Warzone: Tips & Basics

Warzone: Tips & Basics


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Fast guide to optimize your gameplay in Warzone.

Choose the Right Loadout

》》Customize your loadout according to your playstyle and the map. Make sure to have a balanced loadout with a primary weapon for mid-to-long-range engagements and a secondary weapon for close-quarters combat. The moment you jump on the map, make sure you know a place where to deploy to loot money and stuff fast, so you can buy fast the Loadout box on the closest Buy Station.Make contracts aswell, they will help you boost you with money.

Map Knowledge

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》》Knowing the map layout, popular landing spots, and high-traffic areas can give you a strategic advantage. Use this knowledge to plan your movements and engagements wisely. Always open the map and look around, especially when you have the UAV on working, so you can see if there's any enemies in your near area.


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》》Communication is key, especially in team-based modes. Use voice chat or ping systems to communicate with your team, share enemy locations, and coordinate attacks.Always try to be communicative and see where your teammates are going, always follow them, that's very important to stick with your Squad if you play in Quads or Trios/Duos.Never play alone, never go solo or you'll end up dying by a group of try hards and your team won't be able to help you quickly, that's like what happens in warzone 100/100 cases.


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》》Stay aware of your surroundings at all times. Listen for footsteps, gunfire, and other audio cues to detect nearby enemies. Use the mini-map to track enemy movements and anticipate their next actions.

Use Cover

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》》Always use cover to your advantage during engagements. Peek out from behind cover to take shots at enemies and quickly duck back to avoid getting hit. Avoid running in open areas where you're vulnerable to enemy fire.

》》Manage your resources effectively, including ammo, armor plates, and cash. Make sure to restock on ammo and armor plates whenever possible, and spend your cash wisely on essential items like UAVs, airstrikes, and self-revive kits. Never waste money on something that is not necessary, buy UAVs if you got enough money, save money to buy back your teammates.

Play Smarter,not Harder

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》》Play smart and prioritize survival over kills. Avoid unnecessary risks and engagements if you're not confident you can win. Sometimes it's better to retreat and regroup than to engage in a losing battle.

Practice Aim And Recoil Control

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》》Practice your aim and recoil control to improve your accuracy and effectiveness in gunfights. Use the practice range or play regular multiplayer modes to hone your skills.

Stay Mobile

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》》Stay mobile and keep moving to avoid becoming an easy target for snipers and campers. Constantly change your position and use different routes to keep your enemies guessing.

Stay Updated

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》》Stay updated on the latest patches, updates, and meta changes in the game. Follow community forums, social media channels, and patch notes to stay informed and adapt your strategies accordingly. Always keep your eyes on the CURRENT Metas in Warzone, always make your loadout to be meta, its very important that your gun will be ready and fit every tight situation possible. It happened many times to me, that i felt like i could've killed that one guy if i didn't had a gun worse than them, and thats always happening when your gun is not updated to the current balance. You want to win - you have to have the best weapon build with yourself.

By following these tips and continuously practicing and adapting your gameplay, you can optimize your performance and increase your chances of success in Warzone.

See you on warzone.

What Are The Best Locations To Deploy On Warzone?

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▲ Well, there's a few locations that might feel more comfy and better to grind faster, but in the end, you realise Warzone is not only about locations on map but also about timings and luck.

▲You can jump on the best location on the map, but be unlucky and get killed by a squad that just has a good timing and kills you from behind, so its really difficult to tell you where and when you'll have the best position on map, but ill try my best to put here the info based on my experience.

▲Here ill mark a few locations on the Map where you might jump and have no problems such as more players jumping in the same place and getting killed in the first seconds of deploy.

I also recommend to deploy right on Gas stations/stores if you want fast to get a big ammount of money to buy faster the loadout.

The Killstreaks/Items In Buystation/Detailed

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➤In Call of Duty: Warzone, there are various Killstreaks available for purchase at Buy Stations, each with its own price and abilities. Here's a breakdown of some common ones

1.UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)

➤Price: $4000

➤Ability: Reveals enemy positions on the mini-map for a limited time.

2.Precision Airstrike

➤Price: $4500

➤Ability: Calls in an airstrike to target a specific area, dealing heavy damage to enemies within its radius.

3.Cluster Strike

➤Price: $4500

➤Ability: Launches a series of cluster bombs onto a designated location, causing damage over a wide area.

4.Self-Revive Kit

➤Price: $4500

➤Ability: Allows you to revive yourself once when downed, providing a second chance in battle.

5.Loadout Drop Marker

➤Price: $10000

➤Ability: Calls in a custom loadout drop containing your preferred weapons, perks, and equipment.

These are just a few examples of the Killstreaks available in Warzone, each serving different tactical purposes and priced accordingly at Buy Stations throughout the map.

Here's the comprehensive list of other items available at Buy Stations in Call of Duty: Warzone, along with their prices and abilities:

1.Armor Plate Bundle

➤Price: $1500 (Set of 5)

➤Ability: Allows you to repair and reinforce your armor, providing additional protection in combat.

2.Gas Mask

➤Price: $3000

➤Ability: Provides temporary protection from the deadly gas that closes in during the late stages of the game.

3.Munitions Box

➤Price: $4500

➤Ability: Supplies ammunition for both primary and secondary weapons, as well as lethal and tactical equipment for you and your squad.

4.Gas Grenade

➤Price: $3000

➤Ability: Releases a cloud of gas that causes damage over time and disorients enemies caught within its radius.

5.Stun Grenade

➤Price: $2000

➤Ability: Temporarily blinds and slows down enemies caught in its explosion radius, making them vulnerable to attacks.

You can buy the weapons from your loadout in the buystation without needing a Loadout Box.

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3242401058					

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