Dark Souls 2 Best Anti Aliasing Guide

Dark Souls 2 Best Anti Aliasing Guide

Step 1: Nvidia Profile Inspector

The first thing we'll need to do is grab the Nvidia Profile Inspector program from here: https://github.com/Orbmu2k/nvidiaProfileInspector/releases

Step 2: Open Nvidia Profile Inspector

Dark Souls 2 Best Anti Aliasing Guide image 3

Once you've extracted the files to a location of your preference, proceed to open the file. After opening profile inspector you will be greeted with a screen like this:

Step 3: Finding The Desired Profile

Dark Souls 2 Best Anti Aliasing Guide image 6

Now we need to find the DS2 game profile inside of profile inspector. To do so, click the search bar at the top left of the screen where it says "_GLOBAL_DRIVER_PROFILE (Base Profile)". Type In Dark Souls II and select the profile:

Step 4: SGSSAA

Dark Souls 2 Best Anti Aliasing Guide image 9

Now that we're inside of the DS2 game profile we can apply the SGSSAA anti-aliasing method. Find the "Compatibility" tab and look for "Antialiasing compatibility". By default you'll most likely already have a number here, if so delete it now. Now that you've cleared the anti-aliasing flag we can insert our own. We'll be using a few custom flags I've made by mashing the default flag and a couple flags from here: https://forums.guru3d.com/threads/nvidia-anti-aliasing-guide-updated.357956/page-135#post-4995983

0x004010C1 OR 0x084010C1 (Slightly Better Looking) - Copy and paste one of these numbers into the "Antialiasing compatibility" bar and be sure to enable "Antialiasing fix" as well:

Now It's time to enable SGSSAA. Scroll down until you come across the "Antialiasing" tab. Find the "Antialiasing - Mode, Setting, and Transparency Supersampling" Options. Finally, copy all of these settings from my own profile:

That's It! You're all set for a much nicer looking DS2 experience. Enjoy!


Other flags mentioned:

- 0x084012C1 (More demanding)

- 0x000012C1 (Less intensive)

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2789678133					

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