CRISIS CORE FINAL FANTASY VII REUNION Collectibles & Achievement Walkthrough

CRISIS CORE FINAL FANTASY VII REUNION Collectibles & Achievement Walkthrough


Welcome to the CRISIS CORE –FINAL FANTASY VII– REUNION Collectibles & Achievement Walkthrough Guide!

This is also my first guide, so please let me know if there are any errors or improvements I could make!

Everything other than the chapter completion achievements are missable as there is no chapter select. However, the game allows you to keep 30 manual saves, so whenever the game asks you if you want to save after each chapter, do so. This way, if you accidentally miss or fail an achievement, you can easily reload your previous save to retry.

Make sure to also keep a save before the endboss to finish the 100% side mission completion. There is an achievement for beating the game on Hard, but you can play through the game on Normal and change to Hard before the endboss for the SOLDIER of Legend achievement.

A few missions must be accepted from certain people before the "Point of No Return", the end of Chapter 7, or else you will be unable to 100% mission completion (This is pointed out in red at end of Chapter 7). Mission progress also does not carry over into New Game+.

For Mail, you only need one from each sender, so you do not need 102 individual mails (In Chapter 9, there are 3 mails that cancel each other, so you can only get 1 of 3 per play through. This means that this does not affect the achievement because they are all from the same sender, and you only need one).

These are all the mail senders:

SOLDIER: Kunsel, Luxiere

Shinra News: Shinra News

Lazard: Lazard

Friends: Cissnei, Cloud, Tifa, Wonder Hunter

Shinra Truths: Reporter

Keepers: Keepers of Honor

Genesis Girls: Study Group, Red Leather

Hero News: Silver Elite, Zack Fan Club

Spam: Treasure Princess, Anonymous, Yuffie

Shop News: Shop News


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Achievement: Come and Get It

Win a battle for the first time. Automatic story-related achievement.

Achievement: Prove Your Honor to Me

Perform a limit break for the first time. Automatic story-related achievement. You will automatically enter a Limit Break state within the first few fights.

Achievement: Embrace Your Dreams

Clear the Prologue. Automatic story-related achievement.

Chapter 1

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Mail: Kunsel – Congrats on your first mail!

Automatically after completing Mission 1-1-1.

Mail: Shinra News – Midgar Construction Project

Automatically after completing Mission 1-1-1.

Accessory: Cursed Ring

After Mission 1-1-1, Kunsel will tell you to open Supply Pod 6 to get a Bronze Bangle. If you try to open it again, he will say, "Hey, hey, don't get greedy!". After you check the bin 20 times, Kunsel will finally give up and give you the cursed ring. This item gives +10 to most stats, but locks you out of the DMW. This item is required to do a Low Level Run because the DMW dictates when you can level up. (Thank you Starcat5 for commenting about this!)

Mail: Lazard – SOLDIER Responsibilities

Automatically as you approach the save point on Mt Tamblin – Mountain Path.

Achievement: Hero of the Wutai War?

Kill all 16 enemy groups in Fort Tamblin. After entering the fort, in the top left corner it will show white crossed-sword icons, they get a green checkmark for each enemy group you defeat. Initially, it only shows 11 icons but there are 5 hidden ones (3 optional rotating doors & 2 wooden towers). When introduced to the rotating walls, they will appear on the map, as well as towers that you can interact with for other enemies. After defeating all 16 you can leave the area, the achievement unlocks after finishing the Fort when you reunited in the woods with Lazard and get attacked by 3 Ninjas (after the below Mail).

Mail: Shinra News – Situation with Wutai

Automatically as you approach the save point in Fort Tamblin – Courtyard.

Achievement: He Wouldn’t Betray Us

Clear chapter 1. Automatic story-related achievement.

Chapter 2

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DMW Image: Tseng (Air Strike)

Automatically at the beginning of Chapter 2.

Mail: Kunsel – What I think about Angel

Automatically at the beginning of Chapter 2.

Achievement: Master Mako Stone Miner

Don’t talk to Tseng yet (don’t start the mission yet). Instead, leave through the Briefing Room door to reach the Fountain area. Immediately turn around and go back the way you came to enter the Shinra Building again. Interact with the doors/elevator and choose to go to “SOLDIER Floor”. When you arrive talk to the NPC, afterward don’t enter the Briefing Room, instead walk along the SOLDIER Floor and check the doors on the side, enter the one that says “MATERIA ROOM” (it’s left of a save point). Talk to the Researcher inside on the left to unlock Mission 8-2-1, then complete through 8-2-6 to get 6 Mako Stones (you can play missions at the Save Point). Give the 6 Mako Stones to the Researcher to earn the achievement. The missions go up to 4 stars difficulty. Use Cure a lot to heal. The 4 star enemies are weak to Fire, when you run out of MP refresh with Ether.

Fan Club: Red Leather

Return back outside to the Plaza with the Fountain before departing on your mission. Speak to Genesis Fan in Sector 8 – Fountain. Marked by yellow exclamation mark on map.

Mail: Red Leather – Genesis Fan Club Newsletter 666

Automatically after joining Red Leather Fan Club.

Fan Club: Keepers of Honor

Speak to Angeal Fan in Sector 8 – Fountain before departing on your mission. She’s standing next to Genesis Fan. Marked by yellow exclamation mark on map.

Mail: Keepers of Honor – Angeal Fan Club Newsletter 311

Automatically after joining Keepers of Honor Fan Club.

Mail: Shinra News – Personnel Announcement 0012

From the previous area (Fountain) take the path north to reach the LOVELESS Avenue area. Approach the theatre in Sector 8 – LOVELESS Avenue, then the mail pops up.

Fan Club: LOVELESS Study Group

Same area. Speak to Genesis Fan in Sector 8 – LOVELESS Avenue before departing on your mission. Marked by yellow exclamation mark on map.

Mail: Study Group – An invitation to LOVELESS

Automatically after joining LOVELESS Study Group Fan Club.

Flower Wagon Part: Craftsman Monthly

Same area. Speak to the Shinra Captain in Sector 8 – LOVELESS Avenue. Marked by yellow exclamation mark on map. This will unlock Mission 1-2-1. Complete through Mission 1-2-6 and then speak to the Shinra Captain again.

