Portbrolio Custom Edition - A Guide to the Fanmade Bros!

Introduction And Getting Started

Thanks to the great efforts of the Broforce modding community, the long-awaited dream of having custom-made, fully playable bros is finally possible. Several of them have been finished already, so I decided to make a separate guide to cover them. All of these bros are made by fans, and so aren't official products of Free Lives. I may reference official Bros for the sake of comparison, so consult my original Portbrolio when necessary. As a reminder, damage is listed as damage to Mooks/Vehicles/Terrain, respectively. For example, Captain Bromerica's thrown shield deals 4 damage to Mooks, 3 damage to vehicles, and 2 damage to terrain, so its damage is listed as 4/3/2.

In order to actually play as custom bros, you'll need to download a few mods. I recommend reading Alexneargarder's guide on how to install mods. You'll primarily need BroMaker V2[www.nexusmods.com] , as well as its prerequisite mods which you'll be prompted to download at the same time. Then, of course, you'll need the custom bros themselves, which I will list below. Once downloaded, simply extract the custom bro's zip file into steamapps/common/broforce/Bromaker_Storage. If done correctly, the Bro will appear in the in-game Bromaker menu. If you wish to play solely as custom bros or change how often they appear, you can use the Bromaker menu, or another mod such as Swap Bros[www.nexusmods.com]

I'll be updating this guide with any further custom bros that are fully finished. Feel free to send me your Bro if you wish to have it featured in this guide. I don't guarantee I'll put it here, and may decline to based on how finished the Bro is and how I feel about them. Below is the current list of finished bros and hyperlinks to each of their downloads, with credits at the bottom of this guide. For the sake of convenience, I'll be ordering them by finished release date.

Captain Ameribro[www.nexusmods.com]

Mission Impossibro[www.nexusmods.com]


R.J. Brocready[www.nexusmods.com]

Imperator Furibrosa[www.nexusmods.com]

Captain Ameribro

Steve Rogers - Captain America

Primary Weapon: Punches

Damage: 6 damage per punch.

Range: 1 block.

Rate of Fire: ~4 punches per second.

Special: Shield Throw

Quantity: 1

Function: Captain Ameribro throws his shield, which flies forward and homes in on enemies. After reaching its maximum range or colliding with Terrain, the shield turns around and quickly flies back to Captain Ameribro, ignoring terrain and continuing to damage enemies. Once it reaches Captain Ameribro, it is collected and can be thrown again. Holding the special button increases how far the shield is thrown, during which time Captain Bromerica can move around at reduced speed. While the shield is out, Captain Bromerica's melee attack changes.

Range: ~9 blocks when uncharged, ~18 blocks when fully charged.

Damage: 4/3/2 damage. Headshots (12). Can hit large targets multiple times.

Melee: Shield Bash/Shield Charge/Luger

Function: When standing still, Captain Bromerica bashes with his shield, dealing damage and knockback, as well as reflecting bullets. When moving, he charges forward a few blocks, dealing slight damage to enemies and vehicles he passes through. When his shield is out, he instead pulls out a luger and fires a bullet forward.

Damage: The shield bash deals 7/7/5 damage per hit. The dash deals 3/3 damage to Mooks and Vehicles. The luger deals 12/8/4 damage at point-blank, and 7/4/4 damage at max range.

Range: The bash has a range of 1 block. The dash has a range of ~3.5 blocks. The Luger has a range of 9 blocks.

Rate of Fire: ~4 bashes per second. The dash has a cooldown of about 0.5 seconds, and can only be used once in the air.


Captain Ameribro is a versatile melee bro with a variety of techniques for various situations. Your shield bash is powerful, but only usable when standing still, making it ideal for stationary targets like Bruisers. The Shield Charge deals little damage, but is ideal for dashing through groups of weak enemies while moving. His primary punches strike a balance between the two, dealing less damage than the bash but being usable while moving.

Your shield throw is easily your most useful technique, usable an infinite number of times. It can quickly mow through weak enemies, or be charged up to hit powerful enemies from a safe distance. Its ability to home in on targets allows you to hit enemies at a lower elevation.

