[Dark Souls II Edition] How To Optimize PC Controls

[Dark Souls II Edition] How To Optimize PC Controls


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Double Mouse ClickingThe first thing you would like to do is disable "Double Mouse Clicking" as it causes tremendous input lag.

Actions Bound to "Nothing"Be sure to select "nothing" for all the actions which use key combinations and have separate keybinds in the other menus. (excluding heavy attacks).

Attacks and Item/Spell SwitchingFor normal attacks we are going to use the mouse, of course, for heavy attacks I found it most comfortable using Shift+Right/Left Click (which is the only button combo we are keeping). For switching spells and items, scroll up and down accordingly. Alternatively you can bind scroll up and down to Switch Left/Right hand weapons depending on what you find more comfortable. For "Wield right weapon as two-handed" select "Click Mouse Wheel" (Scroll Click). In order to wield your left weapon as two-handed hold the scroll wheel.


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Basic MovementFor movement we will use a standard W/A/S/D configuration, dashing/rolling/backstepping will be bound to "Space", jumping to "Left Ctrl", walking to "Left Alt" and Auto-Walking, and Auto-Dashing to Z and P, the reason why I bind those two in such a weird way is because I never use them, feel free to assign them to anything that fits your playstyle.


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Basic Camera ControlsSince we already use the mouse to control the camera the "Tilt Camera Up/Down" controls are pointless to us, but cannot be left without a binding so we'll bind them to some random keys that we won't use for anything else, but we'll still need the "Next Target" controls and lock-on. I bind lock-on to "R" and the "Next Target" controls to "TAB" and "Q", this might seem a little odd at first, but since there is no option to bind them to the mouse wheel this setup is what I found to be the most convenient.

Item/Spell/Weapon Switching

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Basic "Switching" ControlsWe already assigned our mouse wheel to switch spells and items (or left/right hand weapons), but since we cannot leave keys without bindings, we're simply assigning item/spell switching to "1" and "2" and the "switch right/left weapon" controls will be assigned to "3" and "4". Depending on what you choose to use the mouse scroll for will determine which of these controls you'll need to remember. If you set your spell/item switching to the scroll wheel, you won't need to remember the alternative controls for them and vice versa if you set the scroll to switch left/right hand weapons.

Actions/Attacks Part 2

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Basic ActionsIn the first step of this guide we already assigned key bindings to all the controls here except "Use Item", "Interact" and "Lock Guard", all of the other controls will be bound to random buttons (G/H, N, M, U, Y) we don't plan on using for anything else. These are quite simple as some of them are similar in other games as well, we will be "Interacting" with "F", "Use Item" will be bound to "E" and "Lock Guard" will be bound to "H" or "G".

Menu Navigation

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Basic Menu ControlsThe highlighted controls in the screenshot below will be useless to us and you can, yet again, bind them to some random keys ("Num 6" and "Num 4" in my case).

For the "Start Menu" we will be using "Escape" as it makes the most sense, for the "Gestures" menu we'll use "T" and for "Move Cursor Up/Down/Left/Right" we will assign the arrow keys accordingly, the arrow keys will be mostly pointless to us, but some people may find navigating menus with them easier than with a mouse.

For "Confirm" we will use "Enter" and for "Cancel", "Backspace". "Function 1" and "Function 2" will be bound to "X" and "B" or "X" and "Y" if you want them to be correspondent to the XBox bindings displayed on screen.

*Note: If you choose the "X" and "Y" configuration, you'll have to change the "Strong Attack" binding from the previous step to some other random button.

Bugs And Fixes

There are several minor bugs that can be easily fixed.

1. Every time you launch the game, you will have to turn "Disable Mouse Clicking" on and off again because the game refuses to remember what you set it to last time.

2. When you press the "Steam Layout" keys and then go back to the game your character will randomly do heavy attacks or parries even if you are not holding "Shift", to fix this do a heavy attack or parry the normal way (Shift+Mouse Click) before heading back to combat and you shouldn't have any issues.

3. (SotFS Only) The mouse doesn't work in the leveling up menu. Use the arrow keys as a workaround.


Guard BrakeQ:Jump AttackQ:Backstep ActionBackstep AttacksQ:Plunging AttackQ:Remove Spells From My Attunement Slots
Q:JumpQ:Light A Torch

I'll try to answer a few frequent questions I got from players which used my guide to configure their controls.

How do I perform a ?A: Press forward "W" and almost at the same time press the attack button which would be one of your mouse buttons. Remember it shouldn't be pressed at the exact same time and may be really difficult to time it correctly the first times you try, but you should be able to get the hang of it once you figure out the timing. An easy way to learn how to do it is to see how much time it takes your character to move forward after pressing "W", the trick is to press the attack button exactly before he takes a step, but don't let go of "W" before pressing the mouse button.

In Short: W+Mouse Button

How do I perform a ?A: It's really similar to the , but this time you need to press forward+heavy attack (W+Shift+Mouse Button). it can be done with both weapons and shields. The same thing applies here as well, press the heavy attack combination (Shift+Mouse Button) just a fraction of second after pressing "W".

In Short: W+Shift+Mouse Button

How do I perform the and ?A: To perform a backstep you need to stand still and just tap the sprint/dodge/backstep button (Space). To perform a backstep attack after tapping space just press one of the mouse buttons depending which hand your weapon's in.

How do I perform a ?A: A is done by ing/walking off a cliff and pressing "Light Attack" (One of the mouse buttons, depending in which hand your weapon is) in mid-air. Like every other type of attack you have to time it correctly, avoid pressing the mouse button right after walking off the cliff, instead press it while in mid-air. I believe s can also be done by doing a heavy attack after walking off the ledge instead of a light one, but it makes no difference and as I mentioned before you can do also do s after ing off the cliff instead of just walking off.

How do I ?A: When resting at a bonfire go to the "Attune Spells" menu and highlight the spell you want to remove, press the "Backspace" key, after that you need to either "Right Click" and press remove spell or you can just press the button allocated to "Function 1" (which is X in our case, if you didn't choose an alternative one).

How do I ?A: In order to you need to be sprinting, you can't when standing still or just walking or running like in other games. In other words, start sprinting by holding the dash/dodge/backstep button (Space) and while sprinting press the key (Ctrl).

How do I ?A: Torches are lit by walking next to a fire source and pressing the use key, not all fire sources can though, but it's good to know that bonfires can be used to do so. When trying to at a bonfire you have to switch the action your character does, so instead of resting at the bonfire he lights a torch. To do that just press "Mouse 3" (Scroll Click).

For more info on torches visit this page: http://darksouls2.wiki.fextralife.com/Torch.

If you have more questions feel free to ask in the comments or if you decide to add me and ask personally, please leave a comment on my profile first.


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I hope you enjoyed this guide and that I helped make your Dark Souls II experience a bit better!

Please post your feedback and alternative control schemes in the comments!

Don't forget to rate up!

Having trouble playing Rocket League with keyboard and mouse? Check out my similar guide for Rocket League!


Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=423591399					

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