Mail: Kunsel – Mmmm… Apples

Now return to the Briefing Room and talk to Tseng to depart on your main mission. During the mission you get this Mail automatically as you head into Banora – Apple Orchard.

Mail: Lazard – Our new direction

Automatically after speaking to Angeal’s mother in Banora and approaching the factory.

Achievement: Banora Treasures

In Banora village, there are 5 golden item points you can interact with – 3 in the village where you meet Angeal’s mother, and two leading up the cliffside to Tseng. Interact with them all before entering the factory, then after leaving the factory go back and grab all items and enter the house before the timer runs out.

Achievement: Slicin’ SOLDIER

After leaving the factory there will be a minigame to slice incoming rockets. Slice all 10 without missing. The easiest method is to watch out for the blue reticles to show on-screen, that’s when you must slice. On the 10th rocket wait until you see the blue reticle. If you fail, finish the sequence and load the last autosave to retry.

Achievement: We’re Not Monsters

Clear chapter 2. Automatic story-related achievement.

Chapter 3

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Mail: Kunsel – Angel in white?

Automatically at the beginning of Chapter 3.

Achievement: First-Rate SOLDIER

Enter the Training Room and talk to Hojo to initiate virtual fights, complete them all.

Flower Wagon Part: Premium Tires

Speak to the SOLDIER 3rd Class in Shinra HQ Briefing Room (the room where you started the previous Chapter, accessed via SOLDIER Room). This will unlock Mission 7-1-1. Complete through Mission 7-1-6 and then speak to the SOLDIER 3rd Class again (he will respawn in the same spot as before after doing the missions).

Mail: Lazard – At the end of war

Automatically when approaching the elevator at the beginning of the chapter.

Mail: Shinra News – President’s declaration

Automatically when approaching the elevator at the beginning of the chapter.

Mail: Red Leather – Genesis Fan Club Newsletter 667

Speak to Genesis Fan in Sector 8 – Fountain before heading to the Director’s Office.

Mail: Keepers of Honor – Angeal Fan Club Newsletter 312

Speak to Angeal Fan in Sector 8 – Fountain before heading to the Director’s Office.

Mail: Study Group – Declaration

Speak to Genesis Fan in Sector 8 – LOVELESS Avenue before heading to the Director’s Office.

Mail: Keepers of Honor – Angeal Fan Club Newsletter 313

After speaking to the Angeal Fan in Sector 8 – Fountain, head back inside the Shinra Building.

Mail: Shinra News – Personnel Announcement 0103

Automatically after heading to the Director’s Office and learning about Materia Fusion.

Mail: Kunsel – Went to see LOVELESS

Automatically after heading to the Director’s Office and learning about Materia Fusion.

Achievement: Got Materia Fusion Down

Automatic story unlock after going to the Director's Office.

Achievement: Everyone’s Hero

When the assault on Shinra Building begins, during the elevator ride choose “Get off and look around”. Save the 3 people on the SOLDIER floor (2 in the hallway, 1 in Training Room). When outside in Sector 8, save the two people in LOVELESS Avenue.

DMW Image: Cissnei (Lucky Stars)

Automatically after meeting Cissnei during the Assault on Shinra.

Shop: Research Dept. QMD

Automatically after boss fight with Genesis clone, given to you by Cissnei.

Mail: Treasure Princess – Recruitment

Automatically after the cutscene with Sephiroth in Mako Reactor 5.

Achievement: Angels Dream of One Thing

Clear chapter 3. Automatic story-related achievement.

Chapter 4

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DMW Image: Aerith (Healing Wave)

Automatically at the beginning of Chapter 4.

Mail: Shinra News – Personnel Announcement 0104

Automatically after leaving the church in Sector 5 Slums.

Mail: Keepers of Honor – Angeal Fan Club Newsletter 314

Automatically after approaching the market in Sector 5 Slums.

Mail: Red Leather – Genesis Fan Club Newsletter 668

Automatically after approaching the market in Sector 5 Slums.

Mail: Kunsel – Hollander’s T-shirt

Automatically after approaching the market in Sector 5 Slums.

Mail: Lazard – Children in the slums

Automatically after entering the market in Sector 5 Slums.

Mail: Study Group – Message to members

Automatically after entering the market in Sector 5 Slums.

Achievement: Good Match for Aerith

Must reach high affection with Aerith. Aerith affection will go up by +10 for interacting with each of the three shops when looking for Bruno, +1 for each time you select “Wait” when you talk to the girl (+10 total), +2 for each Potion given to the boy (+10 total), and +5 for choosing the first option when you speak to Aerith, or +10 for choosing the second option. This is +60 by the time you get your wallet back. You then get +5 every time you make perfect perfume (Master Blender achievement), +5 for getting the fastest time on the materia collection (Godlike achievement). Craft the Perfume 3 times in a row perfectly without miscounting the number of drops (Drip = 1, DripDrip = 2, Splash! = 10). This brings you to 75 Affection total. Leave the market and continue with the chapter until you reach the end of Sector 5. There you will run into Bruno, during the dialogue he must say “You and Aerith make a Good Couple”. If he says you are an “okay couple” you missed something or blended bad perfume (if you miscount the drops during perfume blending Aerith won’t like it and this can reduce your affection).

Achievement: Master Blender

After getting your wallet back, interact with the “Shopping Paradise” store to start this minigame. You must count to the correct number of drops displayed. Drip = 1, DripDrip = 2, Splash! = 10. Press (X) / (A) when the correct amount has been reached to make perfect perfume. You can retry this as often as you want but it costs some money each time (there’s also a save point right next to it).

Achievement: Godlike

After getting your wallet back, interact with the “Item World” store to start this minigame. You must collect all 20 materia around the Market in under 14 seconds. Sprint and spam :x: to pick up the items, make sure to not miss any. Talk to the shop keeper after collecting the last materia. If you took more than 14 seconds the achievement won’t pop. If you did it correctly the shopkeeper will rate your performance with “Godlike Speed”.

Achievement: Bingo!