Captain Ameribro struggles against powerful enemies. Though your shield throw is versatile, its actual damage output is quite low. Standing on top of a Bruiser and hitting him with shield bashes is the fastest way to take him out. Otherwise, stay out of the line of fire and hit him with your shield throw.

Because of how fast the thrown shield comes out, the Luger is somewhat of a novelty. Still, it's a source of ranged damage for the brief second your shield is out, so it works as a follow up if there are still enemies in your path.

Mission Impossibro

Ethan Hunt - Mission Impossible

Abilities: Pressing the jump button in the air while under a ceiling will cause Mission Impossibro to suspend himself from a wire. While rappelling, he can fire his gun in either direction, and freely move up or down. While raised completely, he can shoot the blocks immediately to the left or right of the one he's attached to. He will cancel the wire if the jump or melee button is pressed. If he is suspended next to a corner and holds up and toward it, he will cancel the wire and automatically climb over the corner. Additionally, Mission Impossibro will automatically stick exploding gum to any enemy he throws.

Primary Weapon: Tranquilizer Gun

Function: Impossibro fires a tranquilizer dart that deals very slight damage and Stuns Mooks hit with it. Darts will ignore stunned Mooks, preventing them from being hit by further shots. The Tranquilizer dart is silent and doesn't alert enemies. The dart fires slightly lower when crouched, allowing it to be fired through narrow tunnels.

Damage: 2/3/3. Stuns. Small Mooks instead take 1 damage.

Range: 12 blocks.

Rate of Fire: ~4 shots per second when held, ~3 shots per second when maxed. Notably, the gun fires faster when held than when the button is mashed.

Special: Disguise

Quantity: 2

Function: Mission Impossibro dons a ski mask, resetting enemies' awareness of him and preventing them from visibly noticing him. Enemies with other means of identifying Bros, such as dogs and aliens hearing explosions, can still identify him after the fact. While disguised, Impossibro's primary gets replaced with explosives, which he can throw and stick to enemies similar to Macbrover's dynamite, or place in front of him by crouching. When the duration ends, the special button is pressed again, or when the fire button is pressed after placing five explosives, the explosives detonate and the disguise is removed.

Damage: 8/16/8 per explosive to stuck targets. Ignites.

Duration: ~7 seconds.

Melee: Exploding Gum

Function: Impossibro thrusts out a stick of exploding hum, and sticks it to any enemy or terrain it touches, usually causing Panic. After a second, the gum explodes, dealing damage. Hitting an enemy already stuck with gum will instead punch them, dealing minor damage.

Damage: 25/50/25 damage per explosion. 4/4/2 damage per punch. The explosion Ignites and Gibs.

Range: 1 block.

Rate of Fire: ~4 sticks per second.


Your Tranquilizer Gun is an unorthodox weapon that is very inefficient at directly killing enemies. Use it to stun enemies before finishing them off with your melee weapon, or simply run past them before they wake up. You can also shoot away from the wall you're climbing to hit enemies across from you - melee the wall if you need to break it.

Your special is extremely useful, giving you several seconds of impunity against most enemies in the game. Using both of them is often enough to get through an entire level, or at least to a cage or checkpoint. After you throw out the fifth explosive, it may be wise not to detonate them manually. Make use of the remaining duration of the disguise, instead.

Dogs and aliens are not as easily fooled by the disguise, as many actions you take can alert them again. Opening doors, throwing out explosives, and other hostile enemies (in the case of aliens) will cause them to attack you as normal. The disguise also has no effect against terrain enemies.

Your rappel wire is a deceptively useful tool, usable wherever there is a ceiling above you. Vertical portions of some levels can be entirely bypassed, and rooms with high enough ceilings can be used to avoid gunfire. You can deploy the wire as many times as you like in the air, allowing you to cross rooms and gaps as long as the ceiling persists.

Mission Impossibro has a very hard time dealing with terrain enemies, particularly worms, as they are unaffected by both his disguise and tranquilizer gun. Try to use the rappel wire to bypass them when possible, or consider switching to a different bro.

Your melee weapon is your most reliable source of damage. Shoot enemies with your darts to stun them, and then move in to finish them off with explosives. The gum deals especially high damage against vehicles, which is useful, as they are immune to being stunned. It's also your best option against terrain enemies, who can neither be stunned, nor fooled by your disguise.

