engineer
Chapter #3 – Engineering:Chapter #4 – Bridge:Chapter #5 – Medical:1. Location: Engineering, Bridge, Medical
2. Achievements: 45/47
The Engine Room: With the first three tasks done, we will have to manually ignite the engines. In the room after the Control Room, there will be spinning turbines we need to use Stasis on – obviously, this is an instant death moment if you are hit by the turbines.
When you enter into Fuel Storage, take the Cargo Lift down to Floor 4 & collect as many Fire Extinguishers as you can. When you shoot a Corruption Tendril out of your way & round the corner, we will encounter Swarmers. Swarmers are one of the bigger problems of the One Gun playthrough as you either have to waste a lot of Plasma Energy to kill them… or waste health letting them cling to you to destroy. If you can find Explosive Canisters or Fire Extinguishers, this is the most efficient way to kill them. If you have full health, & a Med Pack to spare, you can also just tank them & shake them off you.
At the very bottom of Fuel Storage, we will also encounter a Pregnant Necromorph; bursting their belly will release even more Swarmers. The key for these Necromorphs is to not panic, Stasis them if necessary, then carefully shoot them in their head or limbs. Do not shoot them in the stomach if you are not prepared to deal with Swarmers!
After using Stasis on the slamming doors, we will encounter even more Swarmers in a tight corridor; use the Explosive Canisters nearby to deal with them.
Inside the actual Engine Room now, we can bait the initial Necromorphs towards the door we enter through, get some shots off with the door still open, back up so it closes & they can’t get us. Rinse & repeat until they are dead – there is a Pregnant in here as well. When you replace the Battery, a LOT of Necromorphs will arrive so be sure to collect & make piles of any throwables you find.
The Bridge Hub: When we make it to the Bridge, we will reach our hub with Save Station & Store. This is definitely the most unsafe of all our hubs & we can regularly face random encounters here if we are unlucky. Never let your guard down here & always make sure the room is safe before using the Store – this goes for all Stores.
Brutes: After meeting Hammond in the Captain’s Nest, we will encounter our first Brute on our return to the Main Atrium. Brutes are damage sponges to begin with, & even more so now on Impossible. Using Stasis is an absolute must. Stasis them, skirt around behind them, & hit their weak points. Do not let them touch you as they do the most damage out of any other Necromorph.
Restart the ADS Cannons: At this point, there is no preferred order to restart the ADS Cannons. By now you should be far enough along into Upgrading the Plasma Cutter & ideally have all available Damage Upgrades purchased. If this is the case, swap to Upgrading your Suit next & focus on Health & Stasis Upgrades; Stasis Upgrades are going to be extremely important for Chapter 5 when we have to deal with the Hunter!
Mining Administration: In Mining Administration, watch out for the electrified floor tiles as they are instant kills! If you are quick (& comfortable doing so) as soon as you swap power from Mining Administration to the ADS Cannons, sprint for the exit doors & leave to avoid the fight that ensues afterwards.
Electrical Systems – Brute: We also have electrified floor tiles to worry about in Electrical Systems as well, along with another Brute near the far end; there is a Stasis Recharge Station here so spam the heck out of it!
To swap power from Electrical Systems to the ADS Cannons we need to use Stasis on some out of control electrified cords; this is an instant death if we are hit by them! Know how long your Stasis lasts & time your run perfectly; we have infinite Stasis here thanks to the Recharge Station so there are no excuses!
Schematic – Intermediate Engineer Rig: After we restore the ADS Cannons from Water Purification, we will need to manually sync with them. As we approach the Exterior Access, enter into the nearby EVA Prep Room to find this important Schematic on a bench.
Recalibrating the ADS Cannons: Though not terribly difficult, oxygen management is very important for this section. Always be aware of where the Oxygen Refill Stations are & if there are Lurkers coming for you or not. If you are quick, you can ignore most of the Lurkers & just focus on calibrating the ADS Cannons then leave.
Suit Level 3: If you have the Credits to spare, be sure to purchase this new Suit as soon as possible; it will cost us 20,000 Credits. Our next Credit milestone to save up for will be 35,000 Credits for the Level 4 Suit; the Level 5 Suit will be 60,000 Credits!
Before you leave the Security Station hub on Medical, make sure you have more than enough Plasma Energy as well as a couple Med Packs & emergency Stasis Packs in your Inventory…
Guardian: Before we get to the Chemical Lab, we will first encounter our first Guardian in Imaging Diagnostics; these are the most difficult enemies in my opinion out of all other Necromorphs on One Gun. The most important thing to do is not waste ammo shooting its body – only cutting off its tentacles counts. If no tentacles are present, you have to patiently wait for it to send out more. Always stay ahead of the Pods as well, & do not let too many of them spawn or you’ll never be able to defeat the Guardian.
If you use up too much ammo, reload your last Save & try again!