After getting your wallet back, talk to the boy in the corner for a number-guessing minigame. You must guess how many kids walk by, between 1-6. Ask Aerith for her guess, she will give you 2-3 numbers (she gives 2 when your affection is above 50, and 3 when below 50). If you pay 50 gil, the boy will give you three numbers. Select the number that is shared between these for the correct answer. Example: Aerith guesses 3,4,6 and Boy guesses 1,2,4 the correct answer is “4” because they both included it in their guess.

Achievement: Precise Restoration

After leaving the Slums, in the Fusion Chamber room with Hojo, interact with the machine on his left. It will count down from 5 seconds, stopping at 3 seconds. Continue counting to 0 seconds and stop it correctly to get 100%. You must press (X) after exactly 5 seconds, only the timing of your button press is important, not the time it takes for the “press button animation” to play it. When pressing (X) / (A) after exactly 5 seconds it takes another 2 seconds for the animation to play out which is fine and doesn’t affect anything. It might take a few attempts. If it didn’t work you can immediately retry as often as you want. No need to reload saves between tries.

Achievement: Of Significant Worth

After leaving the Slums, in the Fusion Chamber room with Hojo, follow the bridge in the middle and interact with the fusion chamber. Answer the questions correctly: 1) A SOLDIER operative like Sephiroth, 2) State-of-the-art science and technology, 3) A person unafraid to challenge Shinra.

Achievement: Cell Raider

After leaving the Slums, in the Fusion Chamber room with Hojo, press the switch next to him while having Steal materia equipped. You get the Steal Materia automatically from Bruno in Chapter 4 when leaving the Slums, which is just before you reach the Fusion Chamber with Hojo. You will need to use Steal Materia on all 6 Experiment Enemies to get their keys, then open the cells and open the 3 chests in each cell, and return to Hojo before the time runs out.

Achievement: Where Did Everyone Go?

Clear chapter 4. Automatic story-related achievement.

Chapter 5

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Achievement: Shinra’s Squats Champion

At the start of the Chapter enter the Training Room and talk to the man to start the Squatting Minigame. Beat all four opponents. You must press (△) / (Y) as soon as his hand hits his boots.

Flower Wagon Part: Shinra Lunch Cart Specs

Beat the Trooper in the Squatting Minigame.

Flower Wagon Part: Shinra Ceramic

Beat the Captain in the Squatting Minigame.

Flower Wagon Part: Shinra Treads

Beat the SOLDIER 3rd Class in the Squatting Minigame.

Flower Wagon Part: Shinra Solder

Beat the SOLDIER 2nd Class in the Squatting Minigame.

Mail: Kunsel – Sephiroth’s whereabouts

Automatically after approaching the elevator in Shinra HQ.

Flower Wagon Part: Mythril Tools

Complete Missions 2-1-1 through 2-1-6, then speak to the Researcher in Shinra Building Exhibit Room (accessed via Sector 8 Fountain).

M 2-1-1 is unlocked by talking to the man upstairs in Sector 8 – Fountain (marked by yellow “!” icon on map if you haven’t spoken to him previously).

M 2-1-2 is unlocked by talking to the employee walking around LOVELESS avenue (woman wearing gray dress).

M 2-1-3 is unlocked by talking to Girl in Sector 5 Slums – Market, if you didn’t accept it in Chapter 4 you can head back there now (through Sector 8 Fountain > go upstairs to the east to enter the train station > enter slums at end of train station > you spawn in front of the girl)

M 2-1-4 requires you to speak to the Girl in Sector 5 Slums – Street (different girl than the one in Market, after entering Street via Market she’s on the right).

M 2-1-5 is unlocked by talking to the Trooper upstairs in Shinra Building Entrance.

M 2-1-6 is unlocked by talking to Researcher in Shinra Building Exhibit Room (accessed via Sector 8 Fountain). Talk to the same Researcher again after beating all 6 missions to get the Wagon Part.

Flower Wagon Part: Walnut Wood / Achievement: Wutai’s Nemesis

Speak to the SOLDIER 2nd Class in Sector 8 – LOVELESS Avenue and agree to help find the Wutai Spies. Locate all 6 Spies to receive this as a reward. Must talk to each Spy 3 times, they must be found in a fixed order, you can’t do them out of order:

1 – Man walking the street outside LOVELESS Avenue Theater

2 – Shinra Trooper in Sector 5 Market (go there via Fountain > Train Station)

3 – Male Shinra Employee coming out of elevator in Shinra Building Entrance, upstairs. If he doesn’t spawn right away, run in circles downstairs and upstairs again until he shows up in front of the elevators upstairs in the entrance area.

4 – Woman talking to a man in Fountain area, outside the entrance to Sector 1 Train Station

5 – Shinra Employee in front of the rocket in the Shinra Building Exhibit Room

6 – Kid with a hat in Sector 6 Slums Park (access via Train Station > Market > after leaving market turn right to enter Park).

Mail: Study Group – Mystery of the final act

Speak to Genesis Fan in Sector 8 – LOVELESS Avenue.

Mail: Reporter – The truth about SOLDIER!

Speak to the Reporter upstairs in Sector 8 – Fountain and let him go (don’t report him).

Mail: Shinra News – Analysis of the Midgar attacks

Automatically after the cutscene with Angeal in Sector 5 – Market.

Fan Club: The Silver Elite

Speak to the Sephiroth Fan in Sector 6 Slums – Park and answer her questions correctly: 1 – Masamune, 2 – Super Nova, 3 – His left hand.

Mail: Silver Elite – The scent of silver winds

Automatically after joining The Silver Elite Fan Club.

Mail: Luxiere – From Luxiere

Automatically when approaching Sector 5 Slums – Church Entrance.

DMW Image: Cloud (Meteor Shots)

Automatically when progressing through Modeo Ravine.

Achievement: Master Infiltrator

Before infiltrating the facility in Modeo Ravine, make a manual save. There’s a save point right before it. After infiltrating the facility, avoid the patrolling guards. Crouch in the blue zones with (L1) / (LB) to hide, and run past when they’re not looking. When you reach the exit without being seen the achievement will pop. If you were seen, reload the last manual save to retry.

DMW Image: Genesis (Apocalypse)

Automatically after Genesis fight.

Mail: Kunsel – Snowy village

Automatically when entering Modeoheim.

Mail: Lazard – Shinra’s shadows

Automatically when approaching the bathhouse in Modeoheim.