There are upsides and downsides to both of the explosives during your special. The thrown bombs can hit targets at range and be dropped down to lower floors, and don't slow you down when moving. The gum, on the other hand, deals much more damage, and won't end your special prematurely. Use the thrown bombs to hit hard-to-reach enemies while you keep moving, and use the gum for raw damage output and to keep the special going as long as possible.

You also automatically stick enemies with gum when you throw them. This functionally turns any thrown enemy into a suicide mook (including corpses), and can be used as a makeshift version of the thrown bombs even when you're not using your special. You can even stick a Mook with gum and then throw them to cause two explosions at once.


Raymond Stantz - Ghostbusters

Primary Weapon: Proton Pack

Damage: Mooks are Ignited, and thus take varying ticks of damage; Bruisers take about two seconds to kill. Vehicles take about 10 damage per second, and terrain takes about 18 damage per second.

Range: The beam extends to slightly beyond the edge of the screen, regardless of the resolution or camera zoom.

Rate of Fire: Requires a charge-up time of about 1 second, at which point it will fire a perpetual laser as long as the button is held.

Special: Ghost Trap

Quantity: 2

Function: Brostbuster throws out a ghost trap, which attracts nearby enemies and shoots out an area effect in a cone above it. Mooks that get close enough to the area will be sucked into the air. When the duration ends or when the special button is pressed again, the trap contains all affected enemies (destroying them) and closes over the course of a few seconds. The trap can be picked up by Brostbuster once closed (which does not refund ammo), granting a use of his alternate melee attack.

Range: The trap lands about 9 blocks away on even ground, or can be placed down by crouching. The trap covers a cone-shaped area above it that covers 7 blocks vertically and 12 blocks horizontally.

Duration: The trap remains open for about 12 seconds.

Melee: Proton Bash/Slimer

Function: Brostbuster swings his proton pack, dealing damage in front of him. If he has picked up a ghost trap that captured at least one enemy, pressing the melee button in this case will deploy Slimer. Slimer will float forward in a sine-wave pattern, moving through all terrain and causing all Mooks he touches to be scared stiff (frozen).

Damage: 4/4/2 damage per bash.

Range: The bash has a range of 1 block. Slimer will fly about 45 blocks before disappearing.

Rate of Fire: ~4 bashes per second.


The proton pack's unique properties make it an unorthodox weapon that takes some getting used to, but is very powerful when used correctly. Be sure to start charging the weapon before you jump into the fray, so that you don't get shot before you start firing. Its range is absolutely massive, allowing you to hit even enemies who are slightly offscreen. Don't cross the streams.

The proton pack's damage output isn't very impressive, but it Ignites enemies, preventing them from firing back. The beam only hits one enemy at a time, but ignited enemies will run away, usually allowing you to hit multiple enemies in rapid succession. Jumping while firing can allow you to hit tall enemies such as Bruisers, even if they're behind other enemies.

The ghost trap lures enemies toward it, causing them to forget you. This makes it a good panic button, allowing you time to charge your proton pack or make a getaway. Any enemy that gets sucked in is functionally removed instantly, allowing you to quickly dispatch even tough enemies like alien brutes and executioners.

You can only throw out one ghost trap at a time, and it takes a few seconds to close once the effect ends. You can end it earlier by pressing the special button again. Don't forget to pick it up if it caught any enemies, allowing you to utilize Slimer.

The proton pack doesn't deal very much damage to vehicles, and the ghost trap doesn't affect them at all. Use your massive range to damage them from safety, or switch to a different bro.

Your melee attack is generic, but is useful for taking out individual enemies when charging up the proton pack would be inefficient or dangerous. You can also throw enemies closer to the ghost trap to get them caught by it.

Slimer is an alternate melee attack that can only be used once you've captured enemies with your special. Enemies he touches are frozen, rendering them harmless. The sine-wave pattern he flies in makes him tricky to aim, but he flies through terrain and travels a massive distance, potentially allowing him to freeze a huge number of enemies.

