How to buy Dread Knight (Beginner's Guide)

How to buy Dread Knight (Beginner's Guide)


Hey guys!

This is a guide designed to help new players with the gap between Frostleaf and Dread Knight. If you already know how to build the bridge between these two, this guide is not for you.

This is my very first guide here on steam. It is currently under development and will be edited while I'm making progress in the game. I've been playing this game since December 2014 and still going! It's an excellent waste of your time. :D And it will get you hooked.

Level 200 And Dread Knight?

If you've just started this game, you are probably advancing very quickly, but you'll eventually reach a point where progress becomes painfully slow and you cannot one shot your normal monsters anymore. Once this has happened, your game is probably reaching the mid game section. You have leveled most of your heroes to level 100 and more and you cannot buy any new ones because you simply cannot afford them.

What happens after this period?

You can probably already see the Dread Knight, but you cannot afford him and you have no idea how you will ever be able to afford him.

Things you will need to do will be explained here.

Hero Souls

How to buy Dread Knight (Beginner's Guide) image 10
How to buy Dread Knight (Beginner's Guide) image 11

- Do you know about Hero Souls?

You can get them for every 2000 hero levels or for killing Primal Bosses which can appear after a certain level. The amount of Hero Souls dropped by Primal Bosses increases with each zone.

(credits to Ing, thanks for the picture)

You can gain access to your Hero Souls once you've bought an Ascension - the hero AMENHOTEP will unlock this feature. BUT BE WARNED. Ascension means you will start at Zone 1 but you will have access to your Hero Souls. You will lose ALL of your levels and money! (this is not resetting your game. Please, do not reset your game, since you will also lose all of your hero souls and your progress will be lost. Only reset your game if you really want it!)

Hero Souls can be found here:

This picture shows the player's 14 Hero Souls. + 54 means the player will get 54 Hero Souls for an ascension.

Hero Souls can be spent on Ancients which will give you powerful buffs, i.e.: Bubos, the Ancient of Diseases. Buying levels for this Ancient with Hero Souls will make defeating bosses easier!

But you may not always want to spend your Hero Souls. For every Hero Soul you own, you will get 10% more DPS, which easily adds up!

Make your decisions wisely.

By ascending the game, you will eventually build up enough DPS to reach past zone 250 and more, which will make it possible for you to buy Dread Knight and reach the late game.

Level Bonus! Wow!

- Do you know about the Hero Level bonuses?

No? Okay, let me tell you about this!

Once you have your desired heroes on 200, you can get bonuses by leveling them up even more. Generally, every 25 levels after level 200 will give you a 4x bonus. At level 1000, this bonus is multiplied by 10x. Sounds good? Yes, it does!

Here is a list of heroes you should consider leveling past 1000 (value in brackets, money and time spent farming).

Treebeast. (high)

Ivan. (high)

Brittany. (low)

The Masked Samurai. (high)

The Great Forest Seer. (medium)

Aphrodite. (low)

Frostleaf. (medium)

Level these heroes while climbing the zones until you will eventually consider buying a level 1 Dread Knight instead of 25 levels for Frostleaf.

Of course, your DPS also depends on your gilded heroes. Let me explain this next.

Increasing Your DPS, Yum!

- how can I increase my DPS?

you may have noticed the Steam Achievements. Some of them increase your DPS by 5%. It may seem like nothing, but this adds up.

In addition, beating 10 zones after 100 give you the chance of getting a random gilded hero. Having a hero gilded, increases its DPS by 50%! If you are lucky, you will get some of the important heroes gilded. But it's not necessary. It just speeds up the game. Be warned though, if you ascend, you will not get new gilded heroes until you have reached your highest zone again.

Newbie Advice

How to buy Dread Knight (Beginner's Guide) image 41
How to buy Dread Knight (Beginner's Guide) image 42

General tips you may or not have come across, will be shared with you here. This is wisdom. Use it wisely.

- Clicker Heroes farms on its own. Leave it over night or a day and earn the fruits of your hard work. Your bank account will be full again.

- You cannot ascend zones by offline farming. Your game needs to be open in order to climb. On the right side (after beating zone 100), you can see a small boot icon, where you can change from "farm mode" to "progression mode". The latter will automatically climb zones for you, as long as the game is open and running of course.

- Leave your game open and try to find random drops of items in it. It may be candy or an egg, depending on what the game developers are using at the moment. Click these thingies and you will get a nice gold bonus. Feeling lucky? Sometimes, these items also drop a Ruby, which can be used to buy guilded heroes and more!

- Compare the amount of money you have to spend on your 25x hero levels by clicking "z" and hovering over the heroes. This will make your life so much easier! (CTRL+Click will result in 100 levels, SHIFT+Click in 10)

- Kill this bunny for a random effect.

- use the skill "Energize" and "The Dark Ritual" in this order to increase your DPS while farming.

- treasure chests appear randomly and in normal zones (no boss monsters). however, they will drop a large amount of money.

If you truly feel dedicated to this game, do not leave it farming for weeks or months. You may think you will be eventually able to afford Dread Knight, but this is usually not possible before zone 250. Try ascensions, and leveling your heroes past 1000 and with some time, you will join the rest of the players in late game.


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