Achievement: Protect Your SOLDIER Honor

Clear chapter 5. Automatic story-related achievement.

Chapter 6

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Mail: Kunsel – Simultaneous attacks

Automatically in Lower Junon – Level 6.

Mail: Kunsel – How was your vacation?

Automatically after defeating General’s Tank.

Mail: Luxiere – Your words

Automatically after defeating General’s Tank.

Achievement: Immovable Object

During the assault on Junon, a minigame will start where you must stop enemies from reaching the purple outline at the end of a road. Stay near the end of the road where the enemies are heading. Run into all the enemies heading towards the gate to fight them and defeat them all. Don’t let any reach the gate. There are 30 enemies total, if you didn’t let any reach the gate the achievement will pop.

Fan Club (Pre-requisite): Zack Fan Club – EASY TO MISS!

After finishing the above achievement, instead of heading forward to the Junon airport, turn around and go back in the direction where you came from. On the same road where the achievement took place, before the exit to “Central Tunnel – Level 6”, there’s an elevator on the left that takes you to “Upper Junon – Level 8” (marked by yellow “!” icon on map), interact with it. This will start a conversation with Cissnei (girl with black suit and brown hair) that allows you to join Zack’s fan club in Midgar in Chapter 7.

Note: if you reach the Prototype Guard Scorpion boss you will have gone too far and must reload last save and backtrack through Junon.

Mail: Cissnei – I’ll give you a hint

After speaking to Cissnei, automatically as you walk towards the Junon airport.

Achievement: Did Genesis Really Die?

Clear chapter 6. Automatic story-related achievement.

Chapter 7

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Mail: Cissnei – You’re not busy, are you?

Automatically at the beginning of the chapter.

Mail: Kunsel – I see everything

Automatically at the beginning of the chapter.

Flower Wagon Part: Used Tools

Sitting on the ground outside the church on the left side. Story-related, you have to pick it up to trigger the next objective.

Mail: Shinra News – Personnel Announcement 0207

Automatically as you head towards the market.

Mail: Silver Elite – The memory of silver winds

Speak to the Sephiroth Fan in Sector 6 Slums – Park.

Flower Wagon Part: Old Lumber

On the ground in Sector 5 Slums – Market. Interact with the wooden planks on the ground right to the green RV and a man in green clothes standing there. Answer with “Seventh Heaven”, paradise in Sector 7. Story-related, you have to pick it up to advance.

Mail: Kunsel – Falling Apart

Automatically as you head into Sector 8.

Mail: Luxiere – Change in chain of command

Automatically as you head into Sector 8.

Mail: Study Group – Thought on “the gift of the goddess”

Automatically as you enter LOVELESS Avenue.

Mail: Reporter – Investigation reveals Shinra’s lies!

Automatically as you enter LOVELESS Avenue.

Achievement: Fan Club Savior

Speak to the Genesis Fan in Sector 8 – Fountain, and suggest merging with a richer club. Head into LOVELESS Avenue and speak with the Genesis Fan there. Return to the first Genesis Fan at The Fountain and talk to her again. For the Angeal Fan Club, speak to the child in Sector 8 – Fountain who is looking for his mother. Then head up to Sector 1 – Train Station and speak to the mother, and select the “mother without honor” option. Then return to where the boy was and speak to the mother again.

Flower Wagon Part: Worn Tires

Speak to the man by the truck in LOVELESS Avenue. Story-related.

Mail: Shinra News – Space development report

Automatically when entering Shinra Building Entrance and approach the Receptionist desk

Fan Club: Zack Fan Club / Achievement: Fan Club Aficionado

If you spoke to Cissnei in Junon, then you can speak to the Receptionist in Shinra Building Entrance to join this Fan Club.

Mail: Zack Fan Club – Now accepting applications

Automatically after joining Zack Fan Club.

Flower Wagon Part: How to Build a Wagon

Outside the church where you got the Used Tools. Story-related.

Mail: Shinra News – Analysis of the simultaneous attacks

Automatically when returning to Aerith inside the Church after creating the first wagon, it will show up at the train station on your way back to Aerith.

Mail: Shinra News – Budget report

Automatically when returning to Aerith inside the Church after creating the first wagon, it will show up at the Church Entrance on your way back to Aerith.

Achievement: Midgar Full of Flowers

After building the first wagon as part of the story, return to Aerith and give her the parts for the wagon. After this during the next cutscene pick dialogue “Wait, I need a little more time!” and repeat this again for the second and third wagon. All Flower Wagon Parts are acquired throughout Midgar by helping people. If you followed the guide you’ll already have all of them, they are all listed above. After the 3rd wagon the achievement will unlock.

Achievement: I May Abandon Shinra

Clear chapter 7. Automatic story-related achievement.

Point Of No Return – Accept Missable Missions!

Before talking to the Officer in Shinra Building SOLDIER Floor, make sure you accepted All Missable Side Missions before advancing! After this point you can’t return to Midgar. Below are all Missions you must accept before this point, you probably got most or all of them already so check your Missions List at a Save Point and take note of the ones you are missing. Rest of the Missions isn’t missable so don’t worry about anything else. If you were to miss out on one of these missions it would keep you from obtaining 100% mission completion on this playthrough (and mission progress does not carry over into New Game+) so double-check again you got everything listed below.

Mission 1-2-1: Challenge from Security

Availability: Speak to the Shinra Captain in Sector 8 – LOVELESS Avenue in Chapter 2. Complete 1-2-1 through 1-2-6 and speak to the Shinra Captain again to get Craftsman Monthly.

Mission 8-2-1: SPR Mako Stone

Availability: Speak to the Researcher in the Shinra HQ Materia Room in Chapter 2, accessible on the SOLDIER Floor. Complete 8-2-1 through 8-2-6 and speak to the Researcher six times to give him the Mako Stones, and you will receive 6 materia and the Master Mako Stone Miner achievement .

Mission 7-1-1: Freight Recall

Availability: Speak to the SOLDIER 3rd Class in the Shinra HQ Briefing Room in Chapter 3. Complete 7-1-1 through 7-1-6 and speak to the SOLDIER 3rd Class again to get Premium Tires.