R.J. Brocready

R.J. Macready - The Thing

Abilities: Upon dying, if Brocready's body is intact, he stands up after a couple seconds, without losing a life. He attains a new form I've dubbed Thingcready (detailed below) and causes nearby enemies to Panic.

Primary Weapon: Flamethrower

Function: Brocready unleashes a flamethrower for as long as the button is held, Igniting enemies. The flamethrower will randomly perform bursts that travel farther and deal more damage.

Damage: Similarly to B.A. Broracus, Brocready's flamethrower deals heavy, but hard-to-measure fire damage, that happens all at once after a brief burning animation. In practice, his overall damage-per-second is slightly lower than B.A.'s.

Range: ~1 block, or ~5 blocks during a burst.

Special: Big Dynamite

Quantity: 2

Function: Brocready throws a stick of dynamite, which explodes after a few seconds, Gibbing and Igniting all enemies in a massive radius. Enemies and Brocready also take immense knockback from the explosion.

Damage: 100/42/100 damage.

Range: The explosion deals damage ~4 blocks away horizontally, and ~5 blocks vertically. The radius of knockback and ignite is about twice as large.

Melee: Fire Axe

Function: Brocready swings a flaming axe forward, dealing damage and Igniting.

Damage: ~7/7/5 damage per hit. Damage varies due to it Igniting enemies.

Range: 1 block.

Rate of Fire: ~2 swings per second.


Brocready functions as a more unpredictable and chaotic B.A. Broracus, having similar strengths. His faulty flamethrower deals inconsistent damage, making it less reliable overall, and not as good for tunneling. It's still an excellent weapon against Mooks, however.

The dynamite is one of the most powerful specials in the game, obliterating mooks and dealing heavy damage to vehicles and terrain enemies in a massive radius. Throw it anywhere in the general direction of enemies, and you'll likely level the whole area. The explosion notably hits even farther away on top, making it an excellent tool for killing enemies on floors above you.

The dynamite can also be used to make absolutely ridiculous jumps and sprint boosts, by jumping away from it right as it explodes. Unlike other explosion-propelled boosts, this one is fairly easy, as the size of the explosion makes the timing more forgiving. Jumping correctly can send you flying vertically or diagonally, potentially skipping the entire level.

Your fire axe deals low damage, and is generally less practical for Igniting enemies than your flamethrower. Save it for satisfying kills when you're not in much danger.

You have a pseudo-second life in the form of Thingcready, though this comes with some caveats. Many sources of damage will not cause you to transform, such as acid or being crushed by a rock. Still, Thingcready can allow you to salvage an otherwise losing situation, so make the most of it. Thingcready's details can be found below.


Abilities: Thingcready can't throw enemies, and by default his only attack is the ability to knife the wall he is climbing. In order to attack properly, he needs to mutate into a monstrous form (by pressing attack, special, or melee), which takes about one second. When in monster form, his movement speed is reduced (4 when walking, 6 when sprinting) and he can't climb walls. After a few seconds without attacking (or upon crouching or trying to climb a wall), he returns to his human form. Dying in monster form causes Thingcready to gib automatically.

Primary Weapon: Tentacle Whip

Damage: 7/7/5 damage per whip. Knockback.

Range: 2 blocks.

Rate of Fire: ~3 whips per second

Special: Tongue Grapple

Quantity: 2

Function: Thingcready shoots out a tongue, which deals damage to the first thing hit. Small mooks are then pulled toward Thingcready, while larger Mooks are knocked away. Finally, Thingcready performs a bite attack (seen below), which hits the target of the grapple even if it wasn't pulled to him. Thingcready is invincible during the duration.

Damage: The tongue deals 25/25/10 damage.

Range: 8 blocks.

Melee: Bite

Function: Thingcready bites forward, dealing damage to everything in front of him.

Damage: 13/2/6 damage per bite. Gibs.

Range: 1 block.

Rate of Fire: ~2 bites per second.


Thingcready is an unorthodox and tricky character, as attacking renders him vulnerable and slow. Nearby enemies are Panicked when you spawn, so use it as an opportunity to decide if you're going to run or fight. Your first attack takes a second to come out, so be careful about initiating with a tentacle or bite.

