Personality Traits


AggressiveHaving trouble getting people to accept the necessity of your outfit's benevolent protection? Maybe a little assertiveness is called for there.

EffectIncreases weapon effectiveness and likelihood that others will accept demands.

AgileGood behind the wheel. Good in a fight. A waste of skill to keep one like this cooped up inside.

EffectGood behind the wheel. Good in a fight.

AttractivePeople just enjoy being around this person and they'll draw some extra customers to your watering holes.

EffectPeople just enjoy being around this person.

CarelessCareless types don't pay attention to details. They make for bad managers, but their lack of care makes them a bit more valuable in a fight.

EffectSlower experience gain while managing operations

CautiousNo unwanted attention or risks here please. Their natural tendencies make them do things in such a way that avoids police attention.

EffectMore trust required for illegal opportunities; Less heat produced by illegal business and trades.

ClumsyWouldn't recommend giving them weapons. Or anything fragile, really.

EffectWouldn't recommend giving them weapons.

CompassionateIf you need someone to shoot first and ask questions later, maybe keep looking.

EffectWill not attack.

ConfidentVery sure of themselves, these ones. If you're looking for someone to help make the neighborhood feel safe, you may have found the right one.

EffectReduces the amount of cash needed for bribes and front setup.

CruelNeed someone to do some efficient unpleasantness? They'll do it and probably enjoy it.

EffectIncreases the amount of harm they do in combat.

CuriousNaturally inquisitive. When scoping out an business, they'll be more interested and get a relationship bonus.

EffectMore likely to discover and take advantage of illegal opportunities.

ForgivingThings happen. An easygoing type who is willing to live and let live.

EffectDecreases the amount of time that they remember and react to negative social actions.

FriendlyRunning a speakeasy? Doing some deliveries? Really anything that involves dealing with people? This may be a choice crew member.

EffectDecreases cost of gaining control of a new building; decreases impact of negative social actions.

HardworkingNeed things done quickly? Here's who you're looking for. Put them in charge of an operation that makes things and they'll find a way to get it done faster.

EffectNeed things done quickly?

ImmoralYes, no questions asked for violence. But not exactly pleasant to be around, either.

EffectDecreases the amount of time that they remember and react to negative social action.

IntelligentGot an operation that needs a manager? Well, these brains here will learn quickly on the job and gain experience faster than most.

EffectKnows how to keep things under wraps and gain respect. Reduces heat and increases respect for each illegal trade.

IrreventNot likely to appeal to the religious crowd. Also not a popular type to be around, so not a great choice for high interaction jobs. Unless that interaction involves a baseball bat.

EffectNot likely to appeal to the religious crowd.

IrritableWant to pick a fight? Tired of a local goon not listening? This may be the person you need.

EffectIncreases cost of gaining control of a new building; increases social impact of negative actions.

KindHow to take advantage of this rather unfortunate trait for a gangster? Can enter territory of corner hooligans without a relationship penalty.

EffectA kinder, gentler touch is sometimes helpful.

LazyNot a charming quality. They always find a way to get less done every week.

EffectNot a charming quality.

LonerLoners make for bad barkeeps. Better brawlers, though.

EffectSlower gain of favors.

MellowNeed someone to represent your outfit to the police or at a local dinner party? Their relaxed demeanor will put everyone at ease and make information more forthcoming.

EffectIncrease the amount of time that they will remember and react to positive social actions.

MyopicSomeone with glasses that thick makes you wonder if it's wise to entrust them with a firearm. Or the keys to one of your vehicles.

EffectNot wise to entrust them with a firearm.

NervousAlways looking over a shoulder. Always worried. But they're not always wrong. They'll help keep the cops from prying too much.

EffectNervous types are bit more expensive to bribe and take a bit more finesse to involve in illegal activity.

OrganizedAn organized person member is a better operation manager and will find ways to increase production.

EffectFaster experience gain while managing operations.

ReligiousGot a problem with a religious citizen? You may need someone of like mind to frame the questions and solutions in the proper spiritual context.

EffectGot a problem with a religious citizen?

QuietBad bartenders. Great lookouts. If you've got a garage to manage, they'll focus on the engines and not the people.

EffectReduces heat for illegal trades.

SharpeyedGood eyesight equals solid aim with firearms and good driving skills.

EffectGood eyesight equals solid aim.

ShortEasy to avoid notice and heat if you're able to hide behind a trash can, right?

EffectEasy to avoid notice and heat.

SlowNot too quick on the uptake, this one is. You've got to be more patient as it will take them longer to gain experience on the job.

EffectNot so smart, this one. Forgets about negative social actions more quickly.

SociableHave a job like a driver or bartender that requires a lot of human contact? Then you're looking for someone sociable.

EffectFaster experience gain for sales operations; Faster gaining of favors.

StrongThey can handle a weapon and load a truck with ease.

EffectThey can handle a weapon and load a truck with ease.

TalkativeGot some deliveries to do? This talkative type is likely to find out some things while on the job. But as a barkeep, they tend to talk too much and pour too little.

EffectIncreases relationship gain and heat for illegal trades.

TallIt's a fact - tall people get remembered by eye witnesses. Even if they have nothing to do with the crime. Somehow they always attract more heat.

EffectTall people always attract more heat.

UglyGood enforcers. Somehow threats get taken a bit more seriously coming from a mug like that. But probably not a great bartender.

EffectGood enforcers.

UnkindSometimes a bit of dirty work is necessary.

EffectIncreases combat effectiveness; increases impact of negative social actions.

UprightThey're not going to like doing anything that violates their moral code. But they have an easier time dealing with other upright types.

EffectIncreases the amount of time that they remember and react to negative social action.

VindictiveDo something to them or their family and they're not going to forget about it.

EffectNot likely to forget wrongs.

WeakMaybe it's best if they stay out of the way of things that could cause harm?

EffectKeep them away from things that could cause harm.


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