Chemical Lab – Hunter Encounter #1: Yes… lucky us, it is now this part of the game. Stasis, Stasis, Stasis! If things don’t go your way, always reload your game. Most importantly, don’t panic as the Hunter is an infinite Ammo sponge & can drain you of all Plasma Energy if you are not paying attention. In reality, you really don’t have to use much Plasma Energy at all outside of maybe shooting off one of its legs; shooting off the Hunter’s head or arms doesn’t actually help us.
While locked in the Chemical Lab with the Hunter, shoot off one of its legs & don’t waste anymore Ammo on it. Run around the room & wait for it to regenerate, then Daniels will get the door open for us to escape.
Sprint out of the Chemical Lab & rush back to the Security Station; we will have to run through Swarmers. If you can find a Fire Extinguisher quickly enough, if not, make sure you are at full health & just run through them.
Back at the Security Station, Save & stock back up on Items; this room is safe at the moment… Also bring one or two Oxygen Tanks!
Sequence 21: Preventing Convergence
Chapter #5 – Medical:Chapter #6 – Hydroponics:1. Location: Medical, Hydroponics
2. Achievements: 45/47
Emergency Room – Hunter Encounter #2: This is by far the scariest of our Hunter encounters & unfortunately we will be unable to find anywhere to Save until we return back to the Security Station. Make sure you have plenty of Plasma Energy as we also have another Guardian to deal with immediately after this Hunter encounter…
Before entering the Emergency Room, look at your Rig Map so you know where you are going. We need to exit into ER Hallway B from the North exit but there will not be any power to the door. The Battery is fortunately found right beside it as well as the Socket we need to place it into; the Hunter will enter the room right across from this door as well. Enter the Emergency Room & sprint over to the exit. If you are fast, you can place the Battery into the Socket before the Hunter arrives. When the Hunter shows up, just hit him with Stasis & don’t waste Ammo shooting his leg unless you have to.
ER Hallway B: Evade the Hunter into ER Hallway B, & if you need to “catch your breath”, we can use our Level 2 Security Clearance to hide in the Emergency Equipment Storage – Necromorphs can’t get in here. Ignore the Line Gun.
When you are ready, rush down ER Hallway B & we will see a Guardian on the wall to the Intensive Care Unit. Use Stasis on it & we can actually just run past it; other Necromorphs will enter the room & make it difficult to kill the Guardian. You can also hide out in the Intensive Care Unit & shoot the Necromorphs from in here; they don’t seem to like chasing you in here.
Poison Gas – Hunter Encounter #3: After we revert the security lockdown in Dr. Mercer’s Office, Medical will become flooded with toxic gas & we will not have any air! We have to sprint all the way back to the Security Station to fix it. Do just that, & ignore literally everything! If the Hunter or any other Necromorph gets in your way, just use Stasis on it, & run!
Cryogenics – Hunter Encounter #4: Save & restock in the Security Station, & prepare to deal with the Hunter in Cryogenics. Rush back through Imaging Diagnostics & the Chemical Lab to get to Cryogenics which has a convenient Save Station outside it.
Make sure your Stasis is full & grab the Liquid Nitrogen when you are ready for the final fight. As soon as the Hunter arrives, stand in the center of the Cryo-Pod & shoot one of its legs & one or both its arms if you want. Once it is in the middle & missing a leg so it regenerates, hit it with Stasis & sprint up to the control room ignoring the Lurkers that arrive. Use the controls, & if the Hunter is in the Cryo-Pod, it will be frozen. It’s over.
Side Mission – Pre-Meditated Malpractice: Though optional, & potentially risky, completing this Side Mission can actually be extremely useful for Impossible Mode as we get the Prototype Stasis Module at the end of it; with how reliant we are on Stasis, this is a huge boon to have. Collect the Tissue Sample & carefully make your way to Floor 1 of the Main Lab; Save often in case you get a bad random encounter!
After scanning it, we then have to get back to the Intensive Care Unit which also can be dangerous (especially if you left that Guardian alive!). Witness the video recording of Mercer & Harris to continue the Side Mission.
Carefully backtrack through Hangar – Cargo, & we can enter into Hydroponics. Remember to save up at least 35,000 Credits for the Level 4 Suit we get in Chapter 7; if you want, you can even try saving up the final 60,000 Credits for the Level 5 Suit as well… I strongly recommend purchasing all available Air & Health Upgrades for our Suit before the upcoming Leviathan boss fight!
It should be noted that we will also be fighting quite a few more Necromorphs during our ambushes on a regular basis; always pack extra Plasma Energy with you.
West Grow Chamber – Ambush: When we enter this room for the first time, there will be large Necromorphs that will ambush us in here.
