Fixed some typos and perk/ modification descriptions.
Added a "#" next to passive perks and a "+" next to active perks.
The manual indicates the characteristics of the Teir 15-16 weapons and the Perfect/ Legendary modifications.
Passive weapon perks are indicated by a "#"
Active weapon perks are indicated by a "+"
If you liked it please thumb up! Best Wishes and Enjoy The DIE!
Thanks to user BeigeMidnight.
Melee Weapons
Fist Weapons
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
69 defence
41 block
28 focus
# 1.5s Liquid Nitrogen
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
70 critical strike
40 attack speed
28 life leech
+ 33% Critical Toxin
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
55 fury
55 focus
28 stamina
+ 33% Frozen Fist
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
62 fury
41 attack speed
34 stamina
+ 33% Fist of Lightning
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
69 block
48 attack speed
21 defence
# 25% Immolation
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
62 life leech
62 attack speed
14 critical strike
+ 25% Blight
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
76 attack speed
41 fury
21 focus
+ 25% Exploding Palm
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
62 attack speed
62 stamina
14 critical strike
+ 25% Chain Lightning
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
59 block
39 defence
33 attack speed
+ 25% Electrical Impact
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
66 fury
33 stamina
33 focus
+ 25% Electrical Impact
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
66 critical strike
33 stamina
33 life leech
+ 25% Fiery Impact
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
52 block
46 fury
33 attack speed
+ 10% Madness
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
66 attack speed
39 focus
26 stamina
+ 25% Fiery Impact
Light Weapons
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
62 defence
41 block
34 fury
+ 33% Frozen Stiff
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
62 stamina
55 life leech
21 attack speed
# 160% Vaporous Infection
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
69 block
34 focus
34 fury
# 25% Ice Shield
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
76 focus
48 attack speed
14 critical strike
+ 15% Twin Strikes
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
76 fury
48 attack speed
14 critical strike
+ 15% Twin Strikes
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
70 block
54 fury
14 critical strike
# 100% Burning Rage
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
62 attack speed
41 critical strike
34 fury
+ 20% Ignitor
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
75 critical strike
50 stamina
14 attack speed
+ 10% Shock
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
55 stamina
41 life leech
41 critical strike
+ 33% Debilitate
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
66 block
33 defence
33 attack speed
+ 25% RIP
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
66 fury
46 critical strike
20 stamina
+ 25% Electrical Impact
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
52 critical strike
52 life leech
26 block
+ 25% Electrical Impact
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
71 focus
34 defence
26 stamina
+ 25% Electrical Impact
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
52 defence
46 block
33 attack speed
+ 25% Electrical Impact
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
79 attack speed
26 critical strike
26 fury
+ 25% Rip
Heavy Weapons
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
76 focus
34 stamina
28 attack speed
+ 0.5s Hypothermia
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
62 block
41 attack speed
34 life leech
# 25% Venom Armor
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
70 defence
68 stamina
# 20% pain killer
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
69 life leech
48 fury
21 attack speed
+ 20% Lethal Wound
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
55 stamina
48 attack speed
34 fury
+ 25% Sparks
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
48 stamina
62 block
28 defence
+ 33% Jack Frost
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
66 fury
44 critical strike
28 stamina
+ 33% Thunder Strike
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
62 attack speed
48 fury
28 critical strike
+ 25% Combustion
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
66 defense
39 stamina
26 block
+ 25% Electrical Impact
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
52 focus
52 defense
26 fury
+ 25% Frost Impact
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
59 life leech
59 fury
13 critical strike
+ 20% Crushing Blow
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
72 stamina
33 attack speed
26 focus
+ 25% Electrical Impact
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
79 stamina
39 block
13 focus
+ 25% Electrical Impact
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
66 attack speed
46 life leech
20 critical strike
+ 25% Fiery Impact