Mission 2-1-1: Beginnings

Availability: Speak to the Man upstairs in Sector 8 – Fountain in Chapter 3.

Mission 2-1-2: Approaching the Outskirts

Availability: Speak to the Employee walking around in Sector 8 – LOVELESS Avenue in Chapter 3.

Mission 2-1-3: Sightings in Sector 5

Availability: Speak to the Girl in Sector 5 Slums – Market in Chapter 4 after getting your wallet back.

Mission 2-1-4: Defend the Slums

Availability: Speak to the Girl in Sector 5 Slums – Street in Chapter 4.

Mission 2-1-5: Highway Closed

Availability: Speak to the Trooper upstairs in Shinra Building Entrance in Chapter 5.

Mission 2-1-6: Truth in the Wasteland

Availability: Speak to the Researcher in Shinra HQ Exhibit Room in Chapter 5, after completing Missions 2-1-1 through 2-1-5. Speak to the Researcher again to get Mythril Tools.

Mission 6-2-1: Slum Development Plan 1

Availability: Speak to the City Planning Executive in Shinra Building Entrance in Chapter 5.

Mission 4-3-1: Defeat the Scout Units

Availability: Speak to the SOLDIER 2nd Class in Sector 8 – LOVELESS Avenue in Chapter 5, then agree to help him locate Wutai spies. Unlike other people to talk to, the Wutai spies will not be marked on the map. Speak to the man roaming around in front of the LOVELESS theatre 3 times to catch the 1st Wutai spy. These missions do not need to be complete to be able to catch the next spy.

Mission 4-3-2: Obliterate Advance Elements

Availability: Speak to the Shinra Trooper roaming around Sector 5 – Market 3 times to catch the 2nd Wutai spy.

Mission 4-3-3: Foes in the Wutai Base

Availability: Speak to the Shinra Employee in Shinra Building Entrance, outside the elevator upstairs, 3 times to catch the 3rd Wutai spy.

Mission 4-3-4: Mobile Units

Availability: Speak to the Woman upstairs in Sector 8 – Fountain, outside the entrance to the train station, 3 times to catch the 4th Wutai spy.

Mission 4-3-5: The Enemy’s Stronghold

Availability: Speak to the Shinra Employee in Shinra HQ Exhibit Room, standing in front of the Rocket Exhibit, 3 times to catch the 5th Wutai spy.

Mission 4-3-6: Stop the Assailants

Availability: Speak to the Boy wearing a cap in Sector 6 Slums – Park 3 times to catch the 6th Wutai spy. Catching all Wutai spies will unlock the Wutai’s Nemesis achievement.

Chapter 8

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Seven Wonders #1 / DMW Image: Phoenix (Rebirth Flame)

Immediately when arriving in Nibelheim where you’re supposed to talk to Sephiroth, talk to the boy on the right side to start looking for the Wonders, then interact with the water tower. Report back to the boy.

Mail: Cloud – I wanted to tell you

Automatically after entering the Inn.

Seven Wonders #2 / 2000 Gil

Go upstairs in the Inn and look at the painting of the chair. Report to the boy, then go back up to the painting to see it changed. Go downstairs/upstairs until you see the man go upstairs. Follow him to confront him at the painting. Report back to the boy.

Seven Wonders #3 / Gold Shard

Head north to Nibelheim – Outskirts > Mt. Nibel – Trail. Follow the path straight ahead when it splits and go to the top. You will encounter 3 Bomb enemies. Kill them all before they explode, then on the right side it will show you got the “Gold Shard” as a reward. Report back to the boy. If any of the 3 bomb enemies explode, exit the area and return to make them respawn, you can retry this infinitely. Use Ice Damage such as Blizzara. Attack the right bomb first, then the left one, then the middle one.

Mail: Reporter – Hot on the trail of the missing pod!

Automatically as you approach Shinra Manor.

Mail: Cissnei – When you come back

Automatically as you approach Shinra Manor.

Mail: Zack Fan Club – Insider information

Automatically as you approach Shinra Manor.

Seven Wonders #4 / Vital Slash (Mastered with ATK +15)

Head northwest to Nibelheim – Outskirts > go west into Shinra Manor. You must find the code for the safe. The first digit can be solved by going to the room in the northeast upstairs, and peering through the keyhole. Count all the books not placed on the shelves (on top of shelf, on the chair or on the floor) for the first digit. For the second digit, head back downstairs and look through the keyhole of the eastern door, count the Funny Faces (they can be hard to see when on the edges). For the third digit, go upstairs and look through the western door, count the apples and juice cans. For the fourth digit, head back downstairs and look through the western door, count the chairs. Lastly head upstairs into the room in the northwest and open the safe. Report back to the boy.

Mail: Cloud – If you’d like…

As you go to leave the Inn (talk to Sephiroth upstairs), after visiting the Mako Reactor.

Mail: Tifa – Is he alright?

As you go to leave the Inn (talk to Sephiroth upstairs), after visiting the Mako Reactor.

Mail: Red Leather – Breaking news

As you go to leave the Inn (talk to Sephiroth upstairs), after visiting the Mako Reactor.

Mail: Kunsel – A message for you

As you approach Shinra Manor again (after returning from Mako Reactor).

Mail: Tifa – I can fight, too

As you approach Shinra Manor again (after returning from Mako Reactor).

Mail: Luxiere – Working with Sephiroth!

As you approach Shinra Manor again (after returning from Mako Reactor).

Mail: Tifa – Don’t tell anyone

As you approach Shinra Manor again (after returning from Mako Reactor).

Seven Wonders #5

Head into Shinra Manor – Underground Cave. Defeat a Sahagin to get a Coffin Key. Head down the ladder and enter the southeastern room. Use a key to open the right coffin. Report back to the boy.

Seven Wonders #6 / ATK Up++

After entering the Facility via Shinra Manor Underground Cave, Nibelheim will start burning. Talk to the boy again in the burning section. You must head inside the house and save his mother upstairs, and get out within 1 minute. You won’t be able to see where you are running, but the camera will focus on your position within the house. Walk in cardinal directions until you can’t move further, until you reach her. Directions: Up, Right, Up, Right, Up, Left, Up, Left, Down, Right, Down. Talk to the mother. Up, Left, Up, Right, Down, Right, Down, Left, Down, Left, Down.

