Notes & Oddities
Some tile locations are broken and cause circuitry to not work for no apparent reason. Just move it over and it suddenly works again.
It's possible for circuits to randomly power themselves, with no apparent reason or origin. Seems to be fixed by removing the original power source, and it'll gradually fade away.
Delay Circuits run on a global timer, so all Delays will be globally synchronized. This leads to
Logic Circuits behave weirdly when two out of three inputs are Electricity Sticks. When the third input is powered, it suddenly turns into an Edge Trigger (see below). This may be a bug, but it is an unintended effect that opens up a significant
Levers and Pressure Plates globally propagate their state changes to any Lever or Pressure Plate that is currently on. This is confirmed to be a bug, and a malicious player can use this to break your automations.
Electrical WireCarries power in any direction, mixing it in whatever way is desired. Requires a power signal stronger than 1 in order to carry power.
Cross CircuitSeparates power flow vertically and horizontally, or diagonally. Follows the same rules as Electrical Wire, but has a bug in the visual code that makes it only light up with a power signal stronger than 2. Interact with it to swap between the three modes.
Logic CircuitAllows power through if exactly 2 out of 3 inputs are powered.
Delay CircuitDelay a power signal by exactly 1 second. Appears to ignore any world lag that occurs.
GeneratorProduces 27 units of power starting with itself. It can power anything that is up to 25 circuit tiles away.
LeverProduces 12 units of power (centered on itself) if on. Blocks power flow entirely if off.
Electricity StickProduces exactly 1 unit of power, and can power nearby logic circuits. It can't power anything else, as that would require 2 units of power.
Robot ArmWhen powered, moves items from the pointed direction to directly behind it. Can pick up from inventories and drop off into inventories. If the target inventory is full, will drop it under the tile instead.
DrillToDo: Image
When powered attempts to break the block it is pointed at. Items dropped by the block, or dropped by a Robot Arm into the block, will slowly move through the Drill to behind it.
Conveyor Belt Moves items on it in the direction it is pointing.
Logic Gate
Logic Gates allow automation using logical evaluation of rules.
Logic Gate » NOT
NOT gates invert the signal.
Variant A (1x3)Flippable, Rotatable, Inputs Swappable.
Logic Gate » AND
AND gates only allow a signal through if both sides are on.
Input AInput BOutput000100010111
Variant A (1x1)❌Flippable, Rotatable, Inputs/X Swappable.
Logic Gate » NAND
NAND Gates are simply AND gates with their output or input inverted using a NOT gate.
Input AInput BOutput001101011110
Variant A (3x3)❌Flippable, Rotatable. Input and Electricity Stick are Swappable on each side.
Variant B (3x3)Flippable, Rotatable. Pick two out of three inputs, the remaining input turns into an ❌.
Variant C (3x2)❌Flippable, Rotatable. Flip the design if you need the input on the left.
Logic Gate » OR
OR gates allow signal from two or more to pass through.
Input AInput BOutput000101011111
Variant A (1x1)Flippable, Rotatable, Inputs Swappable.
Logic Gate » NOR
OR gates allow signal from two or more to pass through.
Input AInput BOutput001100010110
Variant A (Tri-NOR) (2x2)❌Flippable, Rotatable. By wiring up three inputs, you get a Tri-NOR gate.
Variant B (3x2)❌❌Flippable, Rotatable. X and Input are Swappable.
Logic Gate » XOR
XOR gates allow power through if exactly one of the inputs is on.
Input AInput BOutput000101011110
Variant A (1x2)Flippable, Rotatable, Inputs/Stick Swappable.
An Amplifier strengthens an existing signal, allowing it to reach further.
Amplifier » Static
Static Amplifiers amplify a single to 26 power.
Variant A (2x1)❌Flippable, Rotatable, Inputs/X Swappable.
Amplifier » Toggleable (Powered)
These Amplifiers can be manually toggled and boost the signal back to 26 power.
Variant A (2x2)❌Flippable, Rotatable, Inputs/X Swappable if using Cross Circuit.
Variant B (2x2)❌Flippable, Rotatable, Inputs/X Swappable.
Amplifier » Toggleable (Unpowered)
Toggleable and boost signal to 12.
Variant A (2x1)❌Flippable, Rotatable, Inputs/X Swappable.
Variant B (2x2)❌Flippable, Rotatable, Inputs/X Swappable.
Edge Trigger
Edge Triggers produce an output signal when the input signal goes from low to high, high to low, or both.
Edge Trigger » High & Low Edge
Variant A (3x3)Flippable, Rotatable. Found in this video by Exxidion. Output (5x3) pulses for roughly 1 tick when the input falls or rises.
Edge Trigger » Low To High Edge
Variant A (3x3)❌❌❌Flippable, Rotatable. Output pulses for 1 tick when the input rises (low -> high).
Item Filter
Item Filters allow separating items into unique piles, allowing further automation using specific materials.
Item Filter » Exxidions Design (5x6, 4x6 Repeating)
Layer 1Drill LeftDrill UpLayer 2Flippable, Rotatable.
Original Video. Input (1x1) should alternate between On/Off, Input (1x3) should be pulsed for 1 tick on each input edge. Fill the table with the item you want to sort, the first slot of the chest with the item you want to sort, then the rest of the slots should be items that never occur in the system up to that point (like Ancient Coin). Then turn on the clock feeding the Inputs. See video for clock design.
Top Output is sorted items, bottom Output is unsorted items. Repeatable up to 5 times, then requires an Amplifier for each Input which may break timing initially. Overlap the last column with the 2nd column of the next element to achieve a 4x6 tiling.
Item Filter » Xaymars Modified Exxidions Design (2x8 Repeating)
Drill DownDrill UpFlippable, Rotatable.
A modified version of Exxidions design. Top & Bottom Inputs are tied together, Middle Input is opposite of Top & Bottom, pulse alternatively for 1s. Remaining instructions identical to Exxidions design.
Repeatable up to 12 times, then requires an Amplifier. To repeat, overlap third and first columns.
Clocks provide a power signal on repeating intervals.
Clock » Toggleable 1s
Variant A (4x3)❌❌❌Flippable, Rotatable. Clock signal retrievable at 4x1, 4x5, 5x2 and 5x3. Lever signal retrievable at 3x5 and 5x4. Suffers from Interactive Object problem (see Notes).
Variant B (3x3)❌❌❌❌Flippable, Rotatable. Suffers from Interactive Object problem (see Notes).
Clock » Alternating Toggleable 1s
Variant A (5x4)❌❌❌❌Flippable, Rotatable.
Clock » Alternating 1s, Pulsing 1t
Variant A (3x3)❌❌❌❌
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