Refrigeration Tower – Guardian: On the way to the Refrigeration Tower to get to Wheezer 03, we will encounter some waves of Exploders. Self explanatory, but do not let these Necromorphs overwhelm you as it can be fatal.
At the top of the Refrigeration Tower will also be a Guardian, so be careful. We can find both a Stasis Canister & an Explosive Canister up here which can be useful in dispatching it…
Air Filtration Tower – Drag Tentacle: On our way the Air Filtration Tower to take out Wheezer 07, we will walk down a long hallway. Opening the door to the Air Filtration Tower will result in us getting grabbed from behind by a Drag Tentacle. Be careful, & reload if it drags you too close to its hole before you can die; the tunnel is pretty short & it doesn’t take long to be dragged to the end…
Be also careful as you use Zero-G to ascend in the tower as you need to use Stasis on that arcing electricity. Do not let it touch you.
Filtration Tube Annex: When we enter this room & have to pass through the tubes, do not get hit by the Thermodynamic Purifiers. If you look carefully, you can actually shoot all the Fuse Boxes through the slats before we even enter Filtration Tube 1.
East Grow Chamber – Brute: On Floor 2 of the East Grow Chamber, we will be attacked by a Brute when we first enter it. Make sure you have Stasis available!
The Leviathan: When all the Wheezers are dealt with, it will be time to fight the Leviathan. Bring lots of Plasma Energy & Med Packs as well as at least two emergency Oxygen Tanks. Before the fight begins, be sure to loot as much of the floating Items as you can as well; you can even loot the room, leave, & Save again so you do not have to repeat that part if you have to reload.
Be careful being near or holding the Explosive Canisters as the Leviathan’s Tentacles can strike them & damage us.
Shoot the three Tentacles, then damage the Leviathan when it opens its mouth. During the last phase of the fight, we will lose our air as well as all Leviathan Tentacles will re-activate. There is no shortcut for using an Oxygen Tank & it must be used from our Inventory… which sucks! You might get a bit sloppy during this part, if you have the Med Packs to spare, just tank it & unload everything you have any time the Leviathan opens its mouth! If your damage is maxed out for the Plasma Cutter, you can probably take it out in three mouth opens. Really be careful when it is shooting its Polyps at us in tandem with the Tentacles as we can got caught by both & take a lot of damage!
Remember if your run is going poorly, just reload!
Sequence 22: Pleading To The Universe
Chapter #7 – Mining:1. Location: Mining
2. Achievements: 45/47
Main Cargo Lift – Ambush: When we reach our hub in the Rig Room, take the main Cargo Lift down to Deck C on Floor 4. As we descend the elevator will halt & make a lot of noise which will lure in Necromorphs. The quarters are tight on the Cargo Lift so be prepared to use Stasis.
Deck C Hall – Laser Traps: While in the Deck C Hall, we will encounter the laser traps set up by the miners. Do not touch these or we will die!
Side Mission – Pre-Meditated Malpractice: Head to the end of the hall, & get to Ore Storage. Enter inside & move some crates out of the way with Kinesis so we can access a new Audio Log following Harris.
Deck D Hall – Guardian: Choose to go after the SOS Beacon first, & we will have to take the main Cargo Lift down to Deck D on Floor 2. As soon as we step off the lift, we will be in a room with a Guardian; two Infectors will show up so watch your back & deal with them first! There are plenty of Explosive Canisters here we can use against the Guardian.
Repair Room – Nicole Death: On our way to collect the SOS Beacon, we will meet up with Nicole. In the next room, we have to defend her while she opens the door for us. If Nicole is killed by a Necromorph here it is game over for us & that counts as a death on Impossible Mode! We need to protect Nicole at all costs during this section; use Stasis to slow the Necromorphs down!
Schematic – Intermediate Miner Rig: When we go to collect the SOS Beacon, we can find the Level 4 Suit in the same room; it costs 35,000 Credits to purchase. Do this as soon as possible.
Deck B Hall – Ambush: Now take the main Cargo Lift up to Deck B on Floor 5. The Deck B Hall is one of my least favourite areas in the game as it is large, has many hallways… & many Necromorphs. Go slow, & always watch your back as they will be coming from everywhere. Inch your way along.
Processing Chamber – Instant Death: Go to the Processing Chamber, & clear out all of the anomalous material; do not accidentally fly into the processing beam or we will die! After we restore gravity to the room, we will not be out of the woods as a horde of Necromorphs will arrive. There are Exploders with them so be on your guard!
Main Cargo Lift – Ambush: Of course, after we have collected the SOS Beacon & the Admin Rig, when we go to return to Deck C the elevator will lose power again & we have to fight off a second ambush.
The Mining Bay – Asteroid Death: The Mining Bay is another large room where we will have to fight off a few attacks from Lurkers & Leapers as we begin disabling the Gravity Tethers. The real danger of this section however is trying to get outside of the ship to plant the SOS Beacon & destroy the other two Gravity Tethers. If we get struck by the rotating half circles around the asteroid it is an instant death! Also, do not accidentally fly into the active processing beam as well!