Mail: Cloud – Where are you!?

Automatically as you go up Mt. Nibel – Trail.

Achievement: I’ll Come Visit

Clear chapter 8. Automatic story-related achievement.

Chapter 9

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Mail: Reporter – Links to dead SOLDIER operative!

Automatically as you leave the lab.

Mail: Reporter – Flying SOLDIER man: Dead or alive?

Automatically after you leave the lab.

Mail: Keepers of Honor – Sightings

Automatically as you leave the underground.

Mail: Study Group – Our upcoming secret event!

Automatically in the manor.

Mail: Shinra News – Personnel Announcement 0210

Automatically in the manor.

Mail: Wonder Hunter – The Last Wonder

Automatically as you leave the Manor if you have completed the first 6 of the Seven Wonders.

Seven Wonders #7 / Wall / Achievement: Seven Wonders Expert

Head to the northeast corner of Nibelheim – Outskirts and pick up the Wall Materia behind the low fence.

Mail: Zack Fan Club – All things must pass

Automatically after the story puts you back in the manor, after fighting the waves of soldier in the village, when you have to look for clothes for Cloud (if you joined the Silver Elites, united the Study Group and Red Leather, and helped the boy find his mother in Sector 8). If you get one of the other Mails here it doesn’t impact the achievement because you only need ONE mail from each sender to pop the achievement, not all individual Mails.

Mail: Zack Fan Club – Sad news

Automatically after the story puts you back in the manor, after fighting the waves of soldier in the village, when you have to look for clothes for Cloud (if you did two of the three above tasks). If you get one of the other Mails here it doesn’t impact the achievement because you only need ONE mail from each sender to pop the achievement, not all individual Mails.

Mail: Zack Fan Club – Notice

Automatically after the story puts you back in the manor, after fighting the waves of soldier in the village, when you have to look for clothes for Cloud (if you did fewer than two of the three above tasks). If you get one of the other Mails here it doesn’t impact the achievement because you only need ONE mail from each sender to pop the achievement, not all individual Mails.

Mail: Silver Elite – The proclamation of silver winds

Automatically after the story puts you back in the manor, after fighting the waves of soldier in the village, when you have to look for clothes for Cloud.

Mail: Kunsel – Tell me they’re lying

Automatically after the story puts you back in the manor, after fighting the waves of soldier in the village, when you have to look for clothes for Cloud.

Mail: Kunsel – You can’t fool me

In the manor go upstairs and interact with the dresser in the left room. The key for it is on a dead scientist in the lab where the chapter started (Shinra Manor > Underground Cave, take ladder down > Facility). You get the Mail automatically after changing Cloud into SOLDIER outfit.

Mail: Reporter – The village: What they’re not telling!

In the manor go upstairs and interact with the dresser in the left room. The key for it is on a dead scientist in the lab where the chapter started (Shinra Manor > Underground Cave, take ladder down > Facility). Automatically after changing Cloud into SOLDIER outfit.

Mail: Luxiere – I have a plan

In the manor go upstairs and interact with the dresser in the left room. The key for it is on a dead scientist in the lab where the chapter started (Shinra Manor > Underground Cave, take ladder down > Facility). Automatically after changing Cloud into SOLDIER outfit.

Achievement: Zack the Sniper

After leaving Nibelheim, you will go down a hill and have to shoot robots with sniper rifles. You have to kill all robots at sniping spots without any of them escaping. If you alert them and take too long they will run away after a short time. Aim for the head as it does enough damage to instantly kill all the regular ones. After fully upgrading the rifle you can also aim for their shields as they are easier to hit and the fully upgraded damage still deals good damage plus staggers the robots on each hit. There are no checkpoints during this minigame, if a robot escapes you must reload the last autosave to respawn at the start and redo everything.

1st sniper will have 1 stationary robot.

2nd sniper will have 1 stationary robot.

3rd sniper will have 2 moving robots.

After the 3rd sniper run back and forth to farm kills on normal robots and fully upgrade your sniper rifle before triggering the 4th sniping spot.

4th sniper will have 3 moving robots in the distance, kill the one on the right first, then left, then middle.

5th sniper requires going right at the split in the road, it has 3 stationary robots that you can instantly kill by shooting the barrel.

6th sniper is down the road on the left with 2 boss robots: BIGGS and WEDGE, who have 9999 HP each. With a fully upgraded rifle it will take 3 headshots to kill one, and you can simply fire a smart bomb to kill the other one.

7th sniper is at the next split on the left with 3 robots. Quickly kill them before they retreat, with fully upgraded damage you can simply shoot their shields which staggers them but still kills them quickly (this is easier than trying headshots and missing).

8th sniper is the final one, it’s when you follow the road to the right. Shoot the barrel near the left robot, then headshot the other two or just shoot their shields quickly. If they try to retreat, you may be able to hit the barrel to stop them.

Continue to the end of the section and the achievement will pop before the next save point.

If you're having trouble with this, I highly recommend using your mouse. It definitely made a huge difference for me.

Mail: Kunsel – Just as I thought

Automatically as you progress forward at the Abandoned Mako Reactor in Gongaga.

Mail: Reporter – SOLDIER man too weak to fight dog!?

Automatically as you progress forward at the Abandoned Mako Reactor in Gongaga.

Mail: Keepers of Honor – Sightings: Continued

Automatically as you progress forward at the Abandoned Mako Reactor in Gongaga.

Mail: Red Leather – Resurrection Fest!

Automatically as you progress forward at the Abandoned Mako Reactor in Gongaga.

Shop: Research Dept. QMC+

After the scene with Cissnei in Gongaga – Outskirts, in a chest to the south at the corner of the area.

Achievement: Waterfall Chaser

In the Hills area of Gongaga, after the cutscene with Genesis, run around until you complete 3-4 battles. Try to leave the area and you’ll be prompted with a minigame, choose the first option to participate in it. Chests and enemies will fall down the waterfall, and you will need to collect all 10 chests. They will fall in the same order: Chest in the middle, two enemies on the left and right, two chests on the left and right, repeat this for 10 chests. If you get hit by an enemy you’ll be stunned and miss the next two chests. I recommend staying a bit further from the waterfall, move in when there are no enemies and move to the sides while waiting. If you get hit by an enemy and miss a chest, simply leave the area and come back, then redo 3-4 battles to trigger the minigame again. Getting all 10 chests will also reward you with Goblin Punch, which can be combined with any of the DMW Materia (purchasable from Research Dept. QMC+) to create Costly Punch, one of the best combat materia.