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
45 fury
45 defense
42 block
+ 25% Fiery Impact
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
66 critical strike
52 block
13 attack speed
+ 25% Electrical Impact
Ranged Weapons
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
62 life leech
48 attack speed
28 critical strike
+ 20% Leeching Acid
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
83 fury
55 critical strike
+ 33% Toxic Spread
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
62 focus
48 fury
28 defence
+ 33% Ice 'Em
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
55 attack speed
41 critical strike
41 stamina
+ 20% Lightning Trigger
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
62 attack speed
55 block
21 defence
+ 25% Explosive Bullet
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
70 critical strike
55 stamina
12 attack speed
+ 33% T-Wreck
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
66 defence
39 block
26 focus
+ 25% Frost Impact
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
59 life leech
39 critical strike
33 stamina
+ 15% Corpse Explosion
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
68 fury
39 stamina
16 attack speed
+ 25% Fiery Impact
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
72 attack speed
33 critical strike
26 stamina
+ 15% Fragments
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
69 focus
41 fury
28 critical strike
+ 5% Nitrocharge
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
55 life leech
41 attack speed
41 fury
+ 33% Dripping Bullets
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
55 block
41 defence
41 critical strike
# 25% Desperado
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
55 attack speed
55 stamina
28 focus
+ 15% Cold Snap
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
62 fury
55 critical strike
21 stamina
+ 33% Electric Shells
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
66 life leech
33 attack speed
33 critical strike
+ 20% Virus Bullet
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
59 fury
52 critical strike
20 focus
+ 33% Fiery Blast
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
66 defence
33 block
33 focus
+ 25% Acid Impact
Tier: 16; Legendary
540 power
90 critical strike
48 fury
+ 50% Toxicate
Tier: 16; Legendary
540 power
69 fury
41 attack speed
28 critical strike
+ 15% Corrosion
Tier: 16; Legendary
540 power
66 focus
44 stamina
28 critical strike
+ 20% Cold Blood
Tier: 16; Legendary
540 power
70 life leech
36 attack speed
32 critical strike
+ 10% Meltdown
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
62 attack speed
41 fury
34 stamina
+ 33% Fueled bullet
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
55 block
48 defence
34 attack speed
# 5% Leadership
Tier 16; Legendary
540 power
70 critical strike
40 attack speed
28 focus
+ 15% Pulse
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
66 life leech
33 attack speed
33 critical strike
+ 20% Piercing ammo
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
72 fury
33 critical strike
26 attack speed
+ 20% Piercing ammo
Tier 15; Perfect
470 power
66 defence
46 block
20 attack speed
+ 15% Headshot
Perks Part 1
+ 0.5S Hypothermia - Your primary melee attacks reduces current cooldown of your ultimate skill. 0.5s Cooldown Reduction
# 1.5s Liquid Nitrogen Creates a pool of liquid nitrogen on the ground when you dodge. Enemies who come into contact with it are slowed. 1.5s Slow Duration; 25% Slowness.
# 5% Leadership You and nearby allies are dealt 5% reduced damage from zombies.
+ 5% Nitrocharge Using skills charges up your guns and firing a secondary attack unleashes the charges, dealing increased damage. There is a chance per charge to freeze the target. 5% Damage Multiplier; 15s Duration; 5 Max Stacks; 20% Chance Per Charge; 1s Incapacitate.
+ 10% Madness Primary Melee attacks have a chance to increase Attack Speed. 10% Trigger Chance; 10% Increased Attack Speed; 3s Duration.
+ 10% Meltdown Killing an enemy by weapon attacks heals you for a percentage of the enemy's maximum health. There is a maximum amount of healing that can be done by this effect. 10% Maximum Health; 150% Max Healing
+ 10% Shock Primary attacks have a chance to stun enemies. 10% Trigger Chance; 0.5s Stun.
# 100% Burning Rage Blocking an attack increase your rage generation and damage dealt by your melee secondary attacks. 100% Rage Generation Increase; 10% Damage Multiplier; 3s Duration.
+ 15% Cold Snap Primary attacks fire chilling bullets that have a chance to slow the target. 15% Trigger Chance; 50% Slowness; 0.5s Duration.
+15% Corrosion Secondary attacks deal bonus damage and ignores Block and Defense. 15% Bonus Damage.
+ 15% Corpse Explosion Killing a Walker has a chance to cause the Walker to blow up, dealing area damage in the explosion. 15% Trigger Chance; 50% Area Damage.
+ 15% Fragments Primary attacks have a chance to bleed enemies. 15% Trigger Chance; 50% Damage over time; 3s Duration.
+ 15% Headshot Secondary attack have a chance per rage bar to stun the target. 15% Chance Per Rage Bar; 0.6s Stun.