Stand there & watch how the half circles work, they will either be blocking the top/right of the asteroid or bottom/left. Prepare to fly out the left or right side, & pay attention to the speed of the half circles. As soon as they move to the opposite side of the asteroid, away from us, use Stasis on it to guarantee we have time go. When you disable the exterior Gravity Tethers, the half circles will stop rotating, & it is safe to fly back into the ship but only if you also disabled the interior Gravity Tethers!
When we take the Cargo Lift back up & have to guide the Battery back through, active flames will be vented in our way; there is no Necromorph ambush here fortunately.
Mining Control – Hunter Encounter #5: Yep, here we go again. Before we go to Mining Control, stock up on Items & make sure to Save. It is also important to note our escape route ahead of time as we will be making a mad dash to the Main Cargo Lift & escaping to Deck A on Floor 6. You can scout the way through the Deck C Hallway as well to make sure if there are any of those laser traps still active, that they are blocked off.
Fire the SOS Beacon, & go to leave the room… & the Hunter will ambush us from the nearby vent. Similar to our first encounter with the Hunter, we will be locked in the room with it initially. There are two Stasis Canisters in here that you can use to keep it slowed. Other Necromorph Slashers will drop in as well so do not let your guard down & focus on prioritizing them over the invincible Hunter.
Apply the manual release & get the door open to run – there will be a Necromorph Slasher in the hall right in front of us. Take the Cargo Lift down… & remarkably, we will be safe down here to use the Store & Save!
When you are ready for the mad dash, head through the Deck C Hallway & prepare for the Hunter to remerge with poorly timed Necromorphs to get in our way. Stasis, Stasis, Stasis. You do not even have to fight anyone if they are all hit by Stasis. Get to the Main Cargo Lift, & immediately go to Deck A.
We are safe again; we will get attacked by Divider Organs at the top, but that is all that is waiting for us.
Sequence 23: Dauoalagio
Chapter #8 – Bridge:Chapter #8 – Hydroponics:Chapter #8 – Communications Array:1. Location: Bridge, Hydroponics, Communications Hub
2. Achievements: 45/47
We fortunately do not have to worry about encountering the Hunter during this Chapter, or the next one, however there are definitely some intense moments waiting for us ahead.
Main Atrium – Ambush: When we enter into the Main Atrium, there will be a Quarantine Lockdown & several Exploders will emerge to attack us along with some Enhanced Slashers. This can very chaotic as we can have Exploders emerge behind us as well. If you take too much damage, reload. Do not get sloppy here!
Side Mission – Pre-Meditated Malpractice: After we clear out the Main Atrium, head over & listen to the report by Nicole.
Side Mission – Pre-Meditated Malpractice: If you did decide to pursue this Side Mission, then we have one last task for it to do. Downside is it requires a fair bit of backtracking that will put us at the mercy of the Intensity Director & its random encounters. Backtracking is dangerous & expensive. Since we already cleared the bulk of the rooms, there is little to nothing for us to replenish our Health or Ammo with if we need it… Save often.
Rush back to the Tram Station & head to Hydroponics. Get to the Hydroponics Central Hub, pass through Flow Control into the West Grow Chamber, then take the Cargo Lift up to Floor 3 to get to Hydroponics Control. We can now access Nutrition Systems & reach the Diagnostic Lab to complete the Side Mission.
Prototype Stasis Module: Completing this Side Mission will get us this amazing Upgrade for our Stasis Module. With this, we will have a huge advantage for the rest of the playthrough!
Be warned, as collecting this will summon a scripted Phantom Necromorph that is extremely dangerous. Stasis it & don’t let it touch you!
Electrical Systems Hall – Two Guardians: Return to the Bridge, & take the Cargo Lift in the Main Atrium down to Floor 1 where we can enter the Communications Array. Before we can get there however, we need to go through not just one but two Guardians! Do not fight both at the same time, & instead keep hidden down the side halls to fight them one at a time. With our new Stasis Upgrade, it will hold their Tentacles still making them much easier to shoot.
Communications Hub: Once again, we need to complete the Communications Hub puzzle to continue. Clear out the Lurkers & the Enhanced Leapers, & no more will arrive to harass us.
Comms Maintenance Hall – Divider: Take the gondola across, & enter into the next room where we will encounter a Divider. Similar to Guardians & Pregnants, these Necromorphs can give us a lot of grief on Impossible Mode. Use Stasis, especially when it… divides. With the passive damage the Prototype Stasis Module does, you can actually kill Divider Organs just by using Stasis!
Weapon Upgrade – Weighted Blades: Kill the Divider, & enter into the Maintenance Locker Room & we can find our final Upgrade for the Plasma Cutter on a bench inside.