When not transformed, you have all of the default movement options of other bros, but you're also defenseless, with your only "attack" being the knife when you're sticking to a wall or standing on a pig. You can try to quickly run through the level, or to a cage. If you want to quickly return to human form after a fight, try crouching or flexing.

The tentacle whip is powerful enough to be effective against small enemies, and can be used without interrupting your (slow) movement speed in monster form. It's also your best option for breaking terrain and for fighting vehicles.

Your special is the only ranged option you have. The tongue itself only hits one enemy, though the bite afterward can also hit other enemies nearby. Its damage is high enough to kill a Bruiser or weak vehicle.

You're invincible for the duration of your special. Notably, if you initiate your monster transformation by using your special, the entire transformation is also invincible. Thus, your special is your best method for initiating a fight.

Your bite deals good damage to mooks, and hits every enemy in range. It can kill a Bruiser faster than your tentacles, though it deals pitiful damage against vehicles.

Imperator Furibrosa

Imperator Furiosa - Mad Max: Fury Road

Abilities: Furibrosa randomly spawns with one of two primary weapons, which she can swap between by double-tapping down. This button can be changed in the BroMaker menu.

Primary Weapon: Crossbow/Flare Gun

Function: When equipped with the crossbow, Furibrosa fires a bolt, piercing two enemies and carrying them. The bolt sticks into terrain and large enemies, and can be stood on. Holding the button charges the shot over the course of about 1 second, which slightly increases its range and causes it to explode. When equipped with the flare gun, furibrosa fires a flare, which ignites enemies hit. The flare travels in a slight arc and will bounce off vertical surfaces.

Damage: 13 damage per bolt. A charged bolt and its explosion deals a total of about 49/28/39 damage. Flares deal 11/22/11 damage, Ignites, and gibs.

Range: Bolts fly about 12 blocks, or 14 when charged. Flares land on even ground 10-14 blocks away, and will fizzle out after 14 blocks regardless.

Rate of Fire: Both weapons fire about 2 times per second.

Special: Summon War Rig

Quantity: 1

Function: Furibrosa signals her War Rig. After a couple seconds it appears from the edge of the screen opposite the direction she was facing and at the elevation she was at when the button was pressed. It ignores gravity until it reaches that spot, gibbing enemies and destroying most terrain on the way. If the special button is held, the war rig will continue driving past its destination for about 15 blocks. Furiosa can drive the War Rig by pressing the melee button when near the top of it, which has its own moveset (listed separately below). The War Rig disappears if Furibrosa dies, respawns, or tries to summon another War Rig.

Damage: The entrance of the War Rig deals about 39 damage.

Melee: Human Shield

Function: Furibrosa grabs forward. If she hits a living, bro-sized Mook, lost soul, or pig, she will grab and hold it out in front of her. While grabbing an enemy, she can move and attack as normal, and the enemy will absorb attacks from the front. Regular mooks can absorb 3 bullets or a single explosion before being killed, while grenadier mooks are significantly sturdier. Pressing the melee button again will throw the grabbed target, while flexing will drop them. If she tries to grab an invalid target, such as a large enemy or terrain, she will simply deal damage. Using the grab while moving will cause her to lunge forward a couple spaces.

Damage: 5 damage per hit.

Range: 1 block.

Rate of Fire: ~2 grabs per second.


Your crossbow bolts are comparable to Brodator's spears, though are much slower, have longer range, and deal more damage. Though they are powerful enough to kill a Bruiser in two shots, the slow firing rate risks being shot while you reload. Charging a bolt will cause it to explode, easily dealing enough damage to kill a Bruiser, as well as nearby enemies. Consider charging a shot while in safety before jumping in.

The flare gun doesn't have as much crowd control as the crossbow, but compensates by igniting enemies, making it safer to use. It also deals respectable damage to vehicles, generally being the more reliable weapon against them.

Double tap crouch to swap between your crossbow and flare gun. If you're quick, it's actually slightly faster to swap to the other weapon and fire it than fire a second shot from your current weapon. This can be made easier by rebinding the swap button in BroMaker.

Calling in the War Rig is a very potent weapon by itself. You can control precisely where it arrives by changing which direction you're facing and/or jumping. Given that most levels travel from left-to-right, consider looking left as you summon it to have it smash through whatever enemies and terrain are in your way.