+ 15% Pulse Primary rifle attacks fire lightning bullets that have a chance to stun enemy. 15% Trigger Chance; 1s Stun.
+15% Twin Strikes You have a chance to strike twice primary attacks. 15% Trigger Chance.
+ 20% Cold Blood Damage dealt by your next shot after using a skill is increased. 20% Damage Multiplier; 3s Duration.
+ 20% Crushing Blow Primary attacks have a chance to deliver a crushing blow thet deals increased damage and ignores the block and defence attributes. 20% Trigger Chance; 10% Damage Multiplier.
+ 20% Ignitor Primary attacks have a chance to ignite enemies, burning them. 20% Trigger Chance; 75% Damage Over Time; 3s Burning Duration.
+ 20% Leeching Acid Your primary ranged attack has a chance to apply Leeching Acid on target. Leeching Acid deals damage over time and heals you for half the damage done. 20% Trigger Chance; 100% Damage Over Time; 1.5s Duration.
+ 20% Lethal Wound Primary attacks have a chance to open wounds on your target. This deals damage over time and melee attacks towards the target leech health. 20% Trigger Chance; 50% Damage Over Time; 4s Duration; 25% Bonus Life Leech.
+ 20% Lightning Trigger Primary attacks have a chance to trigger a shocking effect that increases your attack speed. 20% Trigger Chance; 20% Increased Attack Speed; 4s Duration.
# 20% Pain Killer Each time you are damaged there is a chance to reduce damage dealt and to deal bonus damage with your next primary melee attack. 20% Trigger Chance; 25% Reduced Damage Taken; 15% Bonus Damage.
+ 20% Piercing Ammo Primary attacks have a chance to fire a piercing bullet. 20% Trigger Chance.
+ 20% Virus Bullet Primary attacks have a chance to infect the enemy with a virus. The virus deals damage and enemies near the main host will become infected with a non-spreading virus. 20% Trigger Chance; 18% Damage over time; 5s Duration.
+ 25% Acid Impact Primary attacks have a chance to deal bonus damage because of the volatile acid in your weapon. 25% Trigger Chance; 20% Damage Multiplier.
+ 25% Blight Primary attacks have a chance to poison the enemy. The poison deals damage and spews out of the target dealing area damage to nearby enemies. 25% Trigger Chance; 50% Damage Over Time; 3s Duration; 20% Area Damage.
+ 25% Chain Lightning Primary attacks have a chance to unleash lightning that bounces between enemies and deals damage. 25% Trigger Chance; 25% Damage; 3 Jumps
+ 25% Combustion Primary melee attacks have a chance to cause an explosion, burning the area and dealing damage to nearby enemies. 25% Trigger Chance; 12% Area Damage.
+ 25% Desperado Your next primary ranged attack after blocking deals increased damage and generates more rage. 25% Bonus Damage; 0.5 Rage Bar(s).
+ 25% Electrical Impact Primary attacks have a chance to deal bonus damage by electrocuting enemies. 25% Trigger Chance; 20% Damage Multiplier.
+ 25% Exploding Palm Primary attacks have a chance to blast and burn enemies in an area. 25% Trigger Chance; 50% Damage Per Second; 0.5s Burning Duration.
+ 25% Explosive Bullet Primary attacks have a chance to fiery bullets that explode and burns enemies in area. 25% Trigger Chance; 50% Damage Per Second; 1.6s Duration.
+ 25% Fiery Impact Primary attacks have a chance to deal bonus damage due to your fiery weapon. 25% Trigger Chance; 20% Damage Multiplier.
+ 25% Frost Attack Primary attacks have chance to slow enemies, consecutive attacks on the slowed down enemy increases the effect and resets the duration. 25% Trigger Chance; 3% Slowness; 3s Slow Duration; 5 Max Stacks.
+ 25% Frost Impact Primary attacks have a chance to deal bonus damage with your chilling weapon. 25% Trigger Chance; 20% Damage Multiplier.
# 25% Ice Shield When blocking you have a chance to gain a shield of ice that shields you for a small amount based on your max health. 25% Trigger Chance; 12% Maximum Health; 6s Duration; 20s Cooldown.
Perks Part 2
# 25% Immolation Blocking an attack has a chance set yourself on fire. Nearby enemies are dealt damage. 25% Trigger Chance; 100% over time; 2.5s Duration.
