Simplified Cooking - A Cheat Sheet to Quickly Understand What's Best to Cook!

Simplified Cooking - A Cheat Sheet to Quickly Understand What's Best to Cook!


The buffs from each ingredient in cooked food are the same no matter which other ingredient they are cooked with. Or which order. So, instead of trying to explore all 1700+ unique dishes, simply consider which buffs compliment and have similar duration. Thus avoid wastage from overlapping or unwanted buffs and unused duration (when re-applying buffs).

Buff Vs Duration Table:

Simplified Cooking - A Cheat Sheet to Quickly Understand What's Best to Cook! image 3


(a) Cooked food takes on the highest of each buff value across both ingredients.

(b) Eating multiple different foods does not stack buffs of the same type. Last applied overwrites!

(c) All cooked food helps refill the food bar to some extent (from 2 to 31). See table below.

(d) Most fish give (from 2.1 to 5.2) health per second for 20s, in addition to their main effects (above).

(e) Golden vegetables grow from seeds planted with chance from "Expert Gardener" skill.

(f) "Master Chef" skill gives chance bonus cooked food has Rare (25%) or Epic (50%) increased stats.

(g) More skills modifying the above buff figures are listed in wiki page they are source from:

Supplementary Info (Health/s, Food, Fishing Chance):

Simplified Cooking - A Cheat Sheet to Quickly Understand What's Best to Cook! image 13

"Health Per Second" and "Food" values are shown by ingredient but are only given by eating the cooked food item they are in. Taken from:

Fishing values taken from:

Qualifications, Links And Acknowledgement

Please let me know if I've made any big blunders, omissions or oversights! Also, please comment on what you think about any little aspect of the style or presentation of this information. I've tried to make it as compact as possible. But is it easily viewable for you on your device of choice?

This is currently a first draft,so there is likely to be errors in spelling and transferring details from the wiki. Perhaps in the wiki itself has discrepancies, as this is a rapidly changing Early Access game. Hence this guide will soon be outdated, as new items are added and values tweaked.

For a more printer friendly copy, see the Google Sheets file here (please ask before publishing copies or modified versions):

Fellow creatives: if this material inspires some of your content, I'd appreciate a quick shout-out and link back to this guide. 👍


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