Using the Keyboard and Mouse

Using the Keyboard and Mouse

Note (general Controls)

Game Version 1.01; Calibrations 1.05

There is no support for mouse buttons beyond left, right, and middle mouse buttons.

You cannot leave a keyboard keybind blank.

You can only switch between locked-on targets using the keyboard's camera controls (default IJKL). You cannot switch lock-on target with the mouse.

Left and right mouse buttons have an increased input delay compared to keyboard buttons; acts as a buffer in determining whether or not you single- or double-clicked them.

It is incredibly difficult to do a Move forward + RB/RT attack (guard break and plunge attack) using the keyboard and mouse simultaneously: you must manually time the input against the mouse button input delay and there exists no dedicated button for these attacks. There are PC-exclusive actions used to alleviate potential problems with keyboard ghosting/key rollover, and to alleviate the lack of analog movement. Lock Guard (toggle), Auto-Run (toggle), Auto-Walk (toggle), Walk (hold).

Lock guard can be described as Auto-Guard (toggle); Lock Guard keeps the shield/weapon raised to defend from attacks. Lock Guard only works when in a position where you can block with Light Attack. A small icon displaying whether or not the toggles are active will display in the current buffs/debuffs area of your HUD. You cannot have a modifier key (shift, control, alt) have a function of its own while it is already a part of a keybind combination. I.e., if Control + Left Click is bound to Left-hand Weapon Switch, Control itself cannot be bound as Jump afterwards.

You cannot bind:

F1-12, System Requirements, Scroll Lock, Break, Caps Lock, Applications Key, Number Lock, `-=[]\;',./,.

Navigating Menus With The Mouse

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Using the Keyboard and Mouse image 12

Left-clicking on a highlighted item is equivalent to pressing A on the gamepad.

Alternatively, click the text or icon describing the command (i.e. click on A: Confirm); unfortunately, the hurtbox of the textual command may not register your mouse click. This issue can be resolved by:

Right-clicking anywhere on a menu screen opens a context menu; every available command except "A: Confirm" can now be selected by left-clicking on it.

Default Control Scheme

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Using the Keyboard and Mouse image 18

In-game (Xbox 360 gamepad || Keyboard ||| Mouse)

LS || WASD = Move character.

L3 || F ||| Shift + Middle mouse click = Jump. (Can be changed to overlap with B within the menu options)

RS || IJKL ||| Mouse = Move camera / Change locked-on target (N/A with mouse).

R3 || O ||| Middle mouse click = Reset camera/Target lock/Release.


D-Pad Up || Arrow key Up ||| Mouse wheel Up = Switch spells.

D-Pad Down || Arrow key Down ||| Mouse wheel Down = Switch items.

D-Pad Left || Arrow key Left ||| Control + Left mouse click = Switch left weapon.

D-Pad Right || Arrow key Right ||| Control + Right mouse click = Switch right weapon. A || Enter ||| Shift + Right mouse click = Interact.

B || Spacebar = Dash/Backstep/Roll

X || E ||| Shift + Left mouse click = Use item.

Y || N ||| Control + Middle-click = Wield right weapon two-handed.

LB || U ||| Left mouse click = Attack (left hand).

LT || Y ||| 2x Left mouse click = Strong attack (left hand).

RB || H ||| Right mouse click = Attack (right hand).

RT || G ||| 2x Right mouse click = Strong attack (right hand).In-game (Keyboard)

M = Toggle lock guard.

X = Toggle auto-run.

Z = Toggle auto-walk.

Left Alt = Walk.

Navigating menus (Xbox 360 gamepad || Keyboard)

Start || Escape = Open Start menu.

Back || T = Open Gesture menu.

D-Pad || Arrow keys = Move highlight cursor.

A || Enter = Confirm.

B || Backspace = Cancel.

X || E = Function 1.

Y || N = Function 2.

LB || Shift + Arrow key left = Toggle menu (left).

RB || Shift + Arrow key right = Toggle menu (right).

Suggested Control Scheme

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Using the Keyboard and Mouse image 52
Using the Keyboard and Mouse image 53
Using the Keyboard and Mouse image 54
Using the Keyboard and Mouse image 55
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Using the Keyboard and Mouse image 58
Using the Keyboard and Mouse image 59
Using the Keyboard and Mouse image 60
Using the Keyboard and Mouse image 61

In-game (Xbox 360 gamepad || Keyboard ||| Mouse)

LS || ESDF = Move character.

L3 || Spacebar = Jump. (Can be changed to overlap with B within the menu options)

RS ||| Mouse = Move camera / Change locked-on target (N/A with mouse).

RS Right || Tab = Next target. R3 ||| Middle mouse click = Reset camera/Target lock/Release.


D-Pad Up ||| Mouse wheel Up = Switch spells.

D-Pad Down ||| Mouse wheel Down = Switch items.

D-Pad Left ||| Control + Left mouse click = Switch left weapon.

D-Pad Right ||| Control + Right mouse click = Switch right weapon. A || T = Interact.

B || A = Dash/Backstep/Roll

X || X ||| Alt + Mouse wheel Down = Use item.

Y II C ||| Control + Middle mouse click = Wield right weapon two-handed.

LB || W (intended for use in combination with Move Forward to do a Guard Break attack) ||| Left mouse click = Attack (left hand).

LT || 3 (intended for use in combination with Move Forward to do a Plunge attack) ||| Alt + Left mouse click = Strong attack (left hand).

RB || R (intended for use in combination with Move Forward to do a Guard Break attack) ||| Right mouse click = Attack (right hand).

RT || 4 (intended for use in combination with Move Forward to do a Plunge attack) ||| Alt + Right mouse click = Strong attack (right hand).In-game (Keyboard)

Q = Toggle auto-run.

Z = Toggle auto-walk.

Left shift = Walk

Navigating menus (Xbox 360 gamepad || Keyboard)

Start || Escape = Open Start menu.

Back || V = Open Gesture menu.

D-Pad || Arrow keys = Move highlight cursor.

A || Enter = Confirm.

B || Backspace = Cancel.

X || Delete = Function 1.

Y || Insert = Function 2.

LB || Page Up = Toggle menu (left).

RB || Page Down = Toggle menu (right).

Navigating menus (Xbox 360 gamepad || Keyboard)

Start || Escape = Open Start menu.

Back || V = Open Gesture menu.

D-Pad || Arrow keys = Move highlight cursor.

A || End = Confirm.

B || Home = Cancel.

X || Delete = Function 1.

Y || Insert = Function 2.

LB || Page Up = Toggle menu (left).

RB || Page Down = Toggle menu (right).


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