+ 25% Rip Secondary attack have a chance to bleed enemies. 25% Trigger Chance; 50% Damage Over Time; 5s Duration.
+ 25% Sparks Primary attacks have a chance to spawn slow moving sparks of electricity that pierces enemies, dealing damage. 25% Trigger Chance; 15% Damage; 3 Jumps.
# 25% Venom Armor When an attack is blocked you have a chance to gain Venom Armor. Venom Armor will damage close enemies if they attack you. It can only trigger if Venom Armor is not already active. 25% Trigger Chance; 5s Duration; 25% Damage.
+ 33% Critical Toxin Your primary melee critical attacks have a chance to apply a toxin, dealing damage over time. 33% Trigger Chance; 100%Damage Over Time; 2s Duration.
+ 33% Debilitate Primary attacks have a chance to weaken the target with each hit. 33% Trigger Chance; 4s Duration; 3 Max Stacks; 5% Weaken.
+ 33% Dripping Bullets Your secondary attacks have a chance per rage bar to create a pool of acid on impact with an enemy. The pool deals damage over time to enemies in the area. 33% Chance Per Rage Bar; 50% Damage over time; 3s Duration
+ 33% Electric Shells Secondary attacks have a chance to stun the primary target. 33% Trigger Chance; 1s Stun.
+ 33% Fiery Blast Secondary attacks have a chance per rage bar to explode on impact, dealing bonus damage. 33% Chance Per Rage Bar; 25% Bonus Damage.
+ 33% Fist of Lightning Your secondary attacks have a chance per rage bar to deal bonus damage and immobilize the enemy. 33% Chance Per Rage Bar; 15% Bonus Damage; 1s Immobilize.
+ 33% Frozen Fist Your secondary attacks have a chance per rage bar to deal bonus damage and freeze your enemies' active cooldowns. 33% Chance Per Rage Bar. 15% Bonus Damage. 1.5s Cooldown Pause
+ 33% Frozen Stiff Secondary attacks have a chance per rage bar to cause a frosty explosion that cripple enemies in the area. 33% Trigger Chance; 1s Cripple Duration
+ 33% Fueled bullet Primary attacks have a chance to ignite the bullets, making them explode after a timeer has ended. 33% Trigger Chance; 50% Area Damage; 2s Duration.
+ 33% Ice 'Em Secondary attacks have a chance to encase the main target in ice, incapacitating them. 33% chance Per Rage Bar; 1 sec Incapacitation
+ 33% Jack Frost Blocking an attacks has a chance to cause a freezing reaction that deals damage and incapacitates the attacker. 33% Trigger Chance; 20% Damage; 1s Duration.
+ 33% Thunder Strike Your secondary attacks have a chance per rage bar to stun and deal bonus damage to the enemy. 33% Chance Per Rage Bar; 15% Bonus Damage; 1s Stun.
+ 33% Toxic Spread Secondary attacks fire acid bullets that have a chance per rage bar to silence enemies. 33% chance per rage bar; 1.5s duration.
+ 33% T-Wreck Dealing a critical strike has a chance to increase all damage output. 33% Trigger Chance; 15% Damage Multiplier; 4s Duration.
# 160% Vaporous Infection Dodging creates acid on the ground that deals damage and causes slowness when enemies step in it. 160% Area Damage; 15%Slowness; 3.2s Duration.
Legendary Modifications
Acrobatics Dodging has a chance to instantly reset your dodge cooldown. 25% Trigger Chance
Aegis When your health drops below a certain amount you gain a shield that is based on your maximum health. 15% Percent of Max Health; 15% Shield Absorb; 10s Duration; 120s Cooldown.
Bastion Blocking absorbs additional damage. 10% Increased Block.
Critical Advantage Primary critical strikes restore health based on damage dealt. 33% Leech.
Elite Slayer Increases damage dealt to Elite Zombies. 25% Bonus Damage.
Executioner Killing an enemy player reduces all your skill cooldowns and increases your damage output. 3s Cooldown Reduction; 15% Damage Multiplier; 6s Duration.
Frenzy Your damage output is increased when your rage bar reaches its maximum capacity. 10% Increased Damage; 5s Duration.
Healing Focus Using a regular skill heals you. The Healing value is multiplied with the used skills base cooldown and then with your power. Does not trigger on recasts. 2% Healing.