Achievement: We’ll All Be Heroes

Clear chapter 9. Automatic story-related achievement.

Chapter 10

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Achievement: Overpowered

Deal 99,999 damage to an enemy. First you must break the damage ceiling of 9999 damage. There are two ways to do this:

Method #1: Increase Buster Sword Proficiency to 25%. The Buster Sword is an automatic story unlock in Chapter 6. The easiest way to increase it is to enter the Buster Sword stance with (▢) + (X) / (X) + (A) and spam Darkness Materia (reward from Mission 4-4-2 and 8-4-6). Each kill grants proficiency. You can combine doing this with playing Missions at a Save Point. After reaching enough proficiency you get a notification on the screen that tells you the damage limit has been lifted while in Buster Sword stance.

Method #2: Equip “Brutal” Accessory (Reward from Mission 7-4-6 and 9-5-1, in a chest in Mission 9-6-3). This raises your damage limit to 99,999.After you did one of the two methods above, the next thing you need is a Materia that can deal 99,999 damage in one hit. The best option is “Costly Punch”. The easiest way to get it is by fusing Materia “Goblin Punch” (reward for Achievement: Waterfall Chaser in Chapter 9 and 55% Mission completion) + any of the purple Materia bought from Shop “Research Dept. QMC+” (from Chest in Chapter 9 Gongaga – Outskirts). Alternatively, a Costly Punch is found in in chest in Mission 9-5-4.

The damage output of this Materia scales to your overall HP. When you have around 22K HP and hit an enemy, it should often deal 99,999 damage. You can increase your HP% by using fat chocobo feathers on a materia during materia fusion, but increasing HP% is also possible via accessories and leveling up. This is one of the best materia in the game and you should be using it against high-level bosses anyway.

Achievement: Cage Opener

When you enter the Depths of Judgement, there’ll be three paths branching off, with this area being the hub. In each area there will be a large stone tablet you can interact with to read an Act of LOVELESS. Depths of Judgement will have “LOVELESS – Prologue”, Portal of Severance (west) will have Act III, Howling Fang (east) will have Act II and just outside the entrance of Lake of Oblivion (south) will be Act I. After reading all four tablets, enter Lake of Oblivion and around the area will be 5 mako springs you can interact with to spawn an enemy. Defeat all 5 of these enemies and a path will open to the Cage of Binding, to the north of the lake. This unlocks the achievement.

Achievement: Thanks to You, Zack

Clear chapter 10. Automatic story-related achievement.

Achievement: SOLDIER of Legend

Clear the game in Hard Mode. There is an easy trick for this: play through the game on Normal first. Before the endboss, switch from Normal to Hard difficulty by pressing the options button > Options > Gameplay Settings > Difficulty = HARD. Then defeat only the endboss on hard and the trophy for beating the game in Hard Mode will unlock. No need to do a full playthrough on Hard.

Alternatively, or in case this gets patched in the future, you can play through Hard in New Game+. This only takes around 90 minutes if you skip all cutscenes and dialogue and already got 100% completion on the first playthrough to deal 99,999 damage per hit. All your equipment carries over into New Game+.

Remaining Mail / Shops / DMW Images From Missions

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For All Mail, you might still be missing one from

Yuffie (reward for Mission 8-5-6)

Shop (reward for Mission 2-3-1)

Anonymous (Mission 8-4-6)

Shop News (Mission 6-2-1)

Treasure Princess (Mission 8-4-1)

You only need ONE Mail from each sender to pop the achievement.

Here are the Remaining Mail / Shops / DMW Images from Missions:

Shop: Gongaga Trading

Complete Mission 2-3-1: Unidentified Monsters

Shop: Junon Souvenirs

Complete Mission 2-4-1: A Solitary Island

Shop: Mythril Mine Traders

Complete Mission 2-4-5: Cave-In Investigation

Shop: Wutai Secret Shop

Complete Mission 4-2-6: The Five Saints of Wutai

Shop: The Happy Turtle

Complete Mission 4-3-6: Stop the Assailants

Shop: Sec.7 Shop

Complete Mission 4-4-3: Infiltration

Shop: Sec.8 Materia Shop

Complete Mission 6-2-1: Slum Development Plan 1

Mail: Shop News – The best shop in the world

Complete Mission 6-2-1: Slum Development Plan 1

Shop: Sec.5 Materia Shop

Complete Mission 6-2-3: Mako Excavation Site (may need to reach Chapter 6 before the shop unlocks)

Mail: Shop News – A shop with a long tradition

Complete Mission 6-2-3: Mako Excavation Site

Shop: Sec.6 Accessory Shop

Complete Mission 6-2-6: Underground City (may need to reach Chapter 7 before the shop unlocks)

Mail: Shop News – Your favorite accessories

Complete Mission 6-2-6: Underground City

Shop: Nibel Accessories

Complete Mission 6-4-4: Hiding in the Wasteland

Shop: Bone Village Outlet

Complete Mission 7-5-3: Girl on the Desert Island

DMW Image: Ifrit (Hellfire)

Complete Mission 8-1-1: Rematch with Ifrit

DMW Image: Bahamut (Megaflare)

Complete Mission 8-1-4: Rematch with Bahamut

DMW Image: Odin (Zantetsuken)

Complete Mission 8-1-6: Mystery Materia

DMW Image: Chocobo (Chocobo Stomp)

Complete Mission 8-4-1: Suspicious Mail 1

Mail: Treasure Princess – Directive (1)

Complete Mission 8-4-1: Suspicious Mail 1

Mail: Treasure Princess – Directive (2)

Complete Mission 8-4-2: Suspicious Mail 2

DMW Image: Caith Sith (Courage Boost!)

Complete Mission 8-4-3: Suspicious Mail 3

Mail: Treasure Princess – Special assignment!