This is an extremely useful Weapon Upgrade & should be your new priority to purchase as it lets us knock Necromorphs off their feet if they get too close to us. A perfect defence against “oh (Censored by Steam)” moments.
The Leviathan Remnant: It is now time for round two with the Leviathan. This is a much more challenging boss fight than the first time, & should be treated with the utmost caution. Use the Store in the Maintenance Locker Room & be sure bring as much Plasma Energy, Med Packs as you can along with some emergency Oxygen Tanks.
When you exit into space, ignore the center ADS Cannon & instead fly to either the far left or far right one first. Get to the ADS Cannon & waste no time gunning it down the first weak point. For the first phase, it will only attack us with two Tentacles & they can be easily dodged.
After the first weak point of the Leviathan is destroyed, refill your Oxygen at the nearby Oxygen Refill Station & this time head to opposite ADS Cannon (either far left or far right); ignore the center ADS Cannon. The Leviathan will now begin to use its Tentacles to sweep the whole lower platform so be careful/observant & stay above or below them. Refill your Oxygen when you get there, then use the ADS Cannon to destroy the next weak point. Instead of Tentacles, the Leviathan will shoot out Polyps at us which can be easily evaded…
When the second weak point has been destroyed, the Leviathan will now launch Polyp Mines all into the area; fortunately, we just have to make it to the center ADS Cannon instead of flying all the way to the opposite side. Now it will all be put together, & we have to dodge both the shot Polyps as well as the Leviathan Tentacles. After the ADS Cannon is destroyed, immediately follow up with the Plasma Cutter & just UNLOAD into the final weak point.
As soon as the Leviathan is dead, refill your Oxygen, & get out of there!
Preparing For the USM Valor: After the USM Valor crashes into the Ishimura, we will have to board it. Before we do, head back to the Maintenance Locker Room & use the Store to stock up. There are no Stores on the USM Valor & we have to complete the entire Chapter with what we bring/loot! I recommend bringing as much as you can (what makes sense to, & still leave a bit of room for Conductors & loot) with excess Med Packs & Plasma Energy. We will be able to loot more, but it is not guaranteed to be in your favor. As well, since we only have one Save slot, we will be unable to reload back to this point to re-prep in case we did not bring enough! Er on the side of caution!
Sequence 24: Bravery? Definitely
Chapter #9 – USM Valor:1. Location: USM Valor
2. Achievements: 45/47
Valor Necromorphs: Shortly upon entering the USM Valor, we will encounter the Valor Necromorphs. Use the Stasis Modules on their bodies to slow them down for extra shots, if that runs out or you can’t hit it, you must manually use Stasis on them. They are too fast to fight while not under Stasis & you will waste a lot of Ammo on them which is dangerous!
Evading the Briefing Room: Because of the dangers found onboard the ship, keep exploration to a minimum. When the Cargo Lift ejects its Battery, we must enter the Briefing Room for a new one. Open the door to the Briefing Room, & very carefully inch your way in & look to your right; you can snag the Battery with Kinesis & walk backwards through the door without triggering the Necromorph ambush.
The Torpedo Bay – Instant Death: Now, for probably one of the most dangerous moments in the entire playthrough. Disarming the nuke. If you remember from the previous playthroughs, there will be Exploders that ambush us in here. If they explode, it will detonate the entire Torpedo Bay & it will be an instant death that is hard to reload after with how fast it happens.
Make sure your Stasis is full, & enter the room. Slowly walk towards the warhead, & an Exploder will burst from the ceiling at the back of the room. Use Stasis on it, & just shoot in the head until it dies; trying to shoot the explosive sack off their arm is too dangerous; just kill them via headshots/body shots.
There is also a trapped Exploder in the right corner of the room. Once again, Stasis it, & carefully shoot it in the head; we can get the Battery from where it is. Plug in the Battery, & quickly shoot the Fuse Boxes beside the warhead. With that done, launch the warhead & the crisis will be averted.
The Armory: Enter into the Armory next & we will encounter a Divider; try your best to be efficient with your Ammo! Do not get too far into the room & try fighting the Divider in the hall we entered from instead; if we get too far in, two Valor Necromorphs will arrive making this encounter very difficult.
With the Divider dead, head further into the room, & trigger the ambush by the two Valor Necromorphs; we can find Explosive Canisters in the room that can help us.
Unless you are feeling brave, avoid the Shooting Range as it is potentially more dangerous than it is worth.
The Infirmary – Instant Death: Carry on to the Infirmary, & we will see a malfunctioning surgery laser cutting apart the room; if the laser touches us, it is instant death! We can also find the Schematic for the Large Med Pack in this room, but they are way more expensive to purchase than they are worth; if you take so much damage you need a Large Med Pack, you’re better off just reloading…
This is where my first (& only) actual death happened during this entire playthrough; though I had been reloading my Save frequently if my run wasn’t going well. The laser is fast, really fast! The moment it touches you immediately pause your game & quit to the Main Menu. Fully tested by myself, if you are fast, your Save will be intact. Do not wait at all as you have seconds before the prompt to lower your Difficulty to Hard pops up!