Lethal Attacks Critical strikes deal even more damage. 15% Bonus Damage.
Obsesission You are healed for a percentage of your maximum health every time your rage bar is filled to maximum. 5% Healing
Sentinel Whenever you leech health with weapon attacks, a part of the leeched amount will shield you. The shields maximum capacity is based on your health. Duration of the shield is renewed every time you leech health. 25% Shield Absorb; 60s Duration; 20% Maximum Health.
Shadow Strike Your next primary attack after dodging deals bonus damage. 75% Bonus Damage; 6s Duration
Supplier Delivering supplies increases your Max Health and Damage output per supply delivered. The effect is removed on death. 0.1% Health & Damage per Supply; 100 Max Stacks.
Survival Adaptation You have a chance to survive a fatal blow; when you do you instantly heal a portion of your maximum health. 100% Trigger Chance; 15% Healing; 240s Cooldown.
Titanium Deflector You have a chance to resist stuns, incapacitation and silence debuffs. 25% Trigger Chance.
Ultimate Recharger Reduces cooldown of your Ultimate skill. 15% Cooldown Reduction.
Vampire Blocking an attack has a chance to increase your life leech and your next primary melee attack damage. 25% Trigger Chance; 25% Bonus Life Leech; 25% Bonus Damage; 4s Duration.
Zombie Slayer Damage taken from zombie attacks is reduced, and you deal increased damage to all zombies. 10% Reduced Damage Taken; 5% Bonus Damage.
Perfect Modifications
Anger Managment Blocking an attack has a chance to increase your fury generation and critical strike chance. 25% Trigger Chance; 33% Rage Generation; 33% Bonus Critical Chance; 4s Duration.
Annihilator Rage generation from weapon attacks is reduced but your secondary attacks deal increased damage. 40% Reduced Rage Generation; 15% Damage Multiplier.
Concentration Using regular skills generates rage based on the cooldown of the used skill. 1% Rage per base Cooldown.
Deadly Robber Killing an enemy player awards you with bonus supplies and increased movement speed (does not stack with Bounty Hunter perk). 5 Supplies; 20% Bonus Movement Speed; 4s Duration.
Deflect Blocking has a chance to DIsarm the enemy. 15% Trigger Chance; 1.5s Disarm.
Demolisher Critical Strike damage is increased and your chances of scoring a critical hit is increased when attaking Barricades and Hoarders. 30% Bonus Critical Chance; 5% Critical Strike Damage.
Gladiator Whenever you score a critical hit your attack speed is increased. 6% Increased Attack Speed; 3s Duration.
Guardian Angel Damage dealt you while being stuned, incapacitated or feared is reduced. 25% Reduced Damage Taken.
Initiator Damage dealt to healthy targets will deal additional bonus damage. 80% of Max Health; 15% Bonus Damage.
Loosen Up Whenever you use up your rage bars you have a chance per rage bar to increase your attack speed. 33% Chance Per Rage Bar; 10% Increaed Attack Speed; 3s Duration.
Marathon Dodging has a chance to increase your movement speed. 25% Trigger Chance; 25% Haste; 3s Duration.
Mind Resister Reduces the duration of Fear, Panic Shot and Taunt debuffs. 40% Reduced Duration.
Momentum Dodging increases your critical strike chance. 25% Bonus Critical Chance; 3s Duration.
Neutralizing Escape Dodging has a chance to dispel lesser debuffs on you. 33% Trigger Chance.
Nomad Your next regular skill used after dodging will have its cooldown reduced. 25% Cooldown Reduction; 4s Duration.
Shipper Movement speed reduction when Overburden is reduced. 8% Bonus Movement Speed.
Slaughterer Zombie kills yields more experience. 10% Bonus Experience.
Slow resister Reduces the duration of slow immobilize debuffs. 40% Reduction Duration.
Specialist Increase damage dealt to special zombies. 15% Bonus Damage.
Stun Resistor Reduces the duration of stun and incapacitate debuffs. 40% Reduced Duration.
Surprise If you are killed when you are Overburdened, you will mix in a small supply bomb among the dropped supplies. 500% Damage; 1s Stun; 5s Explosion Timer; 15 Min Lifetime. (Overburdened is 51+ supplies, enough to put a star on the map)
Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=275380369
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