Holding the special button will cause the War Rig to drive past you as it arrives, further increasing its destruction. You can hop on it or start driving as it goes by if you time it properly. Further details on the War Rig are listed separately below.

Your melee is an excellent source of utility and survivability, allowing you to grab an enemy and use it to soak up bullets. Regular mooks can shield up to three bullets before dying. This is more than enough to buy you time to take out small groups of enemies, though Bruisers will chew through your shield immediately.

You can grab a Kamikaze Mook no matter where he is, and drag him over to a group of enemies to use as a projectile. You can even grab a pig and bring it to a more convenient location for pig surfing, or throw it onto an enemy to cause rapid hits of damage.

The War Rig

The War Rig is 8 blocks wide and 5 blocks tall, and thus cannot fit into smaller spaces without destroying blocks. It can jump very high, but cannot climb walls.

The War Rig accelerates when moving, with a very high top speed, though hitting enemies and terrain will decelerate it. The front of the War Rig deals ramming damage enemies that scales with hits speed. This damage caps out at around 20 damage at its normal top speed, or 30 damage during its sprint (see below), and gibs enemies.

The War Rig has 100 health. Ramming into small enemies will deal 8 damage to the War Rig, larger enemies will deal 11 damage, and terrain will deal about 2 damage. When the War Rig reaches 0 health, it will begin blinking, exploding after a few seconds.

Furibrosa has access to both of her primary weapons while riding the War Rig, though she fires them at an angle toward the ground. She can swap between them as normal, but the animation takes longer if she is leaning out the window.Special: Harpoon

Quantity: 3

Function: The war rig fires a large harpoon which pierces a large number of enemies. Firing the harpoon takes a second and pops the War Rig into the air a little.

Damage: 30 damage per harpoon.

Special: Nitrous

Quantity: Nitrous uses a meter rather than a static number of ammo. The full meter lasts about 3 seconds.

Function: Sprinting causes the War Rig to activate its nitrous, greatly increasing its speed and ramming damage, while also preventing it from being slowed down by ramming through things.


Compared to Tank Bro's tank, the War Rig is much faster and deals more ramming damage, but lacks the tank's versatile firepower.

The War Rig has a lot of health, though ramming enemies and terrain will slowly whittle it down. If an enemy is within range of your crossbow or flare gun, consider shooting them to save the War Rig some health.

The War Rig's size is its biggest weakness. It requires massive gaps to move vertically, and unlike Tank Bro's tank has no easy way of clearing out terrain above or below it. Being right on top of enemies is also tricky, as they are out of reach of both the ramming damage and your other weapons. The War Rig's raw horizontal speed and digging power, on the other hand, make it excellent for moving horizontally. Overall, the War Rig excels in open, horizontal levels, but struggles in vertical levels, or cramped levels where it doesn't have room to accelerate.

The harpoon can quickly deal with a group of enemies, and is one of your best damage dealers against bosses. It takes a second to fire, however, so be careful not to drive past the enemy.

Activating nitrous massively increases your speed and ramming damage. You'll destroy most enemies and quickly outrun any survivors, so use it liberally to quickly smash through the level.

While your ramming damage is commendable, it doesn't compare to the sheer destructive power of Tank Bro's tank charge. Thus, the War Rig is mediocre against most bosses, particularly worm enemies. Its arrival when summoned, however can quickly deal with certain bosses, like the Sky Fortress and Humongocrawler.


Gorzon: Creation of BroMaker V2 and coding assist.

Alexneargarder: Coding and creation of Captain Ameribro, Mission Impossibro, Brostbuster, R.J. Brocready, and Imperator Furibrosa.

Bruxelas: Splash art of Captain Ameribro, Sprite art and Splash art of Mission Impossibro, Brostbuster, R.J. Brocready, and Imperator Furibrosa.

Fish_Lord: Sprite art for Captain Ameribro, Slimer sprites for Brostbuster.

Colonel Mustache/Bralef: I created this guide, and offered test feedback on all of the custom bros. Furibrosa was also my idea :)

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3271295894					

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