How to Thank Brothers

How to Thank Brothers

The Basics

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Thanking brothers is simpler than one might think. In a world rife with scum and villiany, where reverse overheads swing free and peoples rears are set alight by the flames of haphazard rage. We must learn to overcome such mindless behavior, and remember to thank our brothers every step of the way. Transcend the ways of unthankfulness, and heed my words now, or forever take the world far too seriously.

Many ask me: "Thank You Brother, how is it you can thank so many brothers?"


Attain Knighthood status under the good Kingdom of Agatha.

You may choose to not be a knight of Agatha, but this will limit your abilites to say both 'thank' and 'brother' in the same sentence and in rapid succession.

Press the X key upon your fingerboard, followed by a 5.

Repeat until the battle is won.

And you WILL win. Kills and objectives are not the only path to victory, it is through the thankful hearts and minds of your comrades. For when the unthankful witness such an onslaught of thanks. They will know in their souls that they have not truly won.

Temperance And Thanking

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Temperance is a virtue, and it goes hand in hand with the quantity of thanks you unleash upon your temporary enemies. I have used words such as "repeat" and "onslaught" but do not let this be confused. An overabundance of thanks, indeed, a SPAM of thanks may undermine your very noble goals. The unthankful penitent man may seek to redeem himself through a mindless cacophony of thanks. Where paradoxically, too much thanks may very well breed the contempt of your brothers.

To aid fellow thankful brothers, I have summarized a simple list of opportune times to show your thanks:

The very beginning of a jolly round of Chivalry

The very end of a jolly round of Chivalry

Right before you strike down a temporary enemy

Right before a temporary enemy strikes you down

When you are teamkilled

When the chat is filled with unthankful rage

There are some more situations, but I leave it to you to find the opportune time to drop a simple thanks to your brothers. Always practice temperance with your thanks, and do not let the unthankfulness take hold.

In Closing

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The realms of Chivalry boast modest numbers at best. In the end what can be done but to thank that modest population for sticking around, and the newcomers that bloster the numbers. My only message is to thank your brothers, because without them we would have nobody to duel with, laugh with or struggle with. Make light of your frustrations, remember to thank that man at arms that facehugged you to death, or that vanguard that spun uncontrollably and caught you off guard, or even the archer that one-shotted you across the map. Thank them and remember, tis a game.

Thanks for playing Chivalry.

Thank you, Brother.


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