Step 1: Nvidia Profile Inspector
The first thing we'll need to do is grab the Nvidia Profile Inspector program from here:
Step 2: Open Nvidia Profile Inspector
Once you've extracted the files to a location of your preference, proceed to open the file. After opening profile inspector you will be greeted with a screen like this:
Step 3: Finding The Desired Profile
Now we need to find the DS2 game profile inside of profile inspector. To do so, click the search bar at the top left of the screen where it says "_GLOBAL_DRIVER_PROFILE (Base Profile)". Type In Dark Souls II and select the profile:
Step 4: SGSSAA
Now that we're inside of the DS2 game profile we can apply the SGSSAA anti-aliasing method. Find the "Compatibility" tab and look for "Antialiasing compatibility". By default you'll most likely already have a number here, if so delete it now. Now that you've cleared the anti-aliasing flag we can insert our own. We'll be using a few custom flags I've made by mashing the default flag and a couple flags from here:
0x004010C1 OR 0x084010C1 (Slightly Better Looking) - Copy and paste one of these numbers into the "Antialiasing compatibility" bar and be sure to enable "Antialiasing fix" as well:
Now It's time to enable SGSSAA. Scroll down until you come across the "Antialiasing" tab. Find the "Antialiasing - Mode, Setting, and Transparency Supersampling" Options. Finally, copy all of these settings from my own profile:
That's It! You're all set for a much nicer looking DS2 experience. Enjoy!
Other flags mentioned:
- 0x084012C1 (More demanding)
- 0x000012C1 (Less intensive)
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