Study the laser’s movements to see all the places it pauses, & use Stasis on it the moment it begins to turn in the opposite direction. As soon as we go to get past it, we will be ambushed by a Valor Necromorph. It is also easy to get stuck on the nearby cots when we try to run past the laser as well so be careful of that!
Cargo Bay – Ambush: There are many Necromorphs that will attack us when we enter the Cargo Bay, & it ends in a Brute fight. Inch your way through the Cargo Bay & trigger the first wave; be mindful of the arcing floor traps as well. We do not get attacked from behind, so when the Necromorphs arrive, run backwards to the far end & hold out for them there where we can have a good line of sight. Each wave arrives as soon as the previous Necromorphs die as well.
The first wave will have a Pregnant along with some Lurkers, the second wave will have two Valor Necromorphs, & the Brute will arrive as the third wave.
When the Brute dies, the Quarantine Lockdown will end.
Engine Room: When we reach the Engine Room, we will once again have to avoid bursts of flame from the venting systems; it does a lot of damage if it hits us & can be fatal!
Escaping the USM Valor: Grab the Singularity Core, & we will need to rush off the ship. It is very important to note, that there is no timer for escaping the Valor; it will always explode when we reach the airlock & not at any point sooner. With this in mind, take your time & still give each Valor Necromorph we encounter along the way all the attention it deserves.
The Mess Hall will be our biggest encounter as we escape, however if you study your Rig Map before we enter to know where we need to go, we can Stasis the two Valor Necromorphs that arrive & sprint past them out of the room.
Sprint through the Barracks & this is the home stretch; soon we will be back on the Ishimura again & can access a Store.
Sequence 25: Convergence At Last
Chapter #10 – Crew Quarters:1. Location: Crew Quarters
2. Achievements: 45/47
Common Area: Leave the Bridge & navigate over to the Crew Quarters where we will reach our hub for this Deck. As you can see, there are many corpses in here that will be used by Infectors later on; stomp them apart!
Schematic – Advanced Engineering Rig: As we make our way over to the Zero-G Gym, enter the Standard Bathrooms & we can find this Schematic on a bench in the center of the change room. As of now we have the final Rig & the last thing we need to be saving our Credits for.
Once you purchase this, you are free to spend your Credits on anything you want. Since we only have the Suit & Plasma Cutter to Upgrade, buying Power Nodes isn’t really worth it in my opinion. At least first make a stockpile of Med Packs & Plasma Energy in your Storage before you do…
Zero-G Gym: Unlike what I said during the Shooting Range, this time I DO recommend doing the game of Z-Ball if you have the patience for it as it is an easy way to get some extra loot for very minimal risk.
Common Area – Ambush: Be careful leaving the Zero-G Gym after you have collected the Crew Deck Keycard as we will be ambushed by two Pregnants; one in front of us, then one behind us. There will also be a Necromorph playing dead inside the Common Area & when we walk a few steps inside it, the two Infectors will arrive.
Be sure to stock up on Plasma Energy & Stasis Packs before pressing on…
Central Nexus – Hunter Encounter #6: Enter into the Central Nexus, & we will have to deal with the Hunter. This can be a bit of a stressful encounter, but our Prototype Stasis Module really does a lot of the heavy lifting for us.
We need to enter into the room behind us when we regain control of Isaac, but it is blocked by Corruption. Use Stasis on the Hunter, then walk through the hole in the glass it made & look along the Eastern wall of the room to see the Corruption Tendril we need to shoot. Do just that, Stasis the Hunter again, & rush to enter into the Mess Hall. There isn’t much point in shooting the Hunter during this encounter…
Mess Hall – Two Dividers: Safely away from the Hunter, we need to take a Cargo Lift down to the lower level of the Mess Hall. Down here we will have to fight off two Dividers; we have yet to find a new Save Station so be extra careful!
I recommend using Stasis on them both, but only dismantling one Divider at a time. Divide one Divider, kill its Organs while just keeping the other Divider under Stasis, then kill the second one.
Standard Quarters – Two Guardians: Enter into the Standard Quarters & it will be filled with toxic gas. What’s worse, is at the far end of the hall, we will encounter two Guardians; deal with one at a time, but keep the other one under Stasis if you are in its range. There is also an Oxygen Refill Station close by them as well.
Storage Room – Hunter Encounter #7: You can hear the Hunter in the vents, so I imagine you know what is coming next. Before you shoot the Corruption Tendril, be sure to loot the room while it is safe. As well, I recommend entering into the nearby Storage Room to grab the Battery, then ferry the Battery to its Socket near the other Cargo Lift that leads back to the Mess Hall.
