How to Disable any COD to Save Space

How to Disable any COD to Save Space

How To Uninstall Any COD Game Or DLC And Keep The Ones You Want

How to Disable any COD to Save Space image 1

How to Disable any COD to Save Space image 2

There is an easy way to do this!

Go to your library and click call of duty

Scroll down and on the right side of the page you will see these sections:




On the DLC Box at the bottom right there is a "Manage my (#) DLC button" Click that.

It should automatically uninstall the game for you.

Now you just have to uncheck the ones you do not want and it will uninstall them for you.

If that does not work properly, try uninstalling the game (chosing the DLC you want) and install the game again.

Hope this helps


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