Unreleased, Unused, Scrapped Content

Unreleased, Unused, Scrapped Content

Guide Information


This guide is gonna contain most if not every single thing to the modding community's knowledge of unreleased, unused and scrapped content.

Even though there's alot of content to preserve in the sections of this guide it's a slow process because you literally have to look through every file BMG uploads for the small chance there's a hidden goodie. So please understand updates will be slow and small but incremental/gradual.

I don't play Brawlhalla anymore, I'm not as involved with the community and inner-workings of BMG for a long time. So if you have any tips, send them my way.

Table Of Contents



KO Effects


Legend Skins/Cosmetics

Legend Taunts







User Interface


Weapon Skins

Bonus Material


Planned Updates



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work in progress.


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KO Effects

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"Sanctum Fire FX"


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Test character (Displaying stalker's weapons)

Unknown 2


Legend Skins/Cosmetics

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Legend Taunts

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Most of the textures used on these maps are placeholders!

Map Backgrounds

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Achievements, which give you stars


More stances


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The original beta sidekick (wasn't used), and the placeholder weapons for the original cast of Legends.


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User Interface

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There was going to be a creat-your-legend menu or whatever back in the ole days


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Debateable wether or not this was suppose to be either a weapon or gadget. But seeing how this is kinda close to cannon, I figured this is an earlier verison of cannon. Like Fangwild was with the older Fangwild Background

Probably an earlier verison of Blasters or most likely a totally different weapon then Blasters. "Rifle", being the name of the files related to this, actually had some animations already made. Such as idle animations.

Gauntlets Meet Katars? Though, most likely it's probably a weapon pickup to increase your unarmed damage in the form of knuckles.

Weapons Skins

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Rocket Lance







Bonus Material

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There was a prior update to this which was also by me but was never logged because Changelog didn't exist back then.

Changelog - 7/18/18 - Marana

Added Changelog Section

Added Original Fangwild Background

Added Future Updates Section

Renamed "Legend Skins" Section to "Legend Skins/Cosemtics"

Removed Some Released Content Such As Boomer.

Removed Legend Cosemtics Section

Removed *ahem* Unneccessary Language

Improved Formatting (Such as Gadgets)

Uploaded Signature Files Onto Actual Guide

Overhauled Entire Legend Skins with it's own chart + merged it with "Legend Cosemtics Content"

Demaranified It

Changelog - 7/20/18 - Marana

Improved Legends, Weapons and Avatars Formatting to Classic BFM Style

Changelog - 7/21/18 - Marana

Added Alternative Coffee Avatars and Scrapped April Fools Cupcake Reward

Changelog - 9/11/18 - Marana

Added JayDragon and Mammoth Valkyrie Sidekicks to Sidekick Section

Changelog - 10/7/18 - Marana

Added Bundle Section + "Synthmid" Chest. Annd a seemingly scrapped Vraxx Themed Map.

Changelog - 5/15/19 - Princess Wanderlust

Removed Bundle Section as there we no unreleased bundles.

Updated guide description to better fit the tone and current state of the guide.

Removed various items that have been released and can currently be found in-game

Changelog - 6/3/19 - "Princess Wanderlust"

Removed Cossack Taunt from the Taunts section as it was added to the game recently.

Changelog - 1/23/20 - Princess Wanderlust

Removed Shadowboxing Taunt from the Taunts section as it was added to the game recently.

Changelog - 6/26/20 - Marana

It's almost been six months since the last update, and almost a year since a meaningful update happened. Well I'm back and I'm going to try and steer this ship back on the right direction

Removed Herobrine

Marana is back :D

Added a proper credits section

Added a table of contents section for ease of navigation

Added contributor's name to their respective changes in Changelog

Changed the introduction to "better fit the tone and current state of the guide"

Updated "Planned Updates"...and yes i'm serious about Darth Barraza, it happened.

Some renaming changes! Is it important? No but I did it anyways.

Fixed a spelling error

Renamed "UI" to "User Interface"

Renamed "Bonus" to "Bonus Material"

Renamed "Future Updates" to "Planned Updates" And finally, I sorted the guide's contents in alphabetical order

Changelog - 6/27/20 - Marana

Reworded the introduction

Readded a Gauntlet signature

Added an additional item to "Planned Updates"

Added general descriptions to each section in the Table of Contents

Undid a removal by a previous contributor as the sidekick has never been released

Changelog - 7/8/2020 - Marana

Added Heatwave 2020 Content including...

Island Azoth

Hotshot Vector

Take a Knee (Emote) (GIF coming soon)

Avatar Cape (Emote) (GIF coming soon)

Heatwave 2020 (Podium, and since it's the first I had to add a new section for it)

Added a couple of new weapon skins including Heatwave's 2020 'Magma Heart'

Changelog - 7/16/20 - Marana

Reworded some things

And yes those big aforementioned updates are still coming, it's been hard grabbing content previously planned for this guide that I have now lost. Still looking for those files yikes

Changelog - 7/24/20 - Marana

Removed released weapon skins, legend skins and a taunt

Changelog - 7/27/20 - Marana

Removed Podium section

Changelog - 8/20/20 - Marana

Added some more items in the UI interface section

Changelog - 10/16/20 - Marana

Organization edits, i.e a new section to separate map backgrounds and a new section called features which is going to have...well features with a dash of speculation and guesswork on my part.

Planned Updates

Re-verifying the content of this guide is up to par with standards

Footnotes on every section to provide additional insight and fun-facts

Introducing an entire new look and formatting so it doesn't feel as cluttered

Introducing a audio and narrator section full of likely never before seen skins

Introducing a general overview of Brawlhalla's development with alot of fun facts and a timeline

Introducing a concept art section full of likely never before seen skins (Darth Barraza is in it)

I wasn't joking about Darth Barraza, I'm serious.


Black FishMaker - For the original guide "Unreleased Content" for Brawlhalla as well as being the first person to ever mod Brawlhalla and learn of it's secrets (Hot I know.)

Marana - For it's most recent updates and the new sections and additions including the title change to more accurately represent the guide

"Princess Wanderlust"- For removing old items

Source: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=504599167					

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