When you are ready, shoot the Corruption Tendril & get ready to use Stasis on the Hunter when it arrives. If you already dealt with the Battery, then you can safely just run away from it. We will be ambushed by a few Necromorphs inside the Standard Quarters hub, but the Hunter will not follow us.
Deluxe Quarters Hub – Ambush: When we go to the Deluxe Quarters, as soon as we enter the hub, we will be under a Quarantine Lockdown; there will only be three to four Necromorphs that arrive.
Deluxe Quarters – Hunter Encounter #8: Remember that the Hunter will only arrive until we destroy the Corruption Tendril. Take your time to loot this area before doing so; there still may be a few Necromorphs that ambush us, but it will be during scripted moments as we explore.
Once again, destroy the Corruption Tendril, then rush back into the Deluxe Quarters hub. Unfortunately, the ambush we recieve in here is a lot worse & will have a Valor Necromorph in it so be careful!
Executive Quarters – Ambush: After we destroy the Corruption Tendril in the Executive Bathrooms, when we enter back into the Executive Quarters hub there will be a Quarantine Lockdown; no Hunter this time fortunately. Not only will there be more than a couple Necromorphs, but there will also be an Infector; there are three corpses in this room.
Central Nexus – Ambush: Destroy the final Corruption Tendril, & when we return to the Central Nexus & take the Cargo Lift down towards the Marker there will be another Quarantine Lockdown.
Executive Shuttle Bay – Final Hunter Encounter: After we retrieve the Marker & enter into the Executive Shuttle Bay it will finally be time to finish off the Hunter once & for all. We have everything we need in this room, including a Stasis Recharge Station, to make this fight a piece of cake.
Install the Singularity Core & test fire the engines to spawn the Hunter. The Hunter will emerge from a vent in the control room. Stasis & shoot one of its legs off & leave the room to clear out the other Necromorphs from the Executive Shuttle Bay. It will be chaos at first & there will even be a Valor Necromorph that will show up. Keep the Hunter under Stasis, & prioritize killing the other Necromorphs first.
When it is clear, lure the Hunter in behind the Executive Shuttle engines & shoot its legs as well as Stasis it. Then run back to the control room to fire the engines & defeat it. Well done!
Final Drag Tentacle: After toasting the Hunter, when we go to leave the control room a Drag Tentacle will still be active & drag us away. We then have to shoot it; the quarters are super tight where it drags us & we have very little time to get our shots off on this one. If you get dragged into the hole, you unfortunately will have to reload & do the Hunter fight over again…
Sequence 26: Make Us Whole Again
Chapter #11 – Cargo – Hangar:Chapter #11 – Flight Deck:Chapter #12 – Aegis VII:1. Location: Crew Quarters, Cargo – Hangar, Flight Deck, Aegis VII
2. Achievements: 47/47
Cargo Bay – Large Fight: We have a massive fight ahead of us in the Cargo Bay when we reach it; be sure to pack many Med Packs, Stasis Packs, & Plasma Energy. Get to the Cargo Bay, grab the Peng Treasure for the Credits, & clear out the Guardian found along the Western side of the room.
Clear the area, & prep all your throwables – there are many shelves we can break apart into Metal Bars. When you are ready, begin to move the Marker. Every time we do, a new wave of Necromorphs will arrive.
Flight Lounge – Ambush: Enter into the Flight Lounge to continue & we will be barred in by a Quarantine Lockdown. We will have to fight off a few Enhanced Necromorphs as well as two Valor Necromorphs.
Main Hangar Bay: Loading the Marker onto the Executive Shuttle isn’t too crazy. At various points we move it, we will be ambushed by Lurkers & Leapers but it is nothing we cannot handle. Especially with all the Explosive Canisters in the area…
We are now in the home stretch. Since we will not be backtracking, feel free to pack as much Med Packs, Stasis Packs, & Plasma Energy as you desire. There will be more than a few large fights up ahead, but at this point, it is nothing compared to how Chapters 1-3 were for us.
Living Quarters – Ambush: When we enter our hub on Aegis VII in the Living Quarters, smash up the corpses here before entering the Server Room. When we do, we will be ambushed by an Enhanced Necromorph & two Infectors; be careful as the quarters are tight in here.
Supply Depot – Large Fight: Before we leave the Living Quarters, make sure you are very well stocked up on Med Packs, Stasis Packs, & a whole lot of Plasma Energy. We will be doing back to back to back fights with many Necromorphs & no access to a Store!
Take the Marker into the Supply Depot & we will have a nearby Stasis Recharge Station; abuse Stasis for this area! Before we go to move the Marker, a Quarantine Lockdown will occur. Stay near the Stasis Recharge Station; our biggest threats are Enhanced Necromorphs.
