Before I start the guide, I would like to thank The Cookie Clicker Wiki[] and The Official Cookie Clicker Discord[] with most of the information in this guide!
This Steam guide is really just a way for new players (and advance players who have not dwell into guides) to find information about Grimoire! Be it how to get started with magic or abusing the powerful spells the game lets you use, this guide will have lots about it!
What Is Grimoire
Grimoire is one of four unlockable Mini-games in Cookie Clicker.
It allows you to cast 9 different types of spells, ones that can give you cookies, give you golden cookies, decrease upgrade costs and more!
How To Unlock Grimoire
Grimoire can be unlocked by spending 1 sugar lump on Wizard Towers.
Sugar lumps will appear after baking 1 billion cookies.
You should always spend your first sugar lump on your Wizard Towers when possible, as it allows you to start doing "Combos" (More about combos will appear later on in this guide)
Mana And Mana Regeneration
Before we get into spells, we need to know about Mana and Mana Regeneration.
Maximum Mana can be increased by buying more Wizard Towers, however the cost of spells will increase along side it.
(1 Wizard Tower compared to 100 Wizard Towers)
Mana Regeneration is determined by the amount of Wizard Towers you have too.
The closer the mana is to the Maximum Mana, the faster the Mana regenerates.
You might have already seen it, but it is possible to refill 100 Mana by pressing the sugar lump icon next to the mana bar and spending 1 sugar lump. You would only do this for "Quad Casting".
Force The Hand Of FateForce The Hand Of FateGolden CookieUnlucky Wrath CookieYes!Wrath CookieGainShortenedFreeLose A Random Building.UNLESS YOU'RE DOING A NO ASCENSION RUNNoCheaperMore ExpensiveCheaperMore ExpensiveAt Half The Magic CostTwice The Chance Of Backfiring.OR10 Times Less5 Times MoreSpellNameEffectBackfireShould you use this?Conjure Baked GoodsSummon half an hour worth of your CpS, capped at 15% of your cookies owned.Trigger a 15-minute clot and lose 15 minutes of CpS.Not really, is only useful in Early Game when you cant cast and is only okay after the end of a "Combo", but the mana is much better spent on when you can already do "Combos"Summons a random . Each existing makes this spell +15% more likely to backfire.Summons an . This spell is the main way to really start doing "Combos". Incredibly powerful even during Endgame, and even if you do summon a , you can simply, just t click it.Stretch TimeAll active buffs 10% more time (up to 5 more minutes).All active buffs are by 20% (up to 10 minutes shorter). . Decent for "finisher combos" if you're "scumming".Spontaneous EdificeThe spell picks a random building you could afford if you had twice your current cookies, and gives it to you for .
The building selected must be under 400, and cant be your most-built one (unless it is your only one)., . Considering you can only use this during midgame due to it's high cost, and even then, it's much more efficient to do "combo" instead. Doesn't even work if all your buildings are over 400! Terrible!Haggler's CharmUpgrades are 2% for 1 minute.Upgrades are 2% for an hour. Sure, if you're close to getting an upgrade like a kitten or a cursor upgrade, casting this definitely helps! (also the cheapest spell excluding Gambler's Fever Dream, so you can spam this if you're going for casting achievements with big risks)Summon Crafty PixiesBuildings are 2% for 1 minute.Buildings are 2% for an hour.Sure, similar to Haggler's Charm, casting this can be useful to get the next new building or the last few cursors, though it loses value during late game, as building costs are simply too high.Gambler's Fever DreamCast a random spell , with -Only if you're getting the casting achievements taking advantage of it's casting mechanic with (Scrying)Resurrect AbominationInstantly summon a wrinkler if conditions are fulfilled.Pop one of your wrinklers. Useful to determine if the next cast is a Backfire or t if Grandmapocalypse is inactive. For it's actual use? Never, if you're getting wrinkers it's best to just continue waiting than to risk one of your existing wrinkler's to pop. (If you don't have any it can be okay? Still t work the mana and is easier to get wrinklers just by waiting)Diminish IneptitudeSpells backfire for the next 5 minutes.Spells backfire for the next 10 minutes. Unless you're doing tryhard strats, t really, can help if you don't want an hour's debuff from Haggler's Charm/Summon Crafty Pixies (though those can be removed by casting a successful cast of it a). Unfortunately, does t work with Gambler's Fever Dream.
With magic by your side, you now have the power to do COMBOS. Combos are made with multiple types of frenzies/buffs that accumulate days, weeks or even months worth of cookies in just a few minutes!
Simple combos usually consists of 2 buffs, examples are "Frenzy + Clicking Frenzy" and "Frenzy + Elder Frenzy".
Just wait till you have a Frenzy (or Elder Frenzy) and Cast FtHoF, golden cookies spawned by the spell have a higher chance to be a Clicking Frenzy than normal golden cookies.
Note: It is important to have Godzamok on the Diamond slot in the Pantheon, so that you can sell buildings to gain another buff, increasing cookie gain!
And if you're in Midgame - Lategame, you could wait for a Frenzy + Building Frenzy before using FtHoF! Remember, the more buffs, the more cookies!
Another method is to take advantage of the way the game manages it's Mana, by "Dual Casting".
"Dual Casting" can be done by casting "Force the Hand of Fate" at a high mana cost and selling Wizard Towers to bring "Force the Hand of Fate's" cost down to the point you can cast it again.
And with this knowledge, you can even do "Quad Casting", by re-buying the Wizard Towers back and spending 1 sugar lump to do another Dual Cast.
Optimal amounts for Dual Casting are 321 into 21 as you only need to sell 100s 3 times OR 537 into 37 as this has more Wizards to slightly boost cookies per second.
What's Scrying?
To put it in simple terms, casting "Gambler's Fever Dream" for ANY SPELL will guarantee the next normal casting of the same spell, will have the same effect.
You have casted Gambler's Fever Dream, it's outcome was "Force the Hand of Fate". Force the Hand of Fate's outcome was Clicking Frenzy.
The next NORMAL cast of Force the Hand of Fate is a GUARANTEED Clicking Frenzy.
This means you can wait for the perfect time (such as a double Building Frenzy + Frenzy) and have a Clicking Frenzy to pop.
HOWEVER, this effect will disappear if:
Seasons are changed
Casting a different spell
For extremely advanced players who's done these already to the point that simple combos like Frenzy + Building Frenzy + Clicking Frenzy doesn't give much anymore, I highly suggest reading these combo guides! They're a lot harder to set up and needs more micro, but gives months or even years of cookies.
Advanced Combo Guide by Fillex
Endgame Combo Guide by Taru
999999Grimoire only has 3 achievements obtainable, all three are accumulative and stays between ascensions, it's suggested to not worry about them as they'll come by when you're playing the game normally, but if you want to rush them, casting Haggler's Charm or Gambler's Fever Dream will be the fastest way.
AchievementNameObjectiveBibbidi-bobbidi-booCast spells.I'm the wizCast spells.A wizard is youCast spells.
And that's it! Grimoire isn't too complex or in-depth as Garden or Stock Market, but it definitely makes the game a lot more strategic with combos.
Thank you for checking out this guide, if you have other suggestions, please do comment them down!
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