Complete Mission 8-4-3: Suspicious Mail 3

DMW Image: Moogle (Moogle Power)

Complete Mission 8-4-4: Suspicious Mail 4

Mail: Treasure Princess – Orders!!

Complete Mission 8-4-4: Suspicious Mail 4

Mail: Treasure Princess – Letter of challenge!!!

Complete Mission 8-4-5: Suspicious Mail 5

Mail: Anonymous – Just between you and me

Complete Mission 8-4-6: Suspicious Mail 6

Mail: Anonymous – Confidential

Complete Mission 8-5-1: Treasure Info 1

Mail: Anonymous – For your eyes only

Complete Mission 8-5-2: Treasure Info 2

Mail: Anonymous – Something you might want to know

Complete Mission 8-5-3: Treasure Info 3

Mail: Anonymous – A good deal

Complete Mission 8-5-4: Treasure Info 4

Mail: Anonymous – Too good to miss

Complete Mission 8-5-5: Treasure Info 5

Mail: Yuffie – Notice

Complete Mission 8-5-6: Treasure Info 6

DMW Image – Bahamut Fury (Exaflare)

Complete Mission 8-5-6: Treasure Info 6

Mail: Yuffie – Another notice

Complete Mission 8-6-1: Notice

Mail: Yuffie – This one’s for real

Complete Mission 8-6-2: Another Notice

Mail: Yuffie – I’m alright

Complete Mission 8-6-3: Final Notice

Mail: Yuffie – Don’t come

Complete Mission 8-6-4: SOS?

Mail: Yuffie – (no title)

Complete Mission 8-6-5: SOS

Shop: Online Shop Duo

Complete Mission 9-3-3: Genesis’s New Weapon

Shop: Online Shop Shade

Complete Mission 9-5-4: Abnormal Power

Mail: A SOLDIER legend, so they say

Complete Mission 9-6-6: The Reigning Deity

Achievement: Divine Rule Broken

Defeat Minerva, a secret boss located in Mission 9-6-6: The Reigning Deity.

Here is the equipment I used to beat the mission:

You should not try to attempt this without 255 VIT and SPR because without them, you will be one shot each time you get attacked by Minerva. As you can see in the photo above, I used VIT++ and SPR++ to boost those parameters. You can also boost your SPR by using Ziedrich and remove the Genji Helm as it is not really useful here.

Mug is a must in this fight as you can steal 99 Phoenix Downs from Minerva and basically use it infinitely during the fight (If you've played the OG CC, you can't use the trick to steal and sell the items for Gil Toss since you have to finish the fight to keep those items you took). If you have a SPR mug, try to boost SPR on that materia, but be careful not to master it. Mastering Mug will only have the option to turn into a Gil Toss during materia fusion if you don't have a Steal materia. Finally, the last materia you'll require is Costly Punch as you will be using that to deal 99k DMG on Minerva.

You can use Genji Armor instead of Adaman Bangle since they both break the HP limit. You can survive the fight without max HP, but it would be safe to do so because you'll need plenty of it for Minerva's Judgement Arrow, which I'll explain in the next paragraph.

During the fight, Minerva will use her ultimate attack, Judgement Arrow, around three times each time you take 1/3 of her health. When she is charging up, you should prioritize fully healing up instead of trying to weaken it. This is crucial because this attack removes your Phoenix Down status, preventing you from getting back up if she manages to kill you. You can use the Dualcast materia with Curaga to speed it up, but if you have plenty Hi-Potions saved up, you should use those instead.

If you have your VIT and SPR maxed out along with the HP like I have, the fight will be a cakewalk, so you can just tank most of the attacks. However, if you want to dodge some of the attacks, here are some strategies I found:

For Crimson Flare, keep running in circles until the fireball dissipates.

For Flash Slash, spam roll twice in the opposite direction right when you see her stop for a second.

For Krysta, I had some difficulty avoiding most of the time, but if you roll backward, then to the right or left, you can avoid it sometimes.

For Photon Feather, if you are near, roll towards Minverva twice, and if you are far, just roll backwards twice.

For Thor's Hammer, roll right when you see Minerva raise her staff and charge it with lightning.

Finally, for Ultima, spam roll right and left and you may be able to take zero damage.

Remaining Mail / Shops / DMW Images From Missions Continued

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DMW Image: Cactuar (1,000 Needles)

Defeat the Kactuar in Mission 3-1-3: Eliminate the Copies to unlock the 10-1 missions. Then complete Mission 10-1-3: Cactuar Found?

DMW Image: Tonberry (Murderous Thrust)

Defeat the Tonberry in Mission 6-1-5: Buried in the Caverns to unlock the 10-2 missions. Then complete Mission 10-2-3: Master Tonberry.

DMW Image: Magic Pot (Item Mugger)

In Mission 10-2-3: Master Tonberry, you can encounter the Magic Pot. Use Jump, Fira, Gravity and Assault Twister when it asks for it and you will get this as a reward.

Achievement: Missions Completed: 25%

Complete 25% of all missions.

Achievement: Missions Completed: 50%

Complete 50% of all missions.

Achievement: Missions Completed:75%

Complete 75% of all missions.

Achievement: Mission Completionist

Complete 100% of all missions.

Achievement: Shop Completionist

Unlock all shops.

Achievement: Mail Completionist

Receive mail from all senders.

Achievement: Genji Equipment

Collect all Genji equipment.

Genji Armor: 100% all DMW Limit Breaks

Genji Shield: Encounter Magic Pot in M7-6-6 and satisfy it (Gil Toss, Costly Punch, 99,999 DMG, Octaslash).

Genji Helm: Unlock Net / Online Shop Shade store (M9-5-4) and purchase the helm for 1M.

Genji Glove: Found in a treasure chest from M9-6-4.

Achievement: Limit Break Collector

Obtain all DMW images.

Achievement: DMW Master

Achieve 100% progress for all DMW.

If you still have DMW that aren't at 100%, you can go AFK in M-1-1-1 and check back to see if the DMWs are completed. I highly recommend purchasing the DMW materia you are trying to progress along with Lucky Stars to increase your chances. To progress, you will need to see all the memories associated with the DMW, but for summons, you only need to activate them once.

Achievement: My Living legacy

Unlock all achievements. Congrats on making it this far!