Transfer Junction – Two Guardians: Carry on into the Transfer Junction next & we will encounter two Guardians bedside the doors we need to continue through. If you Stasis them both, we can pick up a nearby Explosive Canister & demolish them by throwing it in between them.
Tether Control – Instant Death: When we go to the Tether Control room & power it up, we need to use our Zero-G Thrusters to get back up to where we came down. Be sure to use Stasis on all the turbines as if they hit us, it is obviously instant death.
Transfer Junction – Brute: When we return to the Transfer Junction after restoring power to the Tether Controls, we will be ambushed by a large group of Necromorphs. Amongst them, will be a Brute. Keep in mind the locations of the Stasis Recharge Stations & just keep everyone under Stasis while you whittle them all down. Save the Brute till the end (unless you take him out sooner) as it is very easy to keep under Stasis & avoid.
Be mindful of the Corruption on the floor as walking through it will slow you down & potentially put you in a dangerous situation if you are not expecting it!
Storage Chamber – Divider: Take the Marker into the Storage Chamber & we will have to destroy some Corruption Tendrils to continue. This room is much more tame than the previous one. Anytime you progress & destroy a Tendril, be prepared for a small resistance of Necromorphs.
Destroying the third Tendril will spawn a Divider so watch out for that! Fortunately, it will arrive solo with no other Necromorphs.
Excavation Site – Large Fight: Transport the Marker into the final room, & we will have our last “big fight” of the game. Watch out for Guardian Tentacles as if they strike us, they can do quite a bit of damage. Anytime we destroy a Corruption Tendril to move the Marker it will spawn in a large group of Necromorphs; it is easiest just staying close to where we destroy the first one in the Northern corner of the room as nothing can get behind us here.
Remember that this is our last big fight before the Hive Mind, so you can unload quite a bit of Plasma Energy & Stasis into these guys if you have the stockpile back in Storage…
The Hive Mind: Now for the final fight, reunite the Marker onto the Pedestal & navigate back to the Living Quarters. Be sure you have as much Plasma Energy & Med Packs as you can. The odd Stasis Pack is good too, but we only need Stasis during the intermission of the fight. Bring at least 8-12 Med Packs just to be extra safe…
Always be mobile throughout the fight & strafe left to right. With a maxed out Plasma Cutter, it should only take two shots to destroy each of the Hive Mind’s weak points. You can also bait all of its Polyp Mines by standing close to the front of the arena, then walking backwards for shooting at the weak points.
During the intermission, we will fight a few Necromorphs; this is the only part of the fight we could use Stasis, so you may as well.
For phase two where the Hive Mind shoots its caustic acid is based on where you are standing; there are three different places it can shoot & it is meant to trap you. Always try to position yourself in the center of the arena for the most maneuverable space. Its tentacles also do a lot of damage if we are hit by them. Take no chances, & always keep your health at full! Worst case scenario is you get hit by a tentacle, walk through the acid, & get hit again by a tentacle before you can react.
Destroy all of the Hive Minds weak points & it will grab us. Quickly shoot the final weak point (as I imagine it ends in instant death if we do not do it in time)… & we win. It may take one or two jostles by the Hive Mind before it actually gives a clear line of fire to hit the weak point.
Achievement #46 – Untouchable: Complete the game in Impossible Mode.
Story Related. Honestly, Impossible Mode is not as bad as you (or I) think. Once you get past Chapter 3 & have a few Damage Upgrades to your Weapons, it is not actually too difficult.
Achievement #47 – One Gun: Beat the game using only the Plasma Cutter.
Story Related. If you were also playing Impossible Mode doing the One Gun run, & never fired a shot from any other Weapon, we will unlock this Achievement as well after beating the game.
Alternatively, you may have earned this Achievement during our NG+ run instead.
All in all, I thought they did a very good job on the Remake; they were a little too upfront with some of the “big game spoilers” that were saved far later in the Original, but other than that I have no other criticisms. Dead Space is probably one of the scariest games I have ever played, & the Remake amplified it by 10. The 100% is not terribly difficult, however beating the game on Impossible Mode can seem pretty intimidating. Once you get past the first three Chapters, it isn’t actually all that bad. Stressful though. It took me around 70 hours to 100% the Remake. I am very disappointed that they are not going ahead with the Dead Space 2 Remake… or that there are no Achievements for the Original on Steam… Dead Space 3 it is....
If this guide helped you achieve 100%, rate the guide or let me know in the comments. Helps me know if I am doing things right!
100% Complete
Thank you for choosing Cynical Guides, & I will see you in the next one!
If you are interested in a little bit of patronage, support my projects & consider buying me a beer. If not, no worries; my guides are, & will always be free content. Achievement Hunting is my passion, & writing these guides is a way for me to give meaning to